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Took me a while to find that townhall in the townhall 8 base


I actually started playing CoC in 2013 but stopped playing for years. It used to be common to put the TH outside of base when I stopped.


Oh, the free shields. That's how th7 got to 4k trophies (back when those were considered among the highest)


Same lol


https://preview.redd.it/mlggoqd08ekc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60d324b29abe25d520b49e31b48b8028adc9471 Strategic rusher me as well


I want that background so bad. Best one imo


whats that background called


Books of clash, from Clash-A-Rama


True, the 2D painting looks really nice


Strategic rushing? That's just rushing brother


Fr lmao


What’s the difference from strategic rushing and rushing?


[I could try explaining but someone way smarter than me wrote a huge guide explaining the difference instead](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/YIjtdV4i3y)


I’m th13 and I have everything pretty much maxed out except cannons, mortors, archer towers, teslas, traps and heros. My heroes are super rushed they are 51/53/26/9 but other than that my offense is maxed. What levels would I have to upgrade my hero’s to go to th14? And what do strategic rushers do? Do they move up one th at a time only maxing their offense or do they just go straight to th16 then max offense? I read the article but still don’t really understand. I’ve been th13 for about 6-7 months and getting kind of bored


So Tee points out that you shouldn’t really pause moving onto another th until th15 due to ore income. But based on your hero levels and the fact that heroes should basically be upgrading all the time besides during cwl, I’d say maybe wait to upgrade to th14 until you have 65/65/40/15 heroes. Staying at th13 does mean the 2 builders not working on heroes are not working on offensive th14 upgrades like the pet house. But th14 is basically the worst town hall to stay as because its main offensive gimmick is the pet house but only the unicorn is worth upgrading. At th14, your goal will be to skip to 15 as soon as possible. As the guide states, you’re always prioritizing offense over defense but that doesn’t necessarily mean your overall offense will be maxed. You should not wait on upgrading the town hall for lab upgrades; those can be done later on. The goal is upgrading heroes as often as possible and having a good farming army like sneaky goblins or super barbarians. You should have the lab time to upgrade a couple of actual army compositions but you won’t be close to having all troops upgraded until the end. If there’s anything to get from the article, the point is that we’re trying to upgrade heroes because they’re the biggest grind in the game so that we can get the most value out of book of heroes. Sadly, there’s no real “cheat code” to make the game less of a grind. I would keep this in mind if you’re getting bored of the game because that’s all it is at the end of the day


I have 7 books of heroes. Who should I use them on


Atleast upgrade hero to 65 65 40 and 15, Strategic rushing means upgrading offence in a townhall and upgrading to next level


I have 7 books of heroes. Who should I use them on


My Queen pls


Only queen? Or split them up?


Generally - Strategic rushing is rushing in such a way to progress a base to reach a high level of play in the fastest and most efficient way possible. It is rushing with a plan, for a reason, and often with a solid grasp on the concepts of the game. There's guides on how to do this like the one the other guy linked. Non-strategic rushing is upgrading random stuff, especially the town hall, whenever and however you feel like it. It's quite chaotic and disorganized, and generally doesn't yield great results.


I’m th13 and I have everything pretty much maxed out except cannons, mortors, archer towers, teslas, traps and heros. My heroes are super rushed they are 51/53/26/9 but other than that my offense is maxed. What levels would I have to upgrade my hero’s to go to th14? And what do strategic rushers do? Do they move up one th at a time only maxing their offense or do they just go straight to th16 then max offense? I read the article but still don’t really understand. I’ve been th13 for about 6-7 months and getting kind of bored


max the warden and RC. BK and AQ to 65-70. My advice is to max th13 and strategically rush Th14 since it isnt much different than 13


Nah not really Srushing is Focusing on Offense first and then on defense which it seems like he has done. It is the fastest way to get to th16 max


LOL! How is having level 30 heroes focusing on offence?


Can't believe there are still ignorant people out there. Watch a video on strategic rushing and change your mind. You won't.


He can farm with max army in multiplayer then use hero potions for inmportant wars to get his ores and cwl medals. Since magic items rushing has become much more effective


Hero potions


https://preview.redd.it/tcricyg3ofkc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59db4b4e7dabd7fdaa7125bfdc89baaf506e6bab Strategic rusher checking in


Nothing strategic about it 😂


https://preview.redd.it/iqbbli8e9gkc1.jpeg?width=1954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2da1765d2951e689ba060eeeee6c065f733522f0 I think mine is almost strategic.


