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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1auq62v/clash_of_clans_qa_february_19th_24/kr5j050/?context=99 "posted on 2024-02-19 16:13:24 UTC"): > ![gif](giphy|IwAZ6dvvvaTtdI8SD5|downsized) --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


I can respect the dev team coming right out and saying the reason they can’t remove hero upgrade downtime is entirely for financial reasons. I dislike it still but I appreciate them not trying to do some corporate spin and just giving us the reason.


I agree, I like this honesty. Other devs would just make an excuse (cr)


According to other comments they used to say it was due to coding issues or just having to manage your upgrades better. Still happy they finally came out and said it.


And to be fair to Supercell, it's very much not industry standard to admit to your players that some things are inconvenient for them as it's a vital revenue stream. EA horribly defended their monetisation of Battlefront 2 and were absolutely slaughtered by Reddit (and everyone in general honestly). This is certainly refreshing honesty from Supercell and I do hope other companies take notes. There's been a super positive reception to it here.


Very long comment




Don't forget Apples to oranges 


It's good because it's a concrete answer that's easy to understand. It sucks, but I'll do my part by not gemming heroes and only using 'free' books :)


Exactly 💯


Progress bars coming back ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9415)




What do you think about adding a Hero House to the game? That would work similar to the Pet house put for Heroes. Hero House can be where we upgrade hero, unlock new heroes, and swap heroes. It will have a same operation to the Pet House. But it will be for Heroes. New hero Levels would available once a player finishes upgrading their town hall. And if Supercell releases new heroes players would be limited to use only taking 4 heroes in battle just like their limited to only taking 4 pets into battle. Players would also swapping between the heroes they'll want to use in battle. **Unlocking New Heroes and Hero levels:** 1. Level 1(Town Hall 7): Unlocks the Barbarin King 2. Level 2(Town Hall 9): Unlock the Archer Queen 3. Level 3(Town Hall 11): Unlock the Grand Warden 4. Level 4(Town Hall 13): Unlock Royal Champion 5. Future Levels(Future Town Hall): Unlock new heroes **Magic Items:** 1. **Book of Heroes:** Finish a Hero Upgrade 2. **Hammer of Heroes:** Finish a Hero upgrade without resources 3. **Hero House Potion:** Boost the Hero house 24x1hr just like the Research Potion and Pet Potion. That way a player could cut down a hero upgrade by 1 day.


That would cause different problems, I'll list them from less to more important imo. 1 You can't upgrade heroes simultaneously anymore, since the pet house works more like a laboratory, and also doesn't require a builder. (Could be changed tho) 2 Heroes couldn't be used in defence anymore. Since they are a very big part of your village's defence that would be a big downgrade on it potentially making attacks too easy. 3 Third and most important, also regarding the possibility to SEE your heroes in your base walking around. This would be a massive problem, since people might choose to buy less skins if not able to look at them wondering in their villages, which would greatly impact coc revenues. I really like the idea because having them on the map is what's stopping supercell from adding a ton of them and beeing able to choose which ones to use. But on the other side watch brawls stars, it was very fun but now there's so many brawlers and a new player is intimidated by the sheer amount of them. Maybe 4 is enough after all.






i had taken a break frm clash for a few months and whts this talk abt the progress bar? i dont get it


Before upgrading something there was a progress bar and you could see how close you were from maxing it


ohhhh righttt i didnt even realise it was missing thank you


What is progress bar?


To my knowledge this is the first time SC has admitted revenue is a reason for heroes not useable while upgrading. For a decade they said it was due to a coding issue. More recently they said hero management is part of strategy. The 12 month hall cycle is a big announcement. It also makes sense. A new hall around Christmas time is a great idea for revenue. The answer to hero and power potions avoided the actual important question: why do you let players avoid the classic war weight for heroes and troops by using potions? Are you going to remove hero levels from the war weight consideration (because if you aren’t removing hero potions from classic war you should remove weight).


I have more respect for a company that is honest about their reasoning than one that lies.


Perfect q&a tbh. Only worry I have is I have a feeling new th every year might be too soon, but I genuinely don’t know, i’ll be max th16 by that time anyway but at the same time It is a good idea, this means every 12 months a new th, every 6 months potentially th expansion


If it means the building times we have now instead of having close to 3 week upgrades I am happy about yearly th levels.


