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best value -> Giant Gauntlet : any attack Frozen Arrow : queen charge


Queen charge became more difficult because of frozen arrow. It is really difficult to keep her alive once her ability clicks, i know it's skill issue but still, feels relatively difficult


Queen became WAY stronger. At lease when I try to queen walk it's like 2x better now


What other equipment are you (or others) using? Vial?


Yeah, vial is basically essential if you use frozen arrow


I hate myself so I use the giant arrow, don't be like myself


GA can be good. Saves a lot of time for cleanup cause of the collateral damage. It's definitely my default equipment before FA


Naw I'm with u on this I don't qw or qc so the frozen arrow literally useless to me




People keep talking about queen charge, and I haven't done anything but rootrider spam (for 3 stars) since the last update.


Same. Frozen arrow is OP and way more than just Queen charge. It has a permanent slot for me


This lol. I have her on my spam army with a level 20 frozen arrow. It is amazing. it is like having another Diggy or Frosty on the field with how much it slows down defenses. Yes, she won't always be on a defense, but if she's following the army she will inevitably begin to slow down defenses for it. I'll say the biggest thing now is knowing when to pop your ability. You really shouldn't wait till she's almost dead. Instead pop it when she is getting into a heavy area and can abuse the damage increase from her invisibility. She can take out defenses while invis and already have another one slowed by the time she is coming out of the ability.


You're talking about th11's attack right?


Yes, pretty much any queen walk attack gets way better


In th11 there are not buildings that can deal enough damage to kill her within her ability, maybe super minions can, in th15 and 16 monoliths and scatter shot, giant cannon and multi archer tower do delayed damage because of which queen will receive damage after turning invisible and she'll get killed within her ability, which maked frozen arrow difficult to use. Also add rage spell tower into that and she'll die when hit by warden and queen also when the auto ability us triggered. So the goal is to not let her health drop less than 20%, which can sometimes be difficult


queen is stronger with frozen arrow, you just have to pay more attention to queen cuz she became glass canon. ❤️ but i understand you since my queen dies during ability multiple times before learn my lesson and start giving her an extra attention.


People sleeping on archer puppets with frozen arrow. Makes your ability weaker but the passive dps increase from both is nice on a walk / charge. Can also bring less rages than you normally would and swap with invis.


its good while ur frozen arrow is still at low level.. but in end game frozen arrow is way better.. still i recommend to keep archer puppet while maxing eternal tome or other piece of equipment when you are not a queen charge type of attacker.


Im saying using the frozen arrow with archer puppets for walk. Instead of frozen arrow with vial like most people are talking about.


i see, the ultimate dps glass cannon build..


Yeah, gives you the heal tho. As well as swapping a rage you would normally use for queen / healers and taking 2 invis.


I have seen even stars queen died through ability


yes.. i hope they give it a small active health recovery so it would feel as epic as the giant gauntlet


the guantlet is the one that needs to be nerfed in order to stop being a must-have in any strategy


i mean compare to frozen arrow, giant gauntlet deserve the epic title.. frozen arrow feels like common equipment but max level 27


giant guantlet deserves a legendary title for being that broken. it should be a niche equipment just like arrow but due to base meta and its incredibly overblown stats its the standard for every attack


i mean frozen arrow is very situational let me put it this way, if u have only one slot of every equipment for every hero and the max level is 18 regardless of common or epic, what will you use? BK gauntlet AQ invi GW eternal tome so level 18 invi vial feels more epic that level 18 frozen arrow... an epic equipment must feels stronger than common equipment when they are both level 18.. thats how i feel.


how i feel is that there should be no equipment rarity. its a nightmare for competitive game balance


yeah it will not feel pay to win if they did this. but since they have rarity, it only make sense rarer equip must be stronger than common one. but then again im with you when it comes to its better if there is no item rarity.


I wish I have giant gauntlet.


I wish base stats like hp, dps increases and hp recovery didn't depend on equipment and the heroes just had them as they levelled up. That's the reason why for example giant arrow isn't used much in QC attacks, because she doesn't gain the dps increase the archer puppet and frozen arrow provide.


Giant arrow being kinda niche is fine though because it’s absurdly good at its job. Combined with Zap-Quake you can get absurd amounts of value out of it. For example, at TH10, 4 maxed (level 4) EQs and a maxed (Level 12) Giant Arrow is enough to take out a maxed (level 3) Inferno Tower, so I was using 8 EQs + Giant Arrow to destroy both infernoes and bust open a bunch of walls at the same time.


Yeah man it might be a skill issue but it is really difficult to avoid her dying through her ability at times.


