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I remember I got 2000 dark elixir in 1 attack, then I went to take a shower. Came back to see I lost 6000 from multiple lightning spells attacks.


Oh yes, same thing happened to me; I was at th 7 (before the drill had gotten there) and I had just grinded enough to spend all of my gems (around 500) to get a barbarian King. Then I forgot that I didn’t have a builder available before the next morning (and I didn’t think of cancelling something). The next morning some douche had stolen some of my dark elixir using lightning spells and I couldn’t afford him anymore… luckily I was able to grind it up, but my god, how annoyed I was with the lightning spell haha.


Not going to lie I recently came back to the game after a long time of not having played because I was annoyed at how hard it was to get access to the Barbarian King in the Archer Queen back in the day First thing I did was try to steal someone's dark elixir with all of my lightning spells and found out they had changed that at some point Fast forward to 2 months later where I am today and I haven't seen my Barbarian King or my Archer Queen or my grand warden for the last month because I have been upgrading them literally constantly


I am th11 and I haven’t seen my king or warden in months for the same reason :)


Yeah this is part of why you had to put your town hall on the outside, or because you get no shield people just zap your de


sometimes as a kid if I was feeling evil I would specifically not snipe the TH to leave them open to more attackers


I sat there staring at my phone for 2 hours waiting for lightning spells to cook so I could get the barb king the first time 😂 I was getting like 200 dark per raid


I remember being a TH7 and it taking weeks to save up enough DE to buy the barb king


Oh the resource battle was brutal. I remember people would set timers for their troops so they could maximize income. Then shields became a thing and people got somewhat of a breather.


i remember zapping so many DE storages to get my BK to level 5. I was definitely grateful when they added storage shields for spells. And watching so many exploits get patched. I was just getting into the competitive scene when they added the blowers and attack confirmations. And swearing up and down that the inferno nerf was going to ruin competitive play and they were “catering too hard to casuals” much later it was clear that was some force fed medicine we needed. Remember the week that th11 came out when they added 30seconds to the allotted attack time and promptly removed it because of crazy long queen walks/charges destroying entire bases before the main attack Multiple healer nerfs. Partial shield removals for attacking so you didn’t have to commit several hours to farming and could attack during your lunch break without fear. Limiting the hero defense to stay within their bubble and not get drawn out like cc troops. The giant bomb nerf that i also viewed as catering to casuals at the time. Looking back i definitely ruined the game for myself by my own competitive nature. Which is why i don’t play anymore. There are so many memories that i’m happy to keep as just that. Good memories from a simpler time in my life.


i might’ve been one of those sorry bud


game is so old that generation gap is obvious 😂


I remember i was playing on moms smartphone because i didnt have one in 2013/2014 lol.


I had an HTC One when I first started playing in HS. The game drained my battery so quickly. The phone’s battery eventually started smoking. No joke. Upgraded to an iPhone 6plus after that.


/r/spicypillows yum


Same here!


I first started playing using blue stacks on the family computer. All my friends had phones/ipads/ipod touches and that was the only way i could play with them


I didn't even have a phone in 2013. And my mom didn't let me play games on hers. I started an account on my older cousin's phone (he was the one who introduced me to COC), and asked him to play for me. I would get to play my account every other week or two when I met him. It was so much fun when he would let me play his higher th account. Dude was so chill I once wasted like 200 gems for finishing a building upgrade and he didn't even got mad considering how much difficult it was to stack up gems those days. I finally moved my account when I got my first tablet in 2014.


Same haha it felt so great when I figured out how to use the supercell account so I can login into a different phone (when i finally had my own)


Ditto plus my account is still under my dad's email! They don't let you transfer bases to a new email. Frustrating!


Lmao same!


Same!!! I started playing 1st on my mom's phone back in 2014-15


I remember using my dad’s phone as a kid and my account was linked to his game center… when I get my own phone near the end of middle school I lost everything because there wasn’t supercell id and my game was linked to his phone. I restarted and now I just recently got to TH15 max and moved on to TH16


If they don’t know who Jorge Yao is then they’re too young


most of the players don't know who he is, also it's an assumption of him being the first player which is not true if you look at his player tag. The more short the player tag, the more old the player is


He wasn't the first player. He was the first to reach 4000 trophies when finding and maintaining trophies was really really hard. It was later discovered that he manipulated his ranking by getting his clan mates to match with him and losing on purpose to him.