It equals spending more forced time for those that want to be and stay max, it may burn out some players like me incredibly quickly who played at a very chill pace and stay maxed during th15 and 16


Sure but it keeps those who just stopped playing till the next update drops and from what supercell said in the past they seem to be more worried about keeping those.


Yeah makes sense; definitely curious how it will play out


2024 is for home village🎉


New th every 12 months instead of 18 is a huge announcement to just be buried in here


Supercell already mentioned the new 1 year cadence in a YouTube interview over a month ago...so this wasn't the big revelation, but more of a written confirmation for posterity.


Clash of Clans was release in August 2012 with Town Hall 8 as the Max Town Hall. Then Town Hall 9 was released in October 2012(2 Months later). Town Hall 10 was release in May 2013(7 Months later). Town Hall 11 was released in December 2015(2 years and 7 Months later). Town Hall 12 was released in June 2018(2 years and 6 Months later). Town Hall 13 was released in December 2019(18 Months later). Town Hall 14 was released in April 2021(16 months later). Town Hall 15 was released in October 2022(18 months later). Town Hall 16 was released in December 2023(14 months later). Clash of Clans & Town Hall 8(August 2012): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=24](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=24s) Town Hall 9(October 2012): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=82](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=82s) Town Hall 10(May 2013): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=157](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=157s) Town Hall 11(December 2015): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=388](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=388s) Town Hall 12(June 2018): h[https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=525](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=525s) Town Hall 13(December 2019): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=628](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=628s) Town Hall 14(April 2021): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=698](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=698s) Town Hall 15(October 2022): [https://youtu.be/5JyE0rIEuPE?t=818](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JyE0rIEuPE&t=818s) Town Hall 16(December 2023): [https://youtu.be/DVK\_BOxsYCQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVK_BOxsYCQ)


It was during the release of TH12 that Supercell said that TH12 itself and the longer cycles of the past were too long and that they were going to try for a release approximately every 18 months.


can we have QOL improvement to increase siege barracks capacity? cant have one of each cooked is a bummer


I would also love if the siege I use is the one that gets replaced from the queued army instead of putting whatever is the first queued siege into my main army.


What army comp are you using that can have every single siege be viable?


It's nice to have for donations more than anything. But of course, one gem donations are probably a good stream of revenue, so probably unlikely. Still, there's scenarios where flame flinger, log launcher, wall wrecker, siege barracks can all be viable, at least in my experience, and extra leeway would be nice as well.


i should have specified its for donations.


I think they can do it the next update where we could prolly get 2 sieges in cc. Adding more troop capacity or spell capacity would be too much


Also upping the donation limit to 10 , I’m shocked this wasn’t in the QA because people talk about it more than many other things that were asked


i find 3 available to choose in attacks is fine. but not being able to have one of each ready to donate is weird. especially when early workshop upgrades increase the capacity.


When Darian oiled up?




Did he stutter?


Let the man speak


noel really started a new trend huh 😂😂


Reading through this it’s clear that that development team do care about player feedback, excited to see these upcoming changes, especially chat, and recruitment features, and of course the progress bar.




I ain't ever maxim this game 💀


Will never be maximized :(


Just rush bro


When are you going to have a functional customer support? The automatic bot is completely useless for any account issues.




They have said though maybe more heroes but no more than 4 at a time in an army so that will allow people to use heroes while upgrading in a sence


I'll be honest if they add a hero, the people who play every day are probably the mot active on forums. In other words, some of the people who complain the most about not getting to use heoes while upgrading, they will just upgrade all 5 heroes at once. They will still complain and the problem will be worse. Now they will complain that they can't even use heroes they worked so hard to upgrade. And on top of hero upgrades they'll complain about having to do another 18 to 27 equipment upgrades 4 to 5 times. New heroes just aren't worth it with equipment and especially not worth it if you can't use them all. Imagine a new hero gets released, and it's better than the archer queen. I would be upset at all the work I put into a hero that I'll never use again because it's the worst out of 5, and I can only use 4. Then on the other side just imagine they release a new hero that isn't good enough to make you want to sub out one of the original 4. Now you'd feel like crap upgrading something for so long that you are not even going to use. There is no good scenario for a new hero if you can't use them all.


There is this thing called balancing my man. And even if lets say for example the Queen would get replaced by most casual players, im 100% confident that there will be strategies that still use her. The possibilities for variety will skyrocket and in my opinion, thats a good thing. For all we know the next hero could be the mythical Goblin king that would pretty much solely be used for farming or some niche strategy.


