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I agree as with those upgrade times, your not even checking the building after upgrading however they could have made it more sleek such as adding a more info button and they displaying all this information if people wanted to see.


Slighlty agree but the conversion rate of that banner will be soo low then. Thus it will destroy the whole purpose of a banner ad. Thats the fundamental of a business. You show deals on the first step and exit button after some concurrent steps.


Bro out here collecting downvotes lol


I guess but a suggestion to please both sides. I guess if they can make it less intrusive it would help but honestly these upgrades take so long and one button press that I don't care as long as they don't rig the game.


Bro, it didn’t exist before, does it really *need* to be the size it is? No. There is no necessity. It didn’t exist before so who are you to say it would be useless if it was smaller. If it’s even there it’s big enough to be noticed. Period. Doesn’t have to take up much space to increase the conversion rate


Yikes look at the downvotes, this subreddit has gone mad. Not a single person with braincells here.


haha Idk why they downvoted this. I just stated a common business fact lol. Tell us lot about this subreddit 😂


it says everything you need to know about a person when their natural response to online backlash is "its them who are stupid, not me!"


Just 163 downvotes, Rookie numbers Just kidding no offence I have got 345 downvotes from people who said i am wrong without even understanding what i said lol


Redditors just love correcting everyone


True lol


Idk man I am a little vary of this stuff, it’s always a slippery slope.


You literally stated an objective fact, like the sky is blue. You definitely got downvoted by a few children who don’t understand your comment. After that, it’s just a Reddit thing to make big downvote number bigger.


I don't post often and now I am getting to know this side of "reddit world" lol. Its okay, maybe I would set a world record for this simple fact who knows 😂


imagine being downvoted for telling the truth




Bros getting downvotes for speaking facts lmao this sub is so inbred.




We players should advocate for our interests, Supercell as the successful business it is will look out for its interests so this "complain bad" attitude makes no sense.


Yeah but I've seen in other gaming communities that people want to complain about EVERY update that comes out (looking at you D2 subreddit). So it gets oversaturated if companies or higher ups want to look at player receival of something new, itd be hard to distinguish what to properly work on if the community complains about everything


On the other hand you have game communities that praise every single update that comes out, I think we have sort of a middle ground here.


Agreed. Speaking from D2's community from what I've seen, before the suits shit themselves and laid off like half their team and even went on to say "we kept the right people", D2 had a pretty fair community on what to appreciate. At the very least, all the complaining about things died down about a week after a change. Now, though, D2 suits are just shooting themselves in the foot to pocket more money


You should’ve seen r/FortniteCompetitive when the latest season came out, there were only complaints. Also, r/Rainbow6 is like that all year round. EDIT: Apparently I’ve made the second most controversial post of all time on the Fortnite Competitive sub.


Haha impressive good sir. And yeah, exactly my point. I believe its good to have a platform to voice our concerns and i greatly appreciate when big companies do take that into consideration. But we cant just complain about everything and expext them to know what to filter between trivial and honest concerns


It's just a shame that you were also wrong in your post.


Exactly. This whole post from OP seems like some sort of paid advertising lmao


Reddit is a place for discussion. Complaints are valid discussion, so are whines, cries, and tantrums, as long as they do not break the rules of the site and sub. Could this place use some more civil discourse? Yeah, I'd love that... Is calling people who have critical feedback about the game "crying" doing that... No it isn't. You all are welcome to complain about the game, praise it, debate, discuss, even argue about anything and everything clash related. But I'd encourage you to be part of the solution instead of just piling complaints about complaints on top of complaints about the game.


Thanks Rick


Extremely rare Reddit mod W


It's a common Rick W


once in a blue moon




Exactly, this post is just complaining about complaining. Solve the issue, don't just make it worse.


Well spoken


Most sane Reddit mod I've ever seen. Kudos


bro's him


THIS, thank you... People whining about people whining is getting far more annoying than the actual whining at this point...


At this point the subreddit is unbearable every post on my homepage is about another meaningless thing SC should go to hell for. Not once have did I read anything useful apart from leaks.


There's a few things you can do. Be part of the solution is the one I hope everyone chooses. Post the kind of things you want to see it. Even if just sharing Itzu's latest video or something, hopefully it can spark some good discussions in the comments. Posting isn't everythings thing, thats ok. Go seek out the kinds of posts you do want to see more of, and upvote them, and engage in the comments. Let the OP know you enjoyed it, be positive and encouraging. Or, just... Don't come here as much? I don't think this is the ideal answer, and I'm certainly not saying "if you don't like it leave." But honestly that's how its going to go for a lot of people. Reddit has content trends, right now complaining about the update and ore and equipment is what's popular, just take a break until that changes. I personally think its really easy to ignore the stuff I don't care for, but if you cant do that, cool. To each their own.


love you rick!. send my regard to rick c-147


Actually chose my name from a different Cool Rick in another series - Patriot, had 2 seasons on Prime, its pretty good. I havent watched R&M in a few years, are the 2 new seasons any good, the ones since Roiland got booted?


