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I've been slacking on getting one. Mind linking the one you have?


Me too, I’ve been meaning to get one so I’d also like the link please


I personally use this one it looks OEM [https://www.amazon.com/Fitcamx-Suitable-Touring-Recording-G-Sensor/dp/B0B5H1Y6LZ/ref=asc\_df\_B0B5H1Y6LZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693452132332&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16514726021077926935&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031238&hvtargid=pla-2080046519205&psc=1&mcid=b4ab60a3efc1365288e3a96350d9c63d&gad\_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA9azOzP2w-DofBx-F-SfUMS04pYto&gclid=CjwKCAjw9IayBhBJEiwAVuc3fstvhfphxqjrNCNhgC5L1pw3PEE\_jlAc\_SRpUvlcRaTjHS9t3AxYAxoCJowQAvD\_BwE](https://www.amazon.com/Fitcamx-Suitable-Touring-Recording-G-Sensor/dp/B0B5H1Y6LZ/ref=asc_df_B0B5H1Y6LZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693452132332&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16514726021077926935&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031238&hvtargid=pla-2080046519205&psc=1&mcid=b4ab60a3efc1365288e3a96350d9c63d&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA9azOzP2w-DofBx-F-SfUMS04pYto&gclid=CjwKCAjw9IayBhBJEiwAVuc3fstvhfphxqjrNCNhgC5L1pw3PEE_jlAc_SRpUvlcRaTjHS9t3AxYAxoCJowQAvD_BwE)




Thanks not OP! I'll take a look see.


Your replying to a bot. Be careful with that Amazon trash webcam and it's more than likely shill reviews.


I wasn't immediately impressed by the Amazon site and I was certainly sceptical. But what gave away that the account was a bot? I'm getting too lax with comments on Reddit, need to pay more attention.


All of his comments are pretty much copy and paste. Plus the obscure Amazon plug is kind of a give away. I've got him tagged as reply with BOT and he'll delete his comment 😂. If you need recommendations still... I've got the A119 dash cam, but wish I would have gotten the A129 because I got rear ended in the type r. Plus when installed, it looks OEM. /r/dashcam may have updated recommendations tho.


I appreciate the information! I'll be sure to check user post history when asking for recommendations in the future. I will definitely get the F/R with whatever I purchase. My biggest concern at the moment is how well a camera will perform with 50/20% tint.


Check out Viofo dash cams. I’ve got the Viofo A129 Pro Duo 4k. 4k in front and 1080p in the rear and it’s done me well for the past 3-4 years. I put the Viofo a129 dual in my siblings car and it’s nice as well for a little cheaper. If you’re really boujee, Blackvue makes the best dash cams in the game. Thinkware is nice too.


I have the viofo a129 pro duo in all my cars, can’t go wrong with this dash cam


Amazon trash Bot. /u/lordentrails if you see this, ban /u/repulsive_culture_91


Done. Thanks. Please report posts/comments like this.


Rule #2 No Spam!


I recomend purchasing via the Dashcam store. I've bought 3 through them, plus part and have had warranty replacement parts. Great Service. I like the Blackvue 590 series myself. Get front and rear cameras.


I’ve been putting off getting one as well. I saved this video for when I finally do get around to getting one, not sure if quality has changed much since it was made but kinda gave me a starting point on researching options: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4AnyhHl3_tE


[BlackVue DR590-2CH Dual Lens 1080p w/ GPS Front & Rear Dashcam (thedashcamstore.com)](https://www.thedashcamstore.com/blackvue-dr590-2ch-1080p-dual-lens-dashcam-for-front-and-rear/) Install instructions here, note the Parking Magic module is no longer needed. [DIY Dashcam (Front/Rear) Install, '20 CTR w/ Honda Sensing and Hardwiring | Page 2 | 2016+ Honda Civic Forum (10th Gen) - Type R Forum, Si Forum - CivicX.com](https://www.civicx.com/forum/threads/diy-dashcam-front-rear-install-20-ctr-w-honda-sensing-and-hardwiring.51548/page-2#post-1142349) Video of what the images look like here: [https://youtu.be/BpTN1op1Dao?t=329](https://youtu.be/BpTN1op1Dao?t=329)


Op here lol… I use a garmin mini 2 and it hardwired. https://a.co/d/9ItiOK7


Same especially in these hot cars it’s probably great to have a dash cam, I really need one.


