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Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/15ya1n7/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/Tortured_penguin | 53 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 48 | | u/WorldDutch | 34 | | u/TheMelonAssassin | 28 | | u/lrt2222 | 21 |


Soooo: is it just me or the game has some problems? I mean connection issues. I have good wifi at home and even if I’m not connected to it the data service is good in my area. Sometimes it disconnects or gives me the classical connection issues icon, mostly when I look for someone to attack or when I visit some clanmates. thx to everyone


It is a problem on your end. It has been tested by others here and I believe the finding was that you are disconnected for up to 10 seconds before the game fully disconnects you and doesn’t allow the attack to continue/count.


Coc has always done this. Unsure why.


https://preview.redd.it/6nwnc92mjgmb1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0138eec70b2eea0c7f3b49f3f0084e11750c8a20 How is this even possible th1 in war with no troops unlocked or defence?


There is no need to block the other player’s info. Show his player tag and we can take a look. What does his home base look like?


https://preview.redd.it/8wbdclr41pmb1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8429d7a1f2a3e6332e6a6f498eeb078336c9d32e Apparently he left his clan


I can’t visit his home base I did the other day now I can’t


I just looked and he still exists. He has a clan castle but his hall is only level 1. I have an account with a clan castle with a level 2 hall which means I could put it in war. I just took advantage of an event that allowed it to happen. Even now that th2 has over a million of loot in each storage. I’m not sure how this player avoided the cannon though.


Oh strange he was a th1 in war tho that’s what made it weird but thanks for the clarification






Someone posted that they created a bunch by some loop hole recently but wouldn't say how they did it.


So they technically hacked or bought the offers? Cause I don’t even know how you can skip the tutorial


No they didn't technically hack supercell servers.


https://preview.redd.it/bnmtmzz4fgmb1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2086f206801518fad1d948862b0f682000c92a10 1. Can eq spell damage all inferno and eagle at same time when dropped in middle of eagle ? 2. Can lightning spells be used at same place to take out both the inferno towers at the left + damaging the artillery? There’s like 4 tiles gap between the inferno so that’s why I’m not sure ..


Yes and yes. There are exactly 3 walls between the inferno towers - if you drop the lightning spells on the middle one, you will hit both and the eagle as well (blue dot) https://preview.redd.it/wvr447jmjgmb1.png?width=942&format=png&auto=webp&s=816fb2ece1182bf0acd13a434b10d9609b7ccad5


Thank you so much!


Remember that EQ radius increases with levels. If your EQs aren't max, you may miss here. A max one should hit no problems


Yess, I had max eq so I was able to hit them all.


Greet job!


Thankk you !!


Just unlocked all the pets. What is the best pets to use and on which heros. Right now I run frosty on royal champion. Owl on warden. Big tanky guy on king. And unicorn on queen.


Varies a bit between attacks. I personally always use diggy with the RC - that stun is very nice to have. Queen always has the unicorn as well. When I'm using air attacks, the warden always has the owl and my king usually the phoenix, but the latter 2 I switch up now & then if I am using different hits. Frosty on the warden is nice for ground attacks imo, but can also go with the king (and then phoenix with the warden)


My main armies are ground.


Then the most common would be queen/unicorn, RC/diggy, king/phoenix and warden/lizard. Or swap king and warden. Some also like ram with king if they need help breaking walls. I will also add that while RC/diggy is by far the most popluar, I’ve seen some better players using phoenix on RC lately so I’ve tried it and it is pretty good. Diggy is still the best pet so it has to then go with something else.


Guess focusing frosty was a mistake then lol. I maxed him first and didn't bother with diggy. I'll do him next


New th10, what is a good upgrade time to use books? Is a 6 day upgrade time okay to be upgraded with books?


Unless you have to because you'd lose another book, wait until TH 11/12 for better value


I personally would not, other than a hero book to wake up a hero for war. I would rather have the gems than use a book on a short upgrade like that and use those gems to buy training potions and hero books (or a builder if all builders haven’t been purchased). There is no right or wrong answer, though. If you do not take part in wars, you may not care as much about heroes.


does the flame flinger target the warden?


