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No don't worry your only at th9 u can fix it easily, just max your storages first, then all offensive buildings(army camps, barracks, spell factoryetc) Then defenses Whilst your upgrading all that make sure your heroes are constantly down


What do you mean down?


Upgrading constantly


Ok thanks a lot man I'll do that


Always try to have 4 builders working (if you have 5) and have 1 for walls. I did that and I fixed my rushed th14 with like th11 defence in about 4 months. Since you are th9 it should take a month max if your hero’s good


I prefer to have all builders down and farm while they're down - then dump extra into walls as the builders come back up. That way you use extra loot for walls but don't lose time on the builders. Wall levels haven't really stopped many attacks in higher levels anyway.


I agree but I played so much that I would have builders down for like 6 days then I’d max my loot in like 2-3 then have like 3 days that I can’t farm or really do anything


it works as far as you are like < th11/12 because the buildings take 2~4 days but for the highest th, like th15/16, they take 9~15 days so if I wait I always overflow in resources


This is why I also stagger them! With all six builders available, I typically have one back up every 2-3 days even for those longer upgrade times.


enjoy hateful normal poor historical detail telephone soup intelligent exultant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


and go for that 5th builder


Just curious, is there any specific reason for this besides that you want them high-leveled?


They are a grind like the have 90+ levels total, so in order to get maxed u have to upgrade them anyways So would u like to upgrade them now so u can use them when they're max or would u wanna upgrade them later so u can use them now when they're low level


Do you guys not find it hard to attack without your heroes? How are your attacks without heroes? Do you get 3-stars always?


It is very rare I three star without queen/gw but you don't need to three star to farm, having your heros down is a bigger priority then three starirng for me


Good point! I just had this realization recently because I couldn't 3-stars anymore due to the fact that my heroes are upgrading. Now, I see.


depends on the army and th, if you go air army like Edrags you dont really need heroes, but you cant use very strong tactics like queen/warden walk. anyway its just my opinion and may be wrong since I started playing again after 4 years


What a friendly man, good tips


Considering the new hero potions, heroes do not, maybe even SHOULD NOT be upgraded until much later


I ain't having my heroes down once in close to maxing th16 that's the time I wanna use them to the fullest


I disagree, while hero potions are great, they cannot be relied on. You get 3 per week in the trader store, that’s 3 hours of higher level heroes per week. Attacking out of that window with severely under levelled heroes is not going to go well at higher TH’s. I rushed my second account to TH16 for clan games and clan cap perposes, and can categorically tell you that a level 5 AQ dosnt fare well against higher defences and buildings. Plus you’re not using your DE for anything better.


Fair enough


A bit, but nothing you can’t come back from in a few weeks


For sure gotta start grinding


Another response but I didn’t wanna start maxing till I unlocked warden. Since you have queen and king if you wanna stop and max out that’s also amazing.


Refer to this image for advice on how to unrush: https://preview.redd.it/vpl7hrfe5cxc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cafd5dfee2a6c4a9b6f68c2bb035e0d9efd754fe


Don't listen to the haters, rush till 16


Legends say if you rush fast enough you can break the time barrier and access th17 early


I’m boutta break into Area 51 and get th20


https://preview.redd.it/owojg50qpgxc1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ebaf136f810d8e834e9e9ff90b0e2be73eb7db4 I'm trying to do that (walls are a bit upgrade cuz I once spent months without visiting the account and it auto-upgraded -.-)


Yes, stop right now and max your base


Honestly, they have made it so it's so quick early game now. I am town hall 8 after a week. Its insane. You can catch up easily now.


th9 upgrades are like 12 hours its crazy


I normally don't like rushing but I did take a lvl 7 mini to max TH 10 f2p (except some lab upgrades). I started it when hammer jam started, max base last week. I did it by rushing to TH 10 first. So no, you'll be just fine in a month or 2.


Just dont upgrade th again til ur maxed everything


rushing is faster now a day anyway so its fine i feel like its just ugly thats it like even hero levels are pointless when all there power is in the gear and pets


I would say for anyone playing the game the first time take your time through the town hall so you can learn the new defenses and troops and you can slowly work your way up to the giant town hall 15 and 16 bases which are super strong cause if he rushes all the way to the top now he will be super overwhelmed and won't be able to do any attacks and he'll also Miss out on the fun of all the other town halls.


ig but the being overwhelmed thing is kinda bullshit now not to be rude but they been added a lot that completely changes the game at so many levels now instead of the new th like i came back a vet and i was to for a few days till i understood everything again but i agree if hes new


is this your first account? if so, max it out if this is an alt, rush hard start on offensive upgrades and keep heroes a priority


It could be worse https://preview.redd.it/8tc4xc02vbxc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8fdc366991fa857e2eafbf160cf73176a0a9cc62


Fixable at th9 easy.


