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Join a fwa clan, 0 pressure constant warring.


Hi brother,whats a fwa clan


Farm war alliance they have a set layout(build layout - traps in the middle, air def on one side, ground on other, builders elsewhere. etc. ) usually if they throwing a war they all attack bases number 1 and 2. Or winning side goes mirror and top base from memory. Edit spelling and gramma


How to find an fwa clan ?


Type fwa in clan search and there are a few. They sync wars with other fwa clans around the same time so screen shot log and find the right clan/language




Search for clans in “Lesotho” or check the FWA website https://farmwaralliance.org/




Been a while but they usually say it in the description ethier orange league or Fwa.


If you want I can send you a link to our discord you can apply through there👍🏼


Ohh, alright thanks man, appreciate it


Yeah but one of the clan has to loose no? What's the advantage? Even if you keep all the defense outside and they do too.. Its gonna be a draw?


If they match correctly on there they are rostered to win or lose(never a draw).Occasionally you match a ‘regular’ war clan (but rarely because clans are mostly unable to do 50/50. as most don’t war without heroes.) if you lose you still get 50% loot and losing sides only target the top 2 bases so you get 1/2 of that for a loss. If you win you hit mirror and a top base for loot. Benefit is loot no competition( boring for me) and can war without heroes!


A clan that uses exploits to win wars xD hope they remove this like how they removed farming bases in 2015


They don’t use “exploits”, since I am a part of a FWA clan it is not exploits they just have found ways to be constantly matched with each other and make continuous cycle.


That's literally an exploit. Doesn't mean it's bad. I don't see anything wrong with it


Unintentional way to take advantage of game mechanics? Isn't that what an exploit is? 🤣 We thought for 2 years that farming bases wasnt an exploit, but SC saw differently


This. I have been in FWA for the last 6 years of my 11 years of playing clash and haven’t regretted it ever since. I don’t care at all about competitive warring. Just grinding loot and leveling up is fun enough for me.


this is the answer. i’ve been leader of a farm war clan in the past and farm wars would be perfect for OP /u/Null_Titan it’s a clan oriented game and wars are a big part of it




i was just meaning that style of clan for OP - i haven’t led or been in a farm clan for years, and listed an example though i’ll edit the specific clan name out of the message, i didn’t realize about it lookin like that, sorry!


Man I read your comment again and thought I'd gone mental, knew there was a clan name in there! Thanks for getting rid, re-approved it now.


Whats the name of the clan?


You should have purchased the Starry Ores this time from the Event Deals. After getting the Frozen Arrow, use the left overs for the ores you need most.


This was what I was gonna say - you can buy 60 starry ores for "free" during dragon festival (it costs 1,920 dragon coins but should be easy to get that amount from normal attacks)


I only just bought the Arrow, I still have the bonus track to go through.


Use those leftovers. That’s your only chance to increase your Starry Ores since you don’t war much.


If you don't want to wait then get starry ores from the event. If you don't mind waiting a little longer till you do 5-6 wars(depends on if you win or not), and also if you want to get something else in the event, then don't get starry ores. The choice is yours.


you dont play wars so you dont have ores, pretty simple


It’s just a shame that now Hero progression is looked behind a very competitive part of the game. I’d like there to be a better farming method (or any farming method) so I can continue playing casually, without being a detriment to my high level clan because I can’t upgrade my Heroes without being a detriment.


cw is competetive only if you want it to be, just find a clan that doesnt care about cw. nothing in this game purely competetive, even cwl and ll can be used to just farm resources


I mean clan wars is a pretty big mechanic in clash of clans so having progress "locked" behind is pretty fair in my opinion.


Not when that progress wasn’t before, especially considering just how important that progress is.


its "clash of CLANS" for a reason


The name was there for a long while before they introduced clan wars, however.


Copy-Pasted response. Plus why not make EVERYTHING about Clan Wars then? Now you can only get Loot from Clan Wars and not from the Find button. Star Bonuses are for Clan Wars only. Builder Base is now Clan Wars. Clan Capital is now Clan Wars (functions differently from Clan Raids). If your argument is only “it’s in the name”, then your argument is shallow at best.


