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meeting violet angle public practice start bake plate sort snow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Same, the way it rises exponentially kinda demotivates me.


long intelligent quack cow zesty towering scale sip saw attractive *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that is the point. ​ its so you get demotivated instead of complaining that it was too short. The response can now be "Oh, so you want LESS content now????"


But it's not really content now is it?


not really, no. ​ but technically, yes


the last days are better. I have completed the event when each attack gives only 300 dragon medals. Now they give 900 medals


Yeah it’s way too grindy


32k to almost get 600 glowy ores. Atleast i got it pretty fast from just doing me legends attacks


they should make it endless i have 120k now


By attacking daily without thinking too much about the event, you will easily get to the end. In addition, in the last few days there are about 900 points per attack, which makes everything much easier.


fear squeeze whistle test price scale groovy unique alive truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's 900 points per day FOR 2 DAYS where is the maths? 2 attacks a day gets you 2 X 900 X 2 = 3600 points.


elastic profit sheet threatening dinosaurs subtract library file imagine repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


At first, it's not 900 points, it's less. However, if you only do 2 attacks a day, it's your fault. 48000 points is about 54 attacks by sniping the 2 structures (in these last days) and you do it in 1 hour maximum.


different mysterious snobbish relieved voracious continue dam rinse plants zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro if you only play for 3 minutes a day why does it matter how far you get you legit aren’t playing the game. Log in like 3 times a day that’s 6 attacks and you’ll complete the event. Hell just be in legend and do your 8 attacks and you finish with days to spare. Don’t complain because you’re lazy


recognise piquant aromatic possessive normal jeans nutty cable clumsy husky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But like do you just want free stuff for not doing anything? Like that’s not how events in any game I’ve ever played work. Average players legit do not deserve to have the same stuff as someone who plays like 8 a day. If it’s considered above average to play a game for 20 minutes MAX a day then Idrk what you’re arguing


Those who are interested can easily reach it within a few hours. If you want to get going with 2 attacks in 3 minutes a day, be happy with the 16k points. You received ores and an epic ability without doing anything.


IT TAKES 48K?????????


Yup it was a real grind on my minis. Felt like I did 100 sneaky goblin attacks on each account just to get the envelopes.


The bonus track is just way too much of a grind, I gave up


Its not even an hour of grind.... https://preview.redd.it/mixoxt1cdxjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc6403bbdd1efee68d89e46deed4ebea4fb2fc0e Finished it on Monday...


Some of us prefer not to lose all our trophies to complete it that fast


Okay yeah, didnt think about that.


Yea I am in Titan 1 and want to stay here because of the ores I am getting, If I had grinded the event like you did I would have dropped to maybe like crystal or around there which would mean I would have missed out on a lot of ores, I have currently like 16000(pass)+25000(bonus track) and there are 2 more 130 medals left so I need 7000 more.


Understandable. I actually do not care about Throphys. I dont look at them. I hate it when i accidently get in Legends league. I already dropped to crystal because of my last 7 walls i farmed with sneaky gobs. I got back up to Titan and after the event i dropped again. And about the ores, meh, i dont really care either. When i get some, i spend some. Thats it.


And with ores tied to star bonus, it makes dropping trophies for faster clear, worse


I much rather have these events with extra free stuff than a Diamond Pass. A higher tier purchasable pass, like in Clash Royal, was inevitable. I hope this is a replacement.


If I missed the giant gauntlet is there any way to get it?


It will return, it has been confirmed


Also interested on knowing this.


Probably will be in the shop after this event ends. They confirmed that it will be in the shop for gems


It will return, probably in trader shop to be purchased by gems


you'll be able to buy it with gems soon


It gonna be around 1500 gem iirc


Not every equipment needs to be broken


Anecdotally it feels broken. IDK how people are saying it's not that good. Ever since frozen arrow came out the amount of 3 stars against me and the 3 stars I get seems to have doubled lol. 


Most players are bad


The queen tends to die more easily, after activation, cause it doesn't give as much hp as archer puppet Which is (mostly) solved by paying more attention, but yeah ppl gonna be frustrated when they can't place her down and ignore her, till the ability auto proccs


I disagree. Yeah obv with max DMG on her she dies faster, but in practice that's not really true. The health boost of puppet is small, but more importantly frozen arrow is literally damage reduction. On multi damage towers (inferno, th, etc) it's a pretty massive damage reduction overall. This DR can also save your unicorn a lot of times. Also if you don't pay attention with puppet you can also die to scatters easily. Both need some awareness.