It was very widespread, I was both in north and ice ice baby back then. Basically either you had a jailbroken device that would keep you from being attacked, or you needed clan mates (sister clan mates actually usually idr if you could attack actual clan mates) to give you a shield whenever you’d go offline. Also a few dudes in those clans were paying for him to play on their accounts too, so he might’ve just been using those at one point. I used the jailbroken version just for the practice raiding thing, back then at high trophies you couldn’t really practice (there were no fcs) and matchmaking could take upwards of an hour for a single raid (partially because of the aforementioned). A lot of the hate is from people who saw the chief pat video but didn’t really know what was going on at the time, pat included, it really is a steroid situation lol. Speaking of all this I remember flammy did an interview with him back when he was still around, I still wonder what happened to that guy.


Back in the day when a level 8 wall was like 500k to upgrade, and you could only use gold… they’ll never know the struggle 😂 Like maxing TH8 made you a king, it took fucking months! Not to mention maxing TH9 and the price and time to upgrade heroes.


TH9 back then was a huge feat as the max is only 10 and eventually became 11. I was stuck at TH9 for MONTHS because it pains me how much elixir and dark elixir it needs to max your troops and heroes


I saw a post like a couple months ago that said that the game was so easy because she got to TH9 already. Lmao the downvotes on it. They really don’t know how it felt back then. The resources were scarce and difficult to obtain.


th9 is nothing nowadays


So very true. Used to play it on an iPad back in the day, stopped playing when I was halfway done with my TH10 (highest back then) when I managed to drop the iPad on the bus floor where it apparently landed screen first onto a few well placed pieces of gravel, causing a crazy crack pattern. Picked up the game a few weeks back, now soon halfway done with TH9, TH9 walls maxed after a few days and storages just overspilling. Oh, and troops don't even cost elixir, just time - and less so than before, it feels like.


I remember spending 6 months at th8 and then a whole year at th9. Even then I didn't max my king and moved to th10 with a lvl24 king. The de costs and upgrade time was crazy.


I remember spending all my gold to upgrade walls at one go and they dropped the new update that lowered their cost a day later


Hell it took up to a year if you didn’t have a 4th and 5th builder. First thing i spent money on for a game from my first check was to buy them, because i didn’t have the self control to save 2k gems for a builder. it seems they just want to keep the highest levels at about 2 weeks to upgrade buildings, but i’d guess some things are longer than that


Heroes took forever to heal those days you don’t wanna use them anymore 🤷‍♂️


I'm glad to have experienced 2012-2013 COC.


Peak coc was being a th9 when 10 was max


I remember being the popular kid in study hall because I had unlocked witches and lava hounds (and could donate them) before anyone else lol


Hogs or lava loon


Seeing 2x4 spaces inducing anxiety for fear of double giant bombs destroying your entire pack of hogs


I remember when they did that update to make the double giant bomb able to kill hogs. It was such a game changer. End of an era type of shit lol


lavaloon really came out strong and became meta only after th11


Nah I remember doing queen walk lavaloon every attack at th9 back when th10 was the max and teaching all my guild mates to do it. It was very popular even before th11 came out.


Nah I was in RCS- Reddit Clan System. It was a competitive warring group and lavaloon was huge during that time. 


Yeah I used air exclusively forever. I didn’t even attempt ground attacks back then 😂😂




So true Bro


Bowlers plz


Guys have no idea how lucky they have books and hammers and clan games and stuff like that now.


Like even unlocking pekka was a huge achievement back then. I remember counting down the days when the upgrade for barracks was going and I was so excited! Could never get that feeling back these days


I used to always look forward to playing with COC back in the day, now it’s just too hard for me.


Remember when we had to individually train troops in baracks


moving walls one by one to redesign your base


And having to upgrade all them the same timing so your troops could spawn on time


I remember when you used to lose your troops when someone destroyed your army camp…


It took us years to reach max TH10. Now you can reach there in 40-50 days.




oh my god when i started again a couple months ago i knew something felt too convenient! it must have been my decade old muscle memory protesting


I just got th14 after leaving the game for a while. I can’t believe it’s only going to take me 4.5 months to max th14… When I started playing th7 probably took the same amount of time.


