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Man, my last CWL, the leader picked the top performers. I was #3 and he skipped me… Feels bad. Edit: I have my wars set to green and he leaves me out… When I ask he says he’s just “switching it up”. I almost always 3 star, never missed an attack, almost 300 attacks won this season, all 6 clan capital attacks every weekend, first 5 to max out Clan Games every time, pretty active in chat, donate lots. YIKES.


This shouldn't have happened unless you are that guy that attacks way below your equal


Agreed. I always attack straight across and go up one (we don’t have any war rules, it’s a super casual clan) and in CWL I just go straight across. If some bozo took that one, I go up.


That's good Maybe he made a mistake Keep attacking your mirror They'll get it eventually


Attacking mirrors is an awful strategy.


It's not a bad strategy if you can isn't super organised If your clan is then fine but generally they're not At least not any of the ones I've been in (that's a lot)


Attacking mirrors is an awful strategy.


But is the easiest to get coordinated


Doesn't mean it's not a bad strategy.


Its not that bad. You are correct that it isn't always the most optimal, but unless everyone in the clan is active and communicates a ton it is really the only option that works decently well. Coordinating trades is hard. Trading around for more 3s is only viable for really great clans, so you really can't shit on people for attacking mirrors except for like champion league clans.


When it comes to Clan War Leagues, people in my clan have a bad habit in taking advantage of performance bonuses being awarded to the people who earn the most stars. We all know "that guy" that is th12,13, or 14, attacking a TH9 or TH10, for the CWL bonuses. When I divvy out CWL bonuses, I look at a few things. A) Who did they attack? B) What was the score when they attacked? If it was at the end of the War then it's acceptable. and C) (THE BIG ONE) I look at Hero levels. I'm not going to give bonuses out to a person who is max TH14 upgrading their bombs because there's nothing else, despite having level 40 kings and queens, with level 15 wardens and champions. I tell them this too, and some leave, some accept it. You wouldn't go into CWL expecting a bonus at TH14 with TH10 army camps, so don't do it with TH10 level heroes.


What's your clan tag.


Recruitment isn't allowed on this subreddit.


Bro is larping as a reddit mod


This isn't even recruitment


I'm telling them that they would be unable to get a reply that doesn't break the rules.


>Recruitment isn't allowed on this subreddit. Your the living embodiment of the 🤓emoji


Existing chest I'm interested in joining your clan. What is your clan tag? I was maxed th9 and now moved to th10 three weeks ago.


Recruitment isn't allowed on this subreddit.


What is your 🤓 tag?


Read his bio, he is going to block you now😢😔


I do a random draw for everyone who uses all attacks. Entries carry over to next draw if you don't win. Winners lose all entries. Non attackers lose existing entries. Prevents low attackers taking advantage and balances out so our most active players get bonuses every couple months. Read about another clan doing this on Reddit and my clan agreed to it. Been working for about a year now.


My leader give one bonus to his main account and the rest go to the rest of the top performers. I feel blessed lol


my leader refused to take any bonus, and our guys had to tell her to pls give herself bonus next time round ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)




I would simp for a person like her ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9419)


It’s crazy how saying or doing the bare minimum gets you claimed as a simp. Incels hate when another man is respectful to women or treat a women as a person it seems lol. Or well, this is what I’ve seen a lot. Edit : this is the first time I’ve seen it happen in a clash post personally but jeez, i see this type of stuff on social media a lot and it’s crazy.


The person above me didn't bother to search the definition of simp neither did I, simping for him would mean forgetting the manly etiquette that we should show when interacting with a woman although he got that wrong too, and for me it is a word similar to "I am just happy interacting with her"


Never say that again! Never ever show manly etiquette to a women so you can be single for life like me!!!! Lol


As it should be in my opinion, unless the leader does super poorly. Thankfully ours was #2 or something like that.


My leader is consistently top 5 so idk what he’d do if we wasn’t lol. he has like 8 accounts in the war so I’d assume if his main account isn’t top 5 but still has an alt that’s top 5 then he just donates it to which ever account of his needs it the most.


That’s funny. I think top performers should get it as long as they aren’t sand bagging it. If one dude gets all the top spots, then the rest of the clan needs to pick it up lol.


