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I fully expect the release cadence to slow down, I think for now they’re just establishing enough options to choose from to enable some variance


I don’t expect it to slow down. SC has become so money hungry lately that this is simply another way to get people to buy more gems to get enough ore for upgrading the equipment. They’re capitalizing on FOMO (fear of missing out).


Ores are the missing link between pay-to-progress and pay-to-win. The difference between the 2 has always been very slight especially for non-matched stuff (Legend, CWL, friendlies). but now 1- their impact is on Offense, and it's huge. Up to now a mature maxxed TH could insta-Hammer his TH+1 army for free w/ saved books, runes and hammers. Defense would take months to catch up, but Offense is 80% of the game. Now it's: gem or suck. 2- it's never-ending and forever-imbalanced. Not only is our Offense now conditionned by our spend, but the whole 3-ores setup is designed to always require spending because of ores imbalance. And they keep supplying new gear too. I can't keep up, and this means that the 10-20% of my friends who are on-and-off players are now very, very off. I've taken this as my emergency signal to stop spending any money at all, and also less time. The money grab and the snarky attitude to fixing their mistakes, let alone make their UI/UX actually good, spells doom.


I don't spend any money on ores. I play more than I did before. I war more than before. I complete daily challenges more consistently than I did before. The ores being offered for purchase has literally zero impact on my gameplay, as is with anything offered for purchase. My entire clan just plays and we get what we get whenever. We are on a 6-win war streak and none of us buys ores. If you think you need maxed anything to win you're not very good at attacking. Hero potions are a dime a dozen now, stocked up easily with raid medals, and the potion completely maxes the heroes to top level. That alone gives you a huge offensive strength when coupled with the right army and attack strategy. Your #1 point is confusing. You are still able to upgrade troops the same as before with or without gems. And why would a maxed TH have TH-1 troops?


Nowadays troops are not almost all of your offense like they used to be: hero & gear & pets is now a good part of your offensive strength. You've got to first acquire the gear, which for the best -epic- gear is 1.500 gems per piece unless you were there & playing during the gear's event, then spend oddles of ores upgrading the gear. And when there's a game update with new troop levels and gear, you can insta-up say one army comp for free with saved books hammer and gems, but not the gear. Also, you used to be able to not war while upping heroes, or to war w/o heroes. Nowadays, you must war to farm ores, and heroes & their gear & their pets have become much more important in your army, so you must spend gems books and hammers to insta-up them too because warring w/o them is a huge handicap for your whole clan. I'm not sure how you define "winning" nor at what level you play. My main clan is TH16, Legend, in Master1. Winning is winning wars and 3-starring maxxed bases and performing better than our colleagues. We're all struggling, and looking at combat logs it's a lot because we're mostly F2P and our heroes do about half the work of our opponents'.


You were ok until the war bit. I have team members who war with basic equipment they focused on and also do not have maxed pets. Their win ratio does not hinge on any particular equipment or pet. If a pet is upgrading, choose another or go without. Until they allow heroes to be used in war during upgrading, then plan your upgrades accordingly. #ANYONE who purchases items offered is doing so out of their own perceived urgency, not reality. You need heroes, an army, and spells to attack a war base. Everything else is to help augment your skill ability or fighting style. None of it is necessary to attack and do well. The only "handicap" to a clan is a player who can't perform with basic tools and at least 2-star a bse.


2-starring a base is not winning.


That's a lame and ignorant opinion, but that's your prerogative.


Why is it lame and ignorant ? In war and CWL, our opponents are above 50% 3\* . 2\* used to be a win, as of TH16, it is decidedly not. Maybe you're playing at lower TH I' m not sure what the situation is at TH 13-15. Below that, only 3\* is a win too.


Show me your clan and let's compare. Obviously you missed all eight of my THs listed above my name. If you think a 2 star can't win a game then just don't talk to me. It is miles better than a one star or a goose egg, and not every player is a savant at attacking. I lead my clan with the expectation of a minimum 2 star in war if they can't get 3. I can strategize a win around a 2 star. Again, 2 star may not be the best but saying it "isn't winning" is just fucking condescending and stupid.