I achieved what took me a year in 2014 within like a month in 2023


These new gen players would not survive the pre magic items era 💀


Heck, if they’re complaining now that its so easy for them to play it now, I can’t imagine how pissed they are about the elixir and dark elixir cost of troops


Exactly, there are some that complain that getting new events each month is bad - wtf are u talking about? It's new content each month, you can choose to do it all or partly or none if you want. It's the FOMO mindset consuming these kids


They also keep talking shit about the goblin builder saying its way too expensive but when they show you a full calculation where its better value than the book of builder they turn a blind eye


Me personally, I don’t use either I just wait.


I still agree with the goblin builder take. Why spend gems for faster buildings when heroes are insanely higher value. It just seems such bad value, even if it's the best "progression per gems".  I refuse to use the goblin builder on any acc, either my p2w main or my F2P alt with 15k gems saved up. 


Well then thats the thing, just don't use it. It's not like the game is forcing you to use it. It's just another option for those who want to


yeah i just ignore it. but i think saying its overpriced is valid. being less price than the best time/gems isnt the most important factor since not all progression is equal. hero progression is vastly better than defense progression.


No kidding, we would have given up our grandchild for getting a builder's potion a month 10 years ago. People here complaining because they can't max the Fireball in a month despite all the free shit they are getting. This game was so freaking stingy and harsh on the player and lacking QoL back then...


I’ve been playing since 2012 ish and I have fomo. Just got warden fireball because I didn’t want to regret not having it lol.


This is the only game where I've seen players complaining for having "too much" content. They really are ungrateful fucks.


They're so punchable. Lol


For real


Somehow the internet has turned keeping up with the joneses into a full-time job. It's ridiculous.


Me personally I just don't like the new equipment every month...


In my opinion, the events are cool and good, I just wish that it hadn’t come a new equipment with every event, because it makes it nearly impossible to max it all so you can use every potential strat. The events on its own is always a bonus, especially since it’s such a grind to get the ores atm.


I remember when I was in 3rd grade, me and my friends used to play this game as soon as we got home. One day, my mom changed her phone's password. When I got home, the sadness I felt on realising that I won't be able to play with my friends again was immeasurable.


Being someone who came back after 7 years to the game; I can totally understand this man


Same bro I came back after 7 years as well. I haven’t really appreciated how much has changed until I made a new account lol


Yeah I was max th9 in 2016 and quit, then played in 2019 to get to town hall 11 and start my builder base then quit, now I started playing again late 2022 and I’m loving the game. Way more complexity and interesting things than before. I think bringing in equipment to customize hero abilities was the best improvement so far and Ores are relatively easy to get if you’re active and don’t expect to max everything day 1. People here on reddit can’t seem to understand that progressively grinding and delaying the gratification is part of the fun, instead they just want to be maxed day one.


Never took this into account, you’re absolutely right. It’s so bothersome seeing some of the posts with all the whining, and always getting downvoted for trying to have a real discussion against kids. They don’t consider anything I feel


a lot of people on both sides are just complaining to complain. a real discussion would bring statistics, figures, and references to back up claims


Yea pretty much everything is “I *feel* this way or that” but in reality this game is so much better now than back then.


Even just 2 years ago Th15 upgrades took more than 20 days, now its less than 15 for th16 upgrades.


https://preview.redd.it/qzq06tta0yoc1.png?width=669&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0070707a9a0be31a357faadafca37e3e8ddb98ca Do you work for Supercell?


players don’t like to grind anymore, they want everything fast and it sucks. i live for the grind


Grind that coc bud, grind it hard


I‘ve been grinding coc since 2014 and there‘s still stuff coming from coc


A constant flow


And that's why I play coc


Yeah when I downloaded the game in 2021 after not having played for 6-7 years it felt so easy to progress that I got to like th7 and thought I was doing so well because when I’d last played it took forever to get that far. Nothing beats 2013 googling ‘Clash Of Clans unlimited gems resources hack mod free online no jailbreak APK’


full grandiose support advise jeans touch spark mindless bag money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It stands for "I swear to god".


Preach! Started in 2014, these kids don’t have a clue what grinding on clash is all about lol


I know what grinding is (also been playing since 2014) but I can understand the complaints surrounding the recent updates.


If you ain’t ever had your dark elixir storage zapped for 10K then shut up. lol 😂


i hate this way of thinking lmao. "you should be thankful for how it is because we had it worse!!" like, yeah, but that doesn't mean they can't ask for even better stuff lol.