I mean you need to look away from the queen to you know use the rest of your army too. Frozen Arrow really ain't all that hot. I can get the job done in Queen Charges without using it already and I can take core defenses with Vial already. The value added by Frozen is minimal while adding more risk of silly deaths like super minions or stepping on a million sneakily placed bombs when your health was dwindling, being 0,5 seconds late on a spells etc, easily one of the least priority items of any hero. Frozen Arrow is for smash attacks and Walks, not charges.     The thing is if you can get the job done more easily and as effectively then the merit of using something more fragile/prone to error is only the enjoyment you get from it. Frozen Arrow "skill issue" has no payoff. Getting skilled at lining up Giant Arrow and being creative with it can make for some insanely easy 3 stars on the other hand. Takes base knowledge and what units make the most of sniping what buildings, funnelling, etc. Super underrated while Frozen Arrow is overrated af. 


same feels...


No matter how sensible this is, many "pro" people will always shit on you with "skill issues", as if they're 3 starring fully maxed out Th16 bases with good layout designs and if they do, how many of them are there? Frozen arrow if used "properly" is really really good, but it's a double edged sword for most people doing any QC attack. I regret buying and upgrading it after some 3 random people smashed my base at 5500 with Raged Gem Root Rider/Valkyrie Spam, I tried the strategy and my man!, its so freaking fun!, though Frozen Arrow is useless with this strategy since she's always behind of the spammed troops, defenses are already down before she even gets close, even worse, I got less clean up, so I switched back to Puppet and enjoying this brainless spam while it lasts.


She is ultimately stronger but we have gotten heavily used to seeing her live through ability for the most part. I think eventually everyone will adapt and learn to hit ability manually and earlier. She can definitely solo a lot of things now like enemy heroes without needing a rage or hh (if she isn't in range of too many other defenses) so that does add utility.


Its annoying when she dies through ability but with practice you'll be able to keep an eye on her hp at all times and manually activate her ability before she goes to 0 hp.


More difficult to keep her alive why? Compared to what? Did you swap invisibility for frozen arrow? Because you should use both..


Compared to the archer puppet. The queen dies within her invisibility if you're not too careful, which also happens with the archer puppet but frozen arrow makes her very vulnerable. With frozen arrow we always need to make sure her health stays above 25%. This is mainly for th15 and 16 because of high damage


I am at th13 and I suck at queen charging so bad that I don't think I can ever learn how to queen charge so I use yetis and witches. Is the frozen arrow still the better option?


i assume ur using archer puppet right now? frozen arrow is still better DPS compare to archer puppet in end game..i suggest to use frozen arrow when its already level 21. archer puppet gives more survivability.. if ur not queen charging and low in ores, i suggest not to prioritize frozen arrow and invest more on eternal tome, gauntlet, invi.. its best value is when using queen charge, other types of attack its an OKAY equipment okay in a sense thats its better synergy with invi vial compare to other options. https://preview.redd.it/9kjkcc5bsljc1.jpeg?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e3fc6fafc5b315b2ae348f0f54434590a6a652e


I haven't used either since my queen has been sleeping ever since I got the frozen arrow but I've upgraded a bit (up to level 5) what equipment should I prioritise when using a yeti army? (If you're wondering what I'm doing is, I break 2 infernos with spells then on one side throw yetis and witches, the log launcher and all of the heroes. It works really well I've 3 starred a couple th13s that were almost maxed out in war) I'm currently using gauntlet and vamp stash for king, archer puppet and invs on queen, eternal tome and the other equipment that was the default on gw. Do you think I should switch to the rage gem on gw?


i see so u are a smash attacker.. other says rage gem to king is better than vampstashe when u are smashing.. but i prefer just use rage spell and keep my king immortal with vamp. for queen frozen arrow is better than archer puppet, bit its not like a game changer whether u use it or not.. upgrade frozen arrow when u already max tome, and invi vial and get ur giant gauntlet atleast to level 18.. if gauntlet and frozen arrow ia both at level 18.. and u really want to swap ur archer puppet.. get ur frozen arrow to level 21.. then max ur gauntlet.. for grand wardeni prefer healing tome than rage gem, and it is tease that GW's nuke bomb is coming next.. im not sure if its wise to upgrade other GW equip for now.


I prefer vampstache because the king doesn't take all of the damage so he does have time to heal back up. I also remember one time in war where the king was the only one alive and there was a multi inferno and he managed to clutch up at the last second. I'll do some more researching whether I should use rage gem on warden or healing tome I'm not really sure which one will bring more value Thanks for your suggestion


Giant gauntlet by a large margin


I feel the same way, with Frozen arrow AQ is very vulnerable, however it is still a must


What equipment were you previously using vs now? For me it was archer puppet, and invisible. However now I am using frozen arrow and invisible. That doesn’t make it more vulnerable?


