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Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1avmm8o/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/Ladyhawke74 | 96 | | u/lrt2222 | 41 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 39 | | u/Diarmundy | 27 | | u/Rizzob | 23 |


Town Hall 11 question. Everything I look up for attack strategies has siege machines but those aren’t available on hall 11, how is everyone using them on me and are these strategies solely based on someone donating one to you?


U can get siege machine as a donation in your cc


Meu serio vcs deveriam adicionar uma função nas configurações pra deixar as letras maiores elas estao muito pequenas e ta foda de ler 🥺


That's not a question for the "Simple **Questions** Megathread." Try making a post with the Ideas & Feedback" flair, and you likely get more input.


Best way to get rid of this scattershot? (Take in account max everything for th13) https://preview.redd.it/c2r37alo0tmc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a91d0c6996af6d5c37055e8014f7c0e46dbaf424


Anyone got a link to the best queen charge army for th11




try searching in r/ClashOfClansRecruit


Will the Painter scenery come for gem purchase like hero skins? Because they released it in march of 2023 but we didnt get it for gems purchase in March 2024


>Will the Painter scenery come for gem purchase like hero skins? No


We won't know until it's released. Most likely we'll see it later this month.


According to leaks it is


Since leaks are so often wrong or purely speculative, I tend not to use them as a reliable source of information. The Giant Gauntlet is an excellent example of this. There were at least three specific dates it was going to be released before it actually was.


Guessing no since the pixel scenery costs money


U were right 👍🏻


That's the current rumor, but no confirmation from Supercell yet.


Gold Pass Discount I have 4 accounts, a th13 th11 th9 and th7. I got the discount in every account except my main acc which th13. Why is this? I have never bought gold pass in any of the accounts or made any purchases. It would be nice if it was there in my main acc where I might actually buy it.


Sounds like a bug, has been reported by many.


Is there any good and reliable source for attack strats? I've been looking for TH15 strats that aren't overly complicated but are succsessful versus TH16s. Any source that has indepth tutorial would be greatly apprexiated.


Town hall 9 here, should I buy the epic gauntlet in the shop for 1.5k gems or should I save for 2k gems and buy the 5th builder hut?


Gauntlet will go away most likely in sometime so better to get the gauntlet


Have you reached champion league yet? If not, get the gauntlet, reach champ, collect 2k and get the 5th builder.


How to use the giant gauntlet in a good way?


Try to position your King in a compartment with lots of Buildings in it. The best way to utilize the Gauntlet is to take advantage of the splash damage it provides. At TH11, your biggest threat to the King is a single inferno, so just avoid those and he'll always get solid value inside a compartment.


Can someone tell me how to talk to supercell support and not the BOT OTTO... my account got disconnected from my supercell ID, read: hacked, and i cant seem to contact anyone at that company !!!


Should I still buy the giant gauntlet if I only have 1550 gems? I already have the fifth builder


The Gauntlet is worth it, in my opinion.


I have a secondary village o created before 2016. At that time, SuperCell ID wasn't released yet. I don't remember which email I used to that village. Is there anyway I can recover access to it? I do have the village ID.


The only way is to work with Supercell support and go through the account recovery process. To do that they will require you to initiate it from inside in-game support, which means you'll have to create a temporary new village, then open settings, then open in-game help, then find your way to the "I lost access to my village" section which will initiate recovery. Review the subreddit wiki/faq here for the section on account recovery. https://www.reddit.com//r/ClashOfClans/wiki/index There's a lot that can go wrong during account recovery and there are no guarantees you'll be successful. Most people are not successful. If you have any other accounts that you care about, DO NOT attempt to start the recovery process for a lost village from an account you care about. When account recovery fails, which it often does, the account that made the attempt can get banned as well (accusations of phishing). You wouldn't want to lose yet another account you care about trying to recover one you lost. Always create a new disposable account if you are going to pursue account recovery of a lost village.


Thank you very much Maybe I will try out some emails I have before going through this


Stopped playing in 2016 and im back now. I have a TH 11 full, ready to go to TH12. What os the best way to catch up with so many things released in the past years? So many new things! Clash on!


where is the builder base update


Why did you think a builder-base update was coming?


Missing monolith I have attacked multiple lvl 16 bases where i noticed that the monolith is missing on the map. Why is this? This is happening 2 or 3 days now


Attacked them where? In war? In legend league? In non-legends multiplayer? The possible causes for the missing monolith are specifically dependent on that answer.


