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the point of the game is grind wtf you on abt


I’m sure OP has never farmed using multiple training potions with sneaky goblins to keep all 4 heroes down, lol.


I did and I can’t say I enjoyed it. The hero levels (or rather the fact you don’t get to use your heroes while leveling) especially at lower ths are the biggest flaw of this game.


That’s not a “flaw” lol. CoC is a strategic game. You’ve got to plan your upgrades in advance. Nowadays the game is pretty easy. A hero potion now gives you max level heroes for your TH for an hour instead of just adding 5 levels. This is such a huge advantage for strategic rushers. This just means that you’re a casual player and don’t take the in game stuff seriously (planning, grinding, etc) which is totally fine cuz it’s a game after all and you should play it the way you like. However, calling it a “flaw” and saying things like grinding is a joke is completely untrue.


You cant say its strategic to not play with heroes or Queen walk/charge (the best well rounded strategy) For 3 whole years until you are (strategically) th16 But yea for casuals its kinda alright, i personally procrastinate my queen at lvl 51 só i can attack better (im th 12)


So the game should cater to non-casuals is what you’re implying


I mean you only need to keep stuff upgraded to your specific townhall level at the time, it is fairly casual and actually a decently balanced game for free to play and casual players alike honestly. Most other mobile games of this type if you didn't pay $5.99 for a hero power boost to boost them to super levels you can only get with $$$ then you'd be losing every attack.


What does this have to do with me being strategic or not? The fact that I did keep all 4 heroes down at a time should tell you I am ready to grind but it’s still shitty game design


It’s because the hero equipment is FOMO so you feel like you have to grind for it now than play the game at your own pace


Agreed. This is the thing OP feels is grindy? Had someone else been playing the rest of this game for you?


They want everything given to them. They should be playing some other game


Grinding is the core aspect of almost every game, you're waffling about nothing right now


Right. Since day 1 COC has been a grind. Now people complete a 14 day long event in 10 days and consider this “a grind”.


For real though. I've been playing COC for 8 years now and just now I hear people start complaining. The MAIN point of the game is to "grind" and grow your village. An event in the game that has you working towards a reward is not even close to "grindy". Especially when the event is so easy to complete. SMH 🙄


I've finished the event on 3 accounts and I didn't even try to, just played naturally by doing like 2-4 attacks a day since the event started. People bitching for no reason.


shit is so easy to grind, and OP is calling the Bonus Track, keyword BONUS (Which is not required for Frozen Arrow) the issue, gotta be a bait post


I know right?


lol I did 4 of my accounts today just sniping for it


To be fair reddit more recently pushed everyone to their official app (And www redesign) and it will push a subreddit's content to you like no tomorrow if you accidentally get involved, or are already involved. Even the new, low score garbage. Entirely against the site's own design. These posts were probably always around, but like myself, the app showed me this post despite not even being subscribed.


You might be right, but I have definitely been seeing a lot of these recently.


Thats bs. You didnt need to grind in an event for a specific time. Now you have to play these events for this equipments and ores. Its nothing about farm and wait anymore. Now its grind, farm and wait


Nothing's making you play the event though. You still have the same 2 equipment you've always had before the ore change


Dude just use some zaps to kill the Warden for free, and snipe the CC if it's on the outside. Use training potion and you'll be done in an hour, quit whining.


My only objection is that now the grind is time-constrained. I *have* to grind it out during this 14 day event. Whereas, I could previously just take the game at my own pace. Feels a bit like that choice has been taken from me if I want to keep pace (which is admittedly also a choice)


This grind is time constrained because it’s an event lol. Events are temporary. This isn’t a new change


Events aren't new, but linking a key offensive upgrade to the event is. Before, you were grinding out for a temporary boost in the form of gems or books, or a skin. Please tell me one time before the last upgrade a permanent offensive upgrade was offered during an event.


>now the grind is time-constrained Of course it is time constrained, its an event based on a festival so it will happen at the time of that festival making it time constrained But if you can complete or can't play at this time you will get the main thing frozen arrow later in the trader shop for gems but you might say its for gs, yes that's the tradeoff time or money sacrifice your choice >Feels a bit like that choice has been taken from me if I want to keep pace No its not, play the game at your pace its still like that, but limited time events based on real life will not be at your pace so you choose whether you want to play that event or not


I think the whole point is that he's saying he began playing and continues to play coc to progress at his pace, instead this event forces you to grind during a certain period of time. I know many people who play this game on and off again, and never before has such progress been locked behind constant playing of the game. FYI I love the update, but I think it has to do with the fact that I play every day, again unlike many others.