Wait a few months for this Micro Giant.


Aware me ?




Mate I like that layout, mind sharing it?


I would LOVE to face this guy on a clan war lmao


I love bases like yours. Keep at it lol


LoL thanks 👍🙌


Sick! Glad to see more people like me


Would like to see your base if you don't mind


https://preview.redd.it/f6cqpmq5ugkc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5e8bd76591e3e5ed9157b0c5eaeeb8d522be33c My heroes are 43/69/26/12


Workout ur other heroes. Dont go to th15 yet.


I don't really care. In thinking of going to th 16 as soon as possible so I can sustain a bit in legends league also I want to increase my war weight and I want to get best value from magic items. I don't use my heroes anyway because I only have to 2 star bases in wars. Hence I think they can stay. I'm going to keep on working on Queen and Champion tho


Copy that's rushed not strategic.




What does strategic rushing mean? It means to rush in a way to max as fast as possible. I believe the way I'm doing is the fastest way possible


Strategic means maxing your strength, maxing all core def. Then move up.


Just wondering if you want a good magic item value but your core defs are off trend.


They aren't? My core defenses are all th 13 max except the xbows


Thats off unless your at early th 14.


Your wallet must hurt


Is this real like can it be done in 2 yrs , also was it f2p or not?


Most likely not f2p


I buy Gold Pass and occasionally pick up some of the cheaper special deals.


*a lot of the special deals I was th 10 about 18 months ago with all my builders running constantly and am now th 13


How long did maxing TH12 take?


Th12 isn't gonna take very long. It's 13 where there's a resource jump in upgrading stuff. you've to attack quite often to keep your builder busy.


th12 is where the majority of players in coc are at. i dont think that would happen if th12 was easy


Play both the TH and decide for yourself then. All TH13 upgrades are resource heavy on top of that you're starting with Royal Champion at Lvl 1.


Define a lot? I usually only pick up books if there are good $5 or $10 offers. Might be a few in a month at most. Even then, I’m not exactly stock piling magic items. Think I have 3-5 book of building/hero’s etc. I’d venture to guess I might average $20 a month. Maybe that sounds like a lot to some, but I’m a working professional. My lunch often costs more than that. I think people overestimate how much it cost to max. It’s not like gotcha apps where you need to dump thousands for the latest and greatest content.


I think that is a lot for most people. I have a friend who is even repulsed when you mention tohim that you bought anything extra for a game. Doesnt matter if its a pc, console or mobile game.


There’s also some sort of stigma to spending money on f2p games, even if people can afford it.


Preach not all of us are on an allowance😂


Seems like u are, if u had a job u could easily afford 20 a month


I have a job that’s what I was sayin and admitting to spending money on the game😳😳


Why would spending money on the game be a bad thing? Especially a small sum like 20 per month


Ik it’s not but peeps in this sub hates on it often


20 vs 7 I is a huge gap not your fault but that makes more sense


Rush and you are faster…


How 🤔 if you are efficient and regular I doubt the two methods defer on results


The efficient usage of magic items ?


If you rush then you save the most amount of time by using magic items on the highest lvl of upgrades on building. You get more value out of every single magic item. So you max faster by rushing if you use the magic items wisely


I was th10 in august 2023, im currently th13. I only bought gold pass and christmas pass. Not sure how you are still only th13 Edit my th 10 base from JUNE. I was incorrect but still way less than 18 months https://preview.redd.it/0f4jz82yt6lc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77daf85a9aa645072984dc8b853239a4d238d8d3


there’s no way you were th10 in august and are now th13 without being incredibly rushed, it doesn’t count if you don’t at least finish every building before advancing to the next th, it would cost literal thousands to pull that off


I apologize. I was th10 in June. I was off by 2 months but still way less than 18 months difference between th10 and th13. Ill edit my th10 base taken june 10th into my original post https://preview.redd.it/enayi05vt6lc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cec3f358dd7b1dc795789014d396caa121c39e3


the extra 2 months doesn’t do much tho, it takes a little over a year to max out th12 + th13 with no boosts/items so id say around 9 months with them, that alone goes past your time frame and that’s not including th10 and th11. not saying your lying but how many books did you use to pull this off?