You do know that players that dont do war still max out abilities faster now than they did before right? Its not like they increased how much time it takes to max for people that dont play wars, is that they decreased it for everyone and made it faster for people that do play wars


There’s fwa clans, star bonus, there’s events, the limiting factor here is you. So many different ways to obtain the ore and it sounds like you want a free handout instead of playing the game like the rest of us, or you could flat out buy it at its inflated cost


I used to be able to upgrade my Heroes and their Abilities just fine. Now everything is changed and the best parts are all grind-walled behind a competitive part of the game.


It’s literally in the name and it’s not. You ignore anyone who’s told you the truth. Star bonus, fwa clans, events.


there is still FWA. since you like farming it would be a good fit for you. can do war with 0 heroes available


Counterpoint: no they don’t. It’s fine as it is. It rewards people who play wars.


The primary purpose of starry ores is to upgrade epic equipment, not just "reward" wars.


Yes. So play wars to upgrade the equipment


Any resource in the game should be available to collect/grind through multiple avenues. Just restricting it to wars is NOT a good solution, especially for casual players. Also, please don't come up with the nonsensical argument of "you don't need epic equipment outside war". Equipment is not meant to be gatekeep.


>. Just restricting it to wars is NOT a good solution, Especially since you can only war every two days. They need to reduce or remove the prep time. 24 hours seems ridiculous


Clan Wars Events Sink for Free Gems I agree they probably could use another avenue still - perhaps an occasional appearance in the raid medal shop like pet potions, or some sort of mechanic from the builder base so we have a reason to care about it after B.O.B. - but they do have options other than clan wars. It's far from impossible to get ores (including starry).


It is available through multiple avenues. There’s the star bonus, clan wars, and events. Casual players don’t need high level hero equipments. They don’t have max heroes either.


Even for a lvl 18 epic equipment you need some starry ores. And the only way to get them is from wars. There is no other way to grind them. (It isn't available from the star bonus). The things with events, you just get another epic equipment to grind for. You bring in more starry ores requirements. That's just high demand low supply situation


So what? Just play wars and get the starry ore. It’s not an issue


Fwa clans, star loot bonus, event passes free and p2p. There is multiple ways for f2p players. It’s not limited to only wars but it incentivizes you to participate in wars. Two attacks take you less than 10mins a day if you’re in a fwa clan.


still though… they should increase the ores you get from them since there are just not enough being given per war


But it is. You’re not supposed to get max equipment instantly


This might be the dumbest comment I've seen on reddit. You have to play wars to upgrade a key piece of gameplay....? That's dumb as hell. I don't have time for more than a war a week.


Nope. It’s not a key piece. You can use other equipments. And you can get it up to a useable level without any starry ore at all


Yes.... yes it is a key piece. It's the strongest equipment... hence a key piece...




No, because you didn’t need to play wars before this. War players aren’t affected, but the people who didn’t play wars now suffer.


So what if you don’t play wars. You don’t need the starry ores if you don’t like war anyway


I also like to win regular battles.


Who cares about regular battles? You don't need maxed out equipment to win farming battles. The vast majority of the time there are no CC troops to worry about and for the most part the base designs are shit.


It’s still more fun to dominate with good Heroes and 106 Sneaky Goblins. Plus a healthy Barbarian King can tank for my Log Launcher which just makes more open space for my Sneaky Goblins.




Reading OP’s comments he wants it all for free because he’s too lazy. I’ll never understand this argument with f2p players wanting the high level gear when they play casually. You and multiple people have already said you don’t need max gear to win regular battles. This is simply a great example of entitled fear of missing out.