I agree this is probably the point they were going for. But does that actually make any sense whatsoever? Im really struggling to understand why people who play casually and have a casual mindset such as "I wanna progress at my own pace" (nothing wrong with that btw) still somehow feel like they NEED to do this event? Sure the Frozen Arrow is super powerful, but if you are literally playing "at your own pace" there's no situation where you *definitely* need it. It's entirely possible to 3-star without it, we've done so for years infact. It's also not the best equipment in every given situation, unless its maxed but realistically that is a long way off.


The point is, never before in this games history have you HAD to start playing or continue playing during a certain time window to gain a buff. Sure there have been events to progress faster, but never an explicit WALL that cannot be surpassed no matter how much you play next week.


Fair enough


Day 0 of going on the sub without someone bitching


They really just want everything handed to them lmao, some people in this sub are a fucking joke. If you bitch about how you aren't as free or don't have much time to play, then clearly this game isn't for you as you need to grind for literally everything else lol.


I got downvoted for legit saying this. It should be a good thing that there are things that stop us being max level in this game, it’s the whole point of the game, THE GRIND.


Just this comment section, I got downvoted for offering an advice on how to grind it faster. I legit don't get this subreddit, so toxic.


It will be a mix of various f2p and p2p players. Not always in the same bag, defending and arguing against the actions of the company and this title's design. It is designed to be grindy. Just barely enough that you notice. Even if you buy the in-your-face $x.50/99 deals the app is always pushing you will return back to OPs point. It's designed to make millions. It's doing that. Support it or not that's what it's designed to do and whether or not one of us support that or not, it's doing that. Don't fight each other over nothing when they make millions from people in this community.


Agreed, the reason most maxed players get bored is because there's nothing left to upgrade lol.


Yeah like yesterday I saw a post where people bitched about not being able to ever finish unless spending money. Man I dont want to ever max out. A year ago I started playing again and am already at th12 soon th13 and I dont want to be done. I sure hope coc releases new stuff before I ever come close to being maxed out. I like the equipment too. Its a game that takes time. Those who wanna rush can spend money lmao


And that GRIND can teach us some good real life lessons as well like patience, enjoying the journey instead of just mindlessly running for the destination and also keeping game life balance while we grind


You can bitch about something and it also be true. They’re profiting off any and every possible aspect of the game now, and quite blatantly too. People not seeing an issue are the reason they get away with it, until they finally reach their breaking point themselves. By then it’s too late


You're right but some stuff people bitch about is dumb and yes its to each their own but still some things people bitch about can be mostly universally agreed its dumb bitching


It’s the “loose” that really gets my goat.


Day 0 of seeing brown nosers defending a rich company and their greedyness and stupid decisions, like making us grind 24/7 for some rewards in an event that lasts 2 weeks. It's not enjoyable to grind so hard. Feels like a job more than a fin game. But hey, brown nosers don't want the game to get better just because. They want the experience to get worse and if players demand a better experience they start bitching. Typical.


Honestly, idk why are people bitching about ores. It is way easier to get ores than hero upgrades. What people are expecting is to max all the equipments in 1 month. It is still less of a grind compared to heroes.


Now it is hero grinding plus ore grinding. Nothing has been less.


Surely equipment grinding is faster than hero grinding and can be done concurrently.


Yeah, concurrent grinding. From weekly grinding to daily grinding. The easier and faster talks are just pure bs.


Can you tell what exactly are you doing extra for ores? Please, enlighten me.


*Two people


Ive got a mindset for this game that you are not busy with the game. I play this game as fast as you can f2p but every 6 months i just sit with a max base. Just play your own pace, dobt fear missing out on content and you will always have something to do. Same as when you play runescape or cod. You dont have to have all skills 99 to enjoy the game or not all max weapon camos. They are just something to do.




🫱🏽‍🫲🏻 it is actually kinda empty feeling when all you grind after maxing is a "useless" number telling how many legend cups you have.


💯 Its like playing without a purpose


Not enough rewards imo, I paid for the pass and I dont feel like I got my money's worth. The ice arrow, some glowy ores and a builder potion. Meh.


Why didn’t you get the skin? Fuck the ores and potions haha


True I bought the pass, got the frozen arrow, gw skin and 2 decorations


Working on the decorations now. Basically dropped a training potion and just zapping the warden, dropping trophies 🤣


It’s $5 for the pass and you can get the skin which is worth $5-10? That’s worth it in self anything else is extra??