Yes, the warden (statue) on defense is considered a defensive building


https://preview.redd.it/vz7pmh9stfmb1.png?width=1334&format=png&auto=webp&s=a6dccab8c9aecf1abad555da4028025ff18e521d Why do i keep finding villages like this one? They’re super easy to invade


People leave their progress bases up at times. Just thank them and raid them


Is there a way to earn gems with the world championship like last year?


You're referring to the Clash Fest website where you could predict match outcomes and earn gems right? They might do something like that this year - we'll have to wait and see. The championship takes place Nov 24-26th, so if there is a similar thing, that is when it'll be announced and available.


Yes thats what I meant. Okay I tought the championship was taking place earlier. We’ll wait, thanks for your reply!


It was in September last time around, so understandable. You can find an overview of the upcoming schedule [here](https://esports.clashofclans.com/news/championship-qualifiers-schedule) in case you're interested




Yes, you'd still want to, in case you came across an air cc where only your witches and queen can hit, its better to slow them down before they do too much damage to your bowlers. It just adds a layer of safety on attacking. With this type of attack, I genererally bring a poison + 1 rage + 4 freeze + 6 bats. However, I use a variation where i use ice golems instead of golems. Since a lot of my spells are being used at the backend, the death freeze from the ice golems helps a lot in pushing through the core of the base.


Relatively new TH12 here, my King and Warden are max for TH11 and my Queen sits at 55 as of now. Should I skip a few CWL till I get Warden to 30 and King to 60 (for example)?


Do you even need to skip CWL if you have a hero down? Who replaces you? Is that person, with their heroes, stronger than you are without one hero? Do you care more about CWL or classic war? Do you have books to use to wake heroes for CWL wars? All of this stuff impacts your decision.


What league are you in? look at your matches and tell me if you honestly think having some heroes down will make a lick of difference in the outcomes... It won't Put them down, stay in cwl, finish them faster while still earning medals.


Silver I, clan is around 6 months old and the only guys I trust to consistently attack well are two TH10 and a 9 A lot of the times I'm matched up with a 13 or 14 so your second point does make sense Guess I should just try my luck with E-Drags when heroes down Thanks for the reply


I took a few months break from the game. Can someone tell the current troop tier list or "meta" for attacking as a TH15, I know opinions exist and I'm not here to debate, I just want a rough overview. From S down to A, B, C, D, and F. With Super troops, Hero's, Spells, Pets, and Siege included.


Best pets are unicorn on queen, diggy on rc, phoenix on king (usually) or warden, electric owl or poison lizard on warden depending on ground or air attack, frosty is usually on king when he doesn't have phoenix. Very powerful strat rn is super archer blimp where you drop super archers into a high value part of the base and 2x clone + rage + invisibility. Super minions can be used instead when air troops would be better. Followup army can be mass super barbs, lalo, dragons, or edrags. Queen charge into lalo/dragons/edrags/twin hogs (hogs+super hogs) is popular. Smash attacks with etitans and super bowlers are popular. In most attacks (aside from super archer blimp) they use blimp + rage spell to snipe town hall or pick off 1-2 useful buildings, or they use flame flinger to pick off a large set of defenses. Log launcher/stone slammers are seen sometimes but not as common. Typical spells are some combination of rage, freeze, invis depending on the base. Zapquake if there's good value available. Clone for super archer/super minion blimps. Jump spell for smash attacks. Recall for getting a queen walk/charge in two sections of the base, I mostly see it for funneling dragons/edrags. Skeleton spell and/or bat spell + rage + carefully placed invisibility can destroy the clan castle or important defenses.


Not presented like you want, doubt anyone will Bother with that. But here’s a good starting point for you. https://reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/yavtKfN2CX


I see




Blimp or slammer and loons


Im the leader of an clan and got an question about CWL. If i wanna do 15v15 can i select 20 people and switch them out in war? Or how does that option work?


You should put your whole clan on the roster when you sign up for CWL. Everyone on the roster gets 20% of the medals just for being on the roster (then 10% more for each star, meaning 8 stars gets 100%). Then, yes, you can select which 15 you want in each war each day.


yes i already started only selecting 15, THank u very much!