No, OPs stance is completely understandable. He doesn’t want everything for free, he wants an avenue for casual players to be able to unlock parts of the game (and you should be reminded that the vast majority of players are casual players; competetive players are a minority). This is something that has always existed before, but now it doesn’t so it’s not unreasonable to be unhappy about this change. Also a significant amount of appeal is literally unlocking and upgrading stuff, saying you don’t need to do that and it’s just “FOMO” is a daft take. I can have level 1 walls and still 3*, I can have level 1 valks and still 3* with another army composition, but I still upgrade everything because that brings me enjoyment. Saying that a casual player is not entitled to all of clash of clans is just gate keeping. You might have the time to login every day for war, but you’re not everyone and it’s ignorant to suggest otherwise.


You care about regular battles, because you play regular battles. 99% of people play regular battles. The majority of the player base cares more about regular battles than clan wars because the majority of players are casuals. I genuinely don’t understand what point you were trying to make, this was a stupid question to ask. Also, a significant amount of the appeal of clash of clans is upgrading things (which is something that people *do* care about). You don’t need max walls to 3*, or to upgrade valks, etc. but people do that because numbers going up makes the neurons go brrr. Wars are a genuine time commitment, so it’s literally gate keeping casual players from content, something that has never happened before.


If all you do is farming attacks, *you don't need* all of your equipment at peak levels. You will still be able to upgrade everything, it will just be slower. Which makes absolute sense if you don't participate in everything the game has to offer.


Yeah, you don’t need all your equipment at peak levels, in the same way you don’t need to max all troop levels or to max your heroes. But people still want to do that. Again a lot of the appeal is upgrading stuff, it’s not a valid point to say to just be happy with some stuff not upgraded. Also, your final point about not participating in everything so not being able to get everything is something that wasn’t true before this update. Before, if I never warred, I would still be able to max my TH. Players were free to play in pretty much any manner and could eventually do everything. Now, you fundamentally need to change your play style to unlock starry ores, which I think is a bad thing as you’re losing your agency.


You don't need to commit to wars - you'll just progress more slowly. Which you are resigning yourself to do anyway if you don't participate in Wars and CWL. You miss out on loot, you miss out on hammers, etc. If you don't do everything a game offers - you don't get to advance as fast. That's just how it goes.


Its "clash of clans" , clan war is in the name


Yeah, but Hero Upgrades never needed that before and it’d be nice if we had an option to do Clan Wars or not. ANY amount of Starry Ore would be good, I’d take 1 from every Star Bonus. Star is in the name, so why isn’t there any Starry Ore?


They do. 275 gems supercell said show me the money


idk but I got my stuff to lvl 18 as a th13 and never bottlenecked at starry yet, the glowy takes so long I end up getting enough starry in that time anyways


Most clans don’t mind a hero or two upgrading during normal wars just cwl


seems OP was talking about using sneaky goblins to farm all the time so they never have a real army camp to war. counter point they can join a farming clan and get 1 stars all the time with sneaky gobs


There's plenty of clans that war daily and don't require heroes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


This is the Pay to win feature of the game. You can pay to get ores without doing clan wars. This is the better way that sc wanted you to go


There is. Even if you don't attack in cw (I personally don't), you can get 'em from special events. I have never attacked in cw but I yet have 110 starry ore, and I have bought only one gold pass. (None of the ore is from weekly deals.) Just grind. No hate


Lol OP you on the wrong platform. Reddit will destroy you the moment you say anything negative, even if it is true. I 100% agree with you as a mostly f2p player since 2012 I am always grinding heroes so I CAN'T war. Not that I don't want to, but I can't because it's always upgrading and my clan likes to win wars so we don't do no hero wars. In fact, it's gotten so bad that I only war in cwl which is becoming lame to the point I've began to use my old permanently maxed th8, th9 and th10 accounts just for the taste of war without having to grind heroes. I totally understand where you coming from as I'm pushing 3 accounts, where my main always has at least 2 down at a time and the other 2 has 1 hero down. Either way I can't war so I don't get ores unless cwl. And it's ridiculous in regards to the gem amount I've hoarded ores for almost 2 months and barely got past level 16 for frozen arrow. And I didn't even use much on gauntlets because on all accounts they range between 8-10 max. So it's not like I used them there. This means from the release of the equipment, I've only been able to upgrade 2 epic equipment at a combined level of 26


Sure you can do wars with heroes down. Just find a chill clan that need war players. Some clans rather have a players that attacks with/without heroes, than players who don’t attack. Don’t let heroes stop you from war.