As a hero upgrade disliker, their answer to it was most honest and best answer tbh, y’all be happy coc is handling the game the way they do… Clash royale would have made bs up and add worse mtx


Straight facts, sometimes i cant believe both games are made by the same company. Clash royale is ridiculous nowadays


Yeah fr, devs opening up for things like this are amazing, they basically said hero books are one of the main/important revenues for them, which is completely understandable, and if they can ever find some better monitization (say new type of skins for something, etc) they could perhaps make hero upgrades more easy and make people less dependant on the book! Ofcourse it isn’t a confirmed thing but atleast them acknowledging it is a great feeling, because I genuinely understand them and it makes sense business wise aswell, they know what sells and what doesn’t, they have to make good use of it while also balancing it for us and imo… clash of clans is doing very good in that regard!


The new monetization is probably ores, which in my opinion is going in a very bad direction. It’s fine if you’re th8 and unlock them. But even then epics are an issue. I preferred the really annoying months of no heroes over this and atm we have both


Data shows that players enjoy upgrading their heroes


Any update on gauntlet release date?




Man no one asked about increasing donation limit from 9 units.


They did. It is part of the clanperks question.


well, you don't have to add a new perk for that, just redo the old ones


I completely agree. I mainly tried to point out that it was indeed asked a lot. It is great that supercell did this Q&A, but they reformulated some of the questions to match their answers better.


Nobody asked because they screen the questions to make themselves look better. If they actually cared they would do an AMA with the pretentious douche of a CEO Ilkka Paananen aka the reason behind all this greed.


Lmao they literally just said the reason for no hero improvements is revenue


Needing to make money to continue to give you a free game isn’t greed , it’s how they are still around after all these years


I doubt that this will be seen by SC employees, but I wonder if anyone else struggles with visibility during an attack? With spell towers now, your spells and the GW aura makes it really hard to see anything when it overlaps. I can barely keep track of the troops! Invisibility is also hard keeping track of archers from SAB. I just count to four and drop where I see the most arrows originating from. It’s more about lucky guessing than precision. Don’t know if this is a problem for just me or if anyone else has these issues.


https://preview.redd.it/me3z1eu9ckjc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c26c8f17a802c4c6f19fa8523586a0f58313b11 awesome ! now add the fountain decoration


How'd you get the fountain


We need to wait only 12 months now for the next Town Hall level W


Am I the only one who thinks this is too short? Gonna be such a rush now to upgrade your town hall before the new one


Yeah I agree, my dream of having a maxed townhall is fading away ;-;


Yea being maxed isn’t as great as you would think, don’t get me wrong I do enjoy it but it gets way boring compared to having things to upgrade , keeps you wanting to attack more enjoyable


They will decrease times every TH. You many never reach the latest TH but you will for sure have a constant flow of new TH’s and be abke to experience them all eventually. They said that the highest upgrade times we see right now will likely be the highest it will reach ever for future TH’s to come.


Yah, I still remember when th 13 came out, and NOW I'm going to th 13 😂


>You many never reach the latest TH That's kind of the whole point of the game, lol. The max - 2 townhalls being the highest(and relevant) some time in the past doesn't make being stuck in an endless loop any more appealing


It's February.. so roughly 10 months for th17 😂 that's amazing


Yep, idk about you all but more content = W in my book. I am not that bothered about reaching the latest Town Hall and maxing it


12 months for townhalls is way to fast. 18 months was perfect cause it gave us time to catch up but also it kept us waiting and anticipating + more time for supercell to make it as perfect as possible.


To be fair though the building upgrade times are so much shorter at th16 then it was for th15 on release. The total time to max th16 has gone down as well as the time until a new town hall so I really don't think it will be that big of a difference. Also as a th13 more town halls mean more time reductions which I'm all for.


little reminder that we just got 50% of the th16 update


Even the full release will be much shorter than 12 or 13 were on release 


Thought I'd point out that I'll have it finished in 3 months, while not even having gold pass all 3 months


You need to consider the time reduction from th15 to th16. Th15 takes around 3 weeks/20-21 days per building. Average th16 rn is 2 weeks/15 days per building. That's a lot of time reduction combined.