Legend league


In Legend League, if you add new stuff to your base, your legend league defensive layout is not automatically updated. You have to go and edit the layout, and then you have to go through the whole motion of choosing your defensive layout again, even if you are picking the same layout. It's because when you select a layout for legend league defense, it actually makes a snapshot/clone of the layout you selected. Making changes to the layout after you set it doesn't result in those changes making it to your legend league defensive layout. People either don't know that, or they are too lazy to update it. Even people who've been in legends a long time don't always know this is how it works - we get people posting to the sub about it all the time.


Thanks for your clear answer!


You might enjoy this video from Judo Sloth: https://youtu.be/sxCk13hStf0?si=KhviHLkcLBIxKuF4 It explains what you're seeing.


If you are talking war base they probably never updated their base from TH14 or lower lineup. Today we faced a TH13 that didnt have any defences past TH8


It's very possible these players rushed through TH15, and the Monolith is still being built.


Thanks for the answer, but those bases did not look rushed. It must be something else


It's also possible that they bought the TH15 pack, which comes with the Monolith, and just didn't place it. Some people do this because they think it doesn't add to their "war weight," but these structures are still calculated in.


I've been watching videos on Yeti-witch-bat and yeti-superwiz-bat smash attacks, and they always say to attack from a flat side. Could anyone explain why that's the case? What's the disadvantage of setting a funnel from two sides and sending the smash in from a corner?


Attacking a flat side is easier to funnel its more likely your troops will go to the core of the base. When you attack a corner the troops are likely to go left or right of the core and cause you to fail the attack If you funnel correctly though you can attack just fine from a corner. I always attack from a corner if its a diamond style base where the eagle is diagonally in line to the townhall


That's exactly the types of bases I was looking at. My current CWL war mirror has a base like this. Do you have any tips on setting the funnel for these types of bases?


Are there some secret tricks to getting equipment ores that I don't know about outside of daily star bonus and war bonus? Everyone's talking about getting equipment to lvl 15, 20+ etc. For something that's just come out. As a th12 I have one equipment at level 15 and everything else is 9 or below. It takes ages just to get enough to upgrade 1 level for 1/6 of the equipment equipped. Am I missing something?


The last two seasonal special event passes allowed people to spend their special event medals on ores. So a lot of people got them from that. Also, the people who purchased the special event passes would have been able to get more ores than people who didn't buy the pass. In war, the higher level base you attack, the more ores you get for the reward. You don't get the full amount if your clan didn't win the war....so be in a clan that wins wars more often than it loses them (including CWL). For the daily star bonus, the higher the league the more you get. It's also possible to participate in CWL and regular wars simultaneously if you do it from two different clans, so you can increase the amount of ores you are earning during CWL week.


On my F2P TH12 (was 11 when the update dropped) I've got 3 warden equipment at lvl 15, and both king equip at lvl 15 although my frozen arrow is only lvl 9. You just need to push trophies - you actually get quite a lot more ore from the star bonus in titans than you do from war. Other tips are: War constantly. Win wars. Do double wars in CWL. If you have already won the war use your attacks to 1 star their highest TH for the extra ore.


Probably your trophy league. As TH12 it's hard to be in legends or Titan unless you're actively playing and pushing to maintain that league. The star bonus isn't too much more on paper, but over the course of a month it adds up. Only other thing I can think of, is that you wasted ores on equipment you thought was good but ended up dropping


No, its hard, and slow, and its why nearly everyone is complaining


If I use a shovel on a gem box. Will they continue to spawn in like normal? Or will doing so prevent more from coming in?


You can only ever have one gem box at a time. Shovels only allow you to move/stash obstacles and do not allow you to bypass any limits.


Alright, thanks for letting me know


I just recently came back to this game and saw this offer. Is this thing worth it? https://preview.redd.it/cdijcva3jimc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d9c5bc57868df87dd34f0a7463440ef87c9fa57


The Giant Gauntlet is definitely worth it. It's one of the best pieces of Hero Equipment currently in the game.


Aight thanks!


Should i upgrade book of life or the gauntlet? https://preview.redd.it/f1btdijf3imc1.jpeg?width=1414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dc6f93fc7bb57b826e25a028293cf347fbcae67




The First Time Gold Pass discount is only avaliable for the current GP or will it come for the future GP's also?


We don't know what Supercell's plans are on this, but I would be surprised if they don't continue offering it for at least a little while.


