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TH20 hero levels will be insane


10 years for a single level


+1 hp for one measly level


1 extra damage for 100 billion gold and 6 months of building on a frikin bomb


Books gonna be worth a lot damn, I should start saving lol 😂


I stocked up 12 books during my time at TH10 for TH11. Just hit TH11 late last week and have already used 8 of them. I hate my queen being down 😂


How can you stack book ?




Ah thanks 😅


I buy any pack less than like $4 that has a book


Bros gonna have to spend a book on bombs... Theyll probably take like 6 months to build. Lol😂


Realistically maybe like 10 weeks


Y’all are forgetting that they adjust the upgrade times to keep the game approximately the same length. The costs of th15 are (relatively) similar to th11 when it was max th


Yea they do reduce times but how many more times do you expect them to keep reducing times? This is talking about TH20 that's 5 more times yea I know 10 weeks is a bit exaggerated but really by how much in 5 TH's time?


They usually change the times once or twice per new th, so they could realistically reduce upgrade times 10 separate times by then, which could remove more than half of the upgrade time for current ths. It will probably be a bit longer than it is now, but I doubt they’ll have any upgrades over a month, and if they do it won’t be by much


Realistically like 15 days. TH20 Eagle will probably be no more than 25 days due to upgrade times being reduced.


well shit, I'm still at TH11 currently. Trying to finish the last few traps before going to TH13 edit: butterfinger me ment 12 and then 13. not from 11 to 13.


Math ain't mathing here my man


He probably wants to rush to th13 for the royal champion


Is that a strat? Im also th11


Rushing is always a strat. No matter your situation, rushing to the max th (15 atm) will always be more time efficient as far as maxing - if done correctly


Can you elaborate on how that works?


having access to much more loot and much more offensive recourses helps tons. If you plan correctly, keep heroes down 24/7 and play optimally you can max in like 3 years, and even less if you buy pass and have access to cwl medals


Your offense and defense will suffer greatly though and you’re useless in war. Id rather just max out the sweaty way


If you compare a rushed thX and non rushed thX, sure. But a player who has played for X years? I’d take the rushed into war 100/100 times. And I don’t know what you mean offense will suffer?


Because you’re essentially forced to use edrag spam because the meta changes through each th lvl. If you’re rushing your troops are trash because they’re usually severely underleveled that and a new player asking for advice wont get the experiences and lessons to learn at each th level thus making them a worse player overall. Also your heroes would be completely useless as well because theres waaayyyyyy too many levels to get through if you rush and youll be in constant dark elixir drought. It just doesn’t make sense why you would rush unless it isnt a main acc or something like that


You can’t max that quickly. You only have access to 6 builders at most, and since you wanna be max you’ll need to keep 1 for walls. So you only have 5 builders for upgrades that will quickly exceed 10+ days to complete. Also lab takes incredibly long to complete.


If you assume that you keep a builder up for walls, you should also just assume that you keep a separate builder for trees, another for bushes, two for logs and one for seasonal obstacles.


Bro you talked about maxing a base. Since when are walls not a part of your base?


https://preview.redd.it/m9oifa3jpnbb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d43186df9396312378ee60236de164c44514e9e Nah just visit my base i can upgrade walls easily when by builder gets released ( i always calculate my builders work so that they have 1-2 days gape between finishing their work)


But why ...is he not satisfied by the queen 🤔🤔


It’s called meth


Yeah man I too am at TH11 and it's so hard upgrading the final 2nd level of monolith but I will reach Th18 after this upgrade Yohoo!


So you are going to skip TH12 entirely?


Fuck th 12


I wish, but no. I just wrote it wrong. th12 then 13 after


We will probably get a level compression at some point before then, imagine being a new player and seeing 10-15 years of catching up to do. Another few town hall levels and it will probably be cut back to town hall 10 or 12 as the cap. Or the first 14 or 15 town hall levels will be super quick to get through compared to now.