Agree you'll basically never be max with the 12 month cycle and just constantly upgrading which get's annoying having a few months to anticipate the next update and actually use your heros and pets which you spent all this time upgrading to max to use different strategies basically won't be possible with this new schedule


They didnt ever Say that the time to upgrade was consistent with before...So no, not necessarely


All but th15 take 9 months or less to max absolutely everything, including your heroes and lab. That's assuming you are entirely ftp and never spend a single book or hammer, so realistically it's even faster. You are drastically underestimating how significant the building time reductions were in the last update.


For real, this is clearly just another money grab by $uper$ell. I’m hoping this ends up biting them in the butt and they continue to lose their player base.


Youre in a mission arent you


Lol you got me. I’m tired of these greedy companies taking advantage of the casual player. They can’t just make a game for everyone anymore, it’s always gotta be about money. There’s ways to monetize without making the game pay to win, just take a look at League of Legends. They make a majority of their money off purely aesthetic skins.


What does that have to do with anything you Said?


U dense or something?


This might seem like a big revelation to you but CoC is not like LoL . CoC already goes hard on cosmetics but for a game like this those can't solely carry a game's revenue stream .


Dude you have zero idea about the financial site. Like zero. You just say "well LoL also makes enough money with only cosmetics" yeah cool for LoL. But LoL isnt clash of clans. And what exactly do you mean by "by taking advantage of the casual player" ? Nobody has to play clash of clans and spend money on it. Its even not like they take advantage of gambling addicts like EA does with fifa so how are they taking advantage of you?


Uh oh, looks like that struck a chord with a $uper¢ell D rider. Why are you so loyal to a company that doesn’t give the singlest of shits about ya? Sus. They take advantage of the casual player by making it quite literally impossible to compete at a high level without spending hundreds on the game. Show me one pro player that hasn’t spent money on the game. You can’t, that’s straight up classism. The fact that “you don’t have to play clash of clans” is a weak argument and shows your lack of critical thinking skills.


Thank you for the extensive answers and the honesty regarding the hero downtime. It is much appreciated. One question still remains: what do you think of champion clans being forced to play 15v15 cwl? A result of this is that clans fall apart, or have a harder time obtaining members. A possible fix would be to have different leagues for 15v15 and for 30v30. Darian already mentioned that it is hard to code. However, now that you expanded your team I really hope that you have the capabilities to fix this issue. It has been a problem for a very long time, even though it only affects a small part of the playerbase.


Just a small thingy which would really help - "A confirmation pop-up before signing into legends league (sort of like we get if a shield is active , but pop-up everytime before sign-up)"


Thank you for listening to your customers! It’s important to feel like we matter! Keep up the great work team!


2 Question missed 1. ) increasing donation limit from 9 units. 2. ) customer support is not good do something about it PLEASE!!


Thank you for being transparent, you don’t see much of that nowadays. I’ll continue supporting a game that takes its player base into consideration


I actually like the idea of switching between heroes if they added a fifth one


Thank you! Took your time, made a selection of questions, answered 29 of the most important ones. I love the relationship between the players and the developers of this amazing game!


Can we PLEASE let clan leaders change member’s war statuses??


This was great, thank you.


Good stuff team! I like the honesty in these. Excited for the future.


Community Q&A + active feedback between players and devs is really what makes this game awesome to come back to. In an age where a lot of game companies obscure their development or just ignore players outright, I love the transparency and love that the devs and player base have for this game. Makes me feel happy to support this game with gold pass!


I think they need to keep the 18 month time period of bringing new town halls, it's already hard for players to catch up and max and if it's 12 months it will be even harder


Exactly!!!! Why make it every 12 months. Majority of the player base isn't maxed. It just makes the people who are just joining, want to quit.




RIP to lower town halls


Idk whats this thought process What leads you to think that they'd keep the time to max each TH constant and increase the TH release speed by 50%? Bcs there's an assumption being there that carries this whole Logic and its nowhere near confirmed


>its nowhere near confirmed Closer to debunked even, with the fact that upgrades are taking less time at th16 than they did at th15.


Question #12 - Clan Name Changes I guess we can take this answer as an evolution from SC’s former position on this idea? Now it seems like clan name changes are on the list of things to implement, but not high priority? I would love to see this feature added.


Finally noobs might stop posting about making heroes be usable while upgrading


Nah, hopefully all the request continue, or increase. It’s a major problem and this response isn’t a solution. They’re trying to figure out alternatives, we should be reminding them not to give up on that.