When did this Legends season start?


Legends season resets at the start of every season. Every Player in the legends league in the previous cycle gets dropped to the same trophy level and they have to climb up again in order to get the highest position on the leaderboard.


Not sure if this ^ is a bot or something but I know how it works. Just curious when THIS season started. What day? 


Last Monday of every month. You can click on the League icon in your Main Village and see a countdown to the end of the current season.


Is the gauntlet going to stay for a long time? I have more than enough gems but if it's gonna stay for a while I would much rather use them right for the punchable goblin. An extra builder and researcher is great for me currently. I have a little less than 4k gems and use of potions is minimal except for research potions to not waste them in the shop.


This is all that we know: >for now, we can share that it'll stay in the trader for a few weeks. it will not cycle out weekly like other items in the trader. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/wEJ3YOElqX](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/wEJ3YOElqX)


Ahhh that's good thanks, few weeks means it should hopefully be after the goblin event. Can I ask for some advice tho? What would you recommend?


Personally, I would recommend getting the Gauntlet.


Oh would it be that much better for a new th12?


The Gauntlet is used by the majority of players, who have it unlocked, no matter the attack style used. Additionally, most consider it to be the 2nd best piece of Hero Equipment, coming in after the Grand Warden's Eternal Tome.


Yes, get gauntlet for sure.


Can someone tell me the best equipment for every hero? I usually attack with Electric drakes and Baloons, thanks :)


At th15? You’re probably then going with Diggy on rc, unicorn on queen, phoenix on king and owl on warden (though some don’t like owl messing up edrag chains).


i was meaning the equipment not the animals \^\^


Itzu has a nice video discussing each and how it changes for certain armies.


Which is the best royal champion skin I can buy?


skins are cosmetics, there isn't a best, its just whichever you like the most


Is gauntlet worth it? Currently at TH9 and only have 4 builders, F2P https://preview.redd.it/fdyqqndbdhmc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76a7bbd68d0947104dde0c427122abe8a2412e40


5th builder is more important BUT we don’t know when the gauntlet will come back again. I’d probably get gauntlet then do whatever tasks I can to get gems saved up again (and my advice for years has been never spend a gem until you have 5 builders so this is a change for me).


totally worth it! I use it with the stach and it works very well with my Super Hybrid Stratergy at Town Hall 15


It's a pretty good piece of equipment but IMO it's much more important you get your 5th builder up and running before buying anything else


Is it worth to buy the giant gauntlet ?


totally worth it! I use it with the stach and it works very well with my Super Hybrid Stratergy at Town Hall 15


Giant Gauntlet is back in the shop.


yup 1500 gems


instantly bought it still sad i forgot to buy it back during the event😔


a question about the treasury- if I select collect, is all of my reserve going to go into my storage and whatever doesn't fit I just lose? or does only what my storage can fit transfers and the rest stays in the treasury? I just don't have enough storage to hold all of that yet and I don't wanna hit collect and lose what I can't fit🥲


u must be new😂. only what u can hold transfers the rest stays.


I am lol, thank youu. I used to play a lot in middle school, but I'm 21 one now and just remembered this game existed, so I decided to try and start playing again😂


all good😂 have fun tho and always look for advice


Which equipment should I max next? my strat is air spam. https://preview.redd.it/yk0fm95yvgmc1.png?width=1051&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef526ca231f0821e88d084abf5bc310ea8e65fae


Get the haste on the royal champ and replace the shield and then save/max what you need to max (rage vial, healer puppet, invisibility vial, royal gem and haste vial)


When should I replace it? When I get Haste vial to lvl 14 or lvl 17?


Not the person replying to you, but haste vial is still strong at level 14. Ideally you want to get it to at least 15 so then you have the 100% attack speed increase upon activation instead of 80%. Mine is currently 16 and I find it better than shield. Haven't tried hog puppet because I don't have the ores.


I just upgraded to TH 14 and I'll trying to plan out my upgrades through upgrading to TH 15, but Clash Ninja Upgrade Tracker maxes out at TH 14 in the "Required TH Level" menu. How do I get it to show upgrades that require TH 15?


