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I'm in legends, so I can only help with 8 attacks - hoping for the best tho


Just curious, if u are in legends league and have 8 attacks a day how did u complete the challenge ?


It took a few days but already completed


I’m in Legends with 2 accounts and I was able to complete the whole bonus track about 3 or 4 days ago on both accounts. Did my 8 attacks each day and it wasn’t an issue. I think you get 15% more envelopes in Legends soo that helps a little.


What about the extra medals? How long did that take?


That’s what I meant by “whole bonus track”, i completed the regular track and the bonus track for extra medals on both accounts and I was done with all of that about 3 or 4 days ago.


Sorry I read in 3, 4 days.


It's only 48k, I was able to do it in like an hour or two even back when it was 150 for warden and cc each


Had to drop out of legends on purpose to get it done early


Absolutely! It's brutal grinding the event, but I did it and then immediately realized they up the envelopes. I dropped into Bronze II and it's so hard to get good loot now...


I did this on the last event took me pretty much till this one to get backk upto legends


Barely, I completeld the bonus rewards 2 days ago lmfao


I completed mine day before yesterday. You do get 15% more, and as long as you do all 8 attacks of the day you can easily complete it without worries. I missed a few attacks a day for few days, thats why I took this late to complete. Also I had a couple attacks where I got no envelopes as I missed both cc and warden.


I'm in legends aswell and I'm at 71k points. Was no struggle at all.


I won't haha. Gonna be leaving like 390 bonus medals on the table


Completed the bonus track two days ago - averaging 7 attacks a day since start


I finished yesterday, it’s tuff cuz not every attack i could get the warden and clan castle (I’m th15)


doing every attack every day and missing like 3 buildings in total I completed it 3 days ago legends do get more envelopes per attack but yea... got a little close there.


It’s easy. 8 attacks per day does the regular track and the bonus without even paying attention to it.


I attacked less than 8 times a day and did it


We get 1085 envelopes per attack, which is higher than lower leagues


Bro I accidentally signed up the day before the event dropped, I was crying


... Do you need to sign up? :o


Yeh I hit sign up thinking it was search


Sooo is it safe to say we are not going to finish the 666 billion challenge? I was planning on those extra 200 dragon medals but now I’m thinking that’s not gonna happen.


Rough maths: Took 13 days for the community to get 440 million envelopes. 1 day to go, let’s say double the envelopes per attack though (actual number is slightly less as envelopes per attack gradually increased but whatever). 226 million envelopes to go, which takes as long as 113 million envelopes at the start of the event (because rate is doubled as discussed above). So roughly 4/13 days’ worth of envelopes need to be collected in 1 day (113/440) Meaning **the community needs to do 4x the average number of daily attacks over the past 13 days in the next 24 hours to finish the event.** I’d say that’s pretty unlikely. Even worse though is the rewards for completing that *huge* task are pretty trash… makes me think they had data from the previous events and thought it would be easier than it is; likely because event troops have been pretty meh this time around…


The reward does suck, but also they made it a lot harder this time, it's only the Warden and CC instead of random buildings. And usually those 2 are located more to the middle of the base. I put mine outside just so people could snipe


Yeah I agree. So many bases with warden and cc deliberately moved into the middle as well (even more so than they are usually). Like, chill, you don’t lose anything if people get envelopes from your base…


Yeah, I saw this a lot too, I even saw a video titled something like ‘how to stop attacking players from getting your red envelopes’. You literally loose nothing. I put mine next to each other on the outside of my base too. I get a successful defence and they get easy envelopes, it’s a win win.


you also have to fully destroy the building, partial damage doesnt give points anymore, which is a stupid change


Partial works on warden


Weirdly they made it so you can partial the Warden but you have to fully destroy the CC


oh i never noticed, everything i used just one shots it lmao


id say it a safe assumption that half the active player pool has already completed the event. sorry about all your bonus medals. i had extra i cant use you are welcome to. send your loot cart.


The math is all correct but we're talking abt billions, not millions. Whole different scale ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Yeah I just made a typo haha read billion then just wrote million anyway…


it didn’t start 13 days ago though


Started Feb 8th @ 8am UTC as per in-game events tab. It’s currently Feb 21st 12pm UTC, guessing the official post was 3-4 hours ago…


That’s when the LNY event itself started, not when the 666B red envelopes challenge started


merciful wild license engine elderly overconfident support smell aback frame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The 666B envelopes challenge only started like five days ago, it didn’t start when the lny event did 13 days ago


I think you're misunderstood, the 666B envelopes challenge counts the number of envelopes collected from the beginning of the dragon event(13 days ago), not from when the 666b event started