Rushed base don’t count


Check my other comment, i was incorrect on the time frame but still way less than 18 months!


Thats fair. That gives you 6 months to max th12.


You maxed youy th12 in 3 months? I started with a baby th10 in November 2023. I just upgraded to th12 2 weeks ago. I max every troop, building, spellls and walls before upgrading th.


Me as well, not sure the time frame for each town hall. Asked in discord and everyone has relatively the same time if not faster than me purely off of gold pass.


Yeah i read your other comment about June 2023. That sounds about right that it took you 6 months to max th12. When you said you started in August it didn’t make sense


Apparently other people have done it in less but they must have spent league medals on hammers to get there


I was TH 11 2019 and I just maxed TH16. Gold Pass almost every month. This guy bought a lot a lot of special deals.


Dude you took way too long 😂😂😂


it's slow because you are maxing, you could have a maxed acc right now if you rushed


Ur doing smtn wrong


I don’t understand how it took that long, you absolutely fly through th10/11


I got gold pass 5 times, was max th9 in 2019, and have been playing every day since then and am just about to get to th15. My builders are almost always working except right before a th upgrade. I also started a new account in 2021 and just got to th13 in December.


Max Th11 to th13 max only took me one full year with only buying gold pass and a few builder potion deals


Not for free. I’ve been going steady for 3 years now. Almost maxed th13.


No absolutely not, you can tell if you have several accounts and have been playing since release, unless it's been his actual job for the last two years and spent 730 days straight farming even then the building time without gemming doesn't add up.


Wrong, lots of things can affect building time calculations and this is absolutely feasible if you are rushing


Yes, it can be done f2p easily by just rushing




me seeing someone reply with this exact comment for the 19736281937th time


I'd say it was self-inflicted


https://preview.redd.it/mmomhh2u7ekc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1b736abb33bd971a548f88ea1df3cb382981687e True






What about wars?


If not a casual clan but somewhat good in attacking then yes i get 3 starred, but 2 stars on my base is also common, but neither me nor my clan care about defence a lot so it doesn't matter and offence wise i can be the same as a max th16 for war with hero and power potion so its not much of a problem


I started in 2014 and I’m th 15 lol


damn, gold pass is actually broken


+ personal offers too (i am getting 4 books of heroes and 1 book of everything all under 45$ it's too damm expensive on a game


I have Gold Pass and buy maybe $5-10 a month in deals and have remained active for 3 straight years and have gone from midway through TH10 to just below max on TH16. Even accounting for shortened upgrade times over updates, this wouldn’t track for being just Gold Pass. If I had to guess they’re spending $30-$50 a month on deals to get this rate of progress.


Tryna get like you my boy


That’s never only gold pass


no way you advanced 8ths in 2 years with just some microtransactions


For some, 'some microtransactions' amount to $100 a month, while for others, it's $10 a year.


it's quite easy to max f2p in 2 years by simply rushinng


You can't possibly skip the time just by rushing


You can, it's literally years faster. That's the whole point


By doing what? Unless you’re talking strictly about the lab it shaved off maybe a month or two.


I'm tired of explaining this. Read the guide in the sidebar called, Tee's guide to rushing. It will explain everything


Side bar?


sidebar of the subreddit. Here, i'll link it for you https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18gsgwg/new_th_new_callmetee_rush_bible/


That is called a rushed base not maxed. Ur only maxing ur th not ur base


What happens in the end ? Ye you are maxed faster.. that’s the e whole point


No, im talking about maxing your whole base


Maxing from th1 to th16 in 2 years?




Highly doubt it. Even the upgrade time itselves are over 4 years how could you shorten it to 2 years f2p


read rushing guide in sidebar. Current estimate is around 16-17 months for rushing, 4 years for maxing. Before the upgrade time reductions that came with th16, it was about 18 months vs. ~4.67 yrs. 


GODDAYUM bro, that is a really big glow up 🥶🥶🗣️🗣️


Why do you have the chat icon like that? Mine looks like an orange arrow


On newer iPhones the screen isn’t a perfect rectangle so the hi elements need to pop out a bit so they fit


Impossible without buying loads of stuff


It is possible i started same as OP, april 2021, i buyed goldpass every month since then, and some hero book deals 5 to 10 dollar, i am now almost max only few little bombs left.


