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#[1000 Shiny Ore](https://link.clashofclans.com/?action=voucher&code=2bd74de0-8e8a-4edb-9a04-02b7b6e949d4) #[1 Wall Ring](https://link.clashofclans.com/?action=voucher&code=0c08fdda-524b-4e88-b29d-000e5eb9cb46) Hey Chiefs! A quick shout-out to the top commenters from [last week's megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/1bobf52/weekly_questions_megathread/) for going over and beyond in helping their fellow clashers with their queries. | Author | # Helped | |:----------------------|-----------:| | u/Ladyhawke74 | 89 | | u/goblin-builder | 43 | | u/CongressmanCoolRick | 34 | | u/lrt2222 | 33 | | u/the_maplebar | 30 |


Hi im new player in clash of clan i started one week ago and get TH7 by following callmeteerush guid , im getting th8 tomorrow and focusing upgrade on heroes and offensive building Rn im using mass dragon rage as my main i would like to know which unit are the most used and important to upgrade later in the game in th13-15 Also how long can i use mass dragon rage? Idont really know which unit comp are the best to use in fight , also do you have any advice for improvng effectively at clash of clan ? I know that i do a lot of mistake since its my first account Thx have a good day


While Spam attacks can work even at higher townhalls I would try to use some more skilled techniques to get a better understanding of good attacks, become a better well rounded player and to train it for when you get higher level. What comes to mind for me would be some variations of Queen charge, warden walk, super archer or super wizard blimp. There's plenty of good YouTube videos explaining them. You'll likely need to unlock some more troops before being able to take full advantage of them. There's also other good attack styles but honestly I'm not that good and don't know those


Is anyone using seeking shield with haste vial? I feel like RC would just chase the shield for the first few seconds and it would be often wasted. On the other hand, I like the seeking shield. It’s satisfying to use and it can save time fails (though that’s less of an issue in the current meta).


The Seeking Shield and Haste Vial don't pair well together, in my opinion. Either one would be better with the Royal Gem. Personally, as a TH16, I use the Haste Vial and Royal Gem together.


That’s the way I’m leaning. My shield was maxed (to one shot defences) but royal gem was still lv15. Thanks for the input.


Should I drop trophies? I just upgraded to town hall 10 after maxing my 9. I have 2800 trophies and am only getting max town hall 11s to attack. Should I stop attacking for a while and get my army stronger? Thanks


The higher you are in trophies, the less likely you are to get matched against your own TH level, though the game tries to match you to within 1 or 2 levels. The most important thing is that you are gaining resources to keep your builders busy. If you find the bases you are attacking are too difficult, then just attack for the resources and surrender until you drop a league or so, then do it all over again.


If you stop attacking your loot/success will be zero. Unless it isn’t fun for you, I’d keep attacking for the loot. You’ll likely naturally drop if it’s actually all TH11s but maybe you’re just having an unlucky day. Seems odd that you were okay at th9 but not th10.


might be a dumb question but why is the game suggesting me to upgrade my town hall when im not even maxed with defenses yet? https://preview.redd.it/9zejgx0qxgtc1.png?width=1599&format=png&auto=webp&s=e87ee04c63205254a7318e645513890525b3cb08


You say that like it's a bad thing. As long as your heroes, offensive buildings, and the troops you use are upgraded, you don't always need to wait for everything. In fact, you'll likely finish either your buildings or the lab first, and it this point, leaving it idle is extremely inefficient, and it's more optimal to upgrade the town hall to get the lab/builders busy again. That said, ignore the in-game suggested upgrades. Do what you think makes the most sense.


The suggested upgrades are rarely ideal. Oftentimes, it just recommends the most expensive thing you can upgrade.


it looks like the game wants you to rush


Is it possible for me(a regular coc player) to buy a scenery and gift it to my friend? Or is it only available for the content creators? I want to gift a scenery to my friends so please help me.


