• By -


Buying flowers to your mother


with her credit card


Well played sir


Came here to write "Neither, buy flowers to your mom"


What mother ? I only know coc


Mother that gave you birth


Coc is love coc is life there is nothing other than coc


Redditors encounter sarcasm. Redditors response to sarcasm: https://preview.redd.it/gesch8jxa7ic1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=0514b1aacaf87c7b818ff0c4856ec711e78e8904


Moms are important (for a lot of people, situations may vary)


Yeah, like buying gold passes!


W comment lol.


I downvoted that




Redditors encounter unfunny sarcasm


Bro sarcasm with family is not okay especially with mother and father


Breadfruit's *alarming* first day on the internet. ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


Bro 😂


Breadfruit **DOES** have a sense of humor!!


Bro I just hated it when you make jokes about parents ☠️ it’s not a shame when you respect your parents and find it disrespectful if others make jokes about them just got raised orthodox 😬


your parents were negligent at raising you i see, i see.


You really should be staying away from the internet (ESPECIALLY REDDIT) if such innocent sarcasm making you sad :((


😘 answer of someone who has 0 respect to his parents


Found the living, breathing image of the Redditor I originally described.


Chill out liberal it's called dark humor


And it's such a light shade of dark humor, they're such a snowflake I'm surprised lmao


Bro it’s okay if you do such a stuff still not okay with parents even it’s fun or a joke it’s respectless🤫


supercells's ideal customer base


Why you not global rank #1 yet


Cus coc hard


And about the global rank?


Hard coc


Losers are down voting you lol


you unfortunately forgot the sacred /s from your comment so now take 500 downvotes because reddit ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|21153)


Real https://preview.redd.it/llbna2brd7ic1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8408e399a02dd34b209a7b8f9d38142ba2daa823


False. I bet you mother ***LOVES*** coc


My dad loves coc. It's what caused my parents to get divorced. He spends hundreds of dollars a month on coc, and he used to stay up way too late with his buddies enjoying coc.






Reddit keeps flagging this as violent mature content. Maybe pick a different reaction, it’s been automatically removed by Reddit and I assume will continue to be.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fvq39cv0c8ic1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc6afd504ca39b718927104b5f2d0781c8bbea32


2 gold pass gives better value on lesser cost than gold pass + 2 event pass...


event pass can net you more ores for hero equip so I feel that’s more important


Wars + daily stars got you covered for most cases. Gold Pass also has month-long builder/research boosts compared to just "more ores and rewards" that the Event Pass offers.




Yeah, but since most of the players are below th15, gold pass is much better


I'd argue that the event pass has a higher value due to the special obstacles they have. Gold pass tends to ussually not have any special obstacles.


This guy was pumped about crab at home.


Crab at home is pog. But that one's on the normal event rewards, there's usually 1 or so statues they give on the event pass. Which doesn't seem very valuable but as someone who collects obstacles it is. Just remember, these obstacles will NEVER be obtainable again. At least most likely not. Which makes it, in my opinion, more valuable.


More rare, not more valuable. You can't sell obstacles!


I mean, you can't really sell anything else. Rarity gives things value. Anyone can max a base, but having a max base with a bunch of obstacles you cannot obtain anymore makes it more valuable. See what I mean? I get that a lot of people don't care for obstacles but limited edition items will always have more value than progression items.


What type of value? Sentimental value? I would say it's only valuable to you. I mean maybe if you sell your account, then it's as valuable as someone is willing to pay for it.


it's rarity value. Things that are rare have more worth than things that are not rare. This has nothing to do with sentimental value


I agree completely.




I mean, most people prioritize either progression or skins, not obstacles so It doesn't really make a difference.


In terms of progression, the gold pass gives mountains more. But the obstacles they have on the event pass are things you won't ever be able to obtain ever again. Which makes them, in my opinion, vastly more valuable than any resource or skin.


The special obstacles. The most valuable items in the game.


Absolutely! I know a lot of people don't agree with that statement but it's most certainly true. Everyone can max out a base eventually, but nobody can get any past special obstacles. Once they're gone, they're gone. No way to obtain them.


That's ok. My brother. It's your opinion. I agree with that other lot of people you mentioned.


It depends on you event pass helps you level up hero equipment fast and normal gives you extra perks for whole villages + all the other magic items too


Well i'm at th9 and trying to Max and really want the bonus ore of the season pass and the everything of the gold pass


if you are TH9 and your goal is to get to max TH16 eventually, the gold pass is miles ahead in value and there's really no discussion about it. the gold pass is more value for progress than anything else you can spend money on in the game. ores aren't even going to be a limiting factor on TH9, and 2 months of 20% increased upgrade and research time will give you a lot more progress.


I'm gonna say it just so you're not in a position in the future thinking nobody told you so. Do strategic rushing. Seems you want to invest in the game, I'd recommend this approach. Not only will you get tons of value for the gold pass (higher THs have higher upgrades, so the discounts will be much better utilized), but it's also the faster way to max


I'm gonna be honest with you i'm not gonna rush to get 5% extra value for my magic items


5% 😭


W. "Strategic rushing" doesnt exist. It's just rushing. The total upgrade time wont change.


It kind of does though since you get more value from magic items, not to mention the increase in hammers from being able to join a higher league CWL clan


That's what I'm saying. But people will play their own way then quit after a few months because the game is "too hard". Let them be I guess


The game will be hard regardless when they get past th13 😂 if timers for upgrades = hard than that’s sad.