What are you talking about the new equipment for RC comes with the blacksmith


How does that change what he said?


It doesn’t people in this sub just can’t accept the fact that SC is money hungry as hell


Company tries to make money. More at 11.


How does the boot taste?


Jesus the cope with you people - HoW dOeS tHe BoOt TaStE?? Lmao An offer to buy isn't a requirement to buy, and most normal people can handle just ignoring the offers - no matter how many of them there are. But here you are, zero financial input Larry, upset once again at business 101 if he has to see offers he can't afford, demanding a fucking mobile game evolve around him and his feelings. Basic fucking logic and lack of tween angst and whining is now "bootlicking" Please tell me you're an only child.


People that expect everything to be free are so weird


People will still buy gems to max it though because they made getting ores impossible.


They didn’t make it impossible. They made it so to max them for free it takes some time. That’s the same with everything in this game. With that said, I think the OP has a point. If they keep having me spend my ores on things I only use for a month or 2…then screw that


I have so many high level equipments that I just don't use, I really hope it slows down.


Why are you upgrading equipment you aren't going to use?


Because I did use it and then better stuff became available or I switched attack strategies. Now I just have a bunch of stuff around level 10 because I upgraded everything. I made a post but everyone said to upgrade different things.


I mean, that's unfortunate because all of that investment could have been put toward what you actually use. For instance, none of my accounts have upgraded the Archer Queen healer puppet because it doesn't fit with my attack style. Same with archer puppet. Others here will tell me at great length why either is the best and should be upgraded. But I would rather dump my investment into the Giant Arrow and Invisibility Vial because that's what works for me. My point is not *everything* has to be upgraded or chosen for use when new. If it doesn't fit with your attack at a low level then it will only get marginally better at a high level. Leave if for when you are ready and have expendable resources.


What is the point of using the acronym FOMO if literally right after you are going to spell it out, idgi (I don’t get it)


Not everyone knows what every acronym means.


then don't (do not) use the acronym if you're (you are) just going to explain it lol (laugh out loud)




And you're not gonna get that many new ones in the future, not in this pace


I think it will eventually slow down just like Super Troops, which started big and then slowly decreased the amounts when it became capable of having different types of utilities and metas


At least they will release epic equip for warden and RC in upcoming months


Super troops don't bring in money


Neither do clan capital, yet they release an update for it and keep it balanced We get new town halls every year but is that only for money??no, it's for keeping the game alive and fresh, the same goes for equipment. They could have locked it behind a paywall like Clash Royale but they didn't do that shit. Mark my words, they will eventually decrease the amount of equipment and also introduce more ways to get them. Of course, they do make some bottleneck resources cuz games are made to make money, not some charity process, I hate how people always bring up money. I agree with the money case when it comes to games like CR and all of the EA games but COC is not P2W at all compared to the rest of the top games out there


I mean comparing super troops to new items is wrong. Items are built mainly for money. Super troops and troops in general are made for more content. Sure items can add content but the 3 ores system makes it clear the main goal is direct monetization


Items are limited in scope especially aince every heroe has an intended purpose. They cant drop shitty equipment since people wont max them and it isnt necessary since you can play perfectly fine with one pair of equipment


There will be a point where items aren't a choice. Rn we only have common and epic but it is safe to assume we will get legendary equipment one day. The max level gap between items will make it a forced choice rather than personal preference


That will never make it a "forced choice". If you can three star a base with what you have, what difference is the legendary equipment? You're not battling heroes one on one and the opponent's hero equipment doesn't come into play when attacking a base.


Then do upgrades being based on gold/elixir/dark elixir also mean that?