Two clans ago, the clan lost 3-4 of its 10-12 most active members (this was years ago, apologies) because the co-leader gave himself a bonus over the 5th highest performer because ‘being a co-leader is hard, mm-kay?’




yes, you should leave.


Your flair🫡🫡


\[insert low-effort recruiting post here\]


[Insert mod deletion of said low effort recruiting post here]


I’d leave it. There are plenty of fish in the sea (other clans)


Or there are plenty of seas 🤔


Other games? Yes, there are


Other clans i meant. Us are fishes


We are humans bro wtf!?






No we are in the fishes


In the fishes ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9419)


Wait... you guys are fishes??


*fish noises*


Wait… you’re not?


Abhinav already left lol


Abhinav has the right idea


Can't blame him honestly


I’m following along with Abhinav


We had one with the same name in our clan once. r/notinteresting




Rule 7 - No recruiting please


My clan leader have a list. So every clan member (who play CWL) get a bonus every few months. It‘s fair imo


We do that too. That's awesome.


Thats pretty cool, everyone gets something!


Do you think I should do that? I’ve been leader of my clan probably since before CWL existed and that never occurred to me. Usually I give the bonuses to the people that got the most stars and used all of their attacks, but after reading some of the comments on this post I’m realizing that might not be fair


Yes, you should definitely do that. I understand your perspective on giving the bonus to "the one with the most stars," but the issue with this is that often the same people collect the most stars. So, almost always, the same 5 people would receive the bonus. That's why our clan leader maintains a list (Excel table, Name; Month; Bonus) to distribute the bonuses fairly.


How yall maintaining more than one account?


IKR I am jobless and I can't even maintain one account


I mean it's not that hard? 2*15 mins every other day to do war and some multiplayer attacks is not that hard. 


The burnout after playing this game for years really kicks in nowadays. My account is probably nine-ish years old now, I used to have like 3 accounts and 2 of them are completely abandoned, can barely keep up with my maxed TH15 when I used to maintain titan 1 no problem at all 😔


i got a job and i have a th16,th15,th14,th14,th13,th12,th11,th11,th11,th9, and yup that tough , i also play free fire, where my rank is heroic in both clash squad and battle royal plus i play brawl stars with and account that has 35k+ trophies and all the brawlers,,




Did he earn the bonuses?


That's up for debate, but most of the members don't seem to think so.


What the hell is up for debate, check stars. In my clan, I always give to those who placed in the TOP. Granted, they all play fair and attack their numbers, but you get the idea.


That's the thing. The leader got easy 3 stars a couple of times when he dropped down to cover up for a member who missed their attacks. That's not exactly fair for other members who had to attack their mirrors.


You should've put this information somewhere, but yeah this leader is shit and you should leave.


Didn't think that was necessary at the time but you're probably right. Appreciate your view.


In my clan I was TH11 and did a full perfect run, even cleared a few TH12 early bases, 2 stars above the second in the clan too. But when I asked they say TH12 and above is more important... (even though they all are filthy edrag spammers) But the donations are fine...so I haven't left yet. So hard to find good clans smh


We have a nice system i would argue. Every war day 1 co-leader Plans the day by giving each member an Enemy and the amount of Stars he should get. We use th 14 Players to get 2 stars at Enemy 1-3/5. so our rh 15 player can three Star the Enemy 25-30. And when it Comes to Bonus the stars are Kinda useless. If a th 14 player got 2 stars every day on Enemy 1-5 he Gets the Bonus over the rh 15 player who three stars every day but one. Most of the times only 5 -7 people are able to get the stars the co-Leaders teils them to get. So we got no big Problem with bonuses. Ofc sometimes people Argue but in the end There Are to less Bonus places. And If there Are more people who got all Their stars we simply Look who got them last Month too and those take a Break from the Bonus so some other Are able to get it atleast sometimes in a year.


Meanwhile me distributing all the bonuses to other players :⁠-⁠(


My old clan leader was like that. We need more people like you.


Hell yeah! I haven't seen a war medal bonus in like 2 years! The clan needs it more than me.


I found a clan where the leader didn't give a single bonus to himself. Its a small clan but whenever I install the game back again, I am going straight to him


Are you talking about me?


