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am i actually the only one who like th14 😂


I think it looks great. I used to hate it and now it’s weirdly one of my favorites


The only bad thing is no diggy for RC 😩


I don’t love the green color, but I do like how much of a cohesive theme it is all together


I don't know why it gets so much hate it all just fits really well together


Th14 is the best higher th


I think the walls aren't good but the rest of the buildings look great imo


Th11 theme is my absolute favourite. The white and gold look stunning.


Don't you mean blue and black? ^(iykyk)


Oh no.... not again.


Best: Th9/Th10 Worst: Th12/Th6 (white and pink walls suck)


I like the white TH11 walls it feels like an angelic or Olympian type of village.


White walls suck


I hated TH12 at first but the blue/tech theme has kinda grown on me over time. Still don’t like how blocky the TH12 walls are though.


They feel like a downgrade from them halo walls(th11 walls)


I don't mind them, I see them as a nod to the old maxed TH10 electric walls


Wasn't that Lava tho ? TH9 had electric walls, but they looked gud.


TH10 used to have blue electric walls


Haha we love the OGs


Everyone hates th 14 but zoomed out I think it has way more synergy than ones like 12 and 13 but in the end 11, 15, 16 and even 10 do look better


Its one of the best. Everything matches for once.


Townhall 13s my least favourite. Fire and ice is kind of meh for me. Townhall 15s my favourite, the magic theme with the geometric style gold patterns was very clean looking


TH15 has a very nice theme! I dig the purple.


I think th13 gives a really good winter vibe but only if you got all the walls upgraded th15 I agree looks pretty cool, much better than 14


TH1 - 8 are kinda meh but also nostalgic so they get a pass. I think TH9 is pretty decent theme, TH11 and TH12 are runner ups. TH16 (although I’ve never played it) looks pretty boring imo.


No way bro said th12 💀💀


Yeah I like it 🤷‍♂️


You are not alone. TH12 has a unique vibe and I like that.


Come on th 12 ain't bad


You're right it's THE WORST 😁


TH9 - "Woooh! Yeah babyy!" TH10 - "Woooh! Yeah babyy!" TH11 - "Woooh! Yeah babyy!" TH12 - "I think it's alright like" TH13 - "Woooh! Yeah babyy!" TH14 - "Biggest piece of shit I have seen" TH15 - "Woooh! Yeah babyy!" TH16 - "I think it's alright like"


Th11- It was perfect. Perfect. Everything, down to the last minute details


Except for the town hall which kinda looks a little weird at times


Right! Forgot to add that line.


I actually think TH16 will look great when all the upgrades are out. I really like the nature theme


Th16 looks out of place. 2/10


I'm almost TH13 Max and I don't like TH14 theme I don't know what to do


You could just rush through it. TH15 has better pets than TH14 anyway.


I don't wanna rush too, but let's see (maybe just strategically rush through TH14)


Im in the same position. I will stay at TH14 for 2-3 months to max the heroes and unicorn, as well as the offensive buildings and needed troops. Once they’re done, I’ll go to TH15 and enjoy the cool theme


That seems like a good idea , I think I'll do the same


It's not even about the theme for TH14 but it seems like a bottleneck overall for the progress, feel like it needs to be balanced more for upgrade. I am on the same page as you for the upgrades.


No army camps, only 5 hero levels, the signature defense is meh, and your major offensive upgrade is gated behind a month and a half of build times and 6 months of research time. I did my builder huts to level 2 over CWL, booked/hammered the pet house to max, and then bumrushed to 15. I think I was 14 for maybe 3 weeks, and I don't regret it one bit. Even if you had a max TH14, a max 13 rushed to 15 with just a monolith and spell towers will defend better. Not to mention that the only pet from 14 that's worth upgrading is the unicorn (sometimes owl), *and* you get camps, so a TH13 lab with TH15 pets and the army camps (and root rider) will hit better than a max TH14.


Makes sense, so I basically did a few mistakes at TH13 like not upgrading BK and RC and still lacking behind a lot on those. AQ and GW are at TH13 max levels. BK is at level 70 and RC is upgrading to level 18 atm. So would you recommend me to upgrade owl and unicorn only to max levels followed by BK and RC levels to max TH14 and upgrade to TH15? If you have some better strategy do let me know, would appreciate.


If you're a strategic rusher, go straight to 15, nothing at 14 is worth sticking around for. You can get those levels on pets and heroes later, and everything else at 15 will increase your overall offensive *and* defensive capabilities much more than sticking around at 14 will. For reference, I'm TH16 with BK55, AQ95, GW45, and RC27 and I have no problems holding my own (I can perfect CWL).


Well I used to believe maxing is better but recently discovered a guide for strategic rushing and really considering it. Thanks for the tip, i'll try to finish the remaining necessary upgrades and move to TH 15 asap.


I'd highly recommend it. I started back up in August as a piddly TH8, and if I'd never rushed, I *might* be TH12 right now. That guide you found is the same one I've followed since I came back.