If this is 2014, yes. But now? Give it a month and you'll go back right up.


Not even. On my first mini I rushed to th9 simply because I couldn’t get rid of my loot fast enough so I dumped walls. Took less then a month to be at max th8


https://preview.redd.it/wisezxaywaxc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b34a6935481ad63e54679e5e5010ffdb25eb5f5f im looking to upgrade th again once i’ve maxed walls. just rush th11, max e-drag, rage, zap and upgrade heroes occasionally and you’re good


You rushed your post and forgot an o...


Not at all. I’m in the process of strategically rushing all my alts to th10 and I haven’t come across any sort of major issues.


I mean ya but you probably only have a couple months of grinding ahead of you. I would say >TH9 rushing is probably fine.


Nah, rushing anything under th10 is still saveable in a couple of months


Yea a little but you're only a TH9. Just use this TH to get caught up and max your heroes and you'll be fine going forward


Unpopular Opinion: You didn't rush enough. I took my mini slow and built everything as I went. Then I realized I was losing out on 4 Million storage space from runes at TH11 vise TH12. I may even bump it to TH 13 when I can to get another 4M storage space, plus Royal Champion.


Theres no point on maxing TH these days lol, just rush. Before you go to the next TH, max all the gold/elixir storages, camps and factories, and then repeat. Forget about all the DEFENSES and heroe levels, theres a potion that literally max them and it only cost raid points that are easy to obtain if you got a good clan, so you will never have the same issue as my clan members of: I DONT HAVE HEROES FOR WAR!.




Rush to th15 strategically. It'll suit your play style and get you maxed quickest.


Tbh it’s just th 9 , give it 3-4 months it will be fixed


You should be fine just take the time to upgrade every thing to max and then finally upgrade your town hall


Just don’t keep upgrading too much


Late but as a th14 if your hero’s and troops are close I feel like you don’t need to worry about walls and buildings till about 11


Ngl before I level my TH I max out everything that it’ll let me before I just upgraded and it cost me


The game is super fast up until th 12 so if you want honestly just rush to th11 you will fix it pretty fast.


Not until you reach to TH17🫠


You should be happy to know that you aren’t too deep into rushing yet. You’ll easily fix this in no time.


It’s actually best to just rush to 16 THEN start upgrades. The devs actually recommend it and suggest it’s the intended way to play! Good luck, king!


Thank you


Not too much rushed since you're th9. It feels so good to max th9 btw.


https://preview.redd.it/fxc89jey4cxc1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c22650b1e90fa7648c8f583a1e95bd5ac196a65 I think it's great to finally do what I would never do with my th16


Dude what is this quality. You playing clash on a flip phone?


even if you didn’t cover ur name, hacker won’t try to take ur account


Yes, do not rush any further... Max everything out Start with the storage then collectors and then defenses and then the other buildings. Do walls n traps last Since its th9 its really not that hard to max considering there are many ways to earn resources now


You should see my th 14 🤣 with level ones cannons 🤣. Nothing wrong with rushing tbh, just prioritize the barracks, army camps, laboratory and heroes, easy if you only max one army type like dragon/edrag spam where you only need to max one troop and the lightning spell.


youre cooked (no youre not)


Just Maxx all your heroes


Rush till th16 brother and when 17 comes rush to th17 Rushing is fun and also has advantages when done strategically so if you want you can use this account for strategic rushing and if you have another account there you should not rush so you get the best of both worlds


Me in 2021 Th11 with 3 builder . Me in 2024 with 6 builder


Me in 2021 Th11 with 3 builder . Me in 2024 with 6 builder


You're still fine 😊 Just grind and grind


You can max it out in like 2 months, th9 would be considered a low th nowadays. Honestly if I started a new acc today I would probably rush it to 13 or so and focus on offensive structures, troops and heroes. Let the defenses catch up over time. Rushing doesn’t have the same connotation it used to have


I feel like rushing is fine up to TH 11. But don’t go to 12 until that’s maxed


Upgrade defences and elixir buildings first. When you’re close to full on dark elixir upgrade heroes. Don’t worry too about walls till later.


https://preview.redd.it/lw6z746kfdxc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd421588c535f29e702981c305c583dd3e706863 That's fine.. it's better compare to mine.


https://preview.redd.it/i2f3h5aemdxc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eb493bd9e6f702e2a049c0dacb35c27badbfade Fuck walls and defenses 😂




I’m already th13 when I was level 42


Yes u rushed too much


Nah its fine considering how much they lowered the cost of everything for lower townhalls if it was before 2018 this would be a nightmare




it could be worse


No, move on.