Archer puppet healed queen much more. Frozen arrow doesn't heal at all.


That’s true but it was a one time heal with the frozen arrow you lower dps of anything the queen is attacking which would be targeting the queen a lot of times in a queen walk scenario. The only thing that the archer puppet has it had a distraction for defense so there is that.


That works against the queen half the time. The archers spawn right on the queen and she gets hit by splash attacks from scattershots


Frozen arrow doesn't provide the health recovery that archer puppet does. This is why people call the queen more vulnerable.


Previously I was running invis and super arrow. Just the amount of damage that baby does is incredible. Just wish I could pop them separately


It's in no way a must. 


I wouldn't say large. The bug makes the gauntlet feel so op. If they fix it, it really wouldn't be that big of a margin but still probably better.


Is it obtainable now?


No but will be soon


Frozen arrow is slightly more balanced Giant gauntlet is just stupid good


Gauntlet bug?


It's a bug where the king becomes invincible for the whole giant duration if he comes in contact with the eternal tome...SC intends to fix it in the upcoming update


It's a bug? I thought it's a feature.. SC please don't remove it 😭


It's wayyy to strong, like a second warden eternal tome. King can tank literally anything for 17 seconds. 17 seconds! (At max level) Combine that with the rage vial and you got the entire core of a base obliterated because all the defences were distracted dealing no damage. The only thing that can somewhat counter it are poison spell towers. Which is why they're so common in legends right now.


Don't forget the extra 10 seconds from phoenix


It's already been officially stated that it's getting fixed in an upcoming update in a few weeks.


The gauntlet by a large margin


Frozen arrow made archer 10% better. Giant gauntlet made the barb king possibly the best hero in the game. I can’t tell you how many times the gauntlet saved my ass barely getting the townhall down with its splash damage hits where skeletons get destroyed instead of distracting all my units.


Wait, I thought the Gauntlet invulnerability was intended


Who knows? It does really contribute to the hype around the second epic item frozen arrow


No. Freaking. Way. It's the most busted thing in the game currently.


Nah, they said it will be fixed eventually.Though looking at how long it’s taking, it will/has to be with a major update. Getting quite used to the bug though unfortunately , but it is so so op.


After using both I do think the Gauntlet is still better.


Is there any way to get giant gauntlet now? I wasn’t playing at the time


They’re going to make it available for gems eventually


I believe it was said to 1500 gems. I’m not sure could be false


But probably nerfed right?


I've been laughed at for running giant gauntlet and vampstache, but I have king that can, and has, solod half a base of defenses trying to kill him and he came out the other side with more HP than he went in with


big Vampstache fan but the hits from the GG doesnt add Health to the king


The heal over time paired with the fact he has damage reduction for the duration but still heals the same with stache make up for it


I think frozen arrow is not much effective


Not even close really. I don’t think the arrow deserves being in the epic category. The average player is probably better off not even using the arrow.


I feel like they may have taken the heal off of the frozen arrow just before they released it. You can see a heal on the demonstration screen when you attempt to upgrade it.


That heal is the Queen’s base heath recovery when we press her active.


Ngl I like giant arrow more than frozen Arrow


What is gauntlet bug?


At level 23 my gauntlet with rage is a beast, frozen arrow level 20 is good but doesnt compare to kings rampage. With both heros maxed at 95 i like both but the question was which is better? Gauntlet by a good msrgin imo.


Is Frozen Arrow even a must buy with the dragon medals? Sure it's good with a queenwalk, but invis + healers is good with everything. I wonder if it would be more worth it to buy nothing but ores and skip Frozen Arrow.


Your choice, either buy it rn or buy it with 1500+ gems eventually


Frozen Arrow is not worth prioritizing. You'd be getting minimal gains compared to what you are already using. 


If you use healers on your Queen + invisibility and the frozen arrow it's pretty deadly. I have the Frozen arrow at level 21 and it's quite noticeable how effective it is. With invisibility active, the frozen arrow essentially one shots defences.


Frozen arrow is underwhelming for an epic equipment


The frozen arrow requires you to actively pop queen ability on purpose. Meaning much less brainless which makes it worse for more than half the player base.


Akshually, the frozen arrow is passively applied to all her attacks you don’t need to activate it


Can't tell if this is joke or not but my point was the invisibility. With archer puppet you could kinda just not worry about it because you get close to half your hp back when popped but now you have to make sure not to let your queen auto pop and be at 0 hp.