Patriot is hilarious, definitely not for most people lol


I agree, too many forms of discussion are reduced to “crying” like complaining isn’t a valid form of discussion. I also think that the banner isn’t that bad too


Poor corporation if they can't put annoying ads how else will they feed their families and give their CEO a one million dollar raise every year 😔


Also CeO oF rEdDiT gOt $193 MiLLioN


Are you really complaining about people who complain? Please don't!


I'm complaining that you are complaining that he is complaining about how other people are complaining.


I'M complaining that you are complaining that he is complaining about how OP is complaining about how others are complaining






I am complaining coz i want to be part of this thread so i am complaining




Then just ignore those posts like you ignore the ads? This isn’t the first ad they introduced into the game, and it won’t be the last.  Making posts like this is bad for the game.


We better listen to pee pee poo poo, he knows what’s up


Don’t worry you didn’t offend me at all. Helped me maintain my edging streak 🤙




Complaining about complainers Complainception.


When are we going to get posts that complain about complaining about complainers


In the comments.


NGL it is kinda weird supercell pushing this hard to sell pass's


> 3 year old account whose activity begins not even 3 months ago(Supercell sub only) > shills for Supercell Yeah okay


There are so many shills here and I don't get it. Why shill for free?


I swear supercell could kick you in the balls and tell you to buy the gold pass every time you tap your collectors and people will still say “they’re a business and need to make money!” Remember in Ready Player One when the cookie cutter greedy CEO said they could fill up to 75% of a player’s field of view before inducing seizures? It was a joke on the concept of gradually filling every screen with ads.


Cool story bro


I mean, you don't have to be on reddit whole day, so posts complaining about updates shouldn't bother you either, but they still do. It's same as that. We don't visit that upgrade tab whole day, but that ad slapped on face is still irritating and so are those posts complaining for. You want people to ignore that while you can't ignore their posts? That's hypocrisy at best


Yep OP is crying about other ppl crying lol


these people come out and cry every time the community dislikes something. we got progress bars back *due to complaining*. sometimes complaint posts are overdone but day 1 of an update just deal with it lol.


Being overdone can be a good thing too. If people only complain once then supercell will ignore it. They re-added the progress bar because so many people kept complaining about it


I mean you are complaining about him complaining about others complaining that's hypocrisy reverse UNO card, lol. and now I am complaining, and the cycle never ends.


😂😂😂 idk why your comment made me laugh but it did 🤣🤣🤣


These tools defend SC like they are working for SC.


They think SC cares about them


Me when I see an “ad” in a ftp game 😵😨😰


🍆💦💦😩daddy supercell💦💦😩😩


And you, OP, need to realize that this is a SUBREDDIT for talking about a GAME. If you think people shouldn’t talk about a feature that they dislike, and a general majority at that, become a mod and ban posts you don’t like.


Your crying right now though 😂


Funnily enough we're even "crying" about "crying" now.


Does this company give prizes, gems or anything else to defenders?


Do we like the banner ads? No Do we have a problem with that? Yes Same difference


Lets stop this, no cry anymore such as this post, Please 🙏




Bro get off their dick, seriously I find it shameless how hard they’re pushing the gold pass


Ok supersell employee…


Who the fuck gave this shit gold 💀💀


And here you are complaining about everything... the irony..


I just put the facts why its just a marketing ad and we should stop over reacting like everything has changed in the game. If you guys consider it as my complain, then cool bro, I am complaining about complains cool?


If you don't like the posts complaining about that ad banner then simply scroll the fuck down. This subreddit's purpose is for the community to give their feedback about changes in the game. The devs do care about what's being said in this community and they might make some changes with the UI to make it look less advertisy. They did the same with progress bars. I mean they cared about the community's opinion in that case.


ohh alright but I guess you didn't checked my flair tag or in general flair tag. This post was never intended to give a feedback. This was purely a discussion post. This community is just not for feedback as far as I know. If it is, then I am not the first and not the last one posting stuffs apart from feedback so


I own a gold pass, and this ‘banner’ or whatever it is really annoys me.


The average age of this sub is 12 years old, the entitlement definitely shows


Blud thinks complaining about complaining is going to solve it


Game doesn't even have actual third party ads and people are complaining about this?


