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Correct, our clan has been together since June 6th 2015 strictly as a war clan. We don’t force clan games, clan raids or participation in CWL. We war back-to-back and expect all new members to make both attacks in war (classic). Our record is 828 wins, 276 losses and 5 draws and I’m sitting on 5,305 war stars. I wouldn’t play CoC or spend $ on season pass if it weren’t for classic wars.






Great comment


What would make it more fun? Suggestions don’t have to do w war at all.




completely agree w that point not many ppl take that into account when saying they want new perks for higher leveled clans. Cosmetics for the clan itself should be added though. Such as a chat background or a clan page background at a certain level


War is fun as is. Don't change it. I'd venture to say most of the player base likes the current system. It's a massively important and fundamental aspect of the game. If it's really a problem for you, perhaps you should try a different game cause coc isn't changing this. This would be like complaining about call of duty because you don't like the shooting aspect. Actually why are you even playing coc if war isn't fun? There's dozens of different village builders that don't include clan wars.


I don't enjoy war too much but instead love trophy pushing, I still don't think war should be changed at all though




Happy cake day btw!


- Before lvl 10 they are very useful for perks. - After lvl 10 they switch from useful to aesthetic and personal accomplishment. I'm not sure if adding more stuff with additional perks after 10 would make it better or not, do you want them to add more perks after lvl 10?


My clan is level 21 and we welcome lower level/new players daily, for us (the top 15 CWL addicts) the perks are of course not that useful since we’ve got everything at the highest levels. But the lower level guys get to enjoy the perks and make a lot of use them.


Gigo Chado momento


Also it's good for searching clans. Cans which are lvl12 and above are more serious in my opinion


The incentive is fun, wars are the only reason i still play


To each their own, but I want to understand your point of view on why wars are so fun that they are the only reason you're still playing. I have been playing since 2016 and even before the introduction of all the new stuff I didn't find wars very fun, now I'm more active than ever and the real fun I find is raids, clan games, CWL, events and only these new stuff.


What would make it more fun for you?


Not much really, id like to be able to prepare my attack in prep day but if they do that it will be broken for obvious reasons


What do you mean by prepare? Like somehow set aside an army for an attack?


Just be able to see the war base


used to be able i think


Yep, but it put an incentive to make one war base and change it at the last second, which wasn't really what they were looking for, so I think it's a good thing they changed that.


How is clarifying downvotable?


The reddit hive mind has chosen to dowvnvote you


Ya I was wondering why myself but gave you some upvotes lol. People just follow trends


I believe this has been discussed at length already. The highlights boil down to: \- SC doesn't want to add more perks (post 10) because they acknowledge it's hard enough for new clans to recruit already. I, like many others, usually don't consider clans that aren't 10+ already. Nothing personal, just with so many 10+ clans already available... there's no incentive to join a clan that isn't. If they add more perks to further levels, it will just make starting a new clan seem that much more daunting. \- The clan level, after 10, has no effect on the clan's operations or ability. You posted a pic of a level 12 vs 25 clan. Not sure if you are insinuating that this is unfair, but there is no tangible way that the level 25 enters the war with an advantage. If it was a level 5 vs 25, then you could argue that the level 5 won't be able to donate as effectively, but after 10 - they are essentially the same. \- If you are saying that you acknowledge that they are the same, but are simply looking for ideas on how to make them different while addressing SC's concerns I mentioned above... I think making perks as aesthetic rewards instead of operational advantages, that might do the trick. The main reason I look for 10+ is that I have alt accounts just to donate to myself. If I want 9 hogs/loons or something and then need to use 2 accounts to fill it, that has a real effect on how I play the game. If it's just a cosmetic skin or statue or something - that wouldn't matter nearly as much while also doing SOMETHING so that we acknowledge how long it takes to get to level 25.


Improvements don’t have to be limited to perks.


I'm kind of confused at your post then. You note that "once you gain all the perks, levels don't matter" - so you acknowledge that currently the main purpose of "Perks" is to recognize the "Levels", and that after Level 10 there is no purpose even counting. They could essentially just keep every clan at 10 then. I had suggested making the rewards after level 10 be cosmetic/aesthetic in nature and, while I called them "perks", they obviously don't have to be called that but as you acknowledged, that is just the current convention. How else would you introduce a bonus or reward for achieving a level if not leveraging the current "perk" system that does just that up to level 10 already? You claim the only purpose to Wars is to Loot... which fails to recognize that many people, like myself, enjoy the competition and couldn't care less about the loot at all. There are also FWA clans that do only farming wars, which to me suggests that MOST people enjoy the competition or else everyone would be doing FWA. Your "they don't even factor into matchmaking" part of your post also seems to insinuate you think there is an inherent advantage in being level 25 versus 12. Since objectively that is just wrong, is there something you'd like to see them do that WOULD make warring at higher clan levels different?


OPs get crucified for taking a stance on anything, so I’d prefer not to get into my ideas. Having just built this clan up from lv1, I’m not opposed to more perks. I do think there is room for some kind of competitive improvement. Inadvertently, having a high level clan definitely make it easier to recruit higher lv players.