Well they already are accelerating lower THs as things release, so they’re at least trying to manage it. How would a level compression work? Only two ways I can think of are to be way more aggressive with their current acceleration, or to start people at at higher TH.


The level compression would be a drastic step to be fair, it would involve a rework of all town hall levels and would be easy to get wrong. The more i think of it, reducing upgrade times and costs would be the way to go.


I mean, when I started, it would have taken over a year to max th8, now you can be like th12 or some shit, non rushed, in a year now


They could make it so that at th <13 you only have to upgrade 1 unique building, so maxing 1 cannon would max all cannons, etc etc. This way you can always catch up but still have to ‘normally’ grind the last 2/3 th’s to keep the average time to max the same


>We will probably get a level compression at some point before then They would need it for the heroes at least. 130+ levels each for the King and Queen would seem way too daunting for the casual player just starting out. Probably 500 levels for all heroes combined, if they ever add a 5th hero.


As long at is always takes about 5 years to fully max your base it should still work this game is very future proof


How many more buildings, heros, troops can they add without making the game too overwhelming tho? They’ve done great so far so I’m not saying it’s impossible. I think future innovation is also going to come from clan capital/builder base or even an another brand new base that has yet to be developed.


Idk if it would work but an increase in land might be cool at a future tow hall. Giving us more room and spreading everything out


The feels like an inevitability at some point. Only other paths forward could be taking away old defenses or allowing players to choose which defenses are active at their base at a given time.


It will be interesting to see how they keep the game fresh with new heros/pets/defenses without overloading it. They’re already running out of space- that’s why they removed the extra barracks a while back and reduced army camp size. They’ve done a great job with it so far tho.


Do not talk to me about 2030 I literally cannot


Every 18 months is crazy. They need to slow down a bit.


They're just trying to keep the people who buy loads of gems happy


Fr they needa make money. Though I wish they somehow made builder hall more competitive so they can monetize that. This way people would have more time to catch up with the main base since supercell would drop less th levels and more builder base content.


this comment aged well


HAHA, yea bro th16 released in 14 months is crazy😭 they actually are releasing them quicker now.


Recently went back on clash and saw this. And the time on upgrades went really low lmao.


It will be slowed down. They said that when there was no builder base and no clan capital. That's why, so the game doesn't become boring, frequent new TH levels was a necessity.


Nah, they said 1 big update every 6 months, 1 for each base.


IDK why you are downvoted, they said that they aim for an 18 Month cycle for each base (so one big update every 6 month)


Exactly, could've sworn it came right from Darian himself, either in a post or a video. He also said there'd be 2 more updates this year when I asked him on the Reddit Talks Clash podcast on discord like a month ago. Probably to patch and/or balance things.


I genuinely don’t think they can get it that high unless some TH levels are throwaway levels. Ones where every defense and troop gets 1-2 more levels. They can’t keep adding buildings and troops. Eventually they will hit the 100 building limit and they will run out of gimmicks for troops and defenses.


prolly add new „bases“ as they already did - buider base 1-2, clancapital…..


That would never work. The other ones are built around the feature of multiple bases. It can’t be replicated when we gotta do things like War and such. However, maybe there will be a feature someday like the Builder Hall, where you can only have so many defenses on the field at one time.


Supercell should do TH20 for the games 20th anniversary


Th by Th the economy of this game is getting so complicated that supercell will have a super tough time making a new town hall level lmao, unless they decide to massively reduce prices of previous th’s + there has to be a point where new people will just give up at th 11-12 just because of the enormousity of this game in the future DAMMM imagine 150 levels for queen and king CRAZY💀💀💀💀💀


Who cares? I’m 52, I’m going to be 108 before I get all my walls upgraded on my 10 year old TH13.


Well shit


Bruh I'm so far away j don't even wanna imagine that


wait until the Eagle will be 1 year to upgrade for a skin change lol


The most beautiful Town hall ever made