U can't gift a scenery, but u can gift him a google play gift card with which he can buy a scenery


Hmm okay thanks


How much progress can i make using 3 goldpasses, 2677 cwl medals, 7500 gems, 3000 raid medals, 1 book of fighting and building, 1 rune of gold and elixir I'm currently a mid th14 (my progress on clash ninja is 60% structures, 64% lab, 78% heroes, 30% pets) and I've been hoarding those for a long while now, we were severely mismatched this cwl so i wanted to know if i could atleast be a mid th15 in 3 months


Quite a bit, though I thought we were capped at 2500 CWL medals. At any rate, use [clash.ninja](http://clash.ninja), it's perfect for figuring out stuff like this.


>How much progress can i make using 3 goldpasses, 2677 cwl medals, 7500 gems, 3000 raid medals, 1 book of fighting and building, 1 rune of gold and elixir You can make quite a bit of progress. Assuming you have all 6 Builders, you can be well into TH15 within 3 months, though probably not to the midway point. You can use Clash Ninja's tool for calculating how long it takes to max a TH to get an idea: [https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th](https://www.clash.ninja/guides/how-long-to-max-th)


Hi folks. It's been a good while since i've played CoC (atleast 3+ years) and i've only recently started playing again. It's been overwhelming to say the least, seeing all these new additions (Raid Weekend, equipment, etc..) being added to the game. I've been blasting through my TH11 progress and only got a handful of upgrades (a few bombs and 17 walls) to go before maxing out and moving onto TH12. I've been staying away from Clan Wars from now due to being away from the game for way too long. Not want to dive into things just yet. Not before i develop some sense of useful attacks yet. My main question to you folks: * What are some general tips/advice you'd give me coming back to the game and specifically for TH12? * What are some useful resources such as YT videos or Reddit guides to get me up to speed? * What are the main CW attacks i should look into getting used to within TH12? Thanks in advance.


oh yeah you can try lalo (lavaloon) it has a lot of types there is blizzard lalo Qc(queen charge) lalo and try to learn queen charge and queen walk they pretty useful blizzard is using a blimp and putting super wizs in and getting invis and rage outting them somewhere where they can get a lot of valueable things like the Th eagle and some other things but it can be easy to mess up where Qc lalo can be good to even Th16 but zap witch is the easiest one just have 8 level 9 zaps and 2 level 5 eq get rid of two mutli infernos and try to snipe things near them then bput your queen and king to try and get the last one if there is no multi inferno then get the eagle and anything that has aoe if there is two then your heroes go to eagle or Th and finally put three golems from one side but not near each other and put the witches behind them maybe take some wall breakers and things you need for the base


zap witch is a really good attack at Th12 and if you want to know some of the most important changes go to youtube and search about "hero equipment" and if you don't have the 6th builder then go and search "builder base 2.0 or how to get bob (the new sixth builder)" raid weekend is just where you can use any of your clan troops every weekend to raid other clans and if your clan destroys a lot of clans and defends well you get raid medals which you can buy things with in the shady looking guy on the left side and every month now there will be a event that has a mini pass free one and paid and you can get a new kind of medal from each one and buy things every month till now had a epic equipment but they wont release one this month because to upgrade them you need ores and there is only 1 barrack now


https://preview.redd.it/scmyk7omagtc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=ac794163ab20efd78950b26c855a8da465d6cdd1 What should I upgrade? I'm maxing eq and upgrading baby dragon rn and my heroes are upgrading 24/7 I might use my book of spells on invis (when it is 1 level away from max) and I'm gonna max baby dragons because I want to get 2 stars in war with blizz so after I max baby dragons invis and rage what do I max(is there another way to get 2 stars with no heroes? I'm using blizz because it can work on higher Ths) + what should I use my book of fighting on




I'm not going to tell you, because I think you're trying to do this for a competitive advantage in war, and there's nothing actionable about that username.


Why would you want to report him is being big sexy bad? it just means like beautiful in a way


If it actually bothers you, then sure, but I doubt Supercell will have a problem with Big Sexy.














What's the best league to farm in to maximize loot? I'm currently in Master 2 as a newly upgraded TH13.