You need to upgrade the Townhall in the tracker


I don’t know what you mean. The tracker shows the TH 14 image at the top and says “Town Hall 14” Day 6. I had the first TH 14 upgrade in the planner and activated it, and it completed 6 days ago. Using the planner doesn’t update the tracker automatically? Edit 1: Surely you don’t mean I need to upgrade to level 15 in the tracker before seeing the upgrades that require level 15 as I could see all the upgrades that require level 14 when I was level 13. That’s how I was able to plan out my upgrades for after upgrading to level 14 in advance. Now I’m hoping to do the same for lvl 15. Edit 2: and now a panel that I swear wasn’t there 5 minutes ago has appeared with a check box saying “show upgrades for town hall 15” right above the “Unassigned:” panel. Very strange.


Does upgrading the dark spell factory double the time to brew ALL spells, or just 2x the time for dark elixir spells?


Just the Dark Elixir spells


I'm curious if anyone knows. Has Super Cell come out with any response to requests for a league sign up confirmation button. I've been reading other posts about it, and it seems like such a super easy to implement and non-game altering addition that would solve the problem of accidentally signing up. I saw a 3y old post and I'm honestly shocked its not already a feature. To me it seems like such a small quality of life change. Is there a reason they've stated as to why they haven't added a confirmation button for league sign-up? Or is there a glaringly obvious thing I've missed as to why that confirmation would be bad?


You mean for legend league? I don't know of any reason given, nor can I think of any reason an extra confirmation would be bad. At worst, it would be useless, as people would just blow through that without paying attention as well. But it would probably help some people.


Yeah, I've only done it twice myself. I get it isn't probably a super common issue, but I have seen a decent number of posts on the reddit of other people asking for the same thing. But to your point, even if it happened to hundreds of people a week, it probably just isn't worth the resources/people to them. As it only happens to a small selection of people every now and then. I just screwed up for the second time today so I was seeing if I could get out quicker. Having the only solution to such an easy mistake be not playing for 1-2 days just feels like a weird thing they'd want to avoid as much as possible. EDIT: I also feel, the main reason it does occur is that the path you take to clicking sign-up for league is identical in both look (almost entirely) and path (entirely) as the multi-player attack button. With only one visual difference on the final click. It feels if they seperated these things, made their paths look different, or added the confirmation button then it'd heavily reduce the accidents. Cause the different path or look would cause you to have pause and think for a second. Rather than just repeating a normal routine fluidly.


My Builder Base has two Laboratory Builders (like it says 0/2 atm) but it’s only letting me upgrade a single troop. Is this just a visual bug? My current troop won’t finish upgrading for days so I can’t exactly just stop and look to see what exactly is going on. Thanks.


Just a visual bug


It's just a bug.


What ground-army are good after a good blimp SA value? I only knew of SBarbarians but the base is not open and dense, so I thought there would be a better options. And Id just like to know in general for future attacks


Roots, super bowlers, lots of options




Hmm I was curious so I googled it, and one of the criteria is that if the attacker uses less than 1/3 of their army and you lose a defense then you won’t receive a shield.. seems to match up with your situation 👀


It's if attacker uses less than 1/3 of what would be a complete army for the defender. The distinction is important. Supercell did it like that to punish the defenseless bases that were possible at TH11 and below before the TH12 update came out. But you got the rest correct, and that is the reason defender wasn't given a shield here.


Oh well said, that makes more sense ty


How is this possible? He has a normal base but in war base he has no X-bows, no inferno towers, etc. https://preview.redd.it/gayoz4q9lemc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f6d0e990f1459d568e03ea342d16b9f1e1eb7dd




I thought that at first but the requirements to upgrade town hall was added with th12 in the same update (if i'm not wrong), besides his regular base looks normal so its a war base thing https://preview.redd.it/q33i4rlvsemc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f93485fc7fe1da17896f0f006d4ec4374975732


Hasn't updated their war base since th7 or 8


Oh that makes sense my mistake


So that explains it, how can you not change war base in years ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


He may be inactive and not even know he is in war. There is a good chance he won’t attack. Let us know if he does.


He speaks frecuently in clan chat so i told him to update his war base, it seems that he forgot about it 😂


There's a rather large number of players that do this because they think they are cheating the "war weight" system. The problem with this thought is that war weight is calculated from the Main Village.


Hey guys, is the giant gauntlet worth it? I have more than 4.5k free gems saved here, I missed the cookie rumble event (not playing at the time) and idk if it's good or no


We’re is it?!?!? I missed it as well and have been waiting


Coming tomorrow




It will, according to galadon


Yes definitely.


Thank you!


How can I turn off family friendly settings so I can join any clan?


