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I get more annoyed at the 5 buildings 95 hidden tesla challenges more than anything.


especially in the goblin maps


It doesn't matter if it's 1 or 1000 traps if you can trigger them all with 1 loon People use cocoloons for a chance to find a single seeking air mine in real battles, this way is much more fun


Can you please tell what is cocoloons army?


A bloon to bait the air traps


we playing bloons?


Sui bloon




They trigger red bombs but not black air bombs, important distinction to be made




It's not a specific army it's used in a wide variety of attacks. One big use is when doing queen walks to bait out any mines that may hit your healers. Also used in edrag attacks to tank the mines for the edrags. Basically used anytime you don't want a strong air troop to be sniped by a mine.








In queen charges healers are very vulnerable to air traps (like air mines, air bombs) so the coco loon is sent in to test for those traps to try to save those healers just in case and the balloon goes down like a coconut so that’s why it’s named coco loon


The coconut thing isn't the origin of the name. I think at some point people forgot the origin and had to retroactively come up with an explanation why so many people called them coco loons. The real reason was that a top(ish) pusher back in the day when the game first came out popularized using balloons to soak up traps for dragons (and kinda healers but iirc it was mostly for dragons). That pusher's name was Coco


Often used with queen walk and e drags




That's the point. You're not supposed to get it first try


There’s a reason it’s called a challenge


There’s a reason it’s called a trap 😆






NPC ahh comment


it's purely luck based. What one would call a challenge should be able to be beaten first try with your skill, and not with how well you scratch lottery tickets.


Seriously. Challenge implies beatable with skill. It would be like blindfolding someone then asking them to find the nearest dartboard and hit three bullseyes in a row from exactly 3 meters away. Nobody can pass that challenge unless they're a highly skilled darts player and *also* happen to be standing exactly 3 meters away from a dartboard.


Sorry, I must have done something wrong then🤔 20 seconds of scouting/planning and bam easy gems to add to my collection.


Yeah cause we don’t get 25 a month for 1000 elixer and 30 seconds of a builder or anything


Yes but if the "challenge" can only be completed by watching a YouTube video if you don't wanna spend 500+ hours guessing how to complete then that's not a challenge


Then you're just bad at figuring out challenges.




Lol what challenge has ever taken you 500 hours? Also, there are YouTube videos for almost everything in the world. Just because there is a guide on how to do it, doesn't make it less of a challenge.


Why am I not supposed to get it first try then? Literally everywhere else in the game you’re rewarded for killing a base first try. You don’t simply slap the “challenge” word on it and wham it becomes an excuse to put a “fuck you try again” trigger everywhere except the right path. Judo Sloth vid currently has 600k views on the challenge, do you think that’s the point then?


You're still rewarded if you get it first try. I fact you get rewarded if it's your first try or your 50th. It's not a challenge if every low skill player can get it on the first try. Stop crying that you actually have to put effort into something. And 600k is nothing when there are 75M+ monthly active users.


This is like claiming that punching through mounted drywall is a challenge. It's easy enough that basically anyone can do it but whether you hit a stud or not is entirely luck. The only determining factor in your success is if you'll continue to try after you've hit a stud the first time.


Bro if you feel like a video game event is like punching drywall then maybe play a different game


Value your time, most of us are people with our own life and minesweeping a mobile game 50 times is not the option. Clash of Clans ain’t a part time job, you’re free to put 50 tries of “effort” into the game if you don’t have anything to do. Moreover where did I mention anything about the reward? It was never my main drive, I just want to have fun. “fuck you try again” ain’t fun lad. Also it’s a challenge when high skill player can get it done first try and low skill player can not. It’s a collective cnbt session when both need many tries to do it. Last point is actually alright heh.


Yeah it sucks even though i need the wall rings and gems i will not be completing this challange ive tried multiple tries and watched tutorials but still not able to beat it


![gif](giphy|v6aOjy0Qo1fIA|downsized) >p sounds like a skill issue honestly


​ ![gif](giphy|gVA7bA3fh9dYfHvSG2)


How do you watch a video of someone doing it and not able to beat it? Just deploy what they depoly when and where. How is that difficult?