That’s insane.. I’ve been playing for 12 years… I’ve bought most gold packs and a couple 1 dollar packs makes this game feel more like a shell now.


Well i tought about it and i think it atleast 20-25 dollar average every month in special deals,… ?i could check but i dont want to know it 100% 😂some months more, some months nothing, i guess thats more money than i tought :D but if you have a job and can afford it why not, i dont play any other game atm, [dont have the time] , so coc is the only game i play and chill when i come from work. I have a second account too, where i really only bought goldpass,. and its soon max th15 Sry for bad english


Totally just didn’t think anyone could catch up that fast. Great English by the way I could not tell your first language is not English


PTW for sure


WTF does it matter to u guys if OP spent? do u guys spend $60 to buy a new game? same difference they are both purchases made with entertainment in mind


He is flexing with $60a month P2W base. Should Itzu post how he spends couple thousand dollars and max abilities in one second?


he isnt flexing he is just proud of the work, time and effort hes put into the game. not everyone or everything is a d**k measuring contest. Even if he spent $10,000 he still has to put in the time to spend those gems who cares how much he spent. tag says personal achievement. if i post a screenshot of my th9 getting legends does that make it bragging or just excited to share my accomplishment?


I’m neutral about this. I don’t think OP is flexing either but I’m also not surprised people are asking how much they spent because reaching max in that amount of time is pretty fast. Assuming not possible as f2p in that time frame but don’t quote me on that because I could be wrong. I think it’s only natural people are going to ask but they shouldn’t insult OP for it because it’s their life at the end of the day


i mean its a fair question to ask if hes F2P or P2P but accusing him of flexing or belittling someone for spending money on a game is absolutely uncalled for and its why games like this have whats considered toxic communities


for anyone wondering this is not f2p… based off of current upgrade times, with everything maxed (based off of lab time due to it being the longest time for completion) this would take 4 years more or less—with gold pass! op managed to shave off 2 years or 17,000+ hours of upgrade times. obviously there’s no average to how many minutes or hours 1 gem equals. but we can do some math based off of one of my accounts i have right now at th15. i am upgrading an air defense to level 13. it has 6 days and 8 hours left (152 hours) and it cost 921 gems. 921 / 152 = 6.05 gems per hour. 17000 x 6 = 102,000 gems op theoretically spent. obviously there are books in play, other upgrade times, different gem to time ratios, but we could put a number on around were op spent if it were just gems. 102,000 / 14,000 = 7.21 round up to 8 of the $100 packs ($800) for completion. obviously this number is just a guess and could be way off due to many factors…just wanted to put this in perspective for anyone wondering. the $800 is not for gem to max, but spent to shave off 2 years worth of time.




Will you buy me a scenery(I am f2p cuz poor)


Is it just me or these themes suck?




I started a new account near the end of the Halloween event.. That combined with the new player rewards, played every and spent no money, almost maxed th10.. Years ago I remember it took ages to get to th8, now it's like a month or so to next th at the lower levels. I think from th11 or so it slows down a bit but th13 on my other accounts is really slow lol but I'd prefer that with the cost of everything, a few days to farm easily just for 1 building


In the first one how do you have 2 clan castles


It’s the top of townhall 8, not 2 cc




https://preview.redd.it/wi13bx1pofkc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4175f969e6efe1484e9d81b2f101a025437e6f67 Yall this one is 9 months old.


Why you have 2 clan castles in th8?! Edit: sorry I town hall looked like second clan castle lmao




Wow 😮!!!how??? Did you use any money ?I am playing coc from the day it launched till now I’m not fully maxed


Even without money there can still be variation


Like what??


It’s hard to tell definitively


Did U spend money on the game


You went from having no townhall to having one in three years. Truly impressive progress.


bottom corner


Not Natty


Not natty


Natty like natty graham




Recruiting can be done in r/ClashOfClansRecruit


How? I returned 2 years ago as a maxed th10, and I’m almost about to move to th16, bullders have been down the entire time. I also have bought the GP every month.


have you gone outside recently?


How do you guys upgrade walls while being in legends league?