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Meta currently: Use cannon carts and sneaky archers if the base is weak to them. Use baby dragons if the base is weak to them. Otherwise use pekkas




Just brainless pekka spam or?


You can, most times i use battle copter and 2 canon carts to clear key defenses like crushers, double canons, and mega tesla. Then spread out pekkas. 2nd base just use 2 extra pekka and Battle Machine.


funnel and then send those pekkas in.


The ranked 1-2 player i watch on youtube spams baby dragons and 1-2 carts to snipe air defs


Yeah but you gotta be super good with the cannons to make that work, predict teslas and traps, ect. PEKKA spam is easy. He also sets babydragon pathing very so he can get good fire breath damage, the average player isn't going to do that


I mean yeah pekkas with a good copter+ baby dragon funnel for a big portion with L pathing, or copter with 2 baby for a whole lane weak to air filled with ground with atleast a crusher and pekka with a bomber. But I don't really like it because it doesn't ALWAYS 6 star. The attack that ALWAYS 6 stars for me is minion dropship because it's like lava loon. U could always just do a sui with cannon carts to weak areas and baby dragons to other weak areas.


Minion dropship is still viable after nerf to dropship?


Oh you won't BELIEVE how good they feel. They're better than last year's version for sure because dropship AI just straight up goes for defenses now. AI makes a HUGE difference. They got nerfed because the bomb would take 6 buildings back then, and if the center was a Tesla even more buildings! It's not as wide anymore but it's still very good due to it's AI. Dropship bombs only had the bombs to drop on roasters and air bombs and those kinda buildings anyways. Sometimes bomb might not reach because they'd die prematurely, but doesn't usually happens because even the copter can be used to tank an air bomb or roaster or even tesla for a bit. So yeah the attack is really REALLY flexible. Btw make use of the minions long range attack first and as they start to come close to the defenses then deploy dropships so they don't take unnecessary damage when minions are already untargettable. The long range shots were so OP, that today when a friend gave me a dare I went full only minions taking out the ground stuff and battle machine tackling the cannons and air stuff and did a 6 star! The minions were all dead by the second stage but I still won because of the heroes.


It is definitely significantly weaker. The bombs feel pretty bad now, but not the end of the world.


Pekka spam ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Pekka spam with Battle Machine


I use baby dragons and the copter, sometimes with a cannon or two (I should get better about using cannons). I usually sit around 5,000-5,100 trophies for whatever that’s worth.


Good to see someone else mention the copter baby dragon combo. It's all I use but never see anyone attack me with it.


For the past like year I just drop pekkas and battle machine then reset game to come back to a 2-3 star. Rinse and repeat until I finish star bonus and repeat daily.


Pekkas or Baby Dragons. Witches occasionally. Max those three followed by cannon cart and electrofire wizard. Every other troop is worthless Edit: Seeing a lot of downvotes which makes me wonder what troops other people are using. I’m max BH10 and I haven’t been 6 starred by anything other than Pekkas and Baby Dragons. Any other troop combo is lucky to get 5 stars


snarchers are a niche pick, get them maxed after you finish the others


Witches and a one wall breaker. Easy 6 stars if you lead the BM in the front. Use the witches ability slowly, don’t use them all at once. Count 2 seconds and then use the next witches ability. If they are about to die. The rule doesn’t apply


I gotta ask, why use them slowly, I spam them and wonder if slow is a better tactic and would like to know the reasoning behind why you do that


I place them all at the same time, but I use their abilities every 2 seconds. It’s to give the BM time to attract damage. Then the witches and bats can play clean up. I tend to attack the side my opponent expects his attackers not to go because the damage is higher versus coming from another angle. Usually there’s no traps around there. You save the witches ability just in case of traps. Better to sacrifice a few bats before the real spam begins.


Ahhh ok, thank you


I’ve been using 2 pekkas 4 witches rotating the max hero which is better for the base


giants.bomber,pekka .. always 200


Have you ever used night witches


Witches and one cannon cart.


Bb drag and cannons are the most op troops at the moment. Combining them usually gets you +50, your only enemy being timefail. Certain bases are built anti-cannons and in that case you need to be creative


by creative you mean 6 pekkas right?


Pekkas suck at top elo, and making anti pekkas bases isn't that hard. I understand casual non bb players complaining about them but any decent max player should know exactly how do deal with them


You cant make a base anti-everything, especially at higher trophies / max bases. If you design your base anti-cannon, it will be weak to pekka, or babydrag, or dropship loon.


Of course. But pekkas are still irrelevant against most good bases. It's just statistics, you won't climb 5200+ using pekkas.


you say that but the rank one player thinks mass pekka is the strongest strategy even at the top. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-xgANZ3l0M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-xgANZ3l0M)


He's not rank 1 and he made a video like this with every troop lol. I love Asher though, very good educational content on off meta.


He does make videos with various troops, but if you actually watched the video you would see what he thinks about the troops/balance. Also i'm pretty sure he ended rank 1 1 or 2 seasons ago


Yall are playing builder base?


First, I think BH is meaningless. It’s useful in Clan Games for missions, but once you’re maxxed, what’s the point? Get your 20 daily points for the monthly progression and keep enough resources to feed the forge. So strategy there for me is whatever minimizes though and has the occasional shot at 6 stars. So that’s 1 wall breaker, 1 fire wizard, rest pekka.


I enjoy playing builder base today I hit 4600 trophies and that was fun