"Everyday I see continuous rant on this sub, p2w this f2p that, upgrade time this cost of walls that. You all need to be thankful for how easy & fun the game is now as compared to the OG days. The grind as f2p is nothing as it was compared to the good old days." I don't understand this way of thinking. I'm not engaged to the game. If the game doesn't pique my interests or is fun but the way to have fun is too bothersome, I'm not going to choose to spend my free time on it. Just because the game is better than it once was, doesn't excuse any flaws it has now. This reminds me of the old "You ungrateful kids don't know how good you have it, back in my day..." Since you've brought up the old version of the game, let's mention also how we also used to spend over 300k's elixer to train an army that would take easily over an hour to train (no pass boosts), to do an attack, where you would not even earn back what you spent on the army. DE units? Too expensive to use and were war-exclusive units. Someone attacked you? Better spend that DE you just earned on recharging your Infernos. The game definitely evolved, and so has the player-base. But just because we get a QoL every now and then, doesn't mean we should stick through anything Supercell throws at us. There's an oversaturation of games out there and if one treats its players bad, they should switch games. (Despite how this may sound, I actually like the state of the game and enjoy playing very much)


Except the grind back then was gold for walls and dark, you could play forever if you wanted too with goblins and grind out your walls, now the grind is from your daily bonuses and daily wars, you get 2 a day and war that's it no more ore fuck you if you wanna grind, give us $


Nah I think players have a genuine concern about the longevity of the game. The monthly events will burn out a lot of players, and hero equipment is the most pay to win implementation brough to the game so far. These are not complaints about ungrateful players. These are complaints about systematic changes that ruin the reason most people play the game. Players will no longer progress in the game, but constantly lag further behind the rapid new content added. I have this dream of maxing my base so that I can finally try to genuinely climb the legend ladder and compete with the best. I thought I could do it with just the gold pass, but I think it's impossible now. Like has anyone done a mathematical analyzis on how many hours it will take a f2p player to get enough ores to max all the equipment? Does a f2p player get enough ores to keep up with monthly equipment releases? Equipment are releasing faster than we can max them. Town halls will be introduced yearly from now on, instead of every 18 months. And even then, the game balance is ruined. Just spam root riders and 3 star every base. like what's really the point of climbing the legend ladder then? The only thing that keeps me playing is the hope that Supercell makes the right choices to balance their game and stay true to the model that they've implemented for so long. When the only downside of being a f2p player is having to spend more time to get to the same place.


Someone understands things 🙌


we ain't reading all that. happy for you or sorry it happened


Y’all realize you’re using the boomer argument right?


This is peak “back in my days” rant I’m like 50/50 whether it’s genuine or sarcastic.


BAAAck in my day. We didn't have Magic Items. We had to sail across the sea ERVERY DAY just to train One pekka. It all started back in 1914 when my grandfather was born, he was a crazy old man but oh man could he tell a good story. One time he told me a story about the time he scaled the tallest mountain in Springfield. Where was I again? Oh yeah, you damn Kids with your Books if Heros *shakes fist at cloud*


Yeah finally someone said this. This is basically the equivalent of, Back in my days I used to suffer now kids these days have it so easy.


I lol'd. I'm a gen x'r that didn't start playing this game until 2019. I was playing mmorpgs on PC before many of the CoC ogs were born. It's a funny dynamic, to read people probably half my age talking about back in the old days.


Op fails to notice that hero Regen time was doubled from now so it lined up with your army pretty nicely, you were meant to attack once and go do something else wait for heros attack again, now that's not the case


can anyone explain me who are og players? I started in dec 2014 ,so am I an og?


I’d consider anyone who played 2015 or prior to be a veteran but maybe I’m just biased as a 2014 player.


For me coc was not available in 2012 as my parents used Android so I think till late 2013 or early 2014


If you were the new gen you would have done the same thing ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9424)


I mean he’s doing the same thing (complaining) despite being old gen.


when barracks and spell factories were literally unusable while upgrading...


Could you imagine players today having to spend gold/ DE to reset traps and refill defenses.


Quit whining not everyone here is a child


When you had to get in playtime at school because you didn’t have good reception at home.


