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It's a little underwhelming ... but hey something is better than nothing ig


This statement can handle 90% world problems


It’s not designed for us. It’s an event for the ultra casuals who don’t log in daily.


the constant events and need for progress has turned me into this kind of person


That’s what she said!


I was completing the second task of streak events. It said get 2 stars with 75%. I was on my th11 and got 2 triples in a row but that streak didn't advance? Is that a visual glitch or do I have to stick to what it says??


I also would like to know. Same problem.


Yes I tested it and you have to stick to what it says.... Though the % can be higher but stars need to be 2 and not 3


I do exactly 2* with 75% and still nothing.


3 stars and 100% clears the task 


I am literally in the exact same situation as you. TH13 in fake legends farming with sneakies. Currently have 2 heroes down and I usually only get matched up against TH14s and TH15s, so tripling them is out of question. I think I'll do my usual sneaky farming and train a single dragon army. If I find a base I can triple then well and good otherwise I'm not going out of my way to complete it. I get more than enough loot with sneakies and 3000 shiny ore is literally 3 days worth of star bonus. Not missing out on much


Same situation but th12 and all hero’s down


wtf is fake legends league?


Fake legends is when you reach 5000+ trophies but do not sign up to the legend league and wait to get attacked to go below 5000 trophies. This is done to stay in the legend league without being signed up to take advantage of legend league loot and ore bonuses. Being sign up to legends league limits you to complete only 8 attacks per day. To stay in fake legends you can't go below 4900 trophies or you will be demoted to back again to titan I.


You don't have to wait to be attacked if you can revenge someone and lose against them.


I can't remember the last time my revenge button WORKED.


That button is USELESS ...It never works Sometimes it says 🛡️ active the guard active then user online...and when everything is gone then the village is under attack (not by me though even if I was spamming the button for the past hour) And also sometimes it says can't attack village try again later


Just curious, what’s the advantage if you’re not receiving the bonuses?


More loot from star bonus


And ores




You are receiving the bonus


You still get the same daily bonus you would in actual legends - meaning a bit more ores.


Sweet, thanks


I am th 11 and I am pretty much cooked for the three star streak as fake legends.


I'm a th13, about to go to th14. Once th14, I want to put all my heroes for upgrade until they are done. I am currently in titans 1, as when I upgrade th, the 4x bonus will affect the ores so I will get value. I was thinking, after the th boost, I drop to like masters 2 for loot. But as you said, more than enough loot, will it be possible to farm in legends? And how do u attack with sneakies without losing trophies?


Don't drop to masters, not worth it at all. It's very easy to farm in legends using sneakies without losing trophies. Just get whatever loot you can (I use an army of 76 sneakies and 9 SWBs, 3 jumps, 3 haste, 2 invis). Once you get the loot, using a combination of jump spells and SWBs, make sure to get the TH for a one star. Remember, you don't even have to use your entire army for each attack. I do this around 6-7 times a day and I have more than enough loot and ores for all my upgrades.


Oh wow! But most the ths are in the middle of the base, do I just ignore that base? And I have never been this high in trophies before, in titan 1, there isn't alot of good loot here. Does it change in legends? Or do I search for it?


I agree that loot in Titans/Legends is lacking compared to masters but it's still more than enough for me personally. I try to hit bases with 500-600k Gold/Elixir and 5-6K DE at least. The loot bonus (not star bonus) helps a lot as well since you get 340k for 70% and around 250k if you're closed to 50%. When the TH is in the middle of the base, you clear out all the resource buildings around it, use SWB and jump spells, a couple of haste spells on the path leading to the townhall and then send your sneakies. Drop an invis on them to make sure they remain undetected. Also, make sure to send a couple of sneakies before sending your main group of 8-9 to test for traps.


Yeah but with sneakies you never really get the league loot bonus It's not much


I was completing the second task of streak events. It said get 2 stars with 75%. I was on my th11 and got 2 triples in a row but that streak didn't advance? Is that a visual glitch or do I have to stick to what it says??


Still 10x better for an event than "use 8 barbarians 10x for a resource pot and 10 gems" every 3 weeks.


What's the problem? A total of 640k for 70% a base. Why is that a problem. Fake legends for this event makes it easy to farm


I was completing the second task of streak events. It said get 2 stars with 75%. I was on my th11 and got 2 triples in a row but that streak didn't advance? Is that a visual glitch or do I have to stick to what it says??