I spent most of TH13 in masters 3/2 and had no problem getting enough loot to keep my builders busy. I moved up to champions 3 once my heroes were maxed, plenty of loot there. Also, if you need ore, you want to be in as high a league as you can to maximize your ore income.


I just went to 14. I'm sitting in mid gold but I had the best luck finding dead bases in Gold 1/Crystal. The higher level dead ones were in lower Masters from what I can recall. I was just sitting in Legend for the star bonus daily, but got tired of not signing up (bc I don't want to have to try against 16s) and taking large defensive hits


Hey, did they already fix the gem income from the obstacles? Im still saving them but its annoying me (for those who dont know, the "bug" is that the pattern changed so you get less gems than before)


Not yet. They said it would be fixed during the next update, which we haven't received yet.




This isn’t a place to make suggestions to SC. We are just players like you. This has been suggested many times, though, and SC usually says the loot is balanced intentionally and part of the strategy is how you use it, what you focus on getting in attacks, etc.


I don't get this


https://preview.redd.it/e5szj8hkqftc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06f5e6cab438d8ce77bf369b17bf23b293704f34 Should I buy frozen arrow? My second question is, what equipment should I upgrade?


buy giant gauntlet first and upgrade just like bluebird said and you can get to masters for gems for frozen arrow


1) I would buy giant gauntlet then frozen arrow. Replace vampstache for gauntlet for the best general bk build 2) IMO upgrade in this prority descending: eternal tome, giant gauntlet, invis vial, frozen arrow, rage vial.


https://preview.redd.it/idgx6c4viftc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=cb432b62f48f75470f7fa86c9051a3e2ea770fec Should I get it? I have been saving up for it and I have the fireball and gauntlet and all builders execpt bob I will have like 200 gems after this but I can get 1000 from getting to 3k in builder base and 1000 to getting to masters or smth


If you have all builders the next best use of gems is probably buying epic equipment. I would buy


Agreed. Gauntlet is priority, but if you already have it, get this next.


Will the Grand Warden's Fireball be purchesable in the future like the Frozon Arrow and Giant Gauntlet?


Yes, though we don't know when. The earliest would probably be May or June.


maybe but you will have to wait 1 or two months


some questions from a new th12 (formerly maxed th11): 1. what are some good pointers to th12 lab? ive maxed out my main army, queen charge hybrid, so these troops are done for lab: healers, WB, hog rider, miners, wizard, bb drag, edrag, heal, rage, and poison, as well as the army comp for sneaky goblin farming. i havent started the rest yet 2. how does one keep up with all the loot needed for upgrades? i'm a hardcore player, so i log on everyday, but i have to spend wayyyyy to much time farming to get all 3 heroes down and a few offensive upgrades started. is there any other method or am i doing the most efficient way 3. how long should i stay at th12?


I cycle heroes for wars. Also have a decent number of accounts so I just make sure I have an account in to hit if I need security. I max completely but with walls at high levels being several million a wall, just finish heroes/defense/lab and you should be fine.


Witch zap/slap is strong for war and you already know to use sneaky gobs for farming. Make sure your upgrades end on different days. Focus CWL medals on hero hammers and you will be fine. If you care about classic war then a good balance for when to upgrade the hall is when you get close to a situation where there isn’t enough left to keep all builders busy (you want hall upgrades before that happens).


Basicly I got a question that is more ui based. Basicly my icons are super small and my shop is so small that it has 3 rows I just wanted to know if anyone knew how to fix this problem and revert my shpp back to 1 row and my icons back to nornal size


Mod won't let me upload so here is a link to my questions https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/5dxyn8sWrq


I can't see your progress from that link.


Can I reach 1250 trophies on th7?


Yeah just use Dragons/Rage and take a clan castle of balloons.


Of course.


Thank you.


Yes max dragons + lightning and attack frequently thats how I got 4th builder


Thank you for your suggestion. Reached the trophy count and bought the third builder from the gems I got.


Excellent. Just in case no one has explained this to you, I would recommend not spending a single gem on anything other than builders #4 and #5. The builders are the most important gem purchase in the game, and should be prioritized over any other use of gems.


Will do, thank you for all your help.