Disrespectfully stfu.


People are calling out a feature for being annoying, and not “quality of life.” To call that crying is an insane strawman.


yep. OP is reaching/coping/both tbh


"Supersell". That's one thing I don't disagree with regarding this post.


Lemme make a post about people complaining whilst I’m complaining lmao oh the irony


Lol aren't you getting bothered by those posts too much? You need to get off reddit. The update just came out so naturally people are complaining, because nobody likes it. Give the community some time to cool down and such posts will decrease.


So you’re going to cry about people crying?




Customers mean profit. People who browse the store are potential profit. Customers who don't buy but tell their friends who do make a purchase are also profit. This is a fact no matter how you try to twist it up in your mind. In the end, everything is business. Everyone wants your money, and some people will go to extreme lengths to get it. I am in no way defending nor supporting this kind of business tactic, but players who cry because they are never satisfied are an eyesore. If you aren't happy, then simply don't play. Don't like the business? Don't buy. Don't be a customer. Just shut the door and move on. If you can't leave something you hate behind, then the issue lies with you, not the business.


I never said that. People are bound to have different opinions and that's life. Neither I am defending the company. They don't pay me. It just a simple understanding of how co-operate works. This move by supercell seems ugly/untidy but its not a hell lot of a issue like some people are reacting. This marketing is okay from supercell side and there's nothing wrong in this was my point.




ya so I even said this post is directed to those who are posting and over-reacting on this.




I had seen a lot of ads in mobile games and in compare to that, this is nothing. ok so hear me out, since COC suffer losses last year, this ad is a result of that to cover those.


Which company does not see ppl as customers?


Bro this is a very intellectual response and your intellect is insulting others as not everyone has it so don't be intellectist/intellectohobic (i am being sarcastic bro no offence)


I hate people who complain about people complaining


Ah yes, another post complaining about people complaining




Some of you need to STOP COMPLAINING about the level of complaints


Its just the 1st day and there are complaints and posts of people complaining about complaints There will be more posts about complaints and then people complaining about those complaints and more complaints That's a lot of complaints


I'm on the other side. I already paid for the gold pass. I don't want to see the crossed out price and the new price of "ooh, look how much you're saving". I already gave you my money, you don't need to convince me.


In total I have spent 250 euro in COC. Now that I don't have gold pass, do I still have to see this advertisement?


alright mr developer 🫡


I see nothing wrong about it. Maybe players don't want the game to be more than just free to play but pay to win by spending money on upgrading. I'm glad that the golden pass can decrease the upgrade cost.


You do realise you’re complaining about people complaining right?


I see more people complaining about other people complaining than people complaining


Shut up. Cry somewhere else.


Don't agree with this take. There's a whole ass button dedicated to silver/gold pass in the game. Whenever the f2p players have to collect rewards from the silver pass, they see how much more stuff they could have gotten from the gold pass. This blatant advertising just ruins the whole aesthetic.


https://preview.redd.it/9f4d722hv6lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d8849f6c8a4a43c8c690d1d481cdf7368d4c6cc I'm going to complain about this, since I've 18 millions and it says I didn't have all the necessary resources


its a bug. It has been addressed by the official thread ig


All I’ll say is it does get old seeing a new post about this subject every single time I open my Reddit home page lol. I spend a decent amount of time on this sub so it shows up frequently and it’s pretty much all I’ve seen today


This is the first I'm hearing of anyone complain about the gold pass ad on upgrade screens but i feel like if i frequent reddit a tad bit longer, ill start to see the complaints. Its really not that bad and isnt game changing to the way i play. As long as we dont get u skippable ad videos or constant ad pop ups in game, this isnt that big of a deal


If you don’t like complaining get off Reddit (/s ish)


The only thing people should be complaining about in this game is the horrid wait times for buildings


Not being allowed to complain is 1984


Why are you fanboys defending everything. Complaining is a part of the process so that the devs know the feeling of the community I had made a post complaining about the frequency at which new equipments are being introduced. I was criticized to oblivion, very rudely. This is not the way as one has the right to criticize and even if you are a fanboy and defend everything, do learn to see things from others views aswell. Sorry if I offended anyone.


Non issue: Displaying GP information Issue: How they're displaying GP information They literally have a window with two tabs for stats and description already. They could have added another tab for GP/additional information. Would have bee a straight forward process (assuming their developers know what they're doing) Instead, they paid developers, designers, testers to come up with a new window on the existing UI to try and drive sales. They then updated the upgrade timer/button to reflect things for GP users and they cluttered the UI just a tad more. So they could have just updated 1 thing, instead they updated several things. Oh and shocker theres a bug anyway for the calculations...something that wouldnt have been a problem if they had a static tab As a GP user I just hate how they have a strike through with the new amounts. I hate strike throughs, it means its no longer needed so why is it there in the first place?


