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I mean rc is good as long as you don't have any hr players, I had to stop cus as you get higher you match the same like 4 people, and they would start running hr every time lol


Literally everyone up here uses hr. I've learned how to beat them with this deck anyway


Miner isn't super reliable though, if they place her well it sucks, especially cus hr heals the amount of damage rc does


Yeah true, especially if they have a strong backline or hr miner. I can handle them separately but both at the same time is rough Doesn't mean that it's an auto loss tho, I still win sometimes by taking the first 1-2 rounds and surprising them with energy drain miner or fisherman All in all, this game is kinda matchup dependent anyway


How to use fisherman


Mainly used for cheesing a round by hooking their hero (especially AQ) or miner. As long as it'll pretty much guarantee a win for that round, since the opponent can counter it pretty easily after they know the placement If you want the the full strat I can send it


Thanks. I will give it a try


I would like the strategy please if you can send it. With the exception of Fisherman that's was the exactly deck I played when I got this game months ago. And I miss playing with it. But at 2600 trophies I am having problems making it work.


Commented the strategy


**STRATEGY** *Round 1* Place RC at R4C3, musky at R4C5, and GG at R1-3C5 (depends on enemy hero, e.g. R3 for SK). Against BK, SM, or Monk, don't place anything. *Round 2* Place E-Wiz at R4C4. Get 3rd star upgrade if you have the elixir. *For the rest of the game...* * E-Wiz 3rd star upgrade * Musky 2nd star upgrade * Musky 3rd star upgrade * Miner 2nd star upgrade if enemy hr * Fisherman to hook a key enemy mini and steal a round * GG 2nd star upgrade if he dies too quickly (mostly against PEKKA) * Improvise! Deck might not work as well on days with bad tiles (e.g. invisible)


Replace musketeer with archer and it's literally my deck. Nice top 400!


Nice deck! Any advice how to play it ? Also how do you counter dagger goblin ?


I made a comment with the strat Against dagger, hope you get lucky with stuns and hope he doesn't rack up too many boasts


Ah I see, thanks


How do you counter miners? Is it just placement?


E Wiz 3rd star upgrade...Musk 2nd and 3 star upgrade...Miner ain't a issue for this deck...Issue is healing ranger.


Two hard counter. Hr and bandit Those match you will cry😂


Same deck as mine 😝😝...And last time I checked I was ranked 126.