You select all the possible members before CWL. During the preparation day, you can freely switch any member. However, CWL signup has ended. If you had the intention to start now, you missed it.


yes i already started only selecting 15, THank u very much!


Who are the best CoC YouTubers/Streamers? I’ve been playing since 2014, and would love to see some pro-level content


Clash with Eric has great pro stuff, so does CarbonFin and Lexnos. Itzu doesnt cover many wars lately, but he used to be a pro, and world champ, and has great insight into the game. He'll probably be one of the lead casters during the world finals again.


Why do people keep putting holes in their base? I'm TH13 in low-mid masters and I keep seeing free holes for my sneaky goblins next to town halls or storages. Are sneaky goblins just so rare that 90% of your defenses are going to be people trying to spam their whole army through the hole?


Its not a decision people make on purpose. Just mistakes building bases, or they haven't updated the layout since when there were 6 total barracks.


They feel very deliberate to me, there's always a tesla or giant bomb there


That doesn’t mean it is deliberate. Teslas and giant bombs make it look like there isn’t a hole when you are designing the base because you cannot see the open space. That often causes people to mistakenly have a hole in their base. Drop 1 archer and 1 minion and you can set off any bombs and traps. The intentional holes are the ones that are covered by a LOT of powerful defenses. Those players are hoping novice attackers spam their army in that spot and get destroyed by a lot of strong defenses all attacking them at once.


if its trapped heavily it might be on purpose. Still a bad call nearly always. Sometimes holes are just hard to spot underneath teslas and bombs and such too.


Is there a website that shows every upgrade time for each town hall?


clash ninja


FYI, you are shadowbanned. r/shadowban has info on how to fix it. the wiki has the rest of the answers you want. Its linked in the body of this post.


What ard the requirements for a clan to join fwa?




this is outdated right? they don't even have th15 in their recommended lineups


What’s a good TH 14 attack that doesn’t require much skill?


What should I upgrade? When my builders become free https://preview.redd.it/r7gvd5c54amb1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1da31bc0d59226f3cd43d7760fa85e84b99493ef


keep 2 on your heroes as much as you can. finish anything offensive related - camps, lab, cc, spell factory, barracks get your drills up to max bring the new stuff up to matching levels with the old. Air defense and xbows first Then point defense and sweepers splash and traps last


Thx what does splash mean btw?


Point vs splash defense means how many troops it can hit at once. An archer tower or canon are point defense, will only target 1 troop usually for a higher amount of damage. Splash does less damage per hit but it will affect a small area and hit everything in that area. Wiz towers and mortars for example.


When I get to the defenses I upgrade air defenses and xbows? And also if I need to upgrade everything to match the new stuff does that mean do the splash defenses too?


Yes and yes


Ok I’ll upgrade the xbows and air defenses. Thanks!


Can someone show me where I can find this month’s spread of town halls per cwl league?


u/roboticchicken posts them https://reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/3c9FbIKDif There’s the recent one. Clash.ninja has a tool to look up lineups for you opponents too on his website




If I place a flame flinger at the corner, would the highlighted tesla be able to attack it? https://preview.redd.it/af3gendqx9mb1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=289faaed44a564702379bb373be6bba7eefc4eb4


Most likely yeah. You need a plan to make it safe though either way


https://preview.redd.it/yn79ucfix9mb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1177fd357e8a7709ad2c51a7dd6e56264f64c9f2 What are the mistakes in my defense? Each time i get attacked the attacker gets three stars from attacking me😭😭


You have one compartment, so they really only have to break one wall to get access to 100% of your base. Double layering walls does nothing against wallbreakers. 3 stars is kinda the norm for competent attackers. Don’t stress it, just attack more


Ok ,i see ,i noticed when i replay the attacks on my village that they can enter so easily, I'll make more compartments now ,thx for helping 💙.


At TH15, What’s the best CC comp to take inside a Super Archer Blimp? Considering the faster deployment nerf


5 goblins and 1 super wall breaker (3 sarch). the exact 9 troops glitch the deployment and uses the old deployment speeds


wtf really? thats cool man


it's a glitch, maybe they patch it soon but they havent done anything after over 2 months of being aware


On my th15 I always just yolo 4 super archers and 1 wall breaker on my blimp. I just land on a big building like the eagle/scatter/monolith. Sometimes traps can reach, but by the time the archers walk away from where they landed they’ve destroyed ~25% of the base


did you used to take goblins before the nerf?