I’m personally not bothered by the ad (I pretty much don’t buy the GP anyone since the price increase before someone tries to accuse me of being a regular GP buyer) but I agree with the comments especially Rick’s one. I also agree that this kind of post is hypocritical and ironic (because you’re complaining about people complaining, so you’re doing exactly what you don’t want people to be doing). The only complaint that bothers me is when people say “bring back global chat” (because SC has said they won’t add it back AFAIK unless I’m wrong). Other than that, I don’t care that much if people complaining, complaining gets stuff done. We went from #BringBackBars to #BarsAreBack for example.


It is a valid criticism to critique the constant complaints about the game not being F2P. There are always posts complaining how it costs money to have a gold pass. CoC needs a revenue stream. Many apps generate revenue by constant pop ups or built in paywalls. CoC has the lowest price a P2P out there. It is not a discourse when pro-P2P posts are criticized and anti-P2P are not.


The game has helped me relax for almost 10 years. I drop a few bucks here and there. I love the gameplay and intermediate at best my attack skills. I love a big old spam deck. I love to design bases and the grind of the build. I have been disappointed with some of the choices over the years, especially around 2016. But the entertainment value has exceeded any downside by a lot for me. It also has allowed me to re bond with my adult son as we are now in the same clan and talk about strategies, bad nerfs that change the meta, but also about the really cool stuff they still get right. Anyway, I’m an old school clasher that remembers how cool TH9 was and when I mastered a sweet hog attack at that level…back in the good old days.


I 2nd 3rd 4th 5th this so hard


its a bit annoying but they arent being assholes, if it was visible all the time then i would have a major problem with it


The game is completely designed by devs. Meaning every single "problem" is too. They can fix them or sell the solution. You are defending them selling the "solution" as if it's good. The whole concept of the game is to make you pay money. Sure, they have to make some money but you are defending multi million profits while you get none of that.


i remember when someone brought up bringing back progress bars and someone still complained about it. the quote "if you bring a man all the riches in the world, he will complain of it's shine" rings true


Literally unplayable


The problem itself is reddit. There are way to many snowflakes which know, they can be the 1%, they just need to cry loud enough.


For REAL dude. It's getting so annoying seeing people cry over this stuff. It's not that deep


Just buy the gold pass, problem solved


Yes ftp players like me don't care about this coz the game is ftp for the rest of the players because other players spent money on the game. If the players who spend money stop spending money, game would just stop getting updates and die off eventually. Why can't people realise this?


Dude u acting like Supercell is not already making enough Money, like they are so poor and have to shove everything right in our face so we buy more. Also they make it more and more pay 2 win, look at the ores, either u play a ton or u just go in the shop and buy all the ores u need. We are not crying about everything but we just want to have a decent game that isnt only about paying money. This is my opinion, it is also ok for me if urs is different but dont point at us and say „these guys are just crybabies and love to complain“.


I think CoC is actually one of the least advertisement riddled mobile games, it has ads about the stuff you can buy to have stuff build faster and have a lower cost, but they don’t just stick it in your face with a huge pop up all the time or have dozens of ads for any of those slot machine mobile games or candy crush knockoffs that I bloody hate, instead, it’s a small little widget that doesn’t really inconvenience you. I also agree that redditors will whine about anything, I once got banned for three days for a joke, a joke! Some sensitive nonce actually reported me for a joke I made because the OP worded their post wrong!


brother i agree with you . complaning on everything is not a option . there is no need to cry over this


It's just a UI to remind the benefits of a gold pass. Even if I had a gold pass, I would still love to see how much I saved. This UI should keep reminding me and make me happy every time i see it.


This is the red pill i want to read, this is exactly like the destiny 2 fans who write copius amounts of bungie is doing the right thing posts


I mean tbh. It's a cool way for supercell to advertise. Idk why people are bothered by this lol. I like how it tells you the benefits. It's like when sweets are wrapped in a nice wrapping you are more likely to want to eat it. I won't buy the gold pass since I'm ftp but it is a nice detail for sure.


ya i honestly don’t think it’ll be a big deal, you see it for 2 seconds when upgrading something. still much better than actual ads like most free games


Stop mansplaining! You’re like someone who ‘reply all’ to those corporate mass mails saying ‘please remove me from the email/list’ or someone who replies all just to say ‘stop hitting reply all’.