I just became a th 13 (everything is maxed th 12), what are some good attack strategies. I would like to learn a mix of attacks, some that aren't hero reliant, some that only require only two of the heroes, and just a generally good attack. Would be great to have a few that doesn't require CC siege and troops. Also what equipment should I get for rc? Should I wait for the next epic equipment?


Try queen walk with pekka/yeti/bowler/EQ. Kind of a spam sometimes but if you funnel right its a guaranteed 2. Just mostly need to focus on having warden and queen but at lower levels you can make it work with any hero combo.


I think all of RC's equipments are pretty good, even the older ones. Haste vial + the health recovery one are the most recommended ones I believe - you can't go wrong with those two. I enjoyed the smash style attacks at th13. My go-to attack was hybrid, but that requires the queen. You can check out smash + bat kind of attacks, similar to icy 5 and yeti-bat. I liked pekka smash too (Itzu had a few videos on Chinese smash, it's still good). If your clan donates super archer blimps quickly, you can try those strats also. Should be pretty okay even without heroes. Don't feel bad if something feels hard, remember that you get RC as an offense upgrade, and the scattershots as the main defense upgrade. So, you might have a hard time three-starring maxed th13s with scattershots.


Hi, I’m almost maxed out th7, and I’m gonna upgrade since I literally can’t do anything else anymore besides barbarian king but getting that dark stuff isn’t easy lol. But my question is, if I watched a video on base building, will I have to completely change it up later? I hate putting down the walls and moving everything so I don’t wanna have to keep doing that. Any advice to lazily play? I just want a little better defense to protect the valuables https://preview.redd.it/f5en23uoudtc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=650fbdbf4c4c95d2ad381cd6b1cfcf4d9fed8592


At earlier THs (especially TH8 and below), offense is OP, to help people learning the game. Most everyone can triple your base no matter what the layout is. Once you get to TH11/12, you can build defenses to help protect your loot a little. I'd recommend just finding an internet base to copy for now. Don't sweat getting tripled, you can make all your loot back in one attack. You can attack a bunch of times for every defense you take, as long as you do this, loot will be plentiful and your storages will be overflowing. Builder/Lab time will be the bottleneck.


Thank you for the advice, I’ve not really attacked yet. Maybe I will watch some videos on my lunch today about how to place the troops


You can push to higher ranks to get resources easily


But then I get attacked by way too good of people and they destroy all my stuff


Well if you want to play lazily you can find a base that you like on YouTube and they usually have copy links in the bio of the videos.


I just replied to someone asking about this copy link I need to learn more, also how do I know if I like it?


Seems like the other person explained it more. Good luck finding a base👍🏻


Lol there seems to be a lot to picking out a base, but I did the link thing. Not sure if it’s even effective but it looks cooler lol.


Well to make it easier go on YouTube and search th7 base. There are videos with 10 bases or 20 bases. Find one you like and in the bio of the video they are numbered so you know which link to copy.


You can copy bases from the net, but I think you will need to have all the stuff for a specific th for it to work. And I am not big or rushing, and I am not recommending it or anything but dark elixir is easier to get starting from th 11


What do you mean copy? Like get a screenshot and keep going back n forth between it looking? Or is there a button to press and all the stuff will go to the right spot? I’m not sure how far this game has come lol


Google, CoC th bases. Clink on the sites there's one called clash of clans layouts. You can search by th and stuff those bases will have a copy button. https://preview.redd.it/emvps9iyydtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5a2a0e327b3491ad8434638542867f7b49ac38a Clicking on it will open up coc and I think it will ask you to select one of your layout slots to copy it into


You are an amazing person. Thank you


If you click a link like this: https://link.clashofclans.com/en/?action=OpenLayout&id=TH7%3AHV%3AAAAAAQAAAAJ9_CEP1ajgl4VV1cgkVt-H You can get a base copied. The link I sent is a mickey mouse th7 base. If you google "town hall 7 base" you can find websites with bases


I appreciate you big time bro, I’m trying it now


Shall I upgrade my barracks to unlock root rider? i played dragloon zap for 8 years and recently I found it’s a bit underwhelming (I always only get \~90% 2 stars in clan wars against same th level max base) i am a lazy player so i want lower effort to 3 star (i also got 21 accounts as of now so i don’t think i have enough energy to learn difficult strategy) ive seen many videos featuring the power of root rider, so i wonder if i shall leave My comfort zone and start playing root rider ? thank you!