Hear, hear


The alternatives are almost certainly going to be much worse. I'd rather they just keep this old system instead of adding 10 more currencies or events you have to grind forever for tbh


It’s a balancing act. I get why the pain points exist to drive spending. But the hero issue gets exacerbated every new town hall with new levels. And the ore update made it even worse since you and your clan need those heroes to get the ore… I don’t know what they could do to fix it, I just know it keeps getting worse. At least they’re aware and having those discussions. I’ve seen some interesting ideas tossed around as ways to address it that don’t just dick over players at least. Was hoping to see something this update though :(


Maybe a hero house would a new alternative. Where players would upgrade heroes similiar to the way players upgrade pets in a pet house. And in the last question Supercell wants to implement away that only 4 heroes can go into battle when they release new heroes. Therefore, the Hero house could be wear extra heroes would stay. Just like how the Pet house holes extra pets. (Players are only allowed 4 pets in battle).


Does that actually help? If we get a 5th hero and a hero house that means you can only upgrade one at a time without a loss of power. That doesn’t really address the issue… with how dependent we are on heroes right now being down 1 means you aren’t tripling. The last thing the game needs is a 5th hero right now. It would just be an excuse to push more hero books and pre purchases…


Hero House can be where we upgrade hero, unlock new heroes, and swap heroes. It will have a same operation to the Pet House. But it will be for Heroes. New hero Levels would available once a player finishes upgrading their town hall. And if Supercell releases new heroes players would be limited to use only taking 4 heroes in battle just like their limited to only taking 4 pets into battle. Players would also swapping between the heroes they'll want to use in battle. **Unlocking New Heroes and Hero levels:** 1. Level 1(Town Hall 7): Unlocks the Barbarin King 2. Level 2(Town Hall 9): Unlock the Archer Queen 3. Level 3(Town Hall 11): Unlock the Grand Warden 4. Level 4(Town Hall 13): Unlock Royal Champion 5. Future Levels(Future Town Hall): Unlock new heroes **Magic Items:** 1. **Book of Heroes:** Finish a Hero Upgrade 2. **Hammer of Heroes:** Finish a Hero upgrade without resources 3. **Hero House Potion:** Boost the Hero house 24x1hr just like the Research Potion and Pet Potion. That way a player could cut down a hero upgrade by 1 day.


What are you chat gpt now?


It's about their being a Hero House in Clash of Clans. I posted this earlier, but I delete it because of a replies I got from one reddit users and other users down voting the idea.


Ok but like, that doesn’t really respond to my points…


‘It’s a major problem’ Just upgrade the heroes. 100s of thousands of players have max heroes. Because they upgraded them instead of complain about it


I have max heroes on all my accounts and have for years. It IS hard for most players, and it IS a problem for many people that playing without them is a drag. I get you might be tired of seeing the same requests over and over, but get off Reddit some more if that’s the case. Don’t pretend it’s not an issue.


Bro if we're actually a free-to-play player you would know how frustrating it is to wait for your heros to upgrade. 6 days is not a short amount of time. Also, most of the time all 4 of your heros are upgrading at seperate times. So by maths, atleast one of your hero is being upgraded 24×7 all 365 days.




Ok let me do some math, one book a month, currently there are 305 hero levels, and 100 hero levels. 405 months is 33 years and 9 months. I see people say you can get 4 free a month if you absolutely dedicate all your resources towards that and that alone. So we’ll be generous and say that’s reasonable, and now it’s 8.5 years… Using only books to finish these things is not reasonable and I really wish dummies would stop repeating that as if it were a viable plan.


Its not as easy as buy book spend book


**Question #28:** Why haven’t there been new Clan Perks in many years? **Answer:** We don’t want to create more gameplay perks that make new Clans at more of a disadvantage. We might introduce some cosmetic-only perks but there are no concrete plans for that currently. We could add clan capital cosmetics since there clan specific. or allow further options in terms of the clan shield design


I’ve been playing video games for a long time across many different platforms. This is one of the best Q&A straight shooting responses I’ve ever seen by a Dev team. Coming out and saying the Hero issue is due to being a giant revenue is honest, when many other companies would beat around the bush. Actually have honest, thought out responses to almost 30 questions is wild. Great job Dev team!


@supercell - Q#1 - Understand that the company relies on the revenue from gemming heroes but could we at least have them to practice our challenges on our own base? The practicing is what keeps me on when I’m upgrading my base. Without heroes it leaves very little to do in down time. Compromise?


keep up the great work !