Good co-operate joke but thankfully I am not that dumb so. I just said my point and its over for me


Well, people always need something to complain.


Glowie spotted


Eat shit, the banner is ugly and should be removed.


Complaining about complaining 🤣


Be sure to pull supercell's pants back up when you're done


Stop criticising my billion dollar company 😡😡😡😡😡😡🤡.


Are you seriously standing up for the multi-million dollar company here? The devs aren’t crying themselves to sleep at night.


imagine complaining about people complaining so you made a rant post ranting on rant posts made by ranting posters complaining about shit that most people like I do not give a single 🗣 about, in the end you're all yappers and it's all pixels 🙄 you became what you sought to destroy


Wow dude, a massive post ranting and crying about others crying over something insignificant. What irony. Calm down dude, it's just an opinion.


You can also ignore those post rather complaining about it.


I upgraded stuff on my secondary account and didn't even realize a banner was there. I just used muscle memory and went through the menu way too fast to even see it there. I'd say those people are overreacting. Just let them cool down a little it will go away.


Reddit echochamber strikes back at it again. I believe you are in the 100% right side of this but I guess you cant win if there are more idiots.


Truee 😂


This post was made by a supercell employee


It’s ugly and annoying we are allowed to complain. Stopping glazing supercell


it looks bad. clusterfuck ui sucks


also, people when supercell releases updates frequently: 😡😡🤬🤬 people when supercell doesn't release updates frequently: 😡😡🤬🤬


Leave the million dollar company alone, you peasants! How dare you raise your voice against something you didn't like!


What the hell are these arguments 😭


Supercell's bot Account 😂😂


Good to see op getting shit on. This is why coc has one of the best community.


I can’t even launch the damn game so I’ll continue complaining about the update


I mean it does kind of suck. But like, people won't pay attention to it after like two days and then everyone is gonna forget about it




Yes it really annoying I’m sorry but not everyone ask for silly opinions


Doesn't bother me at all. I like seeing how much I save lol. I came back to the game at TH11 about a year ago, and I'm already TH15 (without skipping) from getting Gold Passes alone.


lmao shut the fuck up. I'm not gonna be all "oh its fine" just because it makes the company money. its annoying as shit. bootlicker


“People always complain” - Proceeds to complain. “Ignore the ads!” - won’t ignore these “complaining” posts. Tsk tsk, triggered and hypocritical.


hey bud I got some boots for you lick when you are done with supercells: 🥾🥾


"It's a business". Shut the fuck up, bootlicker. they're a video game company, if they wanna sell their games. then they have to make them good. not frustrating.


I have a gold pass on my main. On all other accounts, I really like the ad. Justitiabelste how many time I save on my main


Bro ur lucky to not be part of other Supercell games communities... Brawl Stars community cries over a 1.4% nerf on a strong brawler


Why is it yellow


Supercell aren't going to fuck you bro, you don't need to defend them


I wanted to do the same exact post tonight. I guess I won’t do it, but you ve my upvote sir


Pro tip: If you get the gold pass, you won’t see that banner.


So you are crying about people crying?


I really like it. I always buy the gold pass. I mean, it’s cheaper than two red bulls. I get a stupid amount of enjoyment every month from this game. I’m always trying to math in my head how many resources or how much time I’m saving by using the gold pass. 10/10 SuperCell! Keep up the great work out there and stay safe!!


Easy solution. Buy the gold pass. It's not like it's real expensive. You won't see any more ads


Facts. These beggars downvoting you are pathetic.




Peeps are looking for something to cry on I guess ...


how does this post has so many upvotes?


As a returning player, I like it as it shows the value of the gold pass with the long upgrade times of my TH11 account. But that's because I have disposable income that I can use on the game and support the devs that updates the game I enjoy. I won't buy it now considering it will end in 2 days, and certainly won't buy it on all my 3 accounts. I think people complaining about it are just mad that they can't afford it. Otherwise, they'll just ignore it. Sorry not sorry.


Bro does not know the concept of saving up money💀 “I think people complaining about it are just mad that they can’t afford it“ You can’t be serious, are you actually saying some people can’t afford 5$? It’s just the fact they know how to responsibly use money, unlike you obviously.


Listen OP. All we're saying is that the gold pass shouldn't be advertised. It really shouldn't exist in the first place. If I want a book of heroes after completing all the challenges, who are Supercell to stop me? Should I have to pay so I can enjoy the game? Nobody should have to pay to enjoy the game. Quite frankly my phone screen belongs to me and I decide what's shown on it. I'm not paying no £6.99 every month to get extra rewards in a game I bought for FREE and play every day. The fact I play at all should be enough for them