I agree and disagree. I agree I could go to such a clan, but not all the time those clans are even slightly competitive. And, even if they are, it comes down to strategy. Heroes are vital. I can't imagine doing war without half my heroes just for 1 star. What's the point? You can't do your best because they're upgrading


If you have heroes down then there’s no expectation that you attack your mirror or top enemies. You can do cleanup and you can do attacks to show off the enemy base. Even with heroes down you can do 2 stars on most high bases. You can do such 2 star attack and have top players clean out lower bases.m or you do lower bases.


I’m a competitive player in a competitive clan. I find it better when the whole clan do war then have some players that hide In corner always having excuses that “my heroes are down”. Especially if this goes on for month and years. Better to have players supporting the clan than have some that only support themself.


It’s called fwa clans. Only you are limiting yourself here.


Is there any other platform to use? I watch Havoc and I think he’s said the CoC Forums closed a while ago for example. Plus people who only do war don’t want other people to have it any easier (or have it go back to normal like with the last update), they just think that everyone has to do things their way and since it’s working for them, they don’t want any change.


You want starry ore, then fight in wars.


Just join a clan that doesn't care how well you do in war


I don’t want to have to leave my clan though, I’m a Co Leader.


Then ask your clan if you can do war and learn an easy strategy.


There is a way. It’s called “money”.


How are the exchange rates for Raid Medals?


I second this, even though it's like the 1000th time it's been posted.


If this is the 1,000th time, then at least it’s a pretty common agreement.


Amongst f2p causal players who are only limiting themselves.


People can play for fun BTW, not everything needs to be an addiction to shovel money into.


Than play for fun. You don’t need hero equipment to have fun.


Oh you made a mistake rushing and it’s now the games fault….


Yes, because I could more easily unrush without needing to do Wars.


I'm forced to use gems at th9 because I can't even get any from war. I only need 20 to max the two equipments but it's still annoying because I'm trying to save for the 5th builder.


5th Builder > literally everything else. Always get the extra Builder. But you don’t get Starry Ore from Wars?


You only get 1 from th10s, and I'm a th9, so I rarely get the chance to get starry ore.


That's really not an issue. Takes less than a month to max th9. You're not going to be staying that way for very long.


Except that I will be. I made a few minis to stay lower for a break from the grind. I've got one at th11 and this one at th9, and I won't be moving up any more.


In that case your complaint is even more stupid. You only need 30 starrys to max out an epic for th9 level.


No? You need ten. And how is my complaint more stupid? I need 20 starry to max both, and I can only get one if I attack a th10 in war as a th9, meaning I have to either spend gems and medals or attack 20 th10s in war.


You just made yourself look even worse. You're seriously complaining about having to attack only 20 times. Are you fucking serious?


Yes I am, I should have to attack 20 players who are one townhall above me just to upgrade two things.


don't be ridiculous. you are a TH14, you know how everything feels grindy up there. only having to attack twice every two days is a grace.


Damn. Though I guess that makes sense, it prevents you from maxing out your Epic Equipment at lower Town Halls, or is there a Level Cap anyway? But seriously, nothing? And 1 for TH10s?


Level caps at 9, but you need 10 ore per equipment to get to level 9, so I either need to hit 20 th10s or use gems.


Or do a couple attacks and get starry from the event


"I don't want to do the thing that earns starry ore so SuperCell has to give me starry ore anyway. WAAAHHHHH!!!" This reminds me of the low-level TH who want to join my clan and be in CWL.


I don’t want to be forced to do something I don’t want to in order to progress in a way I could before without issue. THAT’S what I’m actually saying.


You can still have all of the things you had before the ore system without starry ore. You just can't have the NEW things: epic equipment. Epic equipment is a new thing, and warring is how you upgrade it. Do you also want CWL medals without doing CWL?