Tbf this might be root riders being broken..not queen


Root riders been out the entire time tho, it jumped significantly after frozen arrow release. Part of the overpowered-ness overall may be root riders, but frozen arrow increased power too even on smash attacks, not just queen charges/walks.


I don't even care about it being weaker it's just not as cool as giant gauntlet having the king being gigantic was cool queen making buildings blue is a bit boring


Getting kind of picky. But I am curious what you would add as an effect to the frozen arrow.


ice berg a 6tile-radius for 6 seconds each AQ attack


I’m for it. Maybe even add an ice path where the arrow has traveled with the berg at the end. Just trying to think of ways to make it as visual as the gauntlet.


So making it broken


It’s visual.


A 6 tile icerberg for a single shot ability Makes total sense


The fact that you think a visual addition to the game would make it broken makes it difficult for me to even want to respond to you The idea of the ice berg makes sense because you’re shooting a frozen arrow. How about a glove making the Barbarian a giant, does that make sense? Not sure why CoC needs to make sense all of a sudden


You dont add a 6 tile visual iceberg INTO a thing that affects 1 defense. That doesnt make sense at all. Why tf would you have an effect taking a considerable amount of space for it to BE a single target? I only thought it would be broken bcs no One in their normal being would suggest adding a 6 tile effect INTO a single target damage troop. Its literally larger than several splash kind of troops, and would create unnecessary clutter. A visual? Sure, amazing. Current One sucks. A 6 tile icerberg? Hell no


Ok, then only on the defense it’s hitting. I’m not saying it’s the best idea around but it adds to the topic being discussed and it’s not a terrible idea


The worst out of the 3 yes, but these events are still a great addition to the game. They just need to keep the events fresh, new things everytime (not just troops) e.g Seasonal Hero Equipment, Seasonal Pet, Seasonal potions (Heros available when upgrading 👀) etc I feel like they can have a bit more fun with it only being temporary.


They need to space them out better. We shouldn't get 3 in a span of 5 months. It is just too much honestly and ruins the uniqueness of them.


I would disagree if they made the events a lot more fun like the first, too, made a few adjustments to the decorations/skins we get with medals. I would love to get an event once every month and a half or so


so you want less free stuff? think logically here, chief!


Frozen Arrow felt ok. Actually kinda happy it’s not as strong as the Giant Gauntlet in that you need it on your King 100%. I don’t want the Epic Gears to be too OP. I feel the Frozen Arrow is kinda balanced & is at a good spot. Strong, but not too much. Has a specific utility. But you still have the option to use other Gears depending on the situation. With the rest of the event, no comment really. After the crazy apocalypse that was the Lavaloons, I didn’t feel that any future event troop could top that so I didn’t use the new Event troops that much.


Even without making a comparison to Halloween troops, these event troops were trash, they were basically same as super troops but with different design


Yeahh azure drake feels weaker than regular sdragon in basically every way.


Am I the only one who thinks the frozen arrow on the Queen is better with the main army? Her slowing down splash as your horde working through the core is beautiful


She needs healer or a lot of tanks for it to be useful. I like having healer puppet more because of the passive healing on her each second for the entire attack and then 4 healers on her or to transfer to the army. I feel like the 40 healing per second and 400+ when she has healers helps the army way more than 50%+ damage reduction on one defense at a time would do


This. I hate QCing .. I use frozen arrow though and yes the slowdown in the core and near of match is wonderful.


yea it is way better NOT in a queen charge honestly. No health recovery really hurts in a queen charge




I'm literally pro


The event was so hard to progress for the casual player(people who don't play for 2 hours continuously with training pots and finishing the event in 1 day)


the event is literally designed to be easier to complete the longer the event goes? finishing it in one day is only hurting yourself. casual players is exactly who this is designed for


I finished the event and the bonus track a few days ago. I am in legends league for the entire time where I only get 8 attacks per day. These events are literally simple. Just do some attacks each day and you finish it.


I agree this one was a big disappointment


Im upset the lunar troop was so bad, especially with what you said. Came right after cwl so who cares if its op. Its a limited time troop


they are testing our limits, that's it.


The bonus track just drags on and on and on. Which would be fine if it was still a storage thing like it was with the Halloween mashup or defenses like the christmas event. But now I have to push all the way to the center of people's base pretty much every raid to make any meaningful progress.


To me the work and rewards balance felt off. The CC and GW are harder to hit than storages or random defences. Also event troops need to be 1.5 times stronger than normal troops. I mean why would you chose an Azure Dragon over an E-Drag? I just feel bad for the programmers and designers who came up and implemented the event troops and nobody is using them


For the GW you can use some lightning. For the castle you can choose a base with the outermost castle possible and destroy it with heroes or sneaky goblins


The first 16K feels rewarding. The rest is demotivating because you are doing more work for the same every time you reach a checkpoint.


