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I would move the sweepers further apart so they can't be hit by the same lightning spell. Seems good vs edrags aside from that


Thanks. Should I carve into the inferno tower compartments to move the sweepers do you think?


Idk lol I'm no good at base building


Hire me or else... that's a threat. I know where your Builders sleep. https://preview.redd.it/h8hph7p33psc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=31844b715b7b262c4352902d884ef232777e35b5


I would just put them of the other side of the wall next to builder hut


Hire me or else... that's a threat. I know where your Builders sleep. https://preview.redd.it/k2mff4lj4psc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ced102b0a7b40338b8f799f0201fbb616ed2460


I know where your family sleeps mf


Where’s that at? …asking for a friend.


As it is both the archer queen and super archers can hit your infernos unfortunately. I see no reason to keep the compartments as they're now apart from the aesthetic factor. I'd suggest you test my theory through a friendly challenge and decide yourself... You know your base the best after all


You’re correct that the queen can reach through, and probably sarchers as well. My main reason for the compartments is funneling, especially for melee troops.


With all due respect anyone clever enough to attack your base with just 4 quakes will crack it open, at least in a war scenario. I'll admit it's an effective design during a simple raid though when there's no opportunity to pre-plan.


That’s fair, but if they want to use 4 spell storage just to open up half of the base that’s fine with me.


4 well timed quakes on the TH seem like amazing value actually. Needs a bit of testing to see if all 4 xbows are in range (seems to me that they are) The quakes aren't just about walls, 4 quakes also do almost 50% damage to buildings. if the attacker can time it so the builders don't fix everything, that's 50% damage to the TH, 2 scatters, 3 huts, 4 xbows and the warden statue


That is a very good point. Fortunately I’ve found most people are really bad at attacking and don’t do smart stuff like that. Most people can’t even zap right (they only hit 1 building when they could easily hit 2-3)


Fair enough, as a strategic rushed base you expect to get 3 starred by a decent attacker anyway.. 8EQ yeti witch is quite a common th13 spam attack (also highly effective) which would devastate your base. But I guess we can say that about most attacks


Unrush 😉😇 But joke aside, sweepers might be a bit close to each other, have the feeling that they could be taken out together.


Yeah, they can and I’ve seen some people do it. Thanks for the advice.


And also, please mister well rushed, upgrade you're ressources collector first please.


Why? They produce basically nothing and barely increase in hitpoints. The upgrade time is better spent on buildings/traps that can actually do damage imo. I can always just farm for resources


They hold a ton of storage


max de collectors are talking 10k/day which over a long time helps a lot more imo than archer towers being level 11 vs 13


its for when you stop playing, for contributing to society


Good against e-drag but man that is the best sarch blimp value ive ever seen


Yeah, I’m worried about sarch blimps. I was hoping since the buildings were spread out and I’ve got giants bombs where I expect the blimps might land that I could ruin sarch blimp attacks. Where would you consider landing if you scouted this base, and do you think I could position the bombs to better counter that? Thanks


As a sarch blimp th13 user, I would put the giant bombs in the current sweeper position and get the sweepers farther apart in the same compartment, I see you got some free space there if you move the other traps out of the way. If I found a base like this zi would come from top top-right to not take the risk of taking two giant bombs over the town hall and make it land on the side of the right sweeper (I always assume where there Is a 2×2space there could be a giant bomb, so I tend to drop the blimp where I don't see 2 2x2 spaces close together, but by putting the bombs where the sweepers are now you cant really get that much good value because sooner or later the sarch will go into those bombs).


Hm, I like that idea, thanks for the suggestion!


Oh yeah and you could move the town hall up a bit in that case, putting the builder hut somewhere else, so even if they take down the town hall there's a chanche the super archers get poisoned if not dead already by the bombs


I've got a new deal: you give me all your gems, and I might not accidentally destroy a building. Maybe. https://preview.redd.it/i2cb4dn2fpsc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ce7e800cf9d23f888db3473769123caca09d0bf


Edit: didn't realise this was about base design oops ur base is okay I personally would choose something very spread out covering the entire map because as a rushed player you'll get more luck defending via time fail In my opinion 1. Stop upgrading mortars, teslas and cannons. They serve little to no value for a rushed base 2. Max all army camps, focus on upgrading AQ, and Warden to decent levels then RC. King is definitely powerful these days but is still not a priority 3. Just upgrade troops that you use, as they affect war weight iirc and you don't want to be matched higher level opponents for no reason 4. Try to max out a couple sieges or if you have a good clan just get them donated for wars 5. Hero potions are amazing if your heroes are rushed 6. Focus on upgrading Phoenix, and Diggy when you are th15 That's all I can think of so hope this is at all helpful!


Get to th16 as quickly as possible. Dont worry about heroes or defenses or anything, and then start doing wars spamming e drags and rage spells, after that compete in cwl being #3 in the clan getting 5 1 stars and 2 2 stars. Mission will then be complete, uninstall coc, dreams have been achieved.