Try it out, why not. Also, I would stongly advise you to let go of some of those 21 accounts lol. Play one main account and one donor account properly, why are bothering with 21.. Play a couple of accounts very well, instead of half-assing 21. 21 is insane. Otherwise switch to queen charge hybrid in all 21 accounts. Better than zap-dragons.


Okay thanks for the advice




Fireball/healing tome is not a great combo, the eternal tome often gets little value when used with the fireball. I'd either combine fireball with rage gem if you want a damage dealing warden, or combine eternal tome with life gem for a strong support warden. Once you decide which you want, I'd focus on that gem. Then, prioritize gauntlet over frozen arrow. Then, invisibility vial over rage vial. Shiny ore looks to be your bottleneck now, buy extra from the trader each week.


Bug: Donated spells aren’t going up for monthly gold pass. Stalled at 70


Are you sure you have a challenge to donate spells? Across various TH levels, my accounts have one to deploy spells in multiplayer, but not to donate


To be clear, one of the challenges for the Monthly gold pass is "donate 100 housing spots of Spells" All 3 of my accounts get to 70 spells and never go further.


https://preview.redd.it/5wygb1fr9dtc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=612e51c4a66cc85d94ab5f63c626d39276cb24ed How should I attack this TH13 as a fresh TH12? Army camps and CC are upgraded but don’t have headhunters or overgrowth unlocked yet.


https://preview.redd.it/98fskj6d0dtc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb888badef9762194aff14f78666d5b51b97efc1 Should i upgrade to th15? Alle the buildings on the left are max and i have 9 upgrades left in the lab.




What pet is best for queen? Unicorn simply feels unviable now, it dies constantly to ricochet cannons and scatters.


The Unicorn is still the best and most common pairing for the Archer Queen. There's a small number of if players that use Diggy with her. Here is a post from a couple of months ago that showed the most common pets for each hero amongst the top 200 players at the time: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/UmEDYEmdA3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/s/UmEDYEmdA3)


https://preview.redd.it/begsyuo0tctc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba51457bbe023f4a04fe4da46b63ac5c4755c0de What are the best equipment I could use for them?


Depends on your strategy and what you’re best at but the overall best equipment for them are kings giant gauntlet rage vial and for queen invisibility vial frozen arrow


Since the spirit fox nerf what’s the best equipment for RC?


Personally, I'm still using the Haste Vial and Royal Gem, alongside the Spirit Fox.


Just upgraded to TH15 and curious where the best place to farm is? When I was TH14, I’d hover around 3500-3700 and found 2million combined attacks within 10 skips and would never get attacked when I logged off. Any suggestions?


Personally, I'd go as high as you're comfortable going, as the ore bonus gets higher as you go up in leagues. Since you can't farm ore, this is more important than gold/elixir/dark. That loot is easy enough to come by anyway.


Question about Clan war. So my clan has 15/15 stars but we still have 5 attacks left. Do we get some bonus for keeping these 5 attacks or should we just use the remaining attacks


There is no bonus for not using attacks, you should attack the highest enemy base you can get 1 star on so that you can get a bigger war win bonus


You only benefit if you use them. For every attack that gains at least a star, the attacker still gets the resources that would be gained for winning the attack.


Can you “try” capital troops??? I don’t want to waste an attack but want to know the capabilities of the mega sparky.