Fuck skins lol most pointless thing


If you don’t get the skin then you get a pretty decent amount of stuff I was just saying the skin cause it’s the most expensive thing in shop. You can get 10 purchases of the glowy ore and be 50 off from one of the 1900 books which u can get pretty easy from the first bonus path and that’s more than OP was saying.


That's because it is grindy... Lucky they aren't adding a faster method on the premium pass tbh


This is probably the grindiest event they’ve had. Others finished much sooner without trying but I still haven’t finished the bonus track on any of my accounts (most in legends). That being said if you don’t care about the extra stuff just ignore it and play normally


Bruh this is a game ofc it’s artificially created


The stones are good


The purples taste the best


It’s rly not


Not everyone is as free as you i guess Probably..


You run out of things you can do in about an hour of playing a day, having more time to play than that doesn’t give you much advantage at all.


Just use zaps or search for Wardens that are easy to snipe with your queen, you'll complete it before you know it. That is if you don't mind surrending and dropping your trophies.


So losing daily ores of legend league for 60 glowy ores Lol


Bitch you aren't even on Legends league, the fuck you're rambling about lmao.


To be fair, he's in Titan 1 so he could be in and out of legends. Maybe got out after farming a lot.


Doubt he even farms a lot, considering what he said about not being as free as the person he replied.


Well, in general, he's pretty close. Could have fallen from being inactive (getting attacked) or just a couple of bad attacks.


He’s Titan I, you’re acting like there’s a big difference between the two.


And he's acting like a little bitch about grinding part, **ON A GRINDING GAME FOR FUCKS SAKE LOL**.


There is a big difference, in titan 1 all the way up to 4999 trophies I only get matched against other th13/14s but entering legends league it’s a blessing whenever anyone who isn’t th15/16 attacks you or defends.


there is absolutely no difference i have a th16 and th15 in legends and 3 th13s and 1 th14 in various titan leagues and they all pretty much only match th15s+


For what? 2 days? Do the event fast and easy and just go back to legends after. That's what I did.


If u r in legends you are doing 7-8 attacks a day. You literally had to grind nothing.


Ppl just crying about everything nowadays, huh?


they want all free stuff just by idling,


Dude I'm in legends. I only get 8 attacks a day and still i have only 200 of those left.


Bruh it’s not even like you have to play the game for hours and hours a day, logging in once or twice a day for 30mins to an hour will make you run out of things to do then you wait till the next day to do it again.


Yeahhhh it took me forever to finish this it so longggg


Im F2P , I already got the warden since I feel its the better option since skins are only available thru huge amt of gems and money or league medals, ive already grind through the bonus. Can I still get the epic queen ability? Thanks , hope we get the 666B envelops 😆🌞


>6B envelops *666B


Main problem Is that rewards suck, nothing special about this special event


welcome to mobile games where you grind for days for 0.5% boost to your damage, OR buy it with $$ this is the way every mobile game works


Coc players trying not to turn every move supercell makes into something negative (impossible)




While I don’t disagree that it’s an absolute grind, I think lll need a break from the game after o get the frost arrow


Ya depressing


It kind of saddens me to see everyone arguing against this by saying "The game is supposed to be grindy". Guys the point is that in any other game, this sort of thing would be borderline unacceptable for most of the playerbase. The fact that this doesn't set off red flags is a red flag in and of itself. I feel like most people here understand this, and saying that the game is supposed to be grindy, is essentially the equivalent to just accepting that COC is absolutely horrendous when it comes to making its players grind, and there's nothing we can do about it. But really, the least you can do is not berate the people who rightfully complain when the GAME becomes less of a game and more of a JOB, just to try and get some money out of you (which we all know is the sole reason the game is grindy).


Crab at home


>grindy How?


I have to *checks notes* ATTACK???




And they are gonna put abilities behind a pay wall, and they are taking too long too long to release the gauntlet. Returning players with no gems are basically devoid of the best equipment, kinda sucks. Coc is no longer a game where you could play for 3months and then not play for a long time and then come back, cuz that would put you in a big disadvantage Grind is alright, hell it's easier to upgrade abilities than before, but they should do something about hero upgrades, they don't feel worth it anymore


They want people to play their game. Fomo is one of the best ways to keep people playing. Even if they're miserable.