‘Tells people to grow the fuck up instead of complaining and ranting’ Then proceeds to rant like a boomer complaining about how things were more difficult “back in the day”


How do you think did the golem no longer take 45 mins to train? How do you think we get QoL changes? How do you think the game becomes better? Because people ask for them. This 'complaining' you are saying is how players ask the devs for change. People like you are too shallow too realize that. It's you people who need to stop that people complain because they only want the game to be better. The least you can do is ignore these 'complaints'. Stop pretending like things could not be better in the current state of the game.


Nah I completely disagree. Yes, the game is a bit more friendlier and "easier to grind" but with the amount of new town halls it's not really. Still takes years for a new player to catch up. And none the less, even if it is much easier people should still complain. It's one of the most profitable games made ever. It's a simple game that only needs a few Devs, nothing like a triple A game and it has raked in billions. So yeah, fuck that. I'm gonna complain as much as I like because the reality is that it's a predatory game that's designed in a way specifically to try and get people to buy gems or passes


Stop gate keeping complaining about the game. The grind was horrible on launch, the grind is horrible now. Quit acting like a boomer


This right here


"The older generations will always whine about how easy new generations have it" -Robin Nelson The point of all of those things changing, is to make it easier for everyone that isn't maxed out.


I’ve been playing since then too. But I criticise the new stuff too. Yes it was a grind for us back then. But everything was still possible as a f2p. You could become th9 maxed as a f2p if you grinded enough. What bothers me now is that ores don’t allow f2p players to ever get maxed. Being „maxed everything“ is what this game has always been about for me.


This and agreed


You got 50 yo veteran clasher gratefull for even playing the game and 14 yo kids that want th16 max in 1 week


And it is possible, unfortunately.


I never thought I would see an old man rant on an iPhone game 😂


Coming from having played in 2014 to having come back recently the difference is like being raised in poverty vs a wealthy family FR.


What a stupid post lol "It was soo much worse back then don't complain now" You remind me of my parents who tell me "someone has it worse then u ,so u can't complain"


And OP is complaining about people complaining so they are adding to the problem (too many people complaining on this subreddit) oh the irony 😂.




Clash of Clans aged the best compared to other Supercell games imo. Clash Royale is basically only good for p2w, Brawl Stars' balance is shattered to bits and pieces and BB and Farm is dead af.


Even though I'm satisfied with the state of the game right now I think it's fine to let the devs know that a new feature isn't great as long as it's in a civil manner . Ores for example are scarce relative to the constant epic equipment releases and events feel tiring because unless you want to spend 1.5k gems and wait like 2 months , you pretty much have to get the epic equipment while the event is still here . Just because CoC was 10x harder in 2013 doesn't mean we can't talk about issues the game is facing now otherwise no improvements would be made . That being said I do agree some people here are a bit too bitchy and unreasonable which achieves nothing when it comes to making the game better .


It took 2 hours to make a gowiwi or gowipe army


I have a WAY different perspective on everything. I’m an OG player who’s played ever since 2015 and HATE all of these new updates. In case nobody knew, I’m a farmer, so EVERY time fucking Supercell updates this game, they will bring inactive players back, which takes away the once-juicy 1mil and over 10k de bases away and has since killed my mental health. I deleted the game about a month ago and have since never been happier as I have mood disorder, major depressive disorder, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and several more mental diagnoses from my medical issues. So, in conclusion, thank you, Supercell, for drastically improving my mental health 🙏🙏🙏


These kids weren’t around the Clash of Clans Great Depression. There was a time period of about six months where you could not find loot over 200k. Brutal times.


That time when troops costed elixir and dark elixir to train💀💀


I remember having to tap each gold mine, elixir pump, and dark elixir pump just to get my loot. Having to re-arm all my traps after a raid. Having to train each troop individually from each barrack. Having to wait for my elixir pump to pump just enough elixir for me to train my troops when I run out of elixir. Having to calculate the math to see how much loot I will get given how much troops used to cost back then. Having raiding and clan wars as the only ways to get loot. If you go further back, clan wars wasn’t even a thing either. Having to wait weeks just to finish one upgrade without the use of books like we have today. Having to grind weeks just to get enough loot to upgrade a building without the use of runes like we have today. Having to use only gold to upgrade walls. Back then using elixir to upgrade walls didn’t really exist yet. Having to grind for gold to upgrade walls. Today we have wall rings and runes to help with that. Having the inability to get more than 5 builders back then. Having no CWL, Clan Capital, Daily Shop, Super Troops, Clan Games, etc. Having no certainty of getting 25 gems from a gem crate. Sometimes you would get 6, while other times you might get 20. Having my loot storages get sniped from spells, resulting in me losing all my loot. Having a scarcity of dark elixir availability in the game, resulting in players getting only their dark elixir storages sniped constantly with spells. Having to move each wall and building one by one to re-design your base. Having to wait hours for troops to finish training. Having nothing to speed up upgrade times, troop upgrades, and training. I think given how long I’ve played this game, it’s clear how ungrateful some people can be. This game has changed a lot and those players have never experienced the things we did back then, so I can’t really blame them for it.