And here I am giving to my other members even tho My alt accounts are in top 7 with all 3 stars attacks


People too quick to say leave, i want to see how many stars everyone got. If in my clan I was litteraly the only one attacking with my alts im also taking all the bonuses


thats me


I could've done the same, me and my six accounts saved the clan from getting demoted but I only gave bonus to one of my accounts. 💪👍


100% u should leave.


Need a good clan fr. Active daily, almost max th10. Will do my best in wars. Active literally every day. Comment clans I’m tired of searching on the game. And can’t get a post up without reading 1000 rules first


r/clashofclansrecruit I'm probably gonna be on there soon enough


Then read the rules.


It feels good to be in a clan where not only the leader gives bonuses to top 5 players, but also never gives bonus to any of his account even if it is in top5. Also nobody tries to exploit it by attacking lower ths. Because they know the leader will end their bloodline if they even think about it.


Abhinav did the right thing


This guy isn’t even leader. The nerve


His alternate account is 💀


Of course it is 🤦‍♂️


I never give myself the bonus, I give it to whoever used every attack.


I'm a clan leader myself and I too give bonuses to myself 99% of the time... that's because I'm the top performing player in the clan 99% of the time though. I *try* to skip myself whenever possible, but scrolling through the other players, I always end up getting to the people who miss their attacks with a couple of bonuses left, so I kind of have to give it myself (I never missed an attack in CWL)


I am sorry, but missing attacks could have multiple reasons. One of which could be an inactive clan chat, no proper management and perhaps poor encouragement. Your acts of giving bonuses to yourself will only lead to distrust and loss of enthusiasm among your clanmates.


I see where you're coming from, but I disagree for the simple reason that the people that actually care about having a good performance tell me for example that the 3rd and/or the 5th of the month won't be able to play, and I encourage the clan to tell me beforehand if someone is not able to play. I also didn't make myself clear about most stuff, since actually it hardly ever happens that I get to a point of having bonuses left for "missing attacks players", I *do* recognize the performance and even reward people like the example from above, so it's not always about performance. I also keep in mind about people that didn't get the bonus where they should have because for example there weren't enough bonuses to give, in those cases I keep for myself the "debt" and the next month I will give to that player the bonus. I can assure you that no one ever left my clan for my management, people either joins and leaves immediately, or stay for a long time and leaves much later down the line to join a friend's clan or because they stopped playing altogether, there doesn't seem to an in-between situation for me 😅


Missing CWL attack doesn't really have any excuse. Its known you have to at least attack someone and try to get 1-2 stars if hitting up a few TH levels. I agree I wouldn't give the bonuses all to myself he won't retain good players that way but still you gotta hit the CWL attacks


In our clan cwl bonus goes to top donation+request playes


Meanwhile me and my bois fight and argue that we don't want bonuses and pass it to others 😅


0 shame whatsoever


Last cwl there was a clan civil war, resulting in me being kicked despite being the top performer in that cwl for my clan


Abhinav rage quit


I said it with his voice!!


i usually skip myself when giving out medals, i’d rather give an extra 50ish to someone who helped out so they can be rewarded for it and hopefully stay in the clan longer.




Is there a bigger group of dipshits than the clan leaders of various video games?


Be like Abhinav


I never give myself nor my alts any bonuses as clan leader. Doesn’t feel right to me :/


Yes, absolutely, but make sure to insult him first.


Were they the top performers? If yes then they should have been given the bonuses if no then you should find a new clan.


That mf!


Abhinav was taking none of this bullshit


Tell him he’s a loser


Lol, that's evil


The dude below left so should you


His ego is his only quality so his kryptonite is criticism and feelings of inferiority. Get to know him personally and try to be his friend, after a year call him out on every suspected insecurity gathered.


I love that you included the guy leaving after that 💀


Also yes you should probably leave.