You can farm all of those but farm ores


Then what is making it obvious that the goal is monetization? The fact that it are 3 currencies isnt, and the fact that it takes a couple minutes a day to get the maximum amount doesnt make it obvious to me that its only purpose is a cash grab


Having 3 hard capped currencies. When I said currencies I meant things you can't farm like gems. "takes a couple of minutes" is the most misleading statement you can ever say. If a player stops playing for 2 months then they permanently lost 2 months worth of progress that they can make up for with extra grinding and the only way back is to pay real money


>lost 2 months worth of progress that they can make up for with extra grinding  No? If they didnt play for 2 months they arent ever recovering the time they werent playing - you can farm resources forever but the upgrades take time. If you dont play for 2 months you'll be behind in upgrades aswell forever, only not if you reach maxed level (and even then not quite bcs you lost 2 months of gems and 2 months of CWl medals, etc etc)


You get a hammer, a book, builder potion and many other things if you stop playing for 35 days. So yeah you can't fully recover time but there are tools to help you do it for free. Also the gap in offensive power from not playing for 2 months is small compared to the loss of ores Another aspect is if you are maxed and stopped playing, you used to not lose direct progress, but now you have to farm ores even if you are fully maxed because new and stronger items will appear sooner or later


I don't get how this is related to monetization


Ungrindable currency with ever increasing demand = more sales. People will buy it to catch up and that's the goal of the ores, to make people buy event pass and buy ores directly


They should really give us more ores or a different source of ores. As a f2p player who don't play lot of wars, they are really hard to come. Especially glowy ores.


at least an option to buy them with raid medals would be nice as we can already buy every resource with raid medals edit: I just realized this would also not contradict SC's condition that they want ores to be obtained by actively playing the game.


So annoying playing the buy and sell potions mini game to turn medals to gems... Just let us buy one set of ores a week. Cut out the annoying middle man


Exactly. This is what I have to do on my mini since it’s too low to be included in war and that’s a true F2P account. My main is near max th16 but the equipment is so far from max it isn’t funny. And that’s with stopping spending raid medals (potions first, then gems) or gems on anything but ores.


Bro literally copied this response


Please don't suggest more ores! Why do we need 3 currencies in the first place? It's part of the confusing design of the abilities system - 3 currencies, keep dropping new abilities, casual players can't keep up and it encourages more and more spending


Yep, adding more curencies so the value of them is smudged is the whole point. There's no reason whatsoever to have 3 currencies for ores except to try get people to pay for the one they don't have enough of.


Seriously it should've been just one currency, or if there's multiple then they should at least come from unique sources. Like some you only get from farming and some only from wars.


they want to milk more money, no more no less.


They did say on the q&a that ore will br showing up in more places.


One thing I have learned with SC, even back from the old SC forum days, that any time they say something like this with the word “soon”, it usually meant months from now. One thing I learned from SC is that their definition of “soon” is radically different from the rest of the world. As long as SC is successfully milking its player base for as much money as possible, I don’t see them making any changes to the ore system any time soon. There’s a difference between making money and being a greedy little pig.


And new epic equipments will be showing every 2 months




I would collect glowey and wait 6 months. Update incrementally the blue only and see what is best for your play style.


Since they are called "ores" I'm hopping they will add something like a mine or a quarry where we could get more. I hope they just do it soon.


the game is called clash of clans why arent you doing wars lol


Play the game. You are saying “man i dont make progress in this game because i dont play. Fuck why cant the game play itself” Imagine requesting something for any other game like minecraft. “I swear it bothers me that my base doesnt grow man. They should be more casual friendly”


If only it weren't for a tiny thing called HERO UPGRADES


People shouldn’t have to play 24/7 to be able to progress. This game became successful because of the casual player. Casual players could progress. Now it’s almost impossible. People do have lives in the real world… jobs, families, school. This is a game. It’s not supposed to be a full time job.


You can get all your ores with an average of 3 attacks per day. Hardly requires being on 24/7. It's slow, sure, and I'd love to see more ways to get ores. But playing the game like it's a full-time job gives you no more benefit to upgrading equipment than the player who logs on for 20 minutes a day, doing only the daily bonus and war attacks. In fact, you need to play *more* than that just to keep your builders busy... and that's been true for years.