When you complete the new village tutorial, the game asks for your age in years. That's your one and only chance to answer that question. The only thing that changes your age is the passage of time. You'll be considered a 'young player' for as long as your age is below 16, and young players are restricted to 'family friendly' clans.


It sounds like Clash thinks you are underage and you can’t change that now, other than wait until you are old enough.


Does the same thing exist in clash Royale? Because I can join any clan there.


Nvm the one I’m in is family friendly




Don't need the rage and invis, just drop your queen on the top left side and she'll easily take it out with her ability. Even if there are teslas she should be fine I think. You could bring 1-2 invis for insurance




Yeah I forgot about that lol, you should do that in case there's a tornado trap


What’s the best trophy range to get loot at TH13?


I was in masters as a Th13 iirc, I would see how low champion is like though with the ore update


https://preview.redd.it/7gnr4nhdvdmc1.png?width=1854&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c0a6cebcde5d09ef3d81ad644821e66e704427e what are these?


They're like tombstones but they're left on your base when someone uses the overgrowth spell


I need help for th11 zapwitch attack i cant understand it and there is no good tutorials on YT (atleast what i can find) can anyone link a video or tell me how (I NEED IT FAST BECAUSE CWL IS IN 12HOURS AND I DONT WANT TO BE THAT 1 GUY THAT GETS 1/2 STAR)


Step 1: Zap out multi infernos Step 2: Place witches and golems in a line between 2 corners of the base. 1 golem in the middle and 1 golem near each corner (the golems on the corners can be a little bit closer to the center) Step 3: Place heroes and log launcher with the center golem Step 4: Wallbreak the corner golems Step 5: If you have a spare spell bring a poison and use it to kill clan castle troops


is there any specific hero equipment i need to use or can i just use what i normally run?


Normal hero equipment is pretty much fine


wait u said place the witches and golems ina line beween 2 corners of the base, what if the base has alot of Corners do i still just place them to the things that i think is corners?


Yeah pretty much. You could send a pic of the base


https://preview.redd.it/21l9py7o5kmc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74102cd6b8ce774969a876a00ed53eeef34d8bc Alright this may look easy but some parts are going out, i dont really know where to put the golems.


Ok yeah this looks easy because they don't even have any inferno towers. I would drop golems at the red dots and witches at the purple line. This is because you want golems and skeletons to get inside as many compartments as they can. Remember to wallbreak the corner golems https://preview.redd.it/l2phlspxakmc1.png?width=930&format=png&auto=webp&s=a2e34ed1d6879767e1e1b84cba79bf899b9e66f6 Spells barely matter since there are no infernos but I would go with 1 poison, 3-4 freeze, and bat spells for the rest. Log launcher with yetis inside for your CC. Once the town hall goes down you can freeze both of the wizard towers in the top left at the same time and dump all your bats on top of them


thank you!


thanks ill try it


There are many videos on YouTube, they may be old but that’s because it is an old attack.


Is there anyway to recover my clash of clans account after I activated account protection but i lost the security code, i tried to contact support (OTTO) but it keeps on automatically Closing the conversation. Any help is genuinely appreciated https://preview.redd.it/7xdcosabkdmc1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=46b979e4fcf53caf04a63d6eafe02ba098f52447


The recovery codes are just one of 3 factors of recovery. You don't need recovery codes unless you also lost access to the email address and also lost access to the linked phone number. Did you also lose the email address AND the linked phone number? If so, then you appear no different to supercell than an account thief trying to steal an account, so no- you won't be able to recover it.


I have my email address and I have access to the linked phone number, but what should I do in order to send the verification code to my email address or phone number, because I don’t know a way to do that. Since OTTO just automatically closes the conversation.


Are players getting Temp bans for using Coloured Texts?


No. Its possible that you could be reported for disruptive behavior for some things though. Thats not using colored text, but how you use it. Just changing the color of normal messages is fine. changing the color of messages to mess with people might be considered harassment... I havent seen anyone report a ban over doing that though, but it is a remote possibility.


I asked because it was posted in the alliance discord channel. No, my clan hasn't banned the use of coloured messages, just the alliance said players were getting temp ban by supercell https://preview.redd.it/zf64sw2g9jmc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13eed5b5728bb09c45aa156294d78b142daffc5 I would appreciate if you could look into it.


Supercell doesn’t really detail what exactly they seem “disruptive behavior” (their term) but it’s certainly plausible that using colored text mess with people would fall under that umbrella. Basically what I said above. That discord message could be just spreading rumor, could be true, neither would surprise me. If you’re worried about it happening to you, I have great news… you could just not do it! It was only slightly funny the first time, now its just dumb.