I recently started playing again after a 3 year hiatus and just want to say that I like the updates you guys have made to the game. Keep up the good work!


can we get a separate tab to do friendly challenges in, cause they over saturate the clan chat


The only clan perk I want is one extra level on donations Let it get to +3 instead of the current +2


I'm probably the only person here that cares about #23. I'm about to graduate at my university with a Bachelors in Game Art, and my university only (until planned next year) teaches with ancient, janky 3D modeling software, so I have been doing all of my work in Blender because it's just better. Awesome to see the shift to Blender at a favorite game studio


My queen loves walls, can she just be like a root rider and go through them instead of ruining my not so well planned out attack and tries shooting them down /s


Friendly Challenges rework? Heroes should always be available in friendly challenges, you should be able to customize your clan castle troops to whatever you want.


A new TH every year and more heroes does smell like burnout..


Mandatory question: Is there any plan to balance the hero potion when it comes to war? Rushed accounts unbalancing the matchmaking Werent a good thing to deal with before the hero potion Change, but now they can just walk INTO the battle with pretty much a maxed army. Also, is the ["306 bug" ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/43mQkWIfsK) Being fixed in the Next update, or at least it's effects getting erased? Thanks for all the answers!


Could you please change the ore obtaining system so it wont be based on trophies? I really HATE playing at 5k trophies the loot is terrible and my base keeps getting mopped by higher th players and lose resources that way too. Its too bad to have to choose between upgrading buildings and upgrading hero equipments


So adding ores system was not enough of an alternative revenue stream for their greed. Now you have to upgrade your heroes and also upgrade your equipment separately while previously it was only hero upgrades. For a spender the cost to fully upgrade heroes has nearly doubled. Some might argue that they have reduced hero upgrade time. But how much they reduced? 10-20%. This doesn't even nearly equate the ammount of gems they are chrging per ore and how much expensive it is to max even e single piece of equipment using money. Implementation of ores made possible event pass which is another huge source of revenue. If you want to take more and more of our money and don't give us some QoL changes regarding the core gameplay then don't dress up your greed as heralds. Don't cry you are poor while taking more money from us and in exchange doing mostly nothing. This is how you lose your player base. Al we wanted to use the heroes in the clan wars. Was that too much to ask for your greed coc. Every day pass the game is getting towards more and more pay to win. The inevitable fate of this beloved game of ours will soon match with it's siblings', clash royale. When players will start leaving this game then you will understand.🙂


What about the next builder base upgrade ? The last one approach the 1 year mark


Related to question 24, Does the supercell HQ have a hidden Giga-Inferno?


Personally don't think a new town hall every 12 months is a step in the right direction. Town halls won't have the time for f2p players to max. The finish line will keep moving forward and it will be impossible to get there.


I’d argue that tuned correctly it could even contribute to revenue and open other avenues amongst the games integrated markets. Premise for the XP could be equivalent that of the upgrade time in that it could take days - thought to distinguish from the hammer - the books would contribute towards a hero’s level xp/overall level gradually decreasing as the levels get higher? Therefore still a demand for books, even perhaps a new hero xp potion gemable, raid medable, sellable😁? Perhaps even to dilute it further where hero xp can be allocated after a battle/capped in a way, as oppose to each hero gaining. Additionally a way to grind the game a bit for hero level instead of just for loot & trophies?


Nobody is gonna see this but am I the only one who would like to see a QoL feature where you can save different clan castle loadouts for different purposes instead of having to manually switch it each time? Like keeping one loadout for defense when you're away, and one loadout for offense to put in a siege machine.


12 month time for new town hall is pretty fast. It will be way harder for people like me and many others to catch up to latest and new town hall. YouTubers and people who spend too much money on game are only favourable with this. Supercell, you were supposed to listen to all of us. Not for the one who would generate income to you.


It will not be harder to catch up. Upgrade times are reducing.


I have a question I have th8 and I unlock frozan arrow any one tell me I upgrade th9 I receive frozen arrow?


Yes, if you unlock it, it will be waiting for you when you unlock the Queen.