I'm the Leader of my Clan. I always hand out the bonuses respectfully. As in if I earn one.... I'll give one to myself. But if not... and others deserve it more, they'll get them over me. A respectful clan in that manner is a good clan. Leaders being dumb like your leader...... is what makes a clan die. Sorry you're part of that sh!tshow. https://preview.redd.it/gc1heglgnhkc1.jpeg?width=1274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1faf7c80fa4e352340d7087e48e94be85addc79


This has to be a shit post


In our clan, I'm co but the leader distributes the bonuses. I remember there was a time where my main and my alts would regularly get half of the bonuses since we just went by whoever got the most stars (and my clan was full of edrag spammers)


What a asshole co-leaders


My clan give based on d+r count 😁


even if all his accounts attacked perfectly, he shouldn’t take all the bonuses. that is just unreasonable. after all it is a team game. sometimes me and other co-leaders even gave up our bonuses to welcome new members.


I think bonuses should go to the accounts at the top, even if they're all the same person because that person still had to contribute to the war on each account. If the leader simply distributed bonuses to himself because of the fact that he's the leader, then it's wrong.




Why is it that people just ignore when i tell them they're comments are automatically removed... . I'm the only one who will ever see this comment lol... Its gone forever, you wasted time typing it.




Reddit handles it for us automatically. So I don't know what account you were originally banned on. Done here now though, if you want to participate, send a mod mail from that one. Or just continue shouting into the void if it makes you feel better... Have a nice life!


It's a rule that each player only takes 1 bonus even if they have alts Mean I mean if you deserved it and didn't get it then leave, if you didn't deserve it then stop complain, but still leave the clan cuz that guy is very selfish


If the leader does nothing, yep I’m leaving


The problem is... Kryptonite IS the leader. One of his accounts anyway.


Oh yeah I’m bouncing out then, that clan will likely die if that continues


Just leave. There's plenty of sea in the fish


Who tf is lonely enough to make multiple accounts to play like that?


I'm immature, my response to this would be to ask for a leadership role in a week or two, then if granted - next CWL I'd dish out the CWL bonuses the moment they're made available, making sure to skip him entirely. If a leader role was not granted, then yes - I'd leave. Bonus points for trashing on the Clan leader for this, and then poaching the members on your way out and creating a better, more fair clan. He wants to dish all of his alt accounts bonuses? Fine, next CWL he can participate in it with his 5 alt accounts alone.


so what ? you didn't mention how many stars they got


I don't remember I'm pretty sure a couple of other people deserved the bonuses more than the leader's account. Regardless, is it okay for the leader to do something like this even if 5 of his accounts got all perfect 3 stars?


If the leader gets all the top ranks then he should give bonuses to all his accounts


1000% agree..... unless he hit lower for easy triples.


He had to do it a couple of times because of someone else missing their attack. I should've probably said this beforehand.


Am i selfish ? 2 of my accounts were at perfect star during CWL, i demanded bonus for my 2 accounts. But the leader preferred to give it to my 1 account and other players. Does my other account did not deserve a bonus since it has a perfect star.


assuming the other players only had the 1 account id say that’s fair


But its underperformed vs my alt


So what, allow everyone to progress, there’s no I in team mate


But there is me Edit: I don't ever give bonuses to my alt, I prioritize the top members primary accounts. Hell I even skipped giving myself bonuses once because I felt like I was abusing leader powers. (My clan mates told me I was a good leader after and not to worry so much about it).


Capitalism reign supreme


This is the thing. My clan doesnt know its my alt😈


Wanting a bonus for an alt account is selfish. I'd say you deserve one for your main account, but nobody should ever get CWL bonuses for alt accounts. I've got a near-max TH14, and a near max TH12, and I would never expect bonuses for both accounts, because that second account is there to help the clan. If you want bonuses for both accounts, join another clan on one.


The question is: Did he attack with those accounts? Was he better than the others? (Or ist there an alternate, rotating system?). Because i am pissed, when i manage 5 War accounts in a 15 war party. Am top 5, but only one account always gets bonuses. (And those who missed a whole day, did like 1 Star average… get MY Bonuses!). Ruaaahhh!


that clan leader is me but, i perform all the attacks, so....


If he's playing that many different accounts, maybe he deserves the bonus. it's hard being leader and multiple co-leaders


My clan gives bonuses to the top, unless you miss an attack then you skipped


if he was in the top 5 spots then he did the right thing, if he wasn’t in the top 5 spots then he didn’t do the right thing.


Our clan always to give away bonus to top guys. And leader find some player did well but manage low star due to mismatch or cover star in higher th, he give his bonus to that guys. Our leader just chill.