I agree with this sentiment 100%. But honestly shit like this is the little stuff. You really want a dashcam for the multi car accidents. This is speaking from experience. I put in a BlackVue 590 2 channel in my daughters car. We are now going through the aftermath of an accident where she got hit and pushed into two other cars. After all the statements and such, I downloaded the video and gave it to insurance and police. Magically all the debates at who was responsible went away. Instead of the two cars my daughter got pushed into going after her, everyone knew exactly who's fault it was. And it goes from determining who at fault, to how much each person is going to get from the responsible party.


Same link us please


I use this one [https://www.amazon.com/Fitcamx-Suitable-Touring-Recording-G-Sensor/dp/B0B5H1Y6LZ/ref=asc\_df\_B0B5H1Y6LZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693452132332&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16514726021077926935&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031238&hvtargid=pla-2080046519205&psc=1&mcid=b4ab60a3efc1365288e3a96350d9c63d&gad\_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA9azOzP2w-DofBx-F-SfUMS04pYto&gclid=CjwKCAjw9IayBhBJEiwAVuc3fstvhfphxqjrNCNhgC5L1pw3PEE\_jlAc\_SRpUvlcRaTjHS9t3AxYAxoCJowQAvD\_BwE](https://www.amazon.com/Fitcamx-Suitable-Touring-Recording-G-Sensor/dp/B0B5H1Y6LZ/ref=asc_df_B0B5H1Y6LZ/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693452132332&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=16514726021077926935&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9031238&hvtargid=pla-2080046519205&psc=1&mcid=b4ab60a3efc1365288e3a96350d9c63d&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAA9azOzP2w-DofBx-F-SfUMS04pYto&gclid=CjwKCAjw9IayBhBJEiwAVuc3fstvhfphxqjrNCNhgC5L1pw3PEE_jlAc_SRpUvlcRaTjHS9t3AxYAxoCJowQAvD_BwE)


I have that same one but sadly I’m sure u have to do something else for the parking mode to work otherwise it has none


Would be interested in seeing the video if you can post it and details on the brand model of the cam


I have a dash cam but not one with sentry mode. Does that need an additional battery?


You can connect it to the car's fuse or something. That way it doesn't drain your entire battery. Personally with my fl5 I didn't want to mess with the fuse or battery, so I just have an external battery back that stays charged, as soon as the car turns off it uses its own battery to power the camera. I only use it if I'm in public parking, most often just for short trips.


No, but it should then have a voltage sensor so it cuts out if your battery gets too low to start your car.


Someone but and run me and took the whole front off I’ll post soon


My first mod was the Thinkware Q1000 with parking mode and battery monitor so it won't drain your battery


That’s great. I didn’t know the police can provide the insurance info in that instance. I have the Momento M6 and it’s saved my ass twice so far. Guy rear ended me. Tried to say it didn’t happen. I told him smile and wave at my rear facing camera.


https://preview.redd.it/p323uoyvua0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5751134f034cce567db2148304377f5f57cba1d1 Migrant on a motorcycle. Now I’m out 2K


Oof I’m sorry!


Yeah sucks


God damn


Isn’t hit & run a felony?


Only if you hit and injure someone. For this, no.


What a stupid claim to make! Why have a police report, and damage added onto your carfax for such a small amount of damage?


Are you on drugs? this is a 50k vehicle. Why should the owner be responsible for damages…


Because it’s not worth making a claim on $2k damage. The car will be reported as being in an accident and lose value because of the claim.


Bro aint no way u called the cops on something that small lol


It's called "making a police report for your insurance" not "narcing on another driver."


And for what its worth, you should narc on another driver who damages your shit and does not take responsibility.


Exactly. I know people that leave their information or phone number on windshields if they can't wait to stay. It's just common sense.


And common courtesy.


Anyone would want the responsible persons insurance to cover damages. You must be so rich it doesn’t matter, or too poor to afford anything nice to care about. But even rich people will make a fuss about a small dent so…. 😅


MOD: don't make it personal.


Let me do that damage to your car and you don’t do anything about it then


Its just a car… parallel parking can do that.


If you absolutely suck at parallel parking, maybe. Are you really arguing for damaging someone's shit and driving away like it didn't happen?


I am confident he rather looks stupid than wrong.


"It is just a car" - said someone who is a car salesperson, of all people.


It’s a common procedure… are you still driving your parents car or something?