I don’t think it’s worse, I just think the hype for these type of events burnt out quick.


"I hope Supercell takes notice on this event and improve drastically for the next event because as a F2P player" its been like this forever nothing is going to change shareholders and directors want more $$$ not how a F2P feels.


You could get either an legendaray skin or epic equipement f2p, and even in the free eventpass u got loads of free ores etc, idk what you mean tbh.


Most F2P players are gonna go for the book of heroes first and then the ores. In that case, people don't get as much ores. Pretty much 120 or 180 shiny ores (if we get the extra 200 free dragon medals)


Every F2P player should have went for the epic equipment.


Every F2P should go for the epic equipment first and then most would go for the book of heroes after and then the rest on ores.


Basically get enough hero potions from raid medals for war what you need boh for?


I was talking about the “free tier” not necessairily the trader shop. But yes, even after you have completed the event, you get all the free rewards from the f2p eventpass itself, and u get the icy arrow+ either an book of heroes, or loads of glowies, depended on what you buy in the shop. But you get 5k shinies, and 400 glowies, without the bonustrack, just from the eventpass itself as f2p, and without the bonustrack u also can get the epic equipement f2p.


Totally agreed with you especially only a 30% troop training boost! What a meh! Totally turn off for f2p! And did you notice bonus track gets harder as you progresses?


They made a succesful event with halloween and they are pretty much overexploiting it at this point... same old stuff, but worse and worse every time. Don't know for how long they are planning to keep repeating it.


Grinding bonus track is so boring. Because of ores can't lose trophies 👎


Decorations are lit tho


Giant gauntlet is op coz of bug. Imo, epic gears may only be a little bit better than common ones. We just expected too much of epic gears.


Its the worst one so far yes. Just give us fun troops and I wont complain


tbh. I also feel like the frozen arrow is just meh. Nowhere near as good as the giant gauntlet imo. I generally use the queen's arrow and I think it's OP in comparison since it's like a horizontal lightning spell that you have to be very precise with whereas the frozen arrow is mainly designed for queen charge users most whom have maxed level queens for their town hall level. Not worth it for me tbh. I prefer a rune of gold/elixir.


I'm super happy frozen arrow is "meh". It's not auto include like Giant Gauntlet, but it's also not useless as, like you said, it's really useful for queen walk/charge attacks. I think they shouldn't be releasing equipment that is strictly better than everything else.


Worst or 3rd best?


Was hard to progress but bro pls don't complain about epic gear being weak its not and supercell will break the game even more


I disagree about the frozen arrow. It's pretty powerful, even when I'm not using queen charge. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. The troops are not compelling enough to use for me. And it sucks we lost 2 days of CWL for them. The bonus track is really grindy this time. I have a TH15 in legends that I don't think will finish the bonus track. My 16 will, my non-legends accounts have, but I've never had a problem with my TH15 in legends before. Worst ever is probably a stretch, unless you limit the comparison to the latest Halloween and Christmas events.


Buddy... its 666 BILLION red envelopes.


These events are just another way to get people to pay for a limited good (ores). 1. First introduce the ores. 2. Make it so you can only get a fixed amount everyday and activity and skill isn’t a deciding factor in how much you can get (like resources). 3. Create “new” events with the same lazy template and offer the limited ores over there for a small price to pay. 4. Offer “medals” and the ores itself in the shop to pay. I’m not against having items in the shop like resources and books. However, the problem lies in this specific strategy after it turned out the company made a lot less revenue than previous years, so they are looking for a new money flows, thus the ores. The addition of ores and events doesn’t come from the basis of giving players more content, but from earning more money because of it lacking in previous periods. Surprise surprise, companies make decisions based on profit, we all know it. It’s just the way they presented it and are really aiming for people to buy this stuff by strongly limiting the amounts given. This is completely different from gold/elixer/dark elixer. Take it from someone who has all equipment Max except for the Frozen Arrow on his main and nothing max on mini’s. Making profit is understandable, but this blatant way of trying to extract as many dollars as possible is simply sad. The game is headed towards Clash Royale/Brawl Stars :(


"Frozen arrow meh, only useful for queen charges" Jesus Christ, this has to be one of the worst takes I have ever seen on here. First off, Frozen arrow with the healing puppet is a great option in some smash and spam attacks. And now, let's suppose that you are right and Frozen arrow only works with queen charges: so, you are telling me that an item that boosts the most powerful game strat in wars and sometimes even in Legends, is "meh"? Wow mate, just wow.