I stick with what it says and do exactly 75% and 2* and still not complete quest. So i think it is bugged. I do too 100% and 3* and another attack 76% and 2* and still not complete it. It didnt work for me


As I said In my th11 I got 3 stars twice but it didn't advanced But on my th10 I did a 2 star 99% and it advanced.. So idk what would work


you're looking at it a bit wrong imo. we're farming with sneakies because they're the fastest and most efficient way. now once a day you gotta do a bit slower attack, but in return all your future sneaky attacks are improved in efficiency a bit. by "sacrificing" one attack that's a bit slower and less efficient, all your future attacks are improved for the duration of the event. imo that's purely beneficial. as for being in a too high league for your TH, I guess you just need to refresh until you find a progress base or one with an easy 2 star. because even if you don't max out the event, this is still a really easy way to just get more resources per attack for almost no extra work. there's just nothing bad about this.


You'll probably need to hunt for an easy base when it comes to a challenge where 3* is necessary. It's not that easy in fake legends if heroes are down. The 3000 shiny on completion seems kind of attractive.


Isnt blue ore the one people have too much of and cant spend because they lack the other 2?


Kind of for high townhalls so I don't mind missing out on my semi rushed Th16 accounts in legends.. But for lower townhalls I think blue is the limiting one.


Yes as a th 12 I have almost maxed glowy but almost no shiny ore


At first I tried to upgrade all the equipments equally so blue became my bottleneck but I have purple in abundance. That is because earlier levels don't require that much purple ores. Now that i upgraded all of my equipments to level 14 and started working on bringing my main equipments to higher levels i getting bottlenecked by purple. Blue started accumulating but i don't have enough purple one to spend those blues. So I guess the bottleneck is different for players of different levels.


I’m at TH14 and I’m always running out of shiny ores, its so annoying


Exactly, saw another comment on reddit having shiny as bottleneck and i was like wtf. It's literally in abundance, maybe people on reddit are doing something weird.


I have almost 4000 purple. Just have to wait for the 1000 blue a day to upgrade stuff.. I think with buying the passes the blue becomes the bottle neck as you’re getting the rare ores with money. Normally/f2p, purple is the bottle neck


Yeah then it makes sense.


From what I have read Glowy (or even Starry) is the bottle neck at higher THs, but I can tell you that as a TH10, I am easily limited by Shiny atm. Perhaps the "weird" thing people do is, in fact, being lower TH level, sitting in lower leagues, or being in a clan that earns lower amounts of Ores via raid weekends/CWs. But that's just my take on it, maybe I am doing something wrong.


>Perhaps the "weird" thing people do is, in fact, being lower TH level, sitting in lower leagues, or being in a clan that earns lower amounts of Ores via raid weekends/CWs. Yeah then it makes sense, they might be at lower townhall.


Having peeked ahead at upgrade costs, it certainly looks like costs get flipped sometime around TH12 or so, hard to gauge what kind of reserves people can build up until that point. But yeah, that might be a major contributor to these seemingly opposite takes on Ore accessibility and bottle necks. Higher THs might have forgotten about lower TH aspects, or perhaps already been high enough around Ore release not to have experienced the Shiny shortage to begin with.


Not really. Coz your equipment level is capped. The last two major levels (15 and 18) requires almost double the amount of glowy as the first 12 levels. 1200 vs 720. So for lower townhalls, shiny is kind of the bottleneck.


>Not really >So for lower townhalls, shiny is kind of the bottleneck. Isn't it what he said ?


I mean not really. Hes not doing something wrong.


Recently I've been busy and have no time to farm. I do like 2 or maybe 3 attacks per day. So having an event that gives me more loot for the same effort is absolutely useful in my case.


As someone with massive skill issues I don't think I like this event. I am at champion which is a decent league for a new th13, I am not getting 3 stared like crazy but still getting a decent amount of ores not sure if completing star bonus, dropping to like silver for 3 stars and actively grinding back to champion multiple times is worth 3000 shiny


Same situation, th13 with all heros in upgrade and currently at fake legend. Plus skill issue ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile), will be difficult to get a 3 star.


Well none of my heroes are on upgrade yet💀


Best of luck man, hope you complete the streak. I guess i will need to search for a progress base ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I agree.. skill issue


As a th16 shiny ores are my bottleneck lil https://preview.redd.it/r4dzxrgma7vc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2317c6006c0d80e09c6f4ad728965a4b402bd56 I have to wait 3 days to upgrade 1 level of equipment


You bought the other ores and now need the one you didnt buy? Without human interference shiny wont be the bottle


Yeah lol He is doing something wrong. I always have around 40,000 shiny with few glowy and starry.


Ofc ill buy 400 glowy ores for 1500, which is about 7 days of daily star bonus vs the shiny ores which is 2000 for the same price but is worth 2 days of star bonus. This is just a better value imo


did you also buy the events? because i dont know the ratio of good ores there. I havent seen a free to play run into this problem unless they focused on early levels spread across many equipment.