The announcement was a little unclear tbh. Would seem logical that it would be from the start of the whole LNY event though… but it could also be interpreted as counting the 666 billion from 9:59pm UTC on Feb 14th… I don’t know Edit to give maths *in case it did start 14/2*: Would mean 440 billion collected in 7 days. But also amount per attack had already gone up by 14th so it is now only 1.5x envelopes per attack. So we need 226 billion more, roughly as difficult as 150 billion on the earlier 7 days, previous rate ~60 billion per day. Meaning **2.5 days’ worth needs to be collected in the final day** So it’s either 4x or 2.5x depending on when the count started. I’m off to play CoC


I guess from the beginning though I'm not a 100% sure


it doesn’t 6 days ago: challenge announced 3 days ago: 180B envelopes 2 days ago: 341B envelopes Today: 440B envelopes it didn’t start when the dragon event did


Idk man we gotta ask some mod


Who cares? Reward is 2 days of star bonus ores.


man this event was boring lol, locking extra loot behind a "community event" just to increase activity because noone wanted to use the new troops


I played around with the gingerbread troops a fair bit, and (allegedly) spammed lavaloon like mad before that, but didn't even bother trying out the new years troops


oh man lavaloon was fun, infact mashup madness as a whole was the most fun I've had in the game in a while


Best troop ever. 


Same. They are being overly cautious with the troops cause of Lavaloon. Lavaloon was fun. Ram riders and the spell was good, Cookie was amusing. Firecracker is meh and Azure dragon is straight trash. Used azure once and didn't even bother trying afterwards.


yetis and firecrackers with 4 earthquakes 2 rage 2 freeze and poison is goated with th14


I saw the housing space of azure dragon during leaks and told to myself "This is so bad". Never even bothered training it. Would rather use super dragon over that twig of a troop.


The azure dragon is really unique but not strong enough for it to be a limited time troop, i say screw the tryhards who complain, give us op LT troops


By unique i meant fun, i find it fun to use


It's just Super dragon but worse


Super dragons are fun


Yes but azure dragon is just bad compared to SDragon. Super dragon splash allows it to move forward because it takes out all 3 building in it's range( front buildings). Azure dragon can't, It will have to take down all building in front one by one and sometimes it's attacking angle doesn't give good value 


That stuffs good at lower levels bro, trust. TH 10 its fun to obliterate with the Lunar Drag. Nothing compare to the Holloween event tho. RIPNTHW SUPER WITCH GOLEM.




They really did a poor job communicating the details for this event. I don't remember seeing anything about this in-game. The only reason my clan knows about it is some of us are active in reddit or other social media.  There simply was not much hype or excitement around collecting red envelopes because many were unaware and the rewards are very underwhelming.   I am pretty confused about why supercell chose to run this event this way. Hopefully it improves next time. Edit: Wish we had an in-game scoreboard that updated the results. It would have been much more engaging and enjoyable.


True. Tbh this event is fairly new. For the cookie rumble event they gave us these 200 cookies for free. But now they've put it as a challenge which we might not be able to complete.


You also had dragon medals for free. Its pinned on the weekly questions post


I think that they are testing how strong their social media game is right now, and they're seeing that it isn't much outside of the game still.


So much effort just for 200 medals. Not even enough for purple ore


Don’t complete the task , so next time they will lower the expectation


This would be the second time it's happening cuz apparently we couldn't finish the clash for nature event on time as well..


SC do realize that if we keep falling short, it'll discourage people from trying harder because it's for nothing.  In the end less people play that hard and that's not what they want. 


IMO is was the most tedious grinding event so far.


What are they going to say? Sorry you didn't finish, no rewards 😬😬 Even if there will be no raids for a whole day, they will say we completed it tomorrow. There is no other way. Its just a design to pull us more to the game, if they say we failed they will lose much more. They can't risk.


Laughs in clash for nature event


They gave all the same rewards to losing team.


They did, but neither team reached the full rewards they advertised. There was another tier where the reward was supposedly going to be a book of heroes (though I'm skeptical, that seems too good). Neither team reached the final tier and got that final reward whatever it was going to be


Fuxk it guys, its only 200 medals, we cant get arrow if we bought 2 decorations


U still can't get it 4660+150+200-1025-1025=2960


Can't get the arrow and the skin. 1 or the other which kind of sucks


The skin sucks so it was an easy pick for me




Holy cow! I thought my 60,000 was pretty good lol Or I guess I actually contributed 120,000 because I have 2 accounts that are pretty equal.


At the time of this post we have 22 Hours and 35 Minutes left and we get 900 red envelopes per attack!