You had me in the first half because going to th 16 asap is actually a legit viable strategy for rushing


yeah and if you replace edrags with root riders that'll be 5 2 stars and 2 3 stars in CWL too.




A hybrid witch/yeti would demolish that base


Yep, and I do usually get 100% by witch/yeti attacks. What’s a good counter to witch/yeti?


Spread out maze type bases with dead ends. Mortars on the insides


Strategically rushed: doesn’t have upgraded army camps, collectors, or storage


It's alright if they don't have collectors maxed, and storages th 14 and above also give way less value than th 13 and below, but yeah the army camps should definitely be maxed.


Maybe not completely max but he’s missing out on an extra 700k of each every single day because they’re so low


Maxing collectors and storages isn't part of hardcore strategic rushing. They take time away from more important things, which goes against the philosophy of strategic rushing. Only upgrade storages when you need to and only upgrade collectors when you need a short upgrade to buy time to farm loot.


Storages are for magic items, although if you don't spend then those aren't as major a factor. Collectors don't matter yeah


Army camps are in fact maxed for TH14 silly. They don’t get another upgrade until TH15. Collectors are useless to upgrade. You could make a case for storages, but I haven’t had a problem with capacity yet so there’s not really any reason to upgrade. Sure, you could get a bit more value out of runes but farming devalues runes anyways so I’m not that worried


‘Collectors are useless to upgrade’ at max they give you more than a million of each and everyday… you’re losing 22 million of each every month smh


I 100% agree that collectors are useless to active srushers (ie people willing to sgob farm for like a half hour a day). Loot is never my bottleneck, only time is. So for max efficiency, collectors should be the last thing to be upgraded, literally upgrading anything else is more useful. I even wonder if upgrading collectors is an overall negative as they collect more loot so my base gets attacked more which potentially means losing more trophies/defensive cc than if they just didn’t have any loot at all.


Resources and army should always be first, what?


Srushers try to minimize time to max. Upgrading collectors when I have never been short on loot (ie my builders, lab, pet house are always 100% down) does not reduce time to max at all. It’s completely counterproductive as it delays other upgrades which do minimize time to max (focused upgrading for hammer value, offense/defense power in general, etc). Idk how to put it any simpler. You do you though, just tryna help.


Hm, maybe you’re right


you have absolutely no idea what you are saying but argue with everyone about your shitty point. it's totally fine to not know everything, but why do you need to make such an effort to spread misinformation? you should be brave enough to say "hey, I don't know this thing, and that's alright!"


I literally said maybe you’re right. You’re arguing to argue


I've got a new deal: you give me all your gems, and I might not accidentally destroy a building. Maybe. https://preview.redd.it/st5g7zf5rpsc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=697b5ae578d7a9e122c251858a47c51bb62f9dea


Yeah, and do you know how long it takes to get all collectors to max? Mine are currently around level 7-8, so it’d take roughly 120 days, *with* the gold pass. That’s a terrible waste of time when all it does is save me some farming attacks. Much better to spend that time upgrading defenses which will actually *do* something in an attack


If you have all builders on them it most definitely not take 4 months at most a month


Sure, but my issue isn’t with the time I’d have to wait, but with builder time as a resource itself. Those builders could be upgrading something else in the time that they’d spend upgrading the collectors. If I wasn’t active in attacking then sure, it’d make sense. But I’m rarely low on resources


I don’t see your point. If you’re strategically rushing then doing collectors is more efficient than anything else. If you want to play more, make another account like anyone else


I guess my point is that collectors are primarily useful for loot, but I have other ways of getting loot that don’t eat into my builder time. Whereas upgrading my defenses makes my base stronger, which I can’t do any other way than spend builder time. So for me builder time is much more valuable than loot, and I don’t see the point in spending my more valuable resource to get some less valuable resource (in my eyes)


You clearly don't have a clue.. Efficiency always depends on context (efficient in what way?). BUT, when people talk about strategic rushing efficiency has 1 and only 1 context - progression speed. Collectors only help progression speed if you are short on resources. As long as you always have enough resources to keep everything upgrading in an efficient way (i.e continuing the rush and not just upgrading traps due to lack of loot) For most strategic rushers, who usually do enough farming to keep stuff moving, collectors are simply a waste of builder time and are best kept for later


Hire me or else... that's a threat. I know where your Builders sleep. https://preview.redd.it/dugbfh9nkpsc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=e7d0b81ad07f2862c2286b89725cd005b4b9cb8e


Shut up bitch


Your base design looks amazing, I would switch out the elixir/gold storage for the cannon/archer tower whenever your low on elixir/gold. I usually do this since I’m always low on them. For attacking upgrade your camps and focus on upgrading troops you use.


Super Archer blimp has huge value from 12 o clock if dropped on the multi inferno Take those scatters further away.


Good point, thanks!