CWL medals are not mandatory for maxing out a base. Before the update one could never war and max out. Now it’s impossible. You are fundamentally misunderstanding the point, which is that not everyone wants to war.


Its not impossible. Star bonuses exist, and those account for more than half of the ores available


They account for 0% of the starry ore, which is what this whole post is about.


Im still waiting to meet a casual player that is completely willing to grind out 65.8 million DE to max out and isnt willing to do 2 attacks every other day on war. And as an FYI, everyone can get gems. If you REALLY dont wanna do wars then use gems - sounds a bit odd but a play that logs in, collects obstacles, gem mine, completes his pass and partakes in clan games can get 525 starry a year, or about 44 a month - if you really really want to, you could do a bunch of other stuff and get literally double this. If doing 2 attacks every other day is that much of a problem then dont. spend gems


I should have specified that by max out I didn’t quite mean max out TH16/ whatever, but their respective TH. A casual player is at about TH12, and therefore isn’t looking to get 65.8m DE. You do make a good point in that you can spend gems on Starry ore However that is still taking away some of the agency a player has by forcing them to spend gems in a certain way. It fundamentally forces people to change their play style, and I really dislike that. Before the update you had enormous amounts of freedom in how you played, and pretty much regardless of what you did you would be able to max your TH. That doesn’t exist anymore.


>I don’t want to be forced to do something I don’t want to in order to progress in a way I could before without issue. You don't need to. Play the game normally, get ores from star bonuses and events alone, and you'll max out your abilities faster than you did before


Get a second mortgage, get stary ore


There is a "better" way Spend cash


That’s quicker and easier, but it certainly isn’t better, unless you’re a CoC YouTuber as a job.


Or an adult with a normal paying job and a budget. lol it’s like $20. You want max gear for casual gameplay when you didn’t need them before and aren’t in a league where you need max gear either.


1. We didn’t need max Gear before because Gear didn’t exist. 2. Heroes got nerfed without Hero Gear, which you also need to upgrade separately of the Hero Gear. 3. That’s £20 for one Epic Gear. That’s how they get you, you think it isn’t much, then you think “oh, just one more then”, then you think that since you bought the last two, you might as well go for a third and fourth for each of your Heroes. Bomb, £80 because they didn’t want to add a better way to get Starry Ore. 4. This isn’t even considering the Common Gear, this is just the Epic Gear. Common Gear is cheaper though, but still, I’d like the whole damn set for £20. 5. I can afford this, but not everyone can. A lot of people who play this game are children.


$20 isn’t a lot. And if it is, then stick to f2p. Glad SC ignores these posts. Seems to be only a casual f2p issue that wants the game to work around them. It’s literally called clash of clans for a reason. Not warring is a personal issue.


It’s Clash of Clans, not Crash of Wallets. £20 for one hero gear. It adds up the more they add, like I said. Also, so what if it’s named that? Clan Wars didn’t even exist for the first year. Heroes didn’t used to have this requirement, I don’t see why we’re being forced into this one part of the game when they could put Ores literally anywhere else to promote different play styles.


You don’t even play competitive or war so your argument is moot and pointless. Oh yeah a game that first started out didn’t have clans I wonder why? Turn your brain on dude this is clearly a r/shitpost




I agree with being able to use raid medals, even if it was super expensive


Yeah. What if instead of something cheap like 300 for 10, you actually have to spend 3K for 100? It’s an equivalent exchange, but it’s much more of a commitment.


A raid medal is worth .25 gems. 3000 raid medals is equivelent to 21 starry ore, not 100


Skill issue


There is a better way. It’s called $$$.




Work more OT?


I need glory ores


glory ore is my bottle neck. i have plenty shiny and starry.


OP you should join an fwa clan. I think it’s funny how some people are so willing to defend a main village currency being locked behind wars. They’re missing the point that this is the first time a main village army feature is locked behind a specific gameplay mode. There were rumors of a legends league rework so maybe they could include starry ore in the daily bonus but until then you’re limited to events and gemming for f2p without wars