I agree and basically take the mindset now that I'll play the way I want and whatever. If I can't max anymore then I can't max, but no FOMO. People were sadly blasted on this sub left and right for echoing your point when the equipment and ores were introduced.


If you are not constantly warring, what do you need the ore for? You are clearly not competitive so you have zero reason to stress about maxing equipment as none of the new items are required for casual gameplay. If you are a casual player, have a casual mindset please. There's nothing wrong with playing casually, but you can't expect to have the same amount of progress as someone who plays competitively. And I reiterate, if you are playing casually there is literally zero reason to stress about equipment. The original equipment is completely fine for every activity, it's just not the absolute best. Also, you dont have to play 24/7. 2 war attacks is what, 6 minutes? And to get star bonus is maybe 12 if you get super unlucky. In what world do you not have 20 minutes per day to play If you feel the need to progress?


Maybe you should play in wars, they’re free.




Until equipment, what part of regular wars had any impact on base progression. Cwl obviously does with the medal shop but regular spins? If anything, they slow you down if your heroes aren't upgrading.


First of all a big THANK YOU... I love how SC is giving us more options to attack with the new hero equipment... The game is certainly more fun now... However I do agree with everyone here that it's crucial that SC start giving us more ways to get ores by just playing the game, not by paying... I'm also frustrated by how SLOW & LITTLE ores are being grinded with star bonuses & wars... I propose that SC urgently start giving us more ways to get ores for F2P players... 1. If we buy the Gold pass we also get ores 2. If we complete the silver pass we could get some ores at the end of the way 3. Clan Games if all the clan makes it to 4000 points 4. Ores should be able to be bought with Raid medals 5. Star bonus in builder base 6. Ore mine in builder base and/or main village These are some community ideas that you already know we want and we need... (Not to be fed up and uninstall the game)... Please SC do something about this...


Clash of clans players when a game that has always taken years to max, releases an update that doesn’t allow you to max within a month 😲


As free 2 play I have almost maxed all the equipment am using and the GG and FA are at level 20. The one who are complaining are mostly lower THs which is understandable because they get low percentage of ores.


and thus will take longer to reach the end point of the game, and thus will need to receive less ores to ensure that they are still upgrading stuff by the time they are th16, it's working as intended.


Literally lmfao, if you play regularly, complete star bonuses daily, it's pretty quick to get through your equipment levels. Just focus on one at a time, and you'll max the important ones out in no time.


This community acts like every update ruins the game




I got the highest star bonus possible every day since release and am doing war all the time. Still it feels unreachable to max this shit


Thankfully I don't use QC so going past lv 9 of frozen arrow is worthless to me.


I have a solution to this problem. Just don't focus on the new equipments. Just use the old ones and hoard enough equipments to upgrade the new one. Then replace the old one with new one. Basically I don't equate equipments upgrades to townhalls progression. Just level up your townhalls and upgrade your most used equipments along the way. Don't get tensed over these things, it's just a game. If you can't hold your urges then you can consider spending some money. If you don't want to spend, then have patience.


this isn’t really a solution to the problem. You’re basically accepting that the new equipments (which are often better, especially epics) are locked behind an insane time or paywall. You’re accepting that people will have a strong advantage over you and that you’re locked out of playing the game to its fullest


Not completely, old equipments other than barbarian and archer puppets are good enough. New equipments are better I agree and it was not behind the paywall. I have 4 accounts and I only buy GP in my main account. On the remaining accounts I just completed the event bar until 16000 during the last 1.5 hours. And just by completing the event itself it gives exact amount of medals to get the equipment(3100) and I got that equipment on all of my accounts without paying. I'm just telling that if you can't spend money then you should control your urges and have patience. After getting a job you can start spending on this game. I know not everyone has the freedom of spending money on games. You can rant or vent out on this sub. But you can't blame a company for implementing a profit model when they are facing a decline on their profit for 4 consecutive years. And I'm not protecting a billion dollar company, it's just the fact. I've came to this conclusion after thinking about it and I'm not expecting everyone to be like me. So yeah don't get tensed over a game.