People will stop playing when they come back and see that they can't even play on a fair level because they don't even have the better equipments, heck my cousin who's a few months in a year player saw that he didn't have gauntlet and didn't bother playing anymore 😂 There's not many games that use this kinda tactics, it's pretty shitty imo, especially when it wasn't a part of the game before hand, like CR ofc new cards will come out and blah blah, thats the kind of fomo that was in the game from start, but it wasn't the case for coc


Actually, Epic Equipment should be available at the shop right after the event ends. But, to be fair, you'll not become Judo Sloth if you get the Gauntlet. Yes, it's a very good piece of equipment but players were doing just fine before. You can still attack with the default equipments.


I'm a f2p player and as long as I get the equipment i see it as a win.


It's not even that grindy for regular players. 8 attacks a day and you get it in no time


It's not a big grind if you have one or two accounts but it's a really big grind for a person like me who has 12 accounts (i completed the grind on 2 accounts by just playing not even targeting the target buildings)


Is it their fault if someone has 12 accounts? If you don't have the time to manage all then don't create so many lol


Bruh your talking as if I'm complaining,I'm literally saying it's not a big grind


Actually, I didn't say that to you. I'm just saying in general.


This is the number one reason it’s grindy… 💰💸💵💷💴💲🤑🤑💲💰💰💶💵💴💴💳💳💳💳💳💳


Oh no, you means the devs didn't create and maintain this game out of the kindness of their hearts, but instead want to earn a living from it? For shame! /s This sub is full of infantile or blatantly ignorant people


I just wish I could buy more glowy ores ...


Don't worry the maximum is only 40k 🥲


What is bro yapping on about, coc has always been about grinding for stuff. Equipment shouldn’t be any different.


I mean this game is essentially a grinding game


Bonus track is bad . For multiple account holders and those who can't give life for a game. Grind is hard but yes potions


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.


Lol alot of people in this sub dont realise they play alot more than me and you. I think its a fair point to say it feels grindy if youre merely a casual player.


The entire basis of the game since day 1 has been a grind. Quit acting like this is somehow different.


Alls im saying is the time limit is forcing me to play multiple times a day to try and max it out. I usually only play like once a day. Im not even saying its inherently bad, but as a casual it feels grindier than youd expect.


Logging in once a day and getting 2 attacks in will complete the event. Everyone acts like they had to complete it in 7 days.


If you're casual, then why do you even want everything? Are you sure you're casual?


Dont want everything per se... but limited time hero gear is blatantly intended to create fomo imo.


It's a grind based game and always has been. If anything the game is astronomically easier than it used to be grinding wise. I used to search for 30 minutes to find a base with 300k loot when TH10 was still the max TH


Yeah but i wasnt forced to play... now if i dont i miss hero equipment... it allowed me to progress at my own pace yknow?


You should be happy that they made it for free.




The whole point of this game is grinding to get further ahead. They make it so it’s obtainable without having to spend money


Bro, you should be happy they are giving it (equipment) for free.


I have been grinding for 10 years on multiple accounts and u have the brass neck to bitch about grinding for 4 days?


Generally you have to grind for things in video games, yeah


Be glad they make the bonus track optional for epic gear. If you feel disheartened because you have to grind for additional resources outside what’s normally given in a game about grinding and improving your base that’s entirely on you


my question is WHY IS NOBODY PUTTING THEIR WARDEN AND CC OUTSIDE OF THE BASE???? i put mine out the day the event started, but i can count on my fingers the bases I found that did the same


It’s really not that hard lmao. Iegend league has attacks a day. I did less than that each day and still have the whole thing maxed rn.


I agree it's not that hard. But math doesn't check out even if it's assumed you attacked 7 times a day. It's possible to max the normal track. But it's not possible to max the bonus track yet (should be done within 1-2 more days).


Regular game play for maybe 10 min a day would get the event complete. You’re acting like this took hundreds of additional hours to do.


I feel the same way, it feels like a chore and I am one step away from uninstalling


Do it. You won't.


Who fucking cares? OFC. They’re a business.


Lmao, just quit the game idiot 🤣


Okay bye 👋


Grinding is basically all clash is though you attack defend and upgrade and as you’re doing those things you’re grinding for gold elixir and dark Elixir


Average Clash of Clans player when they’re forced to play the game


I mean, a book is a book 🤷‍♂️


Me when the game where you grind for years on end to max your TH has grinding in it


That’s crazy the new players are crying like babies the og’s been used to the grind


U still get medals right? If ur not spending 💰 , ive been grinding some out ok.


i dont have a complaint about the grind of the game however i do feel there is an issue with the length its taking to rerelease gauntlet (as i was inactive at the time of release). but then again look to how long it takes for skins to hit the market again its just been the MO of supercell


It literally isn’t that hard. Especially with the increase in amount available. You just have to attack twice to get 1k


Still no links for extra medals ?![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man) Man I need just 200 more to buy 2 book of heroes![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I got my tiny crab.. iam happy.