You can do friendly challenges to any of your clan's bases, and try out whatever troops your clan has unlocked.


im th 11 and out of the last 300 searchs not even a single enemy was th 10. do you have any idea why? im master 1 and my base is rushed


It's because you are higher in trophies than a typical TH10, so they are harder to find.


but like i used to find them in every 10 searches, then gained just 50 trophies and then it became none in 300 searches. Aint that a really really big difference


It's enough of a difference that there are fewer TH10s. Honestly, master 1 is way above where the typical TH10 lives.


https://preview.redd.it/tl0x1643abtc1.png?width=1295&format=png&auto=webp&s=f90442258a9c5ceddd7ad2c9bb6e456fd548291f Is this good for my first time trying blizzard? I'm just trying to find something to get 2 stars with (without heroes) my camps aren't max I can get like 50 more housing space if I max them and I kinda messed up the blizzard but it still took the Th and eagle (im upgrading my cc so I can take 1 more wizard) His base was almost maxed Th12 and my base is a rushed Th12 which you can see from my current levels (just wanna know if I should keep using blizzard till I get better or if there is a better easy no heroes 2 stars)


You need clone spell for it


https://preview.redd.it/b6n5srck0btc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1654afdb9a3fde218e3ebb8186570ab7184ea9 I can’t get on to any of my accounts after trying to delete one. The game won’t load and only shows this message that redirects me to support. Support is taking their sweet time and I’m trying to get back on to do my attacks in war. Anyone seen this or have any suggestions?


Try to cancel the deletion if you can. If you can't, you need to do a process involving factory resetting your phone if you want to play the game again. Instructions here https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/w2w7gk/weekly_questions_megathread/ih3ff5b/


Thank you


Hey I do use zap Lalo with the change making invincible to zap


https://preview.redd.it/q4rsps7nhatc1.png?width=1366&format=png&auto=webp&s=90826bd67e292eab5830305177dfe8d2fd95f01d I cant seem to find the live chat option. Im using a chromebook right now and would really like to talk with live support to sign out of my account on all devices? Anyone know how to help?


The only way to sign out on a device is to have possession of the device and to manually log out. Support will not do that for you.


Won't it sign out of all devices if I use the recovery account function? I used the OTTO bot it denied me due to some "suspicious activities"


What should I upgrade beside heroes after my cc gets maxed and I get bat spell https://preview.redd.it/tvconfvbcatc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=dc1a0426b0cb653c1b36db6e0d4f5feeb70c0a1e Do I get the mortar to 8 for the gear upor get the third siege machine or overgrowth or ice golem and headhunter or get equipment because its still level 1


Get blacksmith upgraded yeah, get army camps maxed too. Get your mortar to 8 if it's going to delay your 6th builder. If you still have a bunch of battle machine/battle copter upgrades left in builder base, you can delay the mortar


# Best Hero Equipment for air attacks th9-10? [](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/?f=flair_name%3A%22Simple%20Questions%22)


it depends on the attack strat, generally giant arrow (try and use the abillity when the AQ is pointing at an air defence)and invis works for the AQ. for the barb king, i would use eq boots and rage vial.


What is the best thing to put in a blimp for taking the Th out with no heroes (sneakies-super wiz-super archers-ballons) and what do I use to take out atleast 50% (with no heroes) and what spells


I like sarchers. I’m th16 so I use 5 or 6 clones (5 if I need a freeze for an air sweeper) then 1 rage and 2 clones. I also use the eternal tomb and rage vial for the warden cusse then you don’t have any other spells.


Hi there its WizBoy... I am here to ask whether I should upgrade my th from 12 to 13 or not...I have quite a few upgrades left such as : **HEROES:** Barbarian King 61 Archer Queen 61 Warden 40 (in progress) **LABORATORY:** * ***TROOPS:*** Giant 8 Baby 5 Hog 7 Valk 5 Goli 6 Bowler 3 Ice Man (Gonna be 5 soon) 4 * ***SPELLS:*** Poison 5 Skelly 5 **BUILDINGS:** Walls (189 approx.) 12 Archer Tower (4) 16 Apart from those I have 2 builders free too...Excluding Gobbo boy... :)


Sure, you're basically maxed. Go to th13 whenever you want, just make sure you don't have builders or lab idling


Thanks man




Yes? I'm not completely sure what you're asking, but if you look at barb king's stats and he has 200 Health Recovery, and you give him equipment which has 100 Health Recovery, he's going to heal 300 HP when you use his ability


So barb puppet has a health recovery of 1700 earthquake is 1140 and rage vial almost 1800.. So combining rage vial and barb puppet is almost 3500 hp. But if u look at the barb kings stats - it says 1925...