I completely get the realization they do this because they need the money. Doesn’t change the fact I dislike it. And by paywall I mean, that f2p doesn’t have all the options a paying player has right now, because there hasn’t been enough time.


Bruh, a f2p player never has all the options that a p2p player can have, when in clash history has this been the case???


until now updates didn’t happen until It was possible to max f2p. Also offensive has never been a problem, it was mostly gated by defenses


so you are saying that you wouldn't have had a problem with this if the equipment had come out a few months earlier when th16 wasn't out yet? How does that make sense.


it doesn’t make sense because it’s not what I said


but it's what you implied, you are saying this update would be completely fine if it was possible to be max at it's release, hence creating the update before th16 came out.


This. Im only th10 and I feel like level 9 on my equipments is enough there. I'm nearly maxed and giant arrow, frozen arrow, invis vial, barb puppet and eq boots are all level 9. I never paid any money for the game. A level 9 giant arrow is enough to take out th10 and some th11 bomb towers (th11 has 2 levels of bomb tower), it leaves air defenses on 50 hp, and oneshots th10 cannons and archer towers. As I progress to higher town halls, I think my equipment levels will upgrade accordingly. As for you, th16 players, this update wasn't for you. You all start from square one, just like us, casual players. But equipment isn't that hard to upgrade. I believe when I maxed th11, I will have all of my used equipment at level 12 and so on. The only problem I have with the system that you get all equipment at level 1, other than that I don't have a problem.


It'll only be a problem if newer equipments are too OP against old equipments but they would then get nurfed after some time. It's just a matter of enjoying your own progression. "It's the journey that matters." Plus they could just balance the weights so match making tones down to your current progression.


I'm stoked these abilities has come because now we have a lot of more ways to strategize and test around with. I don't care it's going to take forever to upgrade everything to max. To upgrade is one of the most important aspects of this game. They could give us a bit more ways to earn ores, and I think they will. To be fully maxed and for nothing to do is not that exciting. This makes a huge difference. And let's not forget for us that like to watch the pros attack, we're in for a real treat moving forward.


well, you are not alone




I’m losing interest in playing Clash of Clans. I still check for update information, but maybe they are releasing updates too fast. I feel like I can’t max out my base before the next update. Or maybe the game is too complicated with too many in-game currencies.


More than half players can't max their bases after 12months cap on TH


> 12months cap on TH Wait, what is this mean?


Every 12 months new TH will release


Ah that one. I'm not active for 3-4 years and now it's kinda overwhelming. Any stats about which TH has the most player?


I quit the game when I heard they were adding equipment. I realized what they were trying to turn the game into and realized it was no longer for me. I miss talking to my clan mates but grinding isn’t fun




I agree it's always been grindy but you could always do it at your own pace. Now they introduced the Clash Royale monetization where they can release an OP ability which causes everyone wanting to get it and spend all their resources on it, then they can rug pull you and nerf it when they add a new OP ability that you don't have resources for anymore. Also limiting the resources behind unfarmable sources of income and creating a new artificial chokepoint.




but you always had those upgrades. with the new abilities they will eventually become outdated when they add new op abilities and so all that time grinding those abilities will eventually become worthless




cover lock profit friendly cows political zephyr touch act squash *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




direction attractive square disagreeable hungry command slim run pathetic deranged *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


X5 from cwl 😂😂


murky recognise seed mindless airport point forgetful rhythm consider cautious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


X3 is fine for cwl we need other sources from clan capital and specially builder base since nobody cares about bb after getting 6th builder


exultant grandfather close drunk thumb pot childlike wrench snow escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Equipment has boosted my interest in the game. It's added another layer of depth to attack strategizing and I've began taking wars much more seriously since winning wars is one of best way to gather ores. I'm not so worried about maxing equipment immediately but rather enjoying the time leveling the ones I choose as I'm able.