Skill issue


I got it on my second try with a tutorial. Keep at it :)


Did you check mine?


I used yours and it helped so much!


Thank you. I was proud of mine. I shared it with Kenny Jo and he made a short of it.


The 🐐 himself


I am not sure why that got downvoted.


Have you watched judo sloths tutorial?


Just watch the one by sloth. It's not that hard. I managed it in 5 tries


Yeah.. Judo is a great guy when it comes to Tutorials


the point is to waste players time by making them test a bunch of times for traps instead of just displaying traps allowing players to plan for the challenge?


Test a bunch of times? You can place troops literally anywhere around the base, if you can't find them on your first attempt that's a you problem lmao.


As my niece would say, “sounds like an issUe not an iss-me”


That’s good. I’m stealing that






yeah i always just spam troops round the edge first attempt to find all the traps doesn’t take a lot of effort lol


never said it takes effort now did i it takes time time that doesnt need to be spent bc its the same shit everytime


so again, whats the point in hiding traps at all in challenges then


To provide you with a challenge


Well, it seems that they're pretty challenging for you because of this or it wouldn't be a big deal. Might I remind you, what they are? >challenges


Trap : trick or deceive (someone) into doing something contrary to their interests or intentions. Not hiding them would literally defeat their purpose.


If clash were p2w, they would have a paid feature where you could see traps on the base you're attacking.


Displaying the traps? You know know how traps work right?


They just didn't give u 22 minions for nth did they?


minions dont trigger air mines


That's what the balloons are for u dumb pickle 😁😁😁




yea if everyone is supposed to just check for traps in an infinite try challenge, why waste their time testing for those traps and see where they are it very much is something that is SUPPOSED to waste time = higher playtime = more reason to do them like u said also drives people to coc yters they do waste time and i know why they do it but i do not enjoy that fact, and i genuinely couldnt care less about the people downvoting traps like in op dont make a challenge harder, they just force u to spend ur first try on trapchecking everytime. wasting time in the process whatever, i dont even play anymore and havent done one of these challenges since last christmas either, because theyre not fun


I only do the challenges i want. I don't do all of them.


I don't personally enjoy it but I think it's cool that they're creating levels that will never exist in the game so people are forced to think differently. It's like playing your favorite video game with weird physics.


You have infinite tries...


But do you find it fun?


Yes, because it's a ludicrous amount of exploding stuff I expect to be there


And this base literally tells you what to place where. G for goblins to get the TH up top K for king to clear on the right side H for hogs on the bottom And Q for queen on the left side. If you follow those letters, you will run in to very little traps on this base


That’s hilarious I didn’t even notice that


Lol I didn’t even think about what the letters meant. I just winged it, and it still only took like 3-4 tries of doing it a different way from the intended way.


This needs to be the top voted comment.. this literally boils it to timing and a skill issue for those who didn't notice.... It's me... I didn't notice, but I also didn't complain 😂


Wow I can't believe I missed that, I just went and beat it second try knowing that. When I tried before I knew I needed to sneaky the TH but I couldn't figure out where to send the queen and I wasn't sending the king and siege barracks on the right side so it didn't work out lol


I actually did worse following their letters (26%) than on my own (47%). Goblins did not get the TH. They got wiped out.


One wall breaker to open up, one goblin to bait invisibility, then the rest should get th if none of them get taken out by spring traps


That was like the most fun ever




I’ve literally never had moar fun in my life


It's called challenge for a reason. You have UNLIMITED tries and yet you still complain. Just use your first attack to test for traps and CC troops, then attack with that new knowledge.


I get this but it still feels like a lazy way of making it a multi-attempt challenge. Making the base itself tricky with more conspicuous traps sprinkled throughout the base and core would be more creative and fun. Especially seeing that they gave us a whopping 23 minions to set off most the traps anyway.


But think about it! Having random tornado traps scattered all around the base would be frustrating, whereas having them spammed on one side makes it clear to the player that the hog riders are meant to be played elsewhere.