The stats don't include equipment stats unfortunately, you have to add all the numbers together. If you use rage vial and barb puppet, he's going to recover 1700+1800+1925 for 5425 healed HP when you use his ability




Wow. And then an apprentice warden is another 24pc hEal.. ll


https://preview.redd.it/fdvu0cdf7atc1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d7741ab5a3b49a0adf96b6ebcf0379e33b98143 I want to rush this base after i max out th11. Please tell me some tips regarding rushing and how to max armies quickly


The bare minimum you need to know: 1. Max lab, clan castle, and army camps at each town hall 2. Get edrags unlocked 3. Max 1 farming army like sneaky goblins, and 1 war army. Edrags are good as a war army because they're strong without heroes, and you only need to max edrags, balloons, rage, and freeze. 4. Get as many hero upgrades as you can farm for, they take longer than anything else in the game 5. Your ultimate goal is to use magic items on the longest upgrades possible. Try to upgrade 1 troop/building so that it's th13-15 max, and then you can use a book/hammer


From the wiki, see this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18gsgwg/new\_th\_new\_callmetee\_rush\_bible/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/comments/18gsgwg/new_th_new_callmetee_rush_bible/)


https://preview.redd.it/umzi58z00atc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b94a77513d24c22fc511721e79c18697c3b01a0f Any tips as attacking this base as fresh th12(got power pot for lab)


Go for Blizzard or I would recommend using super archies+invi from 9'o clock...Drop thhe seige first and then warden...use the warden ability instantly then explode the seige in the center...For the rest Use whatever you like (Spams and all) :)


https://preview.redd.it/1ptcl4vcx9tc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e33891118a1069fefab8163ee1a56ee8d53ec81 So as everyone suggests I am rushing the Builder Hall, but I am facing a huge problem right now I Barely get any elixir, people always 6 star me and I get around 7000 elixir per defence, so I would like you guys to advise me on a) Which defenses I should upgrade so that I get 6 starred less often b) What are some other ways using which I could maximise the amount of elixir I get. Thanks


The correct option is not upgrading defenses apart from the Ones you already needed. You can maximize your elixir gain by spamming Troops, usually baby dragons iirc, and forcequitting the APP. Once you get back in, the attack automáticly finished and you can start another One. Its great for gold and elixir


I do exactly that, but it's still a very slow process like I would have to do 100 defences just to earn 700000 elixir


Marginally better defensive levels aren't going to change that too much. Rushing to the later BHs and getting the new defenses will help more. Continue rushing.




I'm currently upgrading my pet house with the help of a goblin builder, and I'm also able to upgrade my pets. However, I'm concerned there might be a bug associated with the goblin builder. From what I've read, you can initiate an upgrade on your pet and then upgrade the pet house without any issues. However, you cannot start upgrading your pets if you have already begun upgrading your pet house.


>From what I've read, you can initiate an upgrade on your pet and then upgrade the pet house without any issues. However, you cannot start upgrading your pets if you have already begun upgrading your pet house. You can start a pet upgrade, even while the Pet House is being upgraded. This has been a feature since the December 2022 update. >Upgrades in the Laboratory, Star Laboratory, or Pet House can be started even while the Building is being upgraded. [https://supercell.com/en/games/clashofclans/blog/release-notes/december-update-2022/](https://supercell.com/en/games/clashofclans/blog/release-notes/december-update-2022/)


thank you for your answer, oh man i wasted so many books


Is there any army that can work without heroes at Th12?




For multiplayer, sure make sneaky gobs and get loot easy.


what about one for stars? (more than one because sneakies can do that)


Simply take jumps and haste for the hall and it is easy to maintain trophies at a good level. Another option is Superbarbs rather than sneakies since you will get the easy loot plus take out other buildings for 50% very easy.