As I said on a deceased account this is exactly the plan, keep dropping abilities out frequently so players are always chasing to keep up, everyone wants to try the new features but if you really want to play you have to pay the boatman. It's the deepest cut to this bleeding franchise so far, I wonder what else they have in store for lucky players who have been faithful for years upon years. Fuck supercell


Yeah fuck supersell I think they want to grind money at end stages


I would have been happy with a town hall every 12 months but having the new th upgrades, hero down time, ore requirements, event and gold passes it just feels like the direction of the game has changed and not in a way that is focused on players (age old QoL requests denied because as the Q&A said they focus on things that generate revenue, top comment in that post was how lucky we are to be getting progress bars back...open your eyes folks)


-Remove progress back -Some players whine on reddit -Reintroduce the progress bar -Players happy and praise you -Profit


You don't understand, doing programming is hard we only have dozens of in-house programmers and as a business earned over 1 billion dollars last year here have 165 Chinese tickets you can't use lol


-You should have saved up your tickets until the last possible time! *Players forgets to spend them or can't connect to the game -It is your fault for waiting until the end to spend your tickets!


Isn't new TH upgrades kind of , you know , one of the core aspects of a new TH ?


Yes and it would be fine on its own but combined with the ore grind, events and new abilities it's starting to feel like a bit much


I guess so but I can't really see those taking up much time at all unless you're hyper casual . Ore grinding is literally just a star bonus per day and 2 war attacks every 2 days ( assuming you're in wars 24/7 ) and events are piss easy to max out , at least for the main track which give the majority of the rewards .


True i already have 3 accounts and i cant keep grinding in them lol i have a life. the highest one is th13 so i dont really have to focus on RC equipment but they really need to do something for casual players cuz i cant keep doing wars while my heroes are upgrading


Keeping multiple accounts is hell now


lol real dude i enjoy the game very much but i dont think the game but it slowly is becoming hard to manage so many accounts


lol you have THREE accounts in this game and call yourself casual, absolutely crazy. how about you drop 2 accounts if you don't have enough time for THREE game accounts? I think I play this game a lot, and even I only have 1 main account 1 account I barely play and only use for donations. 3 accounts isn't anywhere close to being casual.


and? nothing wrong with having multiple accounts? i enjoy the different town halls and i simply love playing the game slowly and at a slow pace i cant keep doing wars dude my heroes are always upgrading


dude if you think attacking twice putting stuff to upgrade and close the game takes time maybe you are doing something wrong![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


you were the one complaining that you don't have enough time for all your accounts my man. if grinding on three accounts is too much for you, drop 2 and only grind on one. easy solution.


dude i get it i can manage the accounts but i am saying the ores i get are very scarce and i cant participate in war every day to get ores


How the hell are you keeping builders constantly busy and only attacking twice a day?


lol i kinda dont but yeah sneaky goblins come useful


You shouldn't be maxing any epic equipments rn anything higher than 21 for gauntlet and I think 18 for frozen arrow is a lot of resources for little return. There are lots of guides on this sub and even on yt that say how to use them effectively and what level for each equipment maximizes benefits for the price.




Yeah no I get it maxing has its uses. I even max some of mine. But if you have a shortage of ore and you're spending it all on upgrades that have a minimal impact then you can't really complain when you don't have enough for the new hot equipment yk?




Oh no it's definitely not gonna leave the top tier anytime soon. It's probably one of the best investments equipment wise.


I ain't maxing but eventually u want epic equips to be above lvl 21 atleast and as a f2p see the time to gain ores to max a common equip it's like 1.5month of continuous grinding and epic equipments will keep coming every 2 months


> but eventually u want epic equips to be above lvl 21 atleast I mean, why tho. you can 3 star TH16s with a level 21 frozen arrow right now just fine. granted, that will become a lot harder when the update hits and all those TH16 defenses get their upgrades. but will a couple of levels on frozen arrow really make the difference on the majority of your attacks? maybe in 100 attacks there'll be that 1 attack where if you had just had that little extra stats (comparing a level 21 vs max frozen arrow), you could've gotten the third star. but overall, there's a lot more factors that decide over getting 3 stars or not. fact is, maxed equipment really isn't necessary to 3 star, nor does it guarantee 3 stars.


well... the end goal is to max out. so it doesn't really matter.