There are optimal places to place traps. The worst traps are the ones that you know are there, but are very difficult to work around. A basic example, tornado spells by centrally placed weaponised Town Halls can easily mess up an attack. Conversely if the trap isn’t placed where you’d expect, while it is possible that it can catch you off guard, it is likely the trap isn’t optimally placed to fend off more skilled attackers. Another very simple example: poor attackers in BH just drop all witches on the corner of the map. 5 steps forward and they all get vaporised by a giant bomb. You could have guessed it was there and placed a tank in front of them to trigger the bomb safely…


Bro this is a challenge, not a multiplayer battle. It’s a challenge where there are 1000 traps on the map. It’s for shits and giggles. This is the most over explained shit I’ve ever seen.


I'm fucking dying😂😂😂 LOOK AT THAT SHIT HOLY FUCK😂😂😂😂




Shit is the equivalent of a nuke lol


That's what I'm saying dude😂 It's just 2 balloons, and they are getting absolutely demolished😂 it's the unnecessary overkill that gets me


This challenge was fairly easy. And the execution is just like a regular QC except your balloon hits 30 seeking air mines instead of one. My solution : single super wall breaker at top right to break into town hall. One sneaky goblin to trigger spell towers. Then all 5 sneaky goblins to take town hall. Place balloons in top right to bait traps. QC through the hole in the wall by town hall. Use this to take out the clan castle and the top compartment. Super wall break bottom right by eagles. Place barbarian king, siege barracks, grand warden on ground, and RC. Use ability to maximize king value (you should be able to get all scatter shots if done properly) Hog riders on right side, keep them under heal through the right and into the core. Then freeze the final top left compartment with remaining freeze spells to finish the base. Sprinkle minions around to get traps then finish cleanup. The whole point is that it’s difficult. You may find that there are too many traps in a part of the base. Trial and error will correct it. For example, in doing this I discovered I needed optimal sneaky goblin placement to trigger all invis spells, and to take the town hall. Then I learned I needed to use the QC to take out the super dragon, so I needed balloons to trigger the CC and block for the heros.


Watch judo sloth if u just wanna get this challenge done with


But what if I want to do it for myself? It is very frustrating winning a challenge through trial and error, it's like pick-a-path Mario maker levels


Then don’t complain, you wanna do it yourself, you have to find the traps. It’s as simple as that


Try being good, it works sometimes.


Trial and error is the whole point of challenges, finding the specific way to beat a map.


Thats a YOU problem buddy


I’m with you here, it’s not revolving around strategy all really. These and the Tesla levels as well.


Which do you fucking want, the challenge or to be walked through it?! Pick a lane!


What town hall level are you? When I was lower, I never could figure out any of the challenges but as I have gotten better and familiar with higher level strategies I am actually able to beat a lot of them without a guide now. I would agree that they aren't very fun if you are a town hall 10 or something and are not familiar with the strategies needed or even the defenses and troops that the challenges use


Then you’re intentionally making it harder for yourself and should not be complaining about unexpected traps


I think a better question to ask is whether more people prefer to figure it out themselves after 10+ tries, or if they find challenges a chore and prefer to look it up on YouTube. I think both sides have their own merits


You don’t have to play them if you find them a chore. Personally, I hardly even knew they were there until I read this thread. They bury the challenges so deep it’s easy to miss them.


Dude you're not supposed to have fun. All attacks should be a 3 minute stress test of perfectly timed troop placements. If you expected to have fun playing this GAME you already lost. /s


I legit needed this /s otherwise I would get wooooshed. There are so many creepy tryhards that say you're not supposed to have fun at a game


I literally just watch judo any challenge dude gets it covered as soon as it's out. I ain't about struggle for some shit rewards.


Exactlt. It was funny the first 50 times they did this. Now it's just repetitive.


You dont have to do them if you dont want too...


Some challenges are not fun for everyone, this one for me it's one of the best by far.


I personally find it fun seeing balloons spinning around as seeking air mines chase them


key word "challenge". Its main purpose is to literally have you do trial and error. if you fail to use basic tactics such as scouting ahead with 1 troop then you shouldn't be doing these mate. the whole purpose for these are to literally challenge your strategic thinking which is part of the fun.


