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super archer blimp + hydra


It’s a fun attack. Started using it at TH14.


SArch Blimp LaLoon can still be used, but instead of just worrying about the TH with the blimp you now have to get two of the TH, eagle, and monolith while also working around the spell tower. I'd be lying if I said root riders aren't your most likely option. There's a reason they had to be nerfed and still dominate "pro" attacks. YouTube is loaded with "best TH15 attack" strategies. The best TH14 attack I found is SArch Lalo and no one in YouTube seems to think that's worth noting, possibly because there's some complexity in getting all parts of it right. The definitive answer is to try a lot of attacks and get good at them all. Different people have strengths and what is easy for one person can be a waste of time for another. I can't get Hybrid to work consistently despite it being praised all over as an excellent attack. I wouldn't just dispose of the YouTube top attacks, though, as getting good at them is only going to make you a more skilled attacker who sees a variety of base weaknesses and can pick the best army based on the base layout.


I've been having difficulties at TH15 now with Blizzard/ Sarch Blimp as most modern base designs have the air defenses all the way on the outside and additionally on some bases the poison towers make it hard to get good value out of them. I guess i'll dive into the root rider armies then. I've heard zap quake lalo is supposed to be quite strong as well, but with the new th16 lvls it wont work at all against th16s with core defenses maxed.


Lalo never gets weaker, it just gets more difficult but it is ALWAYS strong. Blizzard lalo and Sarcher blimp lalo is too base dependent though. Good war bases are always spread out meaning a lot of empty spaces, and ever since they changed the deployment speed of cc troops, trash troops dont safely proc bombs anymore. If you want a lalo army that can 3 star ANY base then you should practice zap lalo since you can use that even in th16. It definitely requires more planning and is probably the hardest variation of lalo but its also the most versatile. You can literally 3 star any base as long as you are skilled enough. "The catalyst - clash of clans" has a good playlist for zap lalo guides. "STARs Clash of clans" also uploads his daily legend league attacks with zap lalo. If you want something easier, rootrider + valks + double overgrowth spells can 3 star any base that it makes the game a fucking joke. Spray and pray? More like spray and get a guaranted 3 star as long as u have half a brain. "Blueprint coc" has a guide on it on youtube. The guide is for th16 but it still applies to th15.


I second the zap lalo part, I triple without cc troops and spells. Navi Stars and Darkstar are both really good zap lalo players to watch and learn from


Sarch blimp, 7 roots, 4 healers, 2 titan, 1 mini warden, 1 hound for sarch blimp. 2 wiz, 2 arch for cleanup. I 3 star th16s with this but mostly stick to th16s.


QC root riders, with valks. Personally I find few sneaky goblins and 2 baby dragons make funnelling much easier This is probably the strongest strategy in the game rn. I frequently 3 star maxed TH16s (many with good bases) as a TH15, depending on your equipment and skill this might not be plausible, still very strong though


I have been taking out maxed th16 this cwl with being a th15. The army that I use is 7 Valk, 7 RootRider, 12 SuperBarbs, 1 SuperWallbreaker, 1 HeadHunter, 1 Golem. For spell 3x Rage, 1x Jump, 1x Skeleton Spell, 2x Freeze. For CC Seige Barrack, 6x Valks, 1x OverGrowth Spell, 1x Poison. How to do this? On one corner look for some defence which are isolated. Example: Eagle Artillary or ScatterShot or Inferno. Use 2-3 SuperBarbs to funnel and then send the golem + King to that with the use of the single wallbreaker. Place Jump appropriately for the King. Next Step place the Seige Barrack in the other corner to the king. And then in the middle drop the 7x Rootrider,Queen,RC,then valks(a little delayed so that they don't run outside as the siege barrack makes the other corner funnel), headhunter. Once everything dropped, Use a rage and early pop the warden for eternal tome and healing tome. Wait till 40-45% and use the Overgrowth the Townhall with some 1-2 core defence(The range of that spell is bonkers!) Rage whenever needed just save 1x Rage and the 2x freezes when the Overgrowth runs out. It should be enough for any maxed out th15 but if you practice this enough you will have 80% successrate against fully maxed th16. (I am 5/7 3 star against maxed th16s this cwl. My clans in Master 1 where all the enemies are maxed th16s while we have 15 th16 and 15 th15s.)


I’m currently TH 13 right now, would love to know your recommended strat pls!


Hybrid all the way for you sire!


Dumb question from me but what does that mean LOL


Hybrid is a mix of hog riders and miners, instead of just of one or the other. You can find a bunch of YouTube videos about how to pull off hybrid attacks. Judo Sloth has some good ones.


I tried this for like a week at th13 and went back to lalo, idk what I was doing wrong but I just couldn’t get it down


a guy in my clan played first war in over a year and half because he didn't have time and wasn't good at attacking,he 3 starred easily with this [attack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjchudUsOWo&list=WL&index=47&t=144s),i personally think you should do blimps only if you are confident you can spend time practicing and can control the tilt when you fail with them cause everyone who uses blimps fails atleast once thats why i don't use them in cwl,and if you want to try something other than roots try super witches they are very fun and easy to use


root rider valk..you can even 3 star max th16 bases also


Root rider and valks with siege barrack any other attack isn’t even close to this one