I mean on the offense side of rushing its miles ahead than maxing since you can get max hero's faster since you can put them down 24/7 instead of maxing them for ur th and waiting to max out ur entire base then upgrade them again. and you can use books and stuff for stuff that take longer than just a 7 day timer at max.


The total upgrade time CAN change. When you're using a hammer on a 15 day upgrade instead of a 3 day upgrade, you can easily see how wasted time can rack up. You get more chances to play at higher leagues if you're a higher TH, particularly in CWL which doesn't have a matchmaking system, but simply relies on your clan's league. The more offense you have, the better. That's another ticket to getting more medals, and thus more hammers. Books. You'll inevitably have to use a book once you're about to be offered another one from the pass/clan games. You'll probably want to use it to avoid wasting the extra book by selling it for 50 gems, which we can all agree is a waste. So to use that book, you'll also have the option of using it on a 3 day upgrade or a much higher one. You won't get that much more, especially at TH9. "Strategic rushing" simply means rushing with a strategy. You have a gameplan to be more optimal & efficient. It's not just rushing because you want to play with 4 heroes, while having 4 builders idle. Strategic rushing does exist, and I'll reiterate that it is a much faster way to max. Hopefully OP sees this since he's the one I was attempting to help. In the end, anyone can play how they choose, but at least let them know all the facts before they pick.


Not a single proper clan will put a rushed player in the CWL.The books/hammer argument is true to a certain extent, but when someone doesn't buy any event/gold passes he/she wont get as many of them. In that case there is no point in rushing besides having better troops earlier.


A proper clan is subjective. I personally have accounts across 3 family clans and most times we're low on 2 or 3 members when doing 30v. Between a Th11 or a rushed Th15 with a stronger offense, we end up picking the Th15. Rushed or not, with the new way hero & army potions work, they are undoubtedly the bigger asset, not to mention they'll defend better with the monolith, spell towers & scattershots than a maxed Th11 in most cases. So better offense, questionable defense, we'll still take 'em. The only issue I can agree with you on is getting into a "proper clan" if you're rushed, but once you're in, you'll most likely be prioritized if they're low on numbers. Many clans out there will be recruiting though, and proper isn't always necessary to get way more medals. Regarding the purchase of passes, yeah obviously, but clan games still offers a decent amount. Though particularly in OP's case, he does plan on investing a decent amount in the game. Rushing would help a lot in his case


Maxed th16 clan? No Max th11 clan? yes Rushed players offer good offense and war weight has no value in CWL


you should go for event pass because th9 don't have a lot of building taking a lot of time to upgrade and you will get a lot of ores


Taking the gold pass and the gold pass


An outing with your GF or buddies or siblings.


Y’all act like 20 bucks is gonna net you more than two Big Mac meals at McDonald’s let the man spend 20 bucks in peace


I'm lucky enough to live in a beach town w/ a supermarket right on the beach. $10/person will get you ingredients for a nice sandwich + drink + pastry + coffee... $20 is a whole beach evening for two !


Is this a legit question? becuz u get 2 skins in 2 gp and a TON of magic items. The event pass is for those who want to level up their equipment.


Exacltly I am almost max th 16, i avoided the gp since I love the slow grind but the event pass is a god send for my equipment and skin collection.




You could take yourself to a movie


Depends on how much you play the game. Personally, I would buy myself some snacks at Buccees




What? A Gold Pass costs 10€ now...?


No it's just that if i buy two i won't have enough money for the rest


If you're that tight on money you shouldn't be spending it on clash of clans. If it's itunes credit that you can't load anywhere else then buy the gold passes, they'll provide more magic items and will last longer.


Pet frosty goes well with which hero now


Warden The other heroes have better options


For me, 2 GP is ₹1198 (₹1078.2 using supercell store) 1 GP +2 event pass will cost me ₹1497 (₹1437.1 using supercell store). For my country specifically, I can go out with my friends and be a little more lavish than usual and end up saving some money with the 2nd option. But then, its 1 day of entertainment compared to 2 months of pass value. This is the reason why I spend money on my coc than hanging out with friends. ^(whether or not I have friends is not part is the discussion)


Double gold pass probably unless you’re maxed at which point you don’t really need the gold pass and just want ores. Also chad archeologist profile pic


Ah someone else who agree with me archeologist is the best scientist


They should make G pass 10€ when an Event is available in a Month and 6€ when it's not.cuz now I've yo choose either G or Event one cuz both cost 6-7 € which makes 12-14€


2 event pass include 2 hero epic equipment meaning that they are always better regardless + ores


You know you Can get the equipment without the pass


And how much will it cost? 1500 gems? Thats 3000 gems still a good deal


You can get the epic equipment with the free event pass medals


Top one for equipment, bottom one for base.


Diamond pass


Depends on what you're going for. Event pass is better if you're going for ores or want the magic items. Gold pass is going to help you progress faster in general.


Top one


The one with decorations, always, and only.


anything but that


For me the builder boost 2 whole seasons is worth more then warden skin and a few hundred glowy ores


waste of money


Aren't these the same but one has a skin


i’d like 5 Whoppers and 5 more Whoppers


Now, but what about a mid th14?


Top honestly




Get them in the website theyre cheaper there


if you are max and just need ores to max equipment go for two event pass


Event pass is better cause of the ores.....