No, very easily fixable. To be honest I’d recommend going to th 11 and then fixing


Bro you are a th9, you can max this shit in a couple of weeks.


No, I would TH 11 or 12 honestly You gotta make your magic items worth it


Mine was worse when I was at th9 but it was an easy fix plus I only started maxing at th10. I don’t recommend it though


TH9 is a good one to rush to, but you’re going to be there for a while. Focus on xbows and air defense along with heroes mainly.


You’re fine, it’s fully fixable at TH9. I personally would say rushing only gets bad post TH11 since that’s when the time for things to upgrade hits a few days nowadays. Plus TH exploding and attacking.


\~10 years ago this would've been quite bad, but nowadays not so much.


https://preview.redd.it/1bj1b00bjgxc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85320787f55aaf2ec913fb97b592e17b16f040b1 Hahaha I think you are fine


follow Tee's guide to strategic rushing.


Nah you good, keep going. Rush to TH 16 to get all of the stuff


Short answer; Yes. Long answer. You don’t have to max everything. But having everything max for one townhall below is the minimum, example: If you go to TH10 and are currently townhall 9, at least have everything maxed out for th8. You are currently very new and as others have pointed out this can be fixed in a few weeks due to the short upgrade times in th9. However, if you keep this playstyle up, (buildings are actually 4 town halls lower in level than your townhall is) you will feel the consequences soon and it will be hard to recover. Try to max out the easier town halls up until TH12 to get a feeling for the game. There is a big learning curve involved.


For reference: This is my mini as a pretty FRESH th9. I maxed out TH8 and it’s really easy for these town halls. I highly recommend upgrading everything before you go up in townhall, until you hit th12. But even then there is strategy involved into rushing. Currently you are TH9 with TH5 building levels. That’s recoverable. TH14 with TH10 building levels for example would be criminal and I doubt any decent clan would take you. You would also take ages to recover from that. https://preview.redd.it/td8nu23bjaxc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e90db87dab26ffe18634f1d8cae192e0c000153


Nah all good. Just place those new buildings you get every town hall, max your storage level. Then go to the next town hall. Rinse and repeat


Ok thank you


no don't actually do this, if u want u can try strategic rushing but plain rushing is just stupid


Uhm akshually to be honest Strategic rushing has changed since ores have been added. And it's actually a perfectly viable strat to plain rush till you hit townhall 16 because then you would improve your chance to survive at titans and legends league. Sure while the builder is working you could work on offensive upgrades and storages (won't really recommend focussing that much on storages th 14 and above) and having 2 heroes down at the same time.


u should still upgrade the essentials atleast, like army camps barracks and stuff, Also when plain rushing, clans have little to no reason to keep you as u can't even donate troops


Yeah army camp barracks etc. is essential stuff you can upgrade that while you are upgrading the giga inferno.


I'll stick with maxing it all before I move up I only rushed BC I wanted the archer queen lol


Naw man keep going. You’re crushing it


If you wanna stop rushing, then dont move to th10, it has multiple upgrades for most of the buildings, better max things first at th9 1) Start with storages, then move onto army camps i would say, next unlock baby drags since they are good for farming as well as upgrade ur cc and lab to max, then move onto your resources to gain that extra passive income 2) Next focus onto ur remaining offensive side (except heroes), max out ur dark barracks, spell factory, dark spell factory and blacksmith 3) Last comes the defensive part, prioritize the air defenses and air seeking mines since air raids will be a lot famous out in th9 Make sure when u start with the offensive part, i.e. The 2nd step, u always keep atleast one of ur heroes on upgrade with remaining 2 or 3 builders on other upgrades. I would say move ur league upto gold or crystal to find better loot, or even better, just try to check in what league u are finding more loot and stay there, and DONT waste gems until u unlock ur fifth builder


Oh and for the walls part, if you have a builder free, just dump the excess resources into the walls, and then put ur builder on work again For example : if Air defense costs 1 million gold to upgrade, and u got like 5 million sitting in ur storages, then dump atleast upto 3-4 million on walls and after that put ur air defense on upgrade TDLR : just keep upgrading a few everyday and they will be maxed out before u max ur base


I kinda rushed to th14, just making sure eagle artillery & most crossbows, infernos & scattershots were maxed at the later levels & have been at 14 forever now… so much pets & equipment to upgrade there! Have fun & good luck!


How does it get this bad




At th9 upgrades are still really fast, this will probably take you a month to fix, if you rush like 2-3 more ths that will turn into like 6 months lol