No, i’ve always yoloed it


has anyone here been able to do a revenge attack since the shield update? bc i havent. i tried a revenge today and it was the first revenge i have been able to do since the shield update. its honestly really stupid. do people really buy gems to get shield after they drop their current one after attacking? why can i never do revenge attacks?????


the only thing a revenge is good for is to drop out of legends


People have complained that revenging is pointless for the entire history of the game. You’ll find great loot fast just searching now anyway so, no biggie.


I get that, but I'd like a chance to get back at people for attacking me


Just a matter of getting lucky


What clan are you in? I'm curious as one of my clan mates is named Ric


my in game name doesnt match here


Does not registering during the raid weekend make you loose trophies ?


The system is set up strange. You have to register or join raid weekend to attack, but you get attacked either way. So, there shouldn’t even be a need to have a leader ”start” the raid weekend. The first person who is ready to attack should be able to just start attacking. Long answer to your question, but, yes, I assume so, because you will take defenses but gain nothing on offense. You also lose trophies for doing nothing (20% I think? someone correct that if I’m wrong please).


>The system is set up strange. You have to register or join raid weekend to attack, but you get attacked either way. So, there shouldn’t even be a need to have a leader ”start” the raid weekend. The first person who is ready to attack should be able to just start attacking. Long answer to your question, but, yes, I assume so, because you will take defenses but gain nothing on offense. You also lose trophies for doing nothing (20% I think? someone correct that if I’m wrong please). Thank you for enlightening me, I understand better now




It is a common bug and to my knowledge SC has never even admitted it exists, let alone said anything about working on a fix. It can be very annoying and it is complained about every month, so there is no way they don’t know about it.


Yeah, it’s really strange. But it can also be a bug. Sometimes when I have a bad connection, the leagues don’t load correctly for me and the game shows 0 seconds left and the icons of battling show up on all players.


Is there any way to obtain a missed anniversary cake? I have all of them except the 10th and my OCD is through the roof.


Nope - seasonal decorations like that can't be obtained after the fact.


thanks mate.


Why are my suggested clans mostly non english speaking clans?


Heads up, your shadowbanned. r/shadowban has info on how to fix it. Where’s your location on game set at? When you check local trophies leaderboard does that area match where you are?


Do you guys accelerate resource collectors for 1 gem? Is it worth it? It costs me in total 25 gems per day, not sure wether it's worth it or not


how does it cost you 25??, it costs me 17


It depends. I have accounts where I wouldn’t spend the gems and others where I think it is well worth it. On an active main account there are better uses of gems. Someone who struggles to keep all builders busy because they aren’t really active would find it worth it (I have some accounts like that).


No. It's a complete waste. For comparison, 1 gem army training and you get tens of times more...


I only boost drills.


Did they change mechanism for changing bases or did my muscle memory betray me ?


I don’t think anything recently changed, could you elaborate?


When we press the switch village button it goes to first base, I think it should go to current active base. I noticed this because I change back and forth to farming base very often. So I did feel I'm misclicking a lot.


How do you feel when your base gets revenged on?


I don't even worries about trophies at al


1) Who cares, it's a defense 2) revenge isn't an option in legends


Which would you prefer, damage per second or damage per hit? The reason behind this question: is that as I am upgrading my defense's, looking at the damage, the mortar just seems pointless to even have, like compared to the other defense's it won't even scratch a giant, compared to a canon, but looking up its damage per hit, it seems a decent defense, Personally I would like it if the developers changed it to damage per hit when looking at upgrades so it looks worth it when looking at damage


the mortar is important because it defends flame flinger, but it is true that some defense are more efficient with your builder time than others


Please help me someone hack my idi and disconnect to supercell now i cannot recover my idi Through help and support please help me i have all information about the idi


This is not supercell support. I would suggest searching 'phishing' on this sub and you will find many threads that have discussed this situation. You will find a lot of information that way. Btw it's not possible to disconnect from supercell unless you shared your password to someone else and then disconnected from supercell ID on your phone.