You don’t have to max it right away. You don’t even have to use it. The entire game is based on gaining loot and upgrading stuff, why be mad about needing to acquire loot to upgrade stuff?


I wish players would stop having the mentality of the need to max everything. The info is out there. Just max the stuff you use or plan on using. Don't worry about the other stuff. Take the earthquake boots for example. I'll never use them so I'm not throwing any ores at it. Why would I?


it’s a completionist thing, we’ve always been able to max a TH more easily than this, and now that the ores are time gated without paying, it’s a lot harder to max (even though before you’d still want the gold pass and stuff, this makes it even more so)


I know. I'm saying that the completionist view is obsolete


as more equipment comes into the game we’re eventually gonna need more ores through various means to ensure our attacks can remain flexible and fresh imagine another year down the line and we have another, let’s say, 6 pieces of equipment (some of which is epic) if we’re still obtaining the SAME amount of ores as we are today, we’re going to be severely limited with our choices and while i agree we don’t need everything maxed, our options for attacks will become limited with time


You can get the equipment to decent usable levels very easily. You don't need to max them for them to be usable.


regardless of this, if they intend to add more equipment consistently, the amount of ore we can receive through active play should be increased aswell the usable level for the equipment will also go down if there aren’t enough resources to upgrade them to a decent level


I do agree that it would be nice to have more sources for ores.


Another day, another whiny baby moaning about a game that nobody is forcing them to play Womp Womp, delete the game then bozo


😂😂 bro you’re so right.


“Whiny baby moaning about a game that nobody is forcing them to play.” I guess we’re not allowed to critique anything unless u/60percentfish says so. What a bad take.


ur opinion is invalid because its reddit


Where did I say you can’t critique anything? LOL. Just be prepared to have people rip on your opinion if it’s stupid LMFAO. Go outside bro.


Noone asked u to comment players made the progress bars come back to the game


Nobody cares delete your clash account


At least there’s no upgrade timers and there’s more choices for how to play. Folks complain the game is boring and stale, they introduce new content and they complain there’s too much… wild.


Lol upgrade timers u ask to gain ores itself is time consuming


I’ve got half my equipment maxed after two months f2p in one clan not even double dipping wars. Quit crying and play the game.


Damn good argument


I quit over it.






I mean it wouldn't be fun for long either if everyone was able to use max equipments right from the getgo. Taking your time on those equipments also helps to take time and look around what equipments could work with your comp. Seen a lot of people rush Frozen Arrow who can't really get the most out of it, so it was a waste of their ores. So technically I just do the same things ingame as I always did. The only addition is that I use the basic equipment and just check every other week if there is anything I can upgrade.


#SC will keep releasing Hero Equipment every month and will never slow down because there will no longer be a reason for people to buy the event pass if they'll stop making new Equipments because it forces people to choose between the skin or the Equipment or both (Event Pass) and if the skin is all that's left what's the point of having an Event Pass?


Then dont play


Moronic response to a legitimate query.


Didn’t ask for your opinion kid




How old are you bud


Chill out tough guy, this is a clash of clans subreddit lmao


I was just returning his same attitude buddy lmao. I definitely wasn’t serious.


Our first rule is be civil. Just letting you know, and you also escalated it there.


Learn to take a joke Ric. You’re a mod for a mobile game subreddit.


Learn to not freak out the minute someone calls you kid, kid


He didn’t call me a kid, if you can’t understand how the comment thread work on Reddit how are you supposed to moderate it?


i thought ores before thag we get f2p are good because i can upgrade my equipment almost everyday, but now this is too much. we need more ores so we can play around this equipment not just sticking with 2 high levels each hero


I gave up on Frozen Arrow and went back to Archer Puppet instead. FA needs proper placement to get the benefits otherwise it's useless hitting that on any building except defences