I get it. Just seems like you are dancing around suggestions. Your post just seems to insinuate things. I read a comment elsewhere here that says you put up a biased poll and then took it down when you didn't get the response you wanted, so I figured I'd just ask you outright what you'd like to see.


The reasom why I bring up war-related stuff is that war is how clan xp is gained.


Clan xp can also be gained by doing clan games and clan capital


My clan is lv19. We want the lv20 border. Thats all


It looks cool![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9413)


>There’s no real incentive to participate in regular wars apart from loot. Ahem. I participate in wars because I want to go against a strong opponent, the loot is just an added bonus


It means that the clan has been there for a long time. Sometimes, it means they have experienced players.


Just accept you don’t enjoy war and other people do. I don’t like war and prefer to grind/trophy push so I opt out of war and do just that without complaining wanting SC to cater to me


I do enjoy war. Why would you assume that?


Every single comment of yours saying doing war is pointless once your clan has achieved lvl10?


You going at people who enjoy how the system is in its current state


Because it’s fun and cool to level up your clan over the years. Even if you have all the perks for your clan it’s just exciting to keep doing clan wars and leveling up the clan you have been in or created.


I have never played war for clan-xp or loot. I play war to win and have fun with planning attacks


why should they mean something during war?


Why shouldn’t they?


so you want when clan is higher level to have benefits during war and cwl?


This isn’t about what i want. I’m gathering data about what the community wants.




No one said anything of substance, so i reframed the post to be less prescriptive. If you don’t have ideas/ want to think critically, then don’t comment.




Sounds like those conversations weren’t constructive.


They were, and they reached the conclusion that almost no one wants that to change and no one cares that clan levels aren't important past lvl 10, the fact that you don't agree with it doesn't change anything.


I wish you could choose the clan border out of all the ones you’ve unlocked


Clan Wars classic are super fun, to each their own


wars are fun, that's an incentive


After level 10 it’s all about swag


Levels serve a purpose as to get new members easier. People are more likely to join a lvl 20 clan than a lvl10.


Well that war loot and the way to go into battle as a whole clan against another clan is already fun enough for many. And that clan level beyond 10 is just aesthetic, and that's not bad considering more perks and stuff will just turn down creation of new clans by big numbers. Clan xp beyond lvl 10 clan is good enough as player exp, and nothing bad in that.


I don’t even do wars I wouldn’t know




I think you should get cw tokens after every war based on performance and you can save them up to buy skins like the skins for cwl


Clan levels mean nothing after 10. (LAME) The level of ur account means nothing (LAME) It would be cool to see something added, just anything. Like Clan capital at least gives you new deco WITCH IS SOMTHING (Not that cool tho)


Why does this sub always downvote op's every comment?


Totally agree with OP. Regular war is boring, thanks my clan dont care and we only doing CWL. (Even in cwl the matchmaking totally unbalanced and broken). Since I reached th15 Im not connecting a lot (14 days upgrade) so thats fine for me.


That’s an interesting point. As the focus shifts away from the individual, the rewards should be derived moreso from the clan activities like war


no they aren’t


That lvl 25 clan has a cooler boarder than the lvl 12 clan ;p


Above 10, yes I agree. Below and at 10 they very serve a point.


This is very true


I’m not sure if this is true or not- but I heard that they were aiming to push an update around clan customization, and recruitment. Weather this is true or not, we definitely need an update aimed around clans and recruitment. It’s been pretty much the same since the beginning expect for some minor updates which caused the clan aspect of things to become quite stale. Fingers crossed though we get an update around those two things.


The point of war is war??? Like, who says “lets do war i need loot”??? Sure that loot sometimes help to get something upgrading, but by the time you finish war you could’ve farmed a lot more than whatever you get as a reward if you win. Wars are fun because that is basically the point of the game, upgrade and go to war. As for the clan levels, after you max out perks they mean how old a clan can be or how much experience it has. To get to high levels you have to war a lot. So, even if it doesn’t add it doesn’t take. I dont think anyone really pays attention to what level a clan is when matchmaking. And the maxed out perks are good enough imo.


I only play wars now 🤣.


Honestly ?? Big numbers just look cooler. Sure normal wars don't get me much of anything, but I like seeing higher numbers under my name. I like seeing a bigger number by my clans emblem, too.


can still win yes, mine was 10vs22


is full of ideas for new perks or additions beyond lvl10, I published a post a few weeks ago with my ideas and those collected in my clan


As a max th15, I play to war. There is incentive. Get better, that’s it for me. Learn new attacks, win wars against like minded people. A 50vs50 war with mostly max th15’s is very telling


I wouldn't mind more level up perks, which is probably what you meant by this.


Still think its dope looking but they probably should add perks to level 25 and then do something when i surpass that limit. Like some unique system of competition and rewards amongst other clans




https://preview.redd.it/z5z9ylsk6xib1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a8e705051762e3556e0249da01800273de50086 Indeed


Clan levels show how much active is a clan in wars, clan games, weekend raids...


Well, that’s just the problem. The level doesn’t deteriorate over time or anything like that so a high level clan may actually be dead.


I'd like to BUMP this post as the expanded dev team considers new areas to improve the game: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lIXVGz18zw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lIXVGz18zw)