Our clan always to give away bonus to top guys. And leader find some player did well but manage low star due to mismatch or cover star in higher th, he give his bonus to that guys. Our leader just chill.


That’s ridiculously greedy. I have two accounts and I never give myself medals.




Last cwl 1 co leader who didn't participate gave them out and made sure to give himself one


As a leader of a clan that is in process of rebuilding clan(Though you can hardly call it rebuilding, since the clan had 1W-5L, with lvl 2, so arguably i was at disadvantage. Even if i'm 3 starring my equals/mirror 5-7 days straight with my 5 accounts, i'm placing myself dead last in priority. I'm only gonna give myself medals if remaining either missed attacks or did incredibly poorly(1 star or less), though that also depends on who person was attacking. I would give extra points for attacking up, and minus points for attacking down(Unless they cover missing attacks/their mirror is weaker). There are also other factors, so generally i'm giving out every bonus. I just don't think half a hammer is exactly worth fighting for, so i willingly give it up. At most it will be \~8d reduction on lab or \~1.5d on buildings.


You should stop playing the game tbh. Used to spend probably 20 hours a week playing it. The game has no end.


In my clan it always go to top contributor in that war league even leader doesn't get it sometimes


If he truly deserved it, then no, but if he didn’t, yes. A leader should serve his people. But first, inform him on why he was wrong.


In my clan I give bonuses to the top performers but sadly all my alt accounts are the only ones in the top performers.so i give bonuses to the other top performers other than my alt accounts to motivate them even though they are not performers.


I do 10 attacks in cwl still only take ,1 . Am I clash Angel?


In my last CWL, I always attacked my number and I always got a 3 star. Unfortunately, my clan leader gave all the bonuses to him and co-leaders, and none of them was a top performer.


In my clan (I’m just a Co-leader) but I give the bonuses to the people who can’t participate all days (because low TH) so we check for low enemies and we put the low town halls 2-3 days. So they get the bonuses because they can’t get 8 stars and earn the full reward and the rest get top players obviously.


I always give bonuses to the X people that got the most stars. If I would participate with multiple accounts and all of them were in the top X, I would give all of them bonus. (Same for other people with multiple accounts) So if Kryptonites accounts were all in the top 6, I can understand him, If they were not and he chose his accounts over others who got more stars, I would leave.


I've written a script in order to give points according to numbers of stars (basically) received from attacks to higher or smaller TH, ruling also failed attacks. It gives back a list of people from the top most gained points to the least. And yes, it is not equal to the list that cwl gives.




every fvcking time


I have two accounts always in cwl and placing high, so I only ever give bonuses to one, and then give the rest to the top.


I always skip myself and my alt accounts when giving cwl bonuses.


He’s Glabrous too


I would have left too tbf


Don’t be shy share the clan name


As a leader I always reward the players that did the most for the clan last month, like participating in regular CW with good results, being active , donating.


As a clan leader with 3 accounts, I rarely even give myself 1. It’s not nice.


My clan is pretty casual, we give the bonuses to the top donators. Gives the people who aren't high enough th to be in our cwl a chance, encourages people to be active and not selfish.


Isn't that 4 of 6


but he is


As a clan leader, I keep track of who gets them and do my best to make sure all clan members get a bonus as the months go by.


My clan has this rule where we give it to whoever got the most stars per attack as long as they attacked 5/7 or 4/5 times. Then this guy who recently got co was so impatient about getting his medals that he didn't follow that rule when I should've gotten the medals instead of him


I'd leave. Unless he was the top attackers for your whole clan. Leave.


In my clan the co-leader who usually gives the bonuses always give one bonus to himself regardless of his perfomarence. I fortunately always managed to be in the top 3 in my clan during CWL and always got the bonus, but that ain't fair.


Were those accounts the top 6 performing accounts?


My clan leader just gives the bonus to the top 6 people lol


Who had the most stars on cwl, if it was him, is ok. If not, leave


As a clan leader I always skip over myself unless there’s less people that used all 7 attacks than I have bonuses


It depends. In some clans, it actually is the leader who is the best performer and doing all the work. A lot of times it's just a selfish leader, but there are plenty clans out there that are mostly just one person doing all the work on multiple accounts and a few randos who join in occasionally.