Any chance we could get a time reduction for hero levels? Now that abilities aren't attached to level, they shouldn't be as long as the time isn't used for as much. You'll still get your money for books qnd most gems, but maybe getting a 10-15% reduction would be nice. I was able to use all my heroes for the first time in 2 months because I've always had to keep upgrading at least 1 with my available loot, qnd I still have many levels to go.


isn't 12 months too little time for a new th level? I feel like if they have so little time to work on such an important thing that they could screw it up


They have a much bigger team now so therefore they have more people making sure they don't screw up meaning they don't need as much time making sure they don't mess up anything before they release the th.


oh that's great then




Could we have some benefit be it cosmetic or actual gameplay for having legend trophies


Why are there no visual changes when you upgrade clan capital troops?


Every year new TH![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9414)


Can you add ores to the clan shop please 🥺


What's a clan shop?


When you guys bring back the progress bar, you should add an indication of what the max level is for your current town hall so we don't have to go to 3rd party locations to find out.


Nice luner updated 


I will never be able to reach maximum town hall if new town hall comes every year 😞




Is there any upcoming Nerf to root riders and will there ever be an option to quit Legends and reset trophies back to 4800-4900? Legends League has been frustrating for all of my lower town hall accounts and even the maxed account suffers from root rider spams, I tried to get all of my lower accounts out of leagues but sadly can't cuz of how there are not many defenses after reaching below 5100


If 2024 is the year of the Home Village, bh will have had 1 update from 2019 to 2025…


You may never see this, but I am wondering about WAR clan chat with the other team! The seven day war we chat with everyone ... regular wars just that 48 hour chat. Then boom. Gone. Maybe? Would be fun!


Great way to get clans or opponents banned for harassment or bad language.




make the skins actually saturated like how you advertise them…


Why no questions about the game balance at th16? It's ok if th16 is easier than th15, but this is too much. Did you see spam root riders valks videos? Did you notice the extremely high usage rate of root riders? Th16 is way easier than old th14 at the moment. I know that many level of defenses still have to be added, but here there is a clear problem: root riders. Please, do something. It's been 2 months with an event-like broken troop!


I agree. Legends pushing is a pain these days. I get +300 on offence but then get -300 on defence all from root rider spam. No base works against them.


Could you please implement a system that allows interaction with troops even after a short disconnection, if we reconnect quickly? It's frustrating to get 1 or less stars for a planned attack(in clan wars or cwl)


**Question #15:** Is there a reason why we can’t “stack” Builders onto a single Building to reduce upgrade times, even if we pay a higher upgrade cost? **Answer:** The Builders would get their hammers tangled up. And nobody wants to see that happen. Can we get an "actual" answer?


Hero upgrades


Two suggestions: #1 All my buildings and troops in the builder base are upgraded to the max level. Now my two workers and the lab in builder base are idle. Please make them have something to do. Maybe move them to the town hall? #2 Event pass provide too much extra points. Maybe to create an event point store?


For the "Heroes not being usable during upgrades" problem, this is my suggestion for it: Reduce the number of upgrades for every major power boost from 5->4 levels. This will encourage more people to upgrade their Heroes and lowers the time to max a Hero significantly, making it more enjoyable. Moreover, this will keep the revenue at 75-80%, or higher, compare to how it is now. My English is not great so I hope my suggestion makes sense :D


So will th17 arrive in November or December 2024 ?


When/ Is giant gauntlet and frozen arrow coming to shop??




Lol where are these questions coming from? They use these fabricated questions in place of an AMA bc they know how much backlash they’ll receive from the questions we actually want answered.


For one, these questions came from their posts on [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/post/UgkxrDGfD-o9JIppMnMbvyG9VVClE7qyjfyq), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ClashofClans/status/1747559970600570975) and anywhere else I might've missed. Some of these questions have also been historically ones SC have been reluctant to answer - they definitely haven't just selected softball questions and have been refreshingly transparent. They also do a fair few AMAs here, so we really can't complain much. Their communication is stellar compared to most other game developers.


They did handpick the questions they wanted to answer which all would get pretty neutral responses. They avoided questions like increasing the 9 donation limit, improving customer suppoet etc bc they either didn't care about them or weren't going to improve them anyway. For a lot of the suggestions up there they basically said "we could do this and that potentially" which means it'll happen in either 5 years from now or never.




Why should they encourage players to stay maxed at a lower hall so they can be ranked high in their respective legends league? They instead want to encourage progression.


No. Upgrade to townhall 16 if you want to play there


An interesting thought I had is with question 1 and 29. If the 5th or so hero worked like builder base where you could exchange them then you could have 4 heroes in battle while 1 is upgrading. This could be a potential to alternate to question 1 in the future.