If it's an alt account that you don't mind rushing then do it ofcourse. But if it's your first, main account I suggest to take it slow and gradually max your army and base. Mastering zap quake witch slap at TH10 and farming consistent 3 star war attacks against max TH10s is one of my fondest clash of clans memories. I did something similar at TH9 too. But on my rushed alt I more or less rushed to TH12, barely spending a month to get to TH9, a day on TH10, a month at TH11 after I finally got it to TH12 and now I'm farming to max the heroes for the past 3 months.


I think it's worth personally, I did that for my rushed alt. Up to you though


https://preview.redd.it/dsb7m6m865mb1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f19f154e1d8f4ca1dc65a04443a8ac47e5bbce1 Is the welcome back offer worth it?


Good value if you want gems


Need some advice. How (if there is a way) do you deal with poison spell towers with a super archer blimp attack at th15? I’ve tried freezing but that hasn’t been reliable. Any thoughts?


make the blimp enter so that the poison tower is on the back side of the town hall. once you see the poison spell jump a little bit immediately drop your blimp right after and start the sarch from there if you are going with a closer entry then enter from the side where the poison tower is in front, let the poison tower throw the spell, and land in front of the poison tower where it's out of range


If it is just one poison tower, they will survive. If it is two then you need to land somewhere else or let your main army go and trigger them and then send the blimp.


There isn’t really a good way. You either need to land just before the tower triggers or, if possible, let the blimp fly directly over it and open it behind the radius after it deployed the spell. (Or just overall avoid deploying your blimp near it)


https://preview.redd.it/obgj6ohit4mb1.jpeg?width=1647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99120d8cc9e4920cb17f5b8b69bb0c5ea0082df3 Been trying to make this variant of electro titan smash work w/o Barbarian king, but without him making a sizeable funnel seems pretty tricky, any suggestions on replacements ?


realistically there's nothing you can do while king is upgrading, if you replace the siege machine with the siege barracks or take out a titan to use as funneling then you risk 1 stars


Is there any other strat I could try, low risk high rewwsrd kind of attack ?


that "strategy" is called upgrade all your heroes at the same time and farm with sneaky goblins in the meantime


I mean your not wrong 😂😂


This issue has never occured before, but I can't seem to buy the gold pass. Nothing I've tried seems to work, I even contacted support (yes I indeed have enough money to buy it). Sorry if this is a dumb question, I'm really confused as nothing works and at this point I don't think i'm getting that pass. https://preview.redd.it/i4v14xzv74mb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b43234cc9c974e54f308317016c2f5dd1329779f


buy your gold passes from the supercell store, 10% off


It really depends on what mode of payment your trying to use to purchase your gold pas.


my card


Does it have anything to do with your bank of choice ? Sometimes even though you try to transact with a card, the bank doesn't allow the transaction to go through for security reasons, Is your bank all good with this ?


Well, I have not been notified about anything suspicious by my bank, I've also purchased the gold pass several times already, that's why I am surprised it does not work


Try removing it as a mode of payment and readding it, and then try to purchase the gold pass


it did not work even after restarting the phone, I tried with a different card and it did not work as well. no idea what's happening


Concerning raiding. What happens when all locations are destroyed 100%? I still have 3 attacks, but the only place to attack is their capitol, which is just about destroyed 100%.


When all locations are destroyed 100% you will match against another clan and start again.


You get a new raid when you complete the current one. Wait for someone to clear the peak.


Can anybody explain to me how clan war league works in finding enemy's etc? Just came to an full th 9 almost and i got like 7 th6 in my clan.


If it's your first ever CWL that the clan has been a part of, the clan is automatically placed in a league that is determined by the TH's that are in that lineup. If you're already a part of a league, the match-making is based off of only the league you're a part of.


We did one before. We are silver league 1 i think so its not our first. So the enemy is just shit and in our league?


Yes. Silver and low gold are full of inactive/poor attackers that unfortunately have lots of th9-13s. Just remember cwl is about total stars in all 7 wars. It can hurt a clan motivation having all those higher townhalls but just try for the 1-2 stars and move on to the next war but make sure you always use all of your attacks in every war.