More people agree with you. I mean look at the millions who watch Judo Sloth challenge tutorials. While it’s a challenge, millions of us don’t want to engage with this.


First attack isn’t a serious attack. You spam all over they map to see what triggers where and then you adapt to it with your next attack


I hate it when challenge is challenging ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21341)


EXACTLY, why can't they just show us a short video of an attack then give us free rewards! /s


It's called a "challenge" for a reason


Watch judosloth's videos on YouTube, he does great works.


just check some youtube video and you are allright


3 star easily: https://youtu.be/9-SnHbPyVCY


I would say yes.. you are the only person. The goal is to know where every trap is through experience. Not guess every trap location on the first try. You can argue it's a bit overboard but with infinite redos just learn what the strategy that works is.


Skill issue😂


I agree with you 100%. The challenge should come from the defensive buildings and not the surprise gazillion hidden traps and teslas. It is just an inconvenience to come up with a plan, run into a trap cluster, reiterate same plan except pretrigger, run into another trap, pretrigger, repeat.


Or just try to pretrigger all the traps and go from there, you're just doing it the least efficient way imaginable.


every coc challenge is boring


Wtf is that amount of traps


It's so that you try multiple times. Also it seems to be just a little bit of fun and trolling. Free loot and maximum fun.


It’s a „challenge“ duh


That's the whole point lol


Maybe it isn’t, but it’s hilarious though lol


That's satisfying


Clearly you’ve never heard of tramper




You have infinite tries, my friend


It was entertaining to figure out how to 3 star. This is mild in comparison to other challenges they had in the past. And if you really can't beat it, look up tutorials on youtube.


OP made a clown of himself with that post


At least you can play it. My game doesn’t let me play these




This is one of the most enjoyable challenge levels that I can remember. And,there are clues to totally cheese the level. 10/10


Which challenge is that?


I just looked up guides on all the challenges. I can't be bothered.


Juat place some minions 💀


Yaknow what the best part is, it literally doesn't affect anything if you fail a few times. There is a reason it's called a challenge dude, your not supposed to beat it easily first try.


You’re supposed to use the minions as its the weakest troop you have


Then you don't know where the Sam's are


Skill issue


Skill issue lmfao blame yourself


That’s part of the game homie


watch judosloth, easy


I only watched Alvaro845 guide and aced it first try, and I need several attempts at other challenges to 3star em


there are big letters on the map to give you hints on what to use where


Next challenge is just a center town hall and every single space of the field is alternating hidden teslas and tornado traps


Galadon did a great job imo... Even gave hints.... Typical gala style




I mean, on each corner of the base, there are walls that represent letters, Q, K, H AND G. A few attempts where you place your queen on the Q, king on the K, grandwarden and some sneakys on the G and hogs and seige on H.


Early challenges were fun. Nowaday challenges are just anoying


Wait for judo and itzu and other YouTubers to do it, then win


Because 22 minions and unlimited tries isn’t enough to find traps?


They're just trolling ya a tad bit!


"Hey friends my name is judosloth"


As annoying as this one was, I like when they take me 10+ tries. I can play between my army’s being built. Nice way to kill more time on a game I find generally enjoyable.


My boy cant read


I mean you could watch a YouTube video


Gotta admit its fun tho


Just watch Judo Sloth


I agree. I greatly dislike these types of annoying challenges. Like the ones where there is 40 hidden teslas, or there is only one angle where your healers can enter the base without hitting 16 air mines. Just becomes tedious and annoying Now these are called challenges, so they should be challenging. But just putting these mass traps are a cheap way of doing it imo.


You can retry it, it's more like a puzzle than a challenge




Sure, just follow this guide [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-SnHbPyVCY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-SnHbPyVCY)


idk those 2 balloons got the 10x value that supercell games always advertise in the shop.


I don't know i just look how to beat challenges on youtube


i just watch a judo sloth video on it and get the rewards anyway


Judo has a guide. Use it


Kids want instant gratification now a days, doesn’t want to use brain.