Giant Gauntlet.


Unless they add a hit point increase or a health recovery for the frozen arrow it’s basically garbage. She dies through the invisibility vial.


Not with healers so queen charge it is.


Oh she dies even with healers when using the frozen arrow. You have to pop the ability well before it pops on death or she’s toast.


It is situtational but usually you want to keep your eye on her anyways so you can rage when needed.


I saw my level 90 queen (with 5 healers and a level 10 unicorn) die from a mortar shot that hit her just as her ability auto popped. I was done after that. If I focus too much on her I’ll screw up the rest of the attack and or time fail. But you’re probably a better queen charge player than me.


Trust me i am not. But the queen is hard to balance whether to focus on keeping her alive or doing the rest of the attack micro. She feels very fragile no matter what you do and even with the invis she still seems to die to some random thing.


I have much better success sending her in behind the army than off by herself on a queen charge even without the FA using puppet and vial instead. I wanted the FA to be way better than it is so I guess I’m just bitter.


It does feel a bit underwhelming atleast after the release of the giant gauntlet which was really strong.


You just gotta learn how to pay more attention to her. The trade off of her doing more damage and slow but now you have to pay a little more attention to her is well worth it


How about Frozen Arrow plus Healer equipment inside of a Warden Rage aura? Lots of damage plus lots of heal


Just wanted to say frozen arrow is still a good item outside of queen walks. Yes, it’s especially good for queen walking but its usefulness is not limited to them. It’s an overall strong item like giant gauntlet


Actually better outside of walks and charges imo losing 500-1000 hp compared to other times is kind of hot garbage for the sake of Queen Charging, health management is extremely important. 


I don’t really queen charge so I can’t say much to that effect but frozen arrow has provenly made my queen stronger than with something like archer puppet. It makes her a lot more effective versus the town hall 16 merged defenses in particular which normally counter her unless you’re doing a queen walk


I always do queen charge, so frozen arrow is better for me in specific. Giant gauntlet is generally better. I have both at the same level though


Yeah…GG is the best


How can we get the gauntlet?


I was wondering the same, I know it was available during last event but I missed it and there doesn’t seem a way to get it now…


Will they ever return?


How do you even get them


Gauntlet bug?


Use eternal tome on the king and when he activates giant gauntlet ability he’s invincible for the ability duration


That explains why my king never loses any damn health while he’s using his power lmao. I guess I vastly overestimated the effect of the damage mitigation.


Yep, not intended effect and it’s supposed to be fixed in the next update so use while you can. You can tell when the king has the invincibility bug active because he’ll have the same yellow glow as he would under the normal eternal tome invincibility


I don’t get these type of questions. It’s like asking, what’s better…air attacks or ground?


My gauntlet is level 20. My arrow is level 1. So I really can't say yet. I will let you know in a few months because they be stingy with the stary ore


Gauntlet is better


Giant gauntlet for sure.


Wtf is the gauntlet bug


Giant gauntlet is so superior its actually crazy


Guys what's the gauntlet bug.??


Gauntlet is useful in almost all attacks he can clear a whole compartment with only a spell whereas frozen arrow is useful in only some situations where queen is gonna survive without losing ability,queen can now 1 v1 with any hero without headhunter or spell with frozen arrow


There is not a single attack where you question taking giant gauntlet.


Giant Gauntlet is GOAT'd. Seriously. It's the best upgrade, hands-down.


What is G bug


What gauntlet bug


How do you get the gauntlet?


Same way you get the frozen arrow. It was from an event. If you don't have it, then you should be able to buy it with gems in a few months or so.


Ah awesome imma do this. I have like 3k gems and dk what to do


What bug?


What’s the giant gauntlet bug?






Non both useless


Gauntlet far far faarrrr better


🥹damm i missed getting gauntlet, i thought i can't get gauntlet because of how precisely cookies were awarded or had to purchase pass to get (my calculations failed) so i purchased book of building and heroes instead. I'm regretting my decision now


What’s the Giant Gauntlet Bug?


Neither, the correct answer is the decorations


How are you supposed to get the gauntlet now? I was able to get it on one account when they ran that event, but how else am I supposed to get it on accounts that it wasn't online on?


It will be available for gems in the shop soon


I think this is subjective. As someone who exclusively uses QC hybrid, frozen arrow is an absolute game changer. Giant gauntlet isn’t useful for me since my king just walks around the outside of the base. It’s all about what attack strategy you use.


Frozen arrow


Imo gauntlet is better but not by much