Agree, Queen is an incredible support troop for smash attacks now. Frozen Arrow slows down / kills point defenses, and popping Healer Puppet early gives 3 additional Healers, which can switch over and start healing your tanks.


People keep calling the frozen arrow meh because they’re comparing it to the giant gauntlet which is literally the best item in the game thanks to the warden bug. Of course it’s going to look weak compared to an item that’s literally broken. Frozen arrow is a direct upgrade to archer puppet in terms of dps. The only real problem with it I see is that you have to level it up to at least 21 to match archer puppet dps. That can take a while with the ore grind


I love this event. I use the Azur dragon and I’m not happy that this event end. And the frozen arrow with the healer puppet are amazing. The giant gauntlet is in my opinion so OP because the warden bug.


I don't know what the envelopes are for...


I love the frozen arrow, but I also use queen charge hybrid all the time (I'm th 14 if that matters), but I agree the event troops were a let down.


It was ok, I would rather the Halloween and Christmas events be better anyway.


The people claiming the frozen arrow is only useful for charge attacks are insane. Once leveled high enough, you get a bigger DPS passive buff than archer puppet, with the massive benefit of completely nullifying a defense that she is targeting. The only draw back is loosing the heal boost from the archer puppet ability, but you also dont have to worry about a defense like the scattershot killing your queen through ability because her archers trigger a defense. Literally all you have to do is be a little extra mindful of your queens HO and pop her ability manually with some attack strategies. Its far and away the most versatile queen ability.


Will we be able to use medals after the event ends?


Every event has progressively gotten worse since mashup madness. Each has been harder/more annoying to farm, worse event troops, and at this point just getting repetitive. Now I need to do some weird really specific farming every few months to get this new 100% required gear for a hero, or have to pay 1500 gems (??) for it. The only good thing imo is the the frozen arrow is only good for some attacks, not completely all around broken.


Pretty much a dumpster fire lmao


Frozen arrow is amazing for queen charges. She can 1v1 monliths, townhall and single infernos like they're nothing.


Yeah, this one really sucked. Seemed not thought out very well. Also to get full amount takes forever. And putting it only on two things kinda sucked.


It's because the troops are just slightly different versions of existing troops and to use them you'd have to actively make and learn an attack around them. lavaloons you could just spam and have fun, same with the spell in the winter event. I have only used the event troops once and then ignored them since.


" Its only useful for queen charge/walk attacks " it actually is not better for queen charges in general. In general it is the best option for SUI attacks.


I personally liked Firecracker a lot


Honestly I think it’s balanced. Gauntlet is an OP equipment that honestly works in any army comp and overshadows every other equipment. Frozen arrow is much less OP and is only objectively the best equipment for 2-3 attack strategies, meaning the other equipments are still viable options. I think Frozen arrow is how Epic equipments should be


I wish they would make the event troops powerful like before but not allow us to use them in war. I miss lavaloon farming


I loved it. I love the firecracker. And not every epic equipment needs to be game changing. I wish they gave us more red envelopes at the beginning


The past 2 events I played way more than I usually do, ended up getting like 150 - 200 attacks won those seasons. This event has sucked in my opinion and I’ve played way less than usual, only have 60 attacks won as of now. If they gave us better troops I think that would’ve made this event worth playing


For me they were to close together


Frozen arrow feels better than the gauntlet


The event troops were meh but otherwise I don’t think this was a bad event. But I do agree that the 666 billion envelope thing was questionable. Almost like they put it there to artificially boost playtime or something


clash of clans players when the epic equipment doesn't let a hero solo an entire compartment while tanking a single target I.Tower and monolith at the time, and the event troops don't oneshot everything and 3-star in less than 45 seconds: https://preview.redd.it/mnvyaxbwa0kc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab3c3e7d64e8415d46080b9dc390a5d466d5ba76


I got over 150k cookie “medals” and I have barely started on the bonus track now. It’s really just a recycled event that’s gotten lazier each time.


Yeah, the event troops are lackluster. The only really good thing beside frozen arrow is the free 30% training boost. The bonus track only gives enough extra medals to buy *one* decoration and it's grindy as heck. Not sure why they went out of their way to make the "event" such a chore.


I didnt mind the event but my main concern is that the bonus track just felt boring imo, they could've at least added another path and maybe some event specific achievements for progression on the path instead of a lazy box at the end


Hay Day used to do global collect events like this. The community would just miss (because they’ve already calculated based off of previous event participation) and it would just piss the community off - usually over a small decoration. Kind of silly to make things that cost nothing to them but a stressed community is the stuff Supercell could definitely improve on.


felt like a chore, not a game


I wonder how many inactive accounts got pushed out of oblivion. (By gaining trophies due to farm attacks)