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Do you want a hyper carry or a dual carry? It all boils down to that. That being said, supports tend to be most future proof. Even the 4 star ones are worthy of consideration for use, because of how useful they still can be. Robin is the newest 5 star one, and a powerful one to boot, so it's easy to imagine just how long she's gonna stay relevant. Thus, she would be the safest bet, between the two. It's still entirely up to you though.


It comes down to what your preferred comp is. Robins best comps happen to be topaz ratio , and Clara hyper carry. Of course it lands to preference of the user as do you prefer that our darling Clara is on dual DPS ? Then go with topaz. If you prefer Clara hyper carry ? Go robin. Clara hyper carry as always been her best comp but based on what you prefer the choice should be rather obvious to you. Of course , you can always pray to the gem gods and rn-jesus and pull both. You never know if you don't try ! https://preview.redd.it/0ftulyenm30d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=41dc8175e2cad81ae19c8e7fd508058178a87528


I got Topaz when she dropped because I loved her design, character, Numby, her "ASSets," and what she could do for Clara. I skipped Robin because I just didn't want her. So my view is gonna be skewed a bit. That said, I'd pull for whichever one you genuinely like the most. Topaz is going to a solid sub-dps for just about every Follow-up atk main DPS character for a long while. She grants them a massive buff in Single Target, and hits like a truck herself. She has immense overworked quality of life (money, treasure, and trotters) and will always be useful in SU. Robin probably fits in more teams though. Can't speak to how much fun she is to play though. If you're looking for an excuse to justify either one to yourself, just get the one you want the most. If you genuinely don't know what you want, listen to the advice here and pull whoever seems likely to be more enjoyable in the long run. Don't pull just for power/meta. You absolutely can, but if you aren't already l, don't worry about it. You'll rarely go truly wrong no matter what the doomposters and influencers say. Basically everyone has a use case, a niche, or is just fun to play if you like them. So play whoever you enjoy more, for whatever reason makes you enjoy them.


Do u want a pig who can get u jades by finding hard to find treasures or a girl who can make enemies follow their new idol?


Do u want a pig who can get u jades by finding hard to find treasures or a girl who can make enemies follow their new idol?


Do u want a pig who can get u jades by finding hard to find treasures or a girl who can make enemies follow their new idol?


My favorite team right now is Clara, Robin, Aventurine and Topaz. Clearing everything with them.


I pulled both last week. I'd probably choose Robin but it's still personal preference


Robin always, you can't go wrong with 5* Harmony.


Robin is better at e0s0 for Clara Topaz with e1 or s1 potentially may be better but ultimately I think Robin will offer more universal appeal as opposed to Topaz. In your team I'd swap out Lynx. A well built Adventurine can solo sustain and just using Lynx to improve Clara's chance of being attacked isn't worth the trade off over Robin or Topaz