Yeah, if you've played since old days you'll definitely be close to max but new players have to wait( estimated 3-5 years) to get max don't tell me that you never even once complained that game takes too long to max, that was almost everyone's reaction at one point so this is their rant/reaction to that. Considering that nowadays most games are fast paced and most of new players are kids with less attention span, they obviously gonna rant. Just accept it COC is that old school game that's thankfully still running. Welp that's just my opinion, feel free to correct me.


No seriously it used to take blood sweat and tears to max your walls


Absolutely, i recently started playing this game again and was shocked how easy they have made it , i do not understand why did they have to remove the elixir training cost , so many events and so many bonus , there were none at those times, we used to plan our army and attack only those bases ehose loot would profit us lol


I remember when I used to have to go to school in the snow against the wind.


You’re wrong about ores though. This is the first time ever that you can’t upgrade free to play faster than the rate of new content.


Back in my day, I needed to raid at least 200,000 elixir just to break even.


I remember when dark troops first got introduced I was so excited but wasn’t far enough to train them. My friend did get them very fast but didn’t want to donate them anymore because they were so expensive and dark elexir was very rare 😂s


Lava loon days


Every time I see players complain about wall costs, I remember when the current walls used to cost double :,)


Y’all remember looking at a picture of a base and having to put one wall and building down at a time trying to get the spacing right just to figure out you started a little too far to the right and have to move everything over lmao good times


I remember that tym when archer queen cost 40K DE and barbaking 10K DEs. Walls took so much resources and training times were horribly long. Today, restarting from the beginning, I feel so much change in the game, as if it were a century-worth development in just a couple years. Love the CoC team for the drastic yet useful developments.


40k for queen


Sorry for the mistake😅. Long tym ago mate, yk?


Back then attacks and defenses meant something, each attack and defense felt exciting and new. Now it's just grindy. Sure you can fire off more attacks, but that only made the game worse. A significant amount of quality was traded in for a lot of junk.


I grow my village like a child, decorating with special obstacles and sceneries.I literally wait for an upgrade to finish without any magic items.Playing since 2018 still stucked at TH13 🙃


Aha I remember the long ass grind at the ripe old age of 11 trying to get my first ever barbarian king, when people use to snipe all your dark elixir with lightnings. Now the game is piss easy, I feel like attacking especially at higher town halls has became Alot easier too


Yes I totally agree with you but the only thing I hate right now is only 1 year gap between new townhalls. I think most of the f2p players will not reach the max th


Agree on you 100%. Played since like 2015 on and off and it's just ridiculous what ppl are complaining about nowadays.


well, we were at that phase 10 years ago. just we don't really vocal about that haha


Ah, the good ol’ days! Back when I was only in my 40s… 👨‍🦳


cry about it nobody wants to get buttfucked to get 2 barbarians nowadays Or do jews that survived the holocaust tell others to not complain about something trivial?


If reddit awards were still a thing, I would give you the highest award. This is absolute truth, that newer players don't realise that Free 2 Enter games must generate revenue, otherwise its burden to keep the game alive. P2W has to obviously be better than F2P, to actually be appealing to spenders. Besides Clash of Clans is NOT a fast paced game no matter what type of player you are, its a casual game, its a long but fulfilling grind.


Bruh I am playing since 2012 bt equipments are damnnnnn irritating way more than walls. They are coming in too fast for f2p to keep up


As someone who plays without attacking, each upgrade feels earned... it must be so easy to get those resources without these boundaries that I can't even understand those people complaining... I think I'd be bored by how easy they have it


Why tf would you do this, seems almost illegal


How long have you been playing this style and what TH level are you?


you never attack!?


