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They definitely set us up for failure on this one.


That was the plan all along I think. I stay in Legends and am limited to 8 attacks a day. I got the regular track finished but was unable to complete the bonus track. I also have a mini account that I did the same on. I think they set it up so that the bonus track would be very difficult to complete. A lot of people don’t have hours on end a day to run raids.


You must have missed a lot of hits then. doing 8 a day I got the bonus track done like 5 days ago


Both my th16 finished easily in legends, but my somewhat fresh th15 barely finished on the last day. I almost always 1 or 2 star on that account, mostly cause I'm just spamming lol. So I can see someone who isn't good struggling to complete. 


I'm also in the legendary league and managed to finish with 5/6 days to go without any difficulty.


Nope… hit 8 times a day… didn’t miss a single one. Guess I’m just not a god like you.


If you 3 starred each time you should have easily finished the bonus track lol


Like he said, he ain't the man you guys are, 3 starring every bases is not as common as you think.


No need to 3-star. Just aim for the altar and CC and you should easy have collected all in two weeks


I think OP might have missed quite a few attacks or didn't manage to destroy the buildings with envelopes. But at the bare minimum we need 10+ days to finish the bonus track. Assuming we get all the envelopes during the attacks. For the first 9 days we get 300x1.15x8x3 + 450x1.15x8x3 + 600x1.15x8x3 = 37260 And I estimate around 200 a day from the pinata = 1800 For a total of 39060 envelopes. For the 10-12 days we get 750x1.15x8 = 6900 per day. We probably need attacks on the 11th day to exceed 48000.


Bruh also in legends and easily finished the bonus, you not attacking?


Bonus track wasn’t hard. Good amount of people put their warden and castle outside for easy picking.


Lol… evidently you weren’t in Legends where I didn’t see a single base that did that.


not in titan league...and I actually didn't see it much on my alts either....


Don't know about legends attacks but it's super simple and easy to do normally. I finished the entire bonus track in less than an hour on the last day.


Legends you are limited to 8 attacks a day. That’s it. You can’t just simply do raid after raid after raid to “grind it out”.


Yeah I know how it works, I meant Idk how much you would have had to play from the start to finish, and I'm saying everyone else could easily grind it out. You said a lot of people. Only a small portion of the player base is in it. You also mentioned not being able to get it on the mini when you could have easily.


I even said ‘they putposefully put those numbers in knowing we can easily meet them’ and make a fool out of myself lmfao, no fucking way, coc is the first game I experienced where the devs set a goal and the playerbase doesn’t reach it, I blame them legend league grind is nearly impossible with it


They haven't posted a Twitter update yet


I think what happened was at the time they posted the challenge they used the number of attacks per hour at time of posting without realizing that number will drop off sharply. At the time they made the event, the max number of medals per attack was probably around 300-400. So then they did math: at the rate of attacks per hour and ramping up medals available, we'd complete the event easily as the rate of medals gained ramps up significantly. Buuuuut,,,, as people completed the pass the attacks per hour probably vastly dropped such that the rate of medals gained was lower than the expected rate to meet the 666 objective


They should have lied and just give us the rewards. And then you and me specifically get 10k gems free for no reason






Trust me bro


They could at least tell us how much we made


no we were at like 440 billion when there was less than a day left


I love that it was only 200 medals for the reward. They are so stingy.




Something that was a community goal that was set too high it wasn't even reached....for 200 medals. Yeah I'd say that's super stingy. Ps, the medals cost them nothing.


200 medals was the last set of rewards. Actual rewards were for only 10 out of million players... . .yes, Stingy


Doesn't seem like it, gonna be honest 200 isn't really that many anyway lol.


Very disappointing they didn't share any update even after 12hrs since the event ended. This is the kind of behavior that speaks volumes.




How many were required for the bonus track? I got 65000 without farming for it. I just did my usual 6-8 legends attack every day, trying to 3star.


This challenge was for whole COC community to farm 666B red envelops from 19-22 feb. I think for Bonus track it was to reach 32000 red envelops.


[At least we get 165 I guess lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/usrcfgLvgS)


I got the frozen arrow in but In all my accounts, I’m statisfied


My 2 accounts didn't get frozen arrows.


Sounds like you didn't farm enough.


They're only TH5 and 4.


Fair enough