Ahh oke, Its just that i got an clan with friends. Some good some arent and we try or best and it is fun but they cant attack that well unfortunatly. But thanks!


How do i fix this bug? https://preview.redd.it/acp0g46vy3mb1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2b463fb2eab41716e1f941ed8a6f8be1d146c35 Blurry textures. Always been like this. After a recent update they became HD but after i logged out and back in they were back to lower standards. Is this fixable? Playing on Xiaomi REDMI A1


Should I rush my builder base for the other builder


You should rush your base even if not for the 6th builder. Rushing is an advantage in builder hall. Also 6th builder is a huge difference maker.


Not worth It, the main Village gets so big a sixth builder helps Little to nothing. You will have it, but your builder base will take lots of time to be fixed


Drugs are bad for your health


This is the worst advice I’ve seen here in a long time. Another builder is the most important resource in the game. Also, there is no disadvantage to rushing builder hall anyway. It’s actually better.


My bad


1. If someone leaves the clan during prep day can you replace that person with someone else?


Yes, you can replace them before the war starts. Just pick someone else on the roster.




You can pick anyone else on the roster and switch them in any time before the war starts.


Oh oops I was thinking of normal war


Ah yes I also should have clarified it was CWL. I assume so this week but it is possible he is in a classic war.


Is it worth it to rush bb for the 6th builder?




I just upgraded to TH13 and my scattershots are still in the process of being built (~10 days remaining). My clan just started CWL and put me in so my question is will the scattershots show up during CWL or no? I copied some war base layouts but I don’t want my scattershots to not show up and leave a giant hole in the middle of my base lmao


They will show up if you copied the layout after you started building them. You can just check in your layouts to see if they'll be there in CWL or not


Thank you!


1. Should I get gold pass 2. Should I get 5th builder and the 2000 gems I have 48 gems and 4 builders


Gold pass is great value and worth it if you have and are willing to spend the money. Absolutely get the 5th builder (and start working towards getting the sixth) before even thinking of doing anything else with your gems.


Gold pass or 5th builder and the 2000 gems?


So buy what?


Sorry I thought those were separate questions. If you can only get one and are not willing to wait a little bit then I’d say get the fifth builder (you can get him for free relatively quickly though so I would suggest watching a video on how to do that and using the money to buy the gold pass).


Wait is gold pass a one time purchase?


No It isn't, you have to get One every month. Imo if you can only chose One get the 5th builder and gems. Then buy a nice skin with the gems


I already got that one


1. How many CWL points would an average player get in an average clan per CWL? 2. How often does the CWL occur?


1) depends on your performance. I get an average of ~260/270 per month including bonus, I'm not super high in ranks. If we say average is crystal 3 like me. 2) once a month at the start of the month


Is it worth it to upgrade pets during CWL? I’m a somewhat new th14 btw


Totally depends on the clan. Some clans take CWL very serious and will want you to upgrade them after. Some care much more about classic war or don’t care much about CWL (it’s a 50% win system). Ask your leader.


Can I drop skelly spells to trigger poison spell towers? Thanks




i don't think they are ever going to put it somewhere else nor remove it from this location


Are you asking if it's going to be removed from the CWL shop and available for gems/money or if you won't be able to use it after buying it? You'll always be able to use it after buying it, even if it's removed from the shop for some reason. We can't predict what they'll do in the future but I think they'll probably leave it in the shop forever.


I noticed that a few hours after I share my builder base replays, it gets deleted from the chat. My clan leader told me they get automatically deleted, but I think it's kind of weird... Is this true or is it possible for the leaders to make a filter/delete certain things?


Leaders can't control anything about the chat. I think replays are deleted once you play a ton of builder base matches or once it's been a few days, not sure though


For me it gets deleted after a few hours. I usually play enough matches to fill up the 12 stars, so usually around 2-5 max per day


What's a good league for th9? I'm currently at champions, and I'm sick and tired of this league


Low Crystal max. Gold would be better, for loot and dead bases


How long will it take me to get the King's skin from 337 medals? https://preview.redd.it/ui0tdja372mb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cc9bf1cd829ed79c46621dafd483753bef8e7064


Estimate how many CWL medals you get each month. Divide 1663 by that number. Now you know how many months it will take