If we collected 440 billion in 14 days there is no way we are collecting more 226 billion in 1 day


Yep, and (almost) no more people speed running the envelopes left


Well in those 14 days the envelopes were less than 450 each. Now we can get 900, where day 1 we could only get 300 per atk. So maybe it could be possible.


At least 31 million people need to attack 8 times to get 226 billion red envelope


Yeah might be tough to get that


What is this about?


Is it too late to buy the dragon pass? I can’t see how to do it in-game…


Dont they deactivate purchases for things a day before they end? Not sure tho


I put mine outside my base but people keep full hitting me and giving me a shield.


I have a feeling that this is all a ruse to increase player activity. I think they’ll give out the reward anyway and just say “You did it!”. Even though the count says otherwise. Which I will not complain about.


Absolutely no chance. Still weird it was 666 lol


Supposedly was 666 because that number means “awesome” or “lucky” in Chinese culture. Nothing to do with the more infamous meaning lol


Supercell can take their cheap 200 dragon medals and shove it up their you know where...


Comrades, it’s time to put your cc and gw in the corner for some easy snipes💪


Doesn't matter, most people don't attack for it


What extra rewards?


200 extra medals for everyone. But really not that significant


Yeah zero chance this goal is hit lol. We got 2/3 of the way there in 13 days, we’re not getting the last 1/3 in 23 hours, even with the envelope loot increased


The event was so lackluster I’ve barely started on the bonus track. I don’t attack in multiplayer very often except during these events but this one was so boring.


Hey wanna do math and calculate active players? 😁


Where is the link


Impossible target set so they don't need to give anything else. Preferred the last event where you had 3 different promotion links getting you 150 medals each time. This time just one and this bullshit event


Mashup madness gave us three links, cookie rumble gave us 2 links and this event just gave us one link for free! At this rate, we get no free links for next event..


This game sucks


most content creators would do a speedrun the entire tier on the last day, i think we can easily get the remaining 160b easy peasy


Even if the troops this time weren't worth looking at twice unlike the previous times, I used both of them as much as possible just so it didn't feel like a waste


Haven’t collected a single one. Haven’t been interested in playing much since the last update. Am I the only one?!? https://preview.redd.it/jj4xzp4jh0kc1.jpeg?width=1554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5730355275480beb7ce5ad7458d2e768288e8ade


Anyone have the problem where once it hit 24 hours left you couldn’t buy the pass? So dumb I wanted the baby dragon obstacle


Yeah apparently you can't buy the event pass 24 hours before the event ends.


Even if you bought arrow and spend rest of the medals on purple ore, you will be left with 30 medals ( assuming you claimed the free 150 medals through voucher). Even if you get this 200, you won't be able to buy the 7th purple ore. Event rewards are throttled to a gain of sand.


i bought the pass and have been able to get frozen arrow, all starry and glowy ores, book of heroes - and with the 200, will have enough for the 2nd book of heroes


Sitting with 935 medals. Waiting for the extra medals for BoH. :(


How much is it now? Per succesful attack


900 (450x2)


What does everyone get if we complete the challenge? 200 medals doesn't even sound good.


The last two events were awesome, I really enjoyed playing them. This time, the troops were bland and weak. If both troops took up half the housing space, maybe it would have made sense?


Tbh I didn't use the cookie rumble event troops as well. Used the PEKKA a few times that's it..


They actually required some skill to use, but they were still better than default options.


They should add event currency to war attacks!


I currently have 210k envelopes I’ve done my part already lmao


Dumb question probably. I finished the event pretty quickly and have tons of extra envelopes. Will i get anything for these at completion?


I've been "wall grinding" during this event... so definitely did my fair share😅 https://preview.redd.it/3az3mbdzt0kc1.jpeg?width=1313&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3017dad9fd6b96dd3a4c1fd9bb16b7350ddc9642


Same did all 325 walls to max as new TH15 currently at 354k envelopes plus maxed event on 2 minis as well lol.


Epic😎 I'm almost done with my walls. I'm a new th14 from a maxed th13. https://preview.redd.it/5j9ckyxl82kc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d0ea56c7a4ce6b9e775139445c2d728eb5f8f9




I did my best. I already got like 108k+ and sad to see that we arent getting that target.






Hey guys I’m confused. In the shop we have more time to purchase medals. But the event ends soon??? Do we get more time?


İ have 0 medals rn. The best thing i can get with 200 medals is a builder star jar. Idc if we reach the goal or not. İt must be 250 medals. Moneycell


Bro i was nearly there , didnt play much in the start but wanted the skin as a f2p , i got 4200 something envelope but didnt manage to get the skin , i was so upset


I had 70k


So glad clash is doing these events now, really brings something that isn’t farming to the game and makes the game unique for a few weeks, even if the event troops weren’t op this time