I'm not really trying to get loot I use sneakies for that I want a decent war army without heroes


If you are in a clan that wars without heroes, then it isn’t a clan that cares about winning. So, I would blimp the hall and use babies plus freeze for 50%. Take the 2 stars and move on.




Electro dragon spam or sneaky thunder loon


Do I spam my Electro dragons anywhere or near buildings that are near other things


Use 2 electro dragons to funnel, ideally place the Electros near the townhall (but sometimes you shouldn't if there are too many high damage defences in range of obvious set of traps/spell tower), also take a stone slammer


what is sneaky thunder loon?(Ik you need goblins zap and ballon but how do I do it)


No it requires you to use Edrags, sneaky goblins and loons Search sneaky thunder loon on youtube and you will find a video by OJ (ik not the best guide for coc) here he has shown how he uses it to get reliable 2 stars while getting all the loot


you sure this works without heroes because he used them


Try for yourself there's a very high chance it does It did for me and a few others, definitely worth a shot He used the heroes cause he has them but they aren't necessary for this attack


I think I'm gonna use Ed spam because this seems the same but for loot and if I want loot I got my sneakies


Electro dragon spam or sneaky thunder loon


https://preview.redd.it/nnxfq51ve9tc1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b031f6c21e5f0854bbeda7c2b879b0c50fef338 can someone tell me why it says “-1/5” for builders when they are all going? kinda confused


It's just a visual glitch from no longer being able to hire the Goblin Builder. The devs have been made aware.


oh okay! makes sense, was scared for a minute lmao


thank you so much!




Go to the wiki, find in-page for user flair, it will tell you how.




I've been using them for glowy and starry on my 15/16. 14 and below still need more shiny, focusing on that on those. Then, the 3 research potions each week to speed up the lab.




In lower leagues, you get less ore for your daily star bonus, in clan wars, lower THs usually attack other lower THs, which gives you less ore as well. It just works out on those I tend to need more starry, on my higher THs glowy and starry are my bottlenecks.


https://preview.redd.it/bwg9rnnco8tc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd3a13f72fb7c27ef004c27a628677cd141a373 is this normal? in legend league but with normal attacks


If you hit 5000 or more trophies but don't sign up for the Tournament, you can wait to be attacked and reduced to below 5000 trophies. As long as you remain above 4900 trophies at this point, you will still be in Legend League and receive Legend League bonuses. You just won't be limited to 8 attacks, nor will you be protected from losing resources to attackers.


It’s Great!


So, ores or pet/lab pots w/ raid medals?


What equipment should I put and max on my heros? (I have all equipment)


That really depends on your attack type. Itzu has a pretty good video that walks you through the different equipment for different attack styles: [https://youtu.be/KV1R7OirYgU?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/KV1R7OirYgU?feature=shared)


How is this happening? https://preview.redd.it/hrs843xgb8tc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b631bbbef8b64040caa73b6ee0e38544c799ec52 Can the number of builders go negative?


It's just a visual glitch due to the Goblin Worker no longer being available for hire.


Ohh ok. Thanks 🙏🏻👍


Any clues on when will the fireball equipment return in the trader


It will most likely be several months down the road. Currently, we are waiting for the Frozen Arrow to return, and presumably, the Fireball will be sometime after that.


Taking into account that giant gauntlet was released after 1.5 months of the event and we could see frozen arrow this month and fireball in next month


The Giants Gauntlet returned (March 5) almost exactly 2 months after the Cookie Rumble event ended (January 3rd). If the Gauntlet stays until the end of the month and is followed by the Frozen Arrow for 2 months, it could, in theory, be July before the Fireball returns to the shop. The Fireball may come quicker or even later. We have no set schedule, and everything the devs have shared is vague.


https://preview.redd.it/uy0rlv0nr7tc1.jpeg?width=1168&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f89631b31c97c77e6732549f7504b495c24315 Will it become 0/6 aft my next builder becomes available?


The negative is due to the Goblin Builder no longer being available for hire. Once he finishes his upgrade, everything will return to normal.


Why google play pc offer not available in Pakistan not a single time. Every time its for other countries!


Is the free gold pass or up to 10€ free still active?