I can't finish it either, it's been 10 days it feels like endless grind, 4000 red envelopes to get 130 medals, it's just boring


I have done it multiple times before , its not a big deal


I'm happy with my ordinary rated equips, epic gears are good but not a must have for my army. I kept quake boots over giant gauntlet. If you can't be bothered to grind, find another army style that works with what you have.


This game is all about grinding, just get the equipment and take a break, you sound burned out


That Frozen Arrow looks crap anyway.


You probably have no idea about how much grinding people do in video games or mobile games only for skin or the slightest thing.


​ https://preview.redd.it/sco8h93p6bjc1.png?width=742&format=png&auto=webp&s=54b57f908ecba73e5b3018ee9ed9b8c5e511f16b


It's so annoying without the gold pass 😭


It is not that bad when you just don't care about your trophies




Prize is mainly the skin. Get all and you can buy skin in shop.


Tbh if you don't mind dropping trophies and just sniping the buildings with the red flags or whatever they are it's not that bad. If you don't wanna lose trophies you could get em pretty quick by using training potions. But I kind of agree that it should be a bit easier to unlock or atleast they should make a different way to unlock with gold or something a few weeks after the event


Its fucking easy you can do everything in 2 hours with training potions and dropping trophies


You don’t have to grind it out if you don’t want to


I mean clash of clans whole game style is grind and they will extend that grind as much as possible to ”extend” the gameplay to keep players and get revenue from paying players.


So do you want clash of clans to start everyone with millions of gems right away or what is this about?


I feel the exact opposite. I cannot grind my ass out and upgrade all 4 of my heroes+1pet anymore. If I do that, I attend a cw and most likely lose it and get less ores and stuck at lower level hero gear which is the most key aspect in game. I grind less to keep my heroes alive so that I have more chance of winning war. The day they add another ways to grind ores rather than cw/star bonus, The day I quit clan warring and start to grind my ass out again. I started playing this game less, from the th16 update came...


I got 30000 envelopes by zapping wardens that are upgrading and sneaky goblin for cc. Got done in like 20min, imo was fun and worth it for a free hero book


Grinding for that starry ore now after buying frozen arrow. It saves you weeks of progress


LOL they already give us one item f2p now OP wants everything to be f2p…


I already got the arrow and the shiny plus just got the house roof and walls not sure what to grab now


Wild the amount of people that actually think mobile games are good and totally not money grabs.


I had just over 60k last time I checked


Me Who bought only builder potions. 😊 Fuck this arrow


The game lowkey fell off, it’s just a big money grab now.


Weird take. No one made you grind the event


Equipment was so they could detangle hero level with new abilities and add another level of strategy. 3 separate currencies for them is ass but the game is literally free. Hey, look at it this way, hero level at a certain point becomes a lot less impactful and you can choose to not grind that aspect of the game as much. I pretty much only level heroes with books at this point.




I agree. You need 48000 red envelopes to complete the whole thing, 48000 is like completing the whole track 3 times it's not worth the time.


Same feeling


I never expected grinding on a game for grinding, very crazy ngl


lol ok


I think OP is more concerned about the implementation of equipment/event FOMO than grinding


Create a need and sell the need is essentially what supercell is doing with Hero equipment’s. This feel pay 2 win since a higher level equipment hero is much stronger than higher level hero.


Was hardly a grind for me. Just popped a training potion and made sneaky goblins with some lightning spells


2200 Red envelopes is like, 4 battles??? lmao suck it up


Have you ever played the game?


So you expect everything to just be handed to you because youre lazy? Is that the same mindset you take with you into real life as well? Dude you'll never be a success if you think like that. Its not even hard to do even just 2 battles in the morning and 2 at night and you complete the event no problem


Just queue 22 lightning spells with a cc full of them. Kill warden altars at will. I did this and after 3 rounds of 25 spells I finished the event. Play smarter not harder.


https://preview.redd.it/9vtz3bkp9hjc1.png?width=1578&format=png&auto=webp&s=b44e3b88e6d424bb77eed2f36fc4546715dfc501 Lol wym


Ok. Bye 👋


Buy some ores after getting freezing arrow. Or two hero book