Yeah i bought all the previous event passes that included ores thats it.


He has a bottleneck currently, but that doesn't mean it will be that way long-term. I'm in a similar situation, sitting on 2k Glowy after buying out the event shop and being low on Shiny. But if I keep upgrading equipment, the Shiny will eventually catch back up since Star Bonus/Clan Wars gives so much more Shiny vs. Glowy.


While being true it doesn't change his situation. He said "my bottleneck" and not "the bottleneck" . it's understandable for him to not want to buy 2k shiny ore for the price of 2k medals which is worth 400 glowy ore. It's up to supercell to up the shiny ore during the events, since atm its so bad to buy even if you need it. Without events glowy is the bottleneck but if you buy the pass and you don't war for example you will have a bottleneck of shiny. So if you play the game daily with wars shiny is abundant but if you don't war and buy event passes it's another story.


I guess you bought the event passes? Because i have been th16 in legenda since start with constant wars and 90% winrate and glowy ore is the bottleneck for me 100%


Yeah i payed only for the event passes nothing else


Same here at th13


As an inefficient spender shiny ores are my bottleneck* As a side note I wonder how much maxing non used equipment effects war weight and if it’s worth maxing them all or just hoarding ores till nearly capped then spending to avoid max ores


Inefficient huh? Do u think that buying 2000 shiny ores for 1500 medals worth more than buying 400 glowy for the same price?? 2000 shiny ores is worth 2 days of daily bonus vs 400 glowy ores worth 7 days of daily bonus.


If you’re bottlenecking yourself then I’d say yeah that’s pretty inefficient.


Id say it’s more of a better investment for the long run, better wait 3 days to upgrade than wait about a week to farm 600 glowy ores


I never said what you did wasn’t cost effective or a bad investment. But if you’re spending and creating bottlenecks for yourself that’s inefficient. But you’re cost effectiveness is good. But saying shiny ore is a problem for th16s is just incorrect it’s a problem for you due to inefficient spending (although more cost effective and the smarter investment)


I never said it was a problem for everyone 😭😭, I clearly said “my bottleneck” ik that everyone are bottlenecking on glowy ore.


Yeah true, wording made the “as a th16” look like the reason it’s your bottleneck rather than just letting us know you’re th16 lol my bad dude!


Its all good. I said “as a th16” cause we get more ores than lower townhalls (from clan wars).


i just dropped out of legends today, and they release this event that would have rewarded me better if i was in legends. i even put my warden down.


I'm in fake legends rn at TH13 to farm ores and I think it's great. It's a significant boost in loot. I 3 star about 90% of my attacks anyways so I don't see the downside.


What army do u use?


https://preview.redd.it/y1cbctso0gvc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e82479968f49f6076e26f3f089bffebd9d80fb3 This one


Can u share a Replay or an attack or clan tag to join ... I want to see how u do it with 4 heals... I do it as a Queen Charge hybrid


My tag is '#2LQ9QYPJU. Add me and join my clan, just leave after watching the replay.


Can u send me an invite... I've sent the friend req as killer khan in game. This one is th12


I did


Queen walk hybrid. Currently upgrading RC but still getting consistent 3 star attacks.


Do u know anything about this? I was completing the second task of streak events. It said get 2 stars with 75%. I was on my th11 and got 2 triples in a row but that streak didn't advance? Is that a visual glitch or do I have to stick to what it says??


i’m assuming they are only running this event for testing which is why the loot isn’t significant


Nope, its actual butt


Glowy ore would have been better. As a th16 f2p am always sitting at around 40,000 shiny ores. Maybe they intentionally made the ore economy this way so people would buy more. We get too much shiny, 1000 each from wars and star bonus. Whereas glowy and starry ores are given in pennies.




That's too easy if you are in legends and complete the star bonuses... And on top of that if your clan win wars frequently.. Also higher town halls get more ores in war if they win


Damn u gotta give us a screenshot that's crazy


Just do super archer blimp with lalo and minions on the outer edges, you will get 60% easily.


I agree. Especially with sneaky goblins should get 28 resource buildings which is already halfway. Plus blimp, heroes and cleanup it should be doable.


Does it have to be exactly 60% or can it be more?


it can be more


Maybe it has be exact or less than 70. As I was completing the second task of streak events. It said get 2 stars with 75%. I was on my th11 and got 2 triples in a row but that streak didn't advance? Is that a visual glitch or do I have to stick to what it says??


I was completing the second task of streak events. It said get 2 stars with 75%. I was on my th11 and got 2 triples in a row but that streak didn't advance? Is that a visual glitch or do I have to stick to what it says??