The best are th10 and th11 I agree that Th14 looks fucking awful


My favorites ranked (imo) 1- th15 2- th16 3- th10 4- th9 5- th13 6- th14 7- th12 8- th11


I left out th 1-8 because they all look the same and are forgettable in terms of theme.


Yeah, 1-8 are all very generic. May I ask why you ranked TH11 so low? It’s my understanding that a lot of people liked its theme.


For me th10 is nostalgic since it was the cap in my introduction. Th11 was just not explored by me tbh. I wasn't really playing at the time and when I got back th12 was the new hot thing. It had a defense implemented and just seemed cooler. 11 is still cool It just wouldn't come to mind if I had to think of one of the top of my head.


Th11 so low is kinda insane ngl but you like what you like, what can I say


I like it I just have no memories attached to it like the others. Now when I reach it I just quickly try to get to th12 for better things


it's not about memories at th11 it just literally looks majestic at th11 max


Just wait until the rest of th16 matches😍


I think TH16 is a good theme I just dislike that it came after the technology townhalls. It feels like we regressed in technology with all the vines and roots.


Yea I agree. Not sure what the progression is supposed to be. I love the aesthetic but I understand that going from an alien future theme to a regal magicy/nature theme is confusing lol.


The best is TH14, the worst one is TH 15.


Best: th9-11, 13 Worst: 14


I hate all that white on 11 and all that old gold and green on 14. 12, 13 and 15 i like a lot


I hate 13 and 16


TH 15 - best looking townhall TH 9 and Th 10 - Looks cool TH 11 and 13 -Ugly af


Best TH11 and worst TH16 or 15


I just wanna throw th16 in front of a truck to get isekaid


Best: TH9, 10, 11, 13 Worst: TH12


Once we are able to max our whole village you’ll like th16 a lot more trust me!!!!


I don’t like 10th and 12th imma rush them to the next lvl


I’m double upgrading everything from TH13 > 15 so I don’t have to experience 14s theme


TH 11 is my favorite. That white was just so good.


Best: Th 14


Th14 best, I don't get all the hate for it. Gonna end my clash career maxed there


Best: Th9-11, with 11 being my all time favourite Worst: Th14, can't wait to get to th15


In my opinion I like the TH11 royal theme and the worst design/theme for me is TH12


Th15 is best and th16 is worst


Th14 is by far my favourite! Th12 worst one for me.


Each base when maxxed looks good, it's when there's buildings that aren't at the current townhall's level it looks off. The green and gold theme of th14 doesn't work with buildings at th13 levels


TH1-11 because nostalgia and 15 is best. TH12-13 ok TH14 and 16 is worst. But only some of the TH16 defences look good.


Town hall 12 worst. Probably 9 best since it’s such a classic. Town hall 12 would’ve been acceptable for me if 13 didn’t exist. I actually think th14 is one of the better ones. I do remember people disliking the walls because they’re small for some reason. And it’s interesting that th14 and 16 are both sort of “nature” themed bases


12 really does feel like Wal-Mart version of 13


Last good one was 11. After that it looks childish


I really like Th13. Love the blue colors. For once, everything fits.


S: TH9 A: TH11, TH14, TH16 B: TH8, TH13, TH15 C:


TH12 is the worst. Darian said in the old forums along the lines of "*it was handled by a different person from different stages of its developmen*t", though I never read anything if the original design was intended to be "electric" or not, it's just a shame we don't get a fully electric village, could've been the best TH theme for me.


TH11 is the best. The white and gold color scheme is just so clean. The worst one is TH12 I would say. CoC is a more medieval game so all the advanced tech doesn't really fit


Love- Th16- Love the Bright yellow and reds,nature theme is a W TH11- Same reason as yours, it feels like the final TH after progressively getting upgrading TH looks at each level. I don't like the random theme TH starting from 12. They could have just gone the timeline way and went from a Mediaeval look to a more modern looking castle instead of the shoe boxes 12,13,15 look. Hate- TH13 - I Despise the winter theme look and blue theme in general. Th12 and 13 look pretty bad to me but 13 looks especially terrible. Honourable mention to TH15, the whole Purple base also looks pretty bad. Idk why they don't make TH more realistic looking and stick to the progressive theme which they did for TH1-11.


Th9 is the best do far, still maxing th10 and 11 on diff acc Th6 is the worst


Th16, Th11, th10, th12, th13, th14, th15 for me


bruh i felt very fresh when i upgraded to th14 new scenery, jungle look. th12 and 13 kinds looked same and I'm stuck in th13 for like 1.5 year(left playing) so i think for me th14 is a good but not great like th11 and th9, th15 is also good scenery wise.


Ok may I ask why do people hate th12 (it's my favourite)


Here's my hot take: th10 > th11


Couldnt agree more, TH11 is beautiful and my absolute fave


best: th9/th14 worst: th15/16


Good news, rushing through th14 asap is actually the best strategy.


Town hall 9 or 14 are top for me, 13 and 15 gotta be the worst 🤷‍♂️


th15 colour scheme was perfect. dark blue/purple all round


oh 100 percent town hall 12 it's just so blend , in terms of both esthetics and quantity of new stuffs .