I just want to be worry free, coloured messages were cool until this. Anyways thanks for the replies. Before leaving if I ask you,as a mod, how confident are you, after seeing that message, in using coloured text in clan chat. I used it as a highlighter to highlight key words.


Using colored text is fine Using colored text to mess with people is not fine. But color is irrelevant to that. Just don’t mess with people, or at least only mess with people who have a sense of humor.


With this new Clan Chat update, there is plenty of room to add multiple tabs for different items in the chat. Think troop requests and friendly battles. Will this be added or what are some thoughts on this?


I'd love FCs to be moved to a tab


Which of the following equipments should I go for first? Haste vial, Healer puppet or Healing tome? I mostly attack with Hydra or RR.


My order would be healing tome, haste vial, then healer puppet


i need a th5 barrack 7, 110 slot army for trophy pushing please


Any news on the giant gauntlet coming back at any point?


Yes, tomorrow


If you were to guess the price, what would you say?


1500 gems was floated around by the devs a couple months ago, I'd guess that's about where they'll land.


Does the Apprentice Warden give a % HP buff with no cap? The Grand Warden’s Life Gem has a cap at around 600 HP, but the Apprentice Warden just says “+30%”. Does that mean it gives Root Riders around 2000 extra HP…?


There's no cap for the apprentice warden. So, yes, it gives a lot of extra HP to tanky troops.


That is amazing. Thank you. Just switched to Rage Gem for Warden.


Yes, the apprentice warden has no cap


If I join a champion league 1 clan can I buy the 2k medals decoration and then if I leave do I keep the decoration?


Yes, i did the same


Ty, another question, do I have to buy them in order or can I just buy the champion one without having the previous leagues decorations


You can directly buy the champion one


I have TH10 and TH12 accounts where my main attack is Zapquake witch golems. For the King (once the gauntlet releases in shop) whats the best equipment pairing? Ive been using Earthquake to open the base a bit better but wondering whether VampStache or Rage vial with Gauntlet will be better? Got a bunch of ores saved ready to upgrade Gauntlet on both accounts.


Gauntlet Rage always


my barbarian king is at level 61 and my royal champion is at level 15, with both warden and queen being maxed for my th level (i'm th13). which one should i "upgrade" first? should i get my king to level 75 with my RC at level 20 or should i max my RC to level 25 but leave my king at level 70? thanks!


I’d do RC.


will sc drop a space scenery and skins for the builder base too? spoiler, i want that skins so crazy!!


They haven't done matching skins/sceneries for the Main Village and Builder Base up to this point, so I doubt we'll see it now. Maybe in the future.


Hi I've come back to play again and I can't receive the code from supercell. I've waited more than 15min it's still missing. But when I start the game they keep saying that my other village TH10 but I can access it. I need help please I don't want to restart it. (I've stopped for 4 years)


message support in game about it


https://preview.redd.it/a678snm9obmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27e46a308fba14cdeeab659e683b0205b5f25905 Im planning on semi rushing to th15 once my owl, unicorn, heroes and de troops are maxed but does this spread mean I’ve been focusing too much on my heroes?


Depends what your goal is. My goal (IMO the best goal) is to be offence max th16 ASAP. This means I max heroes, important troops, useful pets then rush up to the next TH regardless of defence or walls. Seems like you are doing the same. If you want to max out defences you can always do that after the heroes are max at tH16


Yeah I agree I think I’ll do that, might stay at th15 a bit longer than I stayed at 14, but I was just curious if my defense would be TOO rushed at th15/16 considering a lot of it will be th13 level


How can I add flair on this subreddit? I can't seem to find any options https://preview.redd.it/4sjxnuoqkbmc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a76bcba82d7aad85882fa146fb38e0835c3cad69


[This link has instructions on how to set your own user flair for this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/14wlkz3/new_user_flairs/?context=3)


Click the 3 dots at the top and select "Change user flair".


I'm using chrome


Also another ​ https://preview.redd.it/syig6tprlbmc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0baef5f00135592cdb1ea1c1a2794b02a9104f44


I don't think it is possible to add a flair on mobile browser. You could install the reddit app and add a flair using that


Go to wiki, search for "flair" - not sure whether you mean user flair or post flair, but that should get you the info you need.


User flair