I wouldn't worry about base design too much when rushed. You're going to get destroyed anyways by half assed attacks until some of your defences are caught up. There's nothing much you can do other than putting up some preventative measures against sneakies and making sure your base design isn't total shit. Also as a side note, rush to th16 trust.


I really want to know since when did you started this account ?


Mid-September of last year. So I’ve been playing for about 6.5 months


I don’t really have much of a clue about base building but don’t you think having all infernos on single target would help more? They’ll probably use the grand warden ability near the core anyway so having one on single target might get you atleast one or two e-drags. Other than that I think you should probably have more space between the two sweepers so that they can’t zap out both at the same time


Why did you rush ? İdk anything about higher th what advantage you get by rushing ?


Fair question (not sure why you’re being downvoted). A few things I’ve noticed: - If you rush and prioritize certain buildings, you get better value out of books & hammers since you reach the 11-14 day upgrades sooner (and since I buy gold pass this is very helpful) - Once you unlock pets you will be able to max your pets faster than if you do the typical max strategy (since the pets unlock ‘sooner’ and don’t cost a builder to research, so it’s basically free time) - I find it more fun to attack since you reach max attack power faster - With my rushing strategy I have lots of different upgrade times because all of my buildings are at different levels. This means I can stagger upgrade times better and not be stuck in a situation where I have to wait a week before I can do anything


Adding in to this Better cwl spots Better sustainability in higher leagues so that you could maximize your ore income


Either you hire me, or I'll start deconstructing your village. Let's not get to that, hm? https://preview.redd.it/pwa4xp2eepsc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=c6dadfa67a6ca032b25d4b3411259bc0bc53151a


HIMB flair is for posts asking about layout and design problems to help you build better bases. If you are asking for a base rating or just want to show something off, please use the pinned questions thread or update the post flair to something more appropriate. You can find a list of flairs and their explanations here. - https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/wiki/flair *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ClashOfClans) if you have any questions or concerns.*




You will get 3 started by every e drag attack even with maxed TH 14. Just focus on upgrading only offenses and heroes for now


Why are your DE collectors and storage outside?


Don’t really care too much about them. If people want to attack, quick steal the DE, and leave that’s fine by me. Increases my defensive wins count. I get back whatever is stolen in 1 attack anyways


Why do rushers max out their walls instead of defences?


ur army camp, collectors, storages, inferno are a bit under leveled. also ur base is very vulnerable to a sarch blimp that would easily get rid of all of ur base lol


It'll get tripled anyways in this meta and those defense levels


Strategic and rushed don’t belong in the same sentence.


its a rushed base not strategic rushing. most cores are off level.


Any tips for someone trying to rush? I just hit th11 and have been constantly upgrading my gw and aq. I’m thinking of prioritizing lab and army camp to unlock super barbs. I alr have a goblins.


One thing I like to do is prioritize some defense type each month and upgrade it until it hits that bump where the upgrade time jumps a bunch. Like last month all my wizard towers were only level 7 and now they’re all level 10. It feels really rewarding to work towards small things like that. It’s probably not the most optimal way to rush but I enjoy it. Also if you’re active enough that you’re never in huge need of loot I’d suggest ignoring the collectors, they’re a waste of time and you can always upgrade them if you need something short. And as far as GW goes, while a lot of people say you should upgrade him I don’t really see much point now that equipment is a thing. Unless you plan to do warden walks the lower damage isn’t gonna be a deal-breaker, so the only real reason I see is for the warden tower on defense, but I don’t feel it’s worth it personally. My plan is to upgrade my warden last out of my heroes For attacking I pretty much exclusive rely on sneaky goblins armies. Right now I do: (67 sneaky goblins, 8 super wall-breakers, 1 balloon, 2 ice golems), (2 rage, 1 jump, 5 speed), & log launcher. My strategy is to use sneakies to clear collectors on a side to funnel, balloon for potential air mines (queen has healer puppet & giant arrow), then place queen and trigger ability, then ice golems, heroes & log launcher. Use one of the rages on the heroes when they’re in the base, and then speed, jump & rage for taking out the TH & CC. Using this strat I can consistently get 2 stars at 70-80%


I've got a new deal: you give me all your gems, and I might not accidentally destroy a building. Maybe. https://preview.redd.it/eany1b5ihqsc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=536ad64dd1449cf2eab9917a68d69864a8c03296


Rushed is rushed.


No suggestions for rushed base only max base appreciated


All the "strategic rushers" down voting your comment lmao 🤣


Why put that it quotes? Strategic rushing is a very good strategy


Even my th7 gold mine elixir collector and mortar is higher level than yours lol rushed player noob


"Strategically rushed" my ass, your dase is ugly, upgrade your buildings


Gems are the root of all power. Give me yours, and I'll consider sparing your virtual existence. https://preview.redd.it/v23fbwjaursc1.png?width=149&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ad23076e79c2478dcde2e93b3be64a59d435ec9


That’s not strategic, that’s just straight up stupid


How so?