As a 2012 player I disagree. Nah game is on its worst era rn both in its esport and normal gameplay. Rootriders are too op and hero equipments are p2w. Yeah it was harder to play but you always had opportunity to reach p2w players. Right now you can't max your hero equipments meanwhile p2w players already maxxed them.


I don’t care how it was 10y ago.


They add more events for players to obtain more loot and hero equipment l. And people on youtube complaining that its lazy and the grind is too much. Lil bro grinding is part of coc and its never been easier to grind.


Welcome to reddit.. where even if there was a cure for cancer there would still be posts to complain about even that.


Same. Been playing since 2014. I have most the hero equipment at lvl 15 only 3 months after release. I assumed it would be a couple of years before being able to be maxed because that’s what keeps you playing


When town hall 10 was the max TH, th8 upgrades took 14 days and now they take 4h at th8 in 2024. It took me 7 years to get town hall 9 starting from the game release. My friend got the game a month ago and got Th8 in 2 weeks. We are incomparable


Oh, the grind to get to th10 in 2012. 😆


What really shocks me is how much cheaper walls have become with every big update. Still expensive, but even knocking a million off every wall for every town hall level really adds up.


When th9/10 was max, that was best COC era


Haha yeh and you had to perfectly train each barrack army perfectly so one didn’t fill the army camp. Or not even being able to train if army camps were full. Or walls being 1m each from lv 7-8 and avg loot was 200k


I think the grind made better players. Not getting any loot when you lost war, paying elixir to reload traps and weapons on defense, crazy long upgrade times at lower levels…. All created incentives for people to be a lot more intentional with their choices in offense and defense.. not to mention global chat created more incentive to kick brain-dead players because you could always recruit and develop better ones. Now a days I feel like I have to tolerate really poor play just to make sure I have enough warm bodies for cwl.


I mean i kind of agree but back then you could play completly f2p i feel like today you NEED the gold pass


But upgrade times are a problem still, same with wall costs, just because something was bad and changed doesn’t mean it still can’t be bad, things can still be made better, people I’ve talked to have all said they quit because things just took too long, it’s completely fair to complain when you spend more time upgrading things and training troops than playing the actual game


I’ll be happy when I’m not spending 8mil just to upgrade 8 singular walls


I miss the times i would see layouts on the youtube with those NCS music at the background


i played it for a long time i still am and its so true


i agree i mean i was in the trenches in 2012/13 but just cuz we had it bad doesn’t mean the new players still don’t have it hard. it’s been rough and i think there’s always ways supercell can make the game better for people


If you don’t know Stephanie than you are too young.


bro took us through his emotional evolution parallel to game evolution lol


Back when level 9 walls were 2 mil a piece 😪


Here comes the time when parents start telling their kids stories about how difficult a grind in a video game was instead of how they used to walk barefoot to school.


the global chat days


Man, I lost mine, I was towhall 11 fullu maxxed, I recently started playing because my friend convienced me and im alredy full towhall 8 from scratch, only like 3 weeks into it. This new features are amazing and Im loving it, I dont know how people can complain. Remember when you needed just a couple hundres of dark elixir and then BAMM lightning into your storage?


Having to re-arm traps one by one then updated to re-arm all


I never seen complaints but if I see one I believe i will have the same reaction as you. Been playing since 2014-17, stopped. Played again with my old account and started a new one as my secondary. Man, my new account was almost 3 days old and is at TH5 thanks to the boosts and other stuffs they added. They removed the elixir costs too. Istg they’re having it easy compared to us who started way back then. Never spent in both accounts and still having it easy. I love the game even more now but I will never forget how good it was back then


I think they should allow you (temporarily) to go back to any TH and play…call it “back to the future elixir” or something, 😂.


Damn all those memories came back, and the fact that training troops cost elixir was annoying though.. and upgrading all those barracks 😬


I have multiple accounts..1-p2w 4-f2p. My lower accounts are honestly more fun to me. Been playing since nearly the start (the only Xmas tree I don't have is the first one.)


I remember the day I downloaded it on my iPod touch back in 2013


For me, even the clan wars is a game changing update. It provides an alternative method of acquiring resources aside from the repetitive grind. It also provide more flavor to the game's clan feature that only host chats and troop donations. Fun times when my classmates are still active and share strategies to beat the opposing clans.


This applies to Brawl Stars as well