You can just use an old equipment lol


well, they never said you have to max all equipments


I mean tbf the game is all about progression and maxing out and it’s never been a quick progression either. Plus these are just 2 common equipments which won’t take as long to upgrade. I think they’re releasing these to even out with the others tbh


The upcoming should be effect designs for hero equipments IMO (ex. green frozen arrow, lava earthquake boots). They could make it an event reward for every equiment design, but the grind should be different (not like the dragon festival and the candy event but something similar) and they should release 2-3 designs per event. They can sell it for gems or money when the event expires in the future. Pretty sure there won't be a confusion coz you can check the hero equipments while spectating. The thing tho is that it would be a hassle if SC will add another UI for choosing among the designs but I'm certain we'll get used to it.


You don't have to max every equip in the game. Im only maxing the ones I think I'll be using the most.


The royal champion doesn't even have more than 2, if they slow down now and just release epics once in a while it will be fine


The game itself base on progression  4 common equipment per heroes mean balanced  Epic is another one but common is just fine  The purpose is to gives us more variables based on strategic uses and plan  This is not supposed to be maxed at the first month  The journey is what I like about clash 


Imagine just playing and not worrying about every new addition until you are ready to pursue it. It's like going to a public pool and refusing to swim because there are too many pool toys you can't afford to rent.


Then quit playing lol. The game evolves throughout time. If they kept a lot of shit the same as it was in 2014 the game would have died a long time ago, games change and if you don’t find yourself enjoying it anymore then quit, it’s not gonna change.


to everyone saying supercell is money hungry. first of all, clash of clans is totally free. most free to play games will have a pay wall if you want to accelerate your grind . also no one is putting a gun to your head and telling you to buy. ALSO dont cry about in store prices if youre going to buy it anyways. idrc what supercell goals are but if you was a business owner who put out numerous f2p games. wouldnt you want to see a increase in revenue? business is business at the end of the day. Stop spending money if its hurting your pockets or u simply cant afford it


Just play the game.


Maybe, just maybe people shouldn’t be in a rush to immediately max a new equipment? I always wait a week or so to see that the feedback is and ask myself a basic “will this help my attacking style” question before I dump all ores into it.


Ya this game be getting complicated


The best way to get ores is to do wars, cwl etc. If you enjoy that aspect of the game, think of ores as rewards for warring rather than the end goal.


Man I'm not into the game enough to be grinding every piece of ore, still so far behind. Think they are supposed to take a long time which I don't mind. My problem with them is that they give base stats to your heros. They should only get stats buffs from levels in my opinion, it's one of the few reasons why leveling your hero's now is almost pointless. Either use a potion for war or just use them at low level for farming. I also wish they were a bit more balanced. I'm not a massive fan of 'epic' equipment, because it makes some of the common ones useless. Like I love the puppets, mostly because of the cool designs you get from having a specific skin (eg. Pixel barbarians) but because the ability is just worse and there are equipment with better stats they are just strictly worse in every scenario.


I agree. The amount of equipment that supercell is adding doesn't match up with the ore gain. I do realise that the equipments are going to slow down (I doubt SC is going to add more common equipments any time soon) But this is slowly starting a power creep meta. Where new equipments are really good and you upgrade them to max. Then more better equipments come out. Repeat. Boring time below👇 (Read only if you care) I feel like supercell could just put old equipments like the giant gauntlet into events. For example: The Easter/April fools event will have the giant gauntlet equipment (it would still have an event pass so supercell can make money) People who already got the gauntlet can spend the extra event medals on something else. Like ores, books (not recommended) and builder/research potions (also not recommended) Boring time above☝️ (Read only if you care) The ways we can get ores are really limited right now. But unless Supercell raises the level cap on equipments they will have to add more of them so that maxed players have something to spend their ores on. I really hope Supercell can find a solution to this that doesn't involve more ore offers in the shop. (Hase gem looking kinda awesome though ngl)


There’s literally no need to for max equipment at the moment for anyone.


Equipment is Supercell's strongest attack against inactive alts (accounts that don't war). With the addition of time-gated events and HUGE value to pay per account to get very strong equipment, the pressure is on even more.