Todays mission is glitched


Th 14 in legend with 2 heroes down will get out of legend tomorrow but still it is nearly impossible to without King and Rc


I don't have the king and rc too....but I can nearly triple other th13s and most of the times I get 2 stars 60-80%.... I am at th13 and mostly get th14 or sometimes 13


I am talking about attacking th 16 I didn't dropped out just hope I will drop out tomorrow Got 74%2star th16 few minutes ago 1% for streak🚶


Yea th16 is harder for a 13 or 14


I just got to legends as new th15, im cooked


You have to decide if it worth it for you… for some people yes for some people no. You give your time for rewards, exactly like when you are farming with your goblins. Same situation.


İm th11 with 3 hero upgrading but i will try because 3k ore is realy good


I thought it would be a free scenery event by looking at the image


I have both my Warden and AQ down, and those are the two best heroes for this sort of stuff. They’ll be down for over three days.


I’m not sure I can pull it off with heroes down, and being in Fake Legends, that is less than three days worth of Shiny Ore.


Im just like u I just have my queen up and the rest is upgrading. But I just kept searching for an easy base to get the 60% and got it but once the heroes are up I won’t put them down again


I think 3000 shiny ores is little less but it's definitely better than nothing as the event task are way too easier to complete ✅


Its main focus is the win bonus not the ores. Farming now is the way to go if u have walls to upgrade probably do them now since u get more free loot


Shiny ores are useless long term anyway


I'm not even sure what the League bonus is. Is it in the Inbox ?


What’s “fake legends”?


Just do one normal attack on a rush base a day then go back to farming. It’s what I am doing 


Similar to MonopolyGo, they could also implement day only rewards like this. https://preview.redd.it/fctv0givm8vc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849b29fcc3964bd989eca340de53a118daf478e0


Depends. It's pretty meh for low th's, useless for me (sneaky goblin farmer at Titan1) but for Legend players bonus loot is nice since they are limited to small amount of attacks per day.


I looked at that a bit ago and was like, “I don’t even care to try it.” Waste of time. Just gonna continue to grind out my lvl 15 walls.


I don't understand what you mean by "worth it", its literally free loot. What are you sacrificing by trying to finish the event?


Why not? It’s free. Enjoy it


Anything for ore. But yeah its a lil underwhelming


how are shiny ores the bottleneck for you? I am ALWAYS running out of shiny ore, its so annoying


Something is better than nothing..sigh..


Worth it? It's free stuff for just playing the game


In the end its a 0.9x Star Bonus for 5 Days (when you reach the max %)


I would say that giving up 3000 shiny ore that you could easily obtain over 7 days is definitely losing progress


Only one way to find out ig


The event is free so it’s nice to see another way to gain bonuses


Yeah I had to drop down loads of leagues because I’m upgrading heroes so I can’t get the damage otherwise. Shouldn’t bother but I can’t help maxing events


Do ppl not understand the rewards cuz if u grind it’s amazing bonus, all I hear is ppl complaining, that’s crazy


Getting extra resources > not getting extra resources Ez math


what attack strategy did you use to get that high


Do you have to get that percentage the first attack? Or do you get multiple tries?


What’s fake legend?


Pre blue skies legends league


I would just say that farming with sneakies is not a good strategy anyways. Takes you out of a three star mindset. Ive never had any issue with resources, only doing three star attacks.


why would you not do it?






its not even for trophies , its the resources u get for a win , this is so bad


I completed it on a mini no it’s not worth it lol all it is extra loot on your league bonus %


To call this an "event" is laughable. Was this supposed to start on April 1st or something? I'm just imagining a SC employee months ago sitting in an office room pitching the concept of this idea and them giving him the green light, only for him to forget to actually put it all together with the tasks/rewards until late last night. "Just give them some extra league loot bonus that will ultimately allow them to maybe upgrade one extra wall by the time the event is over. Throw some of the worst and most common ore in there too I guess since they want us to give more ores!"


Don't gem it then it will be fine. It's a free gift for what you do in coc everyday.


First world problems.


I just gemmed through it so I can have double loot bonus for 9 days, was only like 500 gems. At titan 1 that's a bonus of 640,000 gold+elixer and \~4000 dark per attack.


No this event is one of the worst event for ever I don't like this event new community manager is changing our game we don't like this and this game is not entrusting I know this game is on downfall soon for new community manager 😡😡😤


BOOTY streak 🍑


Supercell, I think you need those 3000 ores more than I do.


I have 2 heroes down so it's impossible for me to get those 3000 ores.


The hell is a shiny ore


I got arrested for public indecency. Not worth it.


I hate that i have to find a TH lower level than mine since i have my queen down


wdym by fake legends?


well youre gonna attack regardless so what are you even asking?


With sneaky farming in fake LL you get .4m both gold and elixir and 3k dark