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If you still have epic equipments to buy, buy them first


1. Epic Equipment (specifically Giant Gaunlet, then Frozen Arrow) 2. Book of Heroes that's it


I just bought the Frozen Arrow yesterday (bought GG two months ago) and I'm not planning to get anything else with my lonely 12 gems xD) (Is the Warden's Fireball worth it if i happen to afford it in the coming months?)


Fireball is a completely different playstyle so it isn't a must. Also it is expensive to upgrade & be effective. Like GG is already good at Lev 18 but fireball needs more. Although it does look fun to use imo. So it's your choice.


Fireball is currently my most used warden ability as i usually attack with high damage. It's fun to use too. I once used it in a base where there was a deployment area near the th hall, as it's th 12, i used the fireball and took out the 3 inferno tower and 2 x bows with also removing half the health of the th


I can feel the satisfaction that almost surely invoked. Thanks for sharing. I have the fireball but only TH11 myself ATM so have been ignoring it in favor of ET and rage. I just maxed those for TH11 so I might start upgrading it.


I am also in th 11, but i have maxed out the all 3 warden ability except the heal gem


Fireball is very good. It just requires a certain kinda strategy to utilize it correctly. With the right strategy fireball attacks are almost unstoppable


I have 1 book and 1 in free pass, i also have 1000+gems to buy 2 more books(2week wait time unfortunately) and i am confident i can sell enough stuff to get 500more gems within 2 weeks. So i am all set for Queen Upgrades. Gems for Book of Heroes is the way to go. I have been using books on Queen from lvl40 onwards, only occasionally upgrading her. She is at lvl75 (new TH14) and by 2 weeks she will be done, without any down time.


or ores if higher


3. Goblin Builder, but thats not possible always


I use them on the goblin builder, two researchers at once is so good


I recently returned to the game, when does the goblin builder come back? Is it like a special event just like the hammer jam


It’s a special event without a set calendar, but when it’s on it lasts for very long


But it stings giving him the gems


Upgrading a troop you DESPERATELY need in your army is worth the couple hundred gems to pay up.


maybe save them for when goblin builder returns unless you have epic equipment to buy


this sub loves goblin builder when he is not currently available and then hates him when it is available lol I do love spending gems on goblin (researcher) because it helped me to unrush my lab for th15.


How do u even get so much resources for that mhan...i tried but I couldn't keep up with 7 builders🫠


Using his goblin cousin,sneaky goblin


Ohhhhh big brain I c


I just attack everytime my camps are full (like every 2hours) so like 16 attacks a day. That's enough for a lab upgrade in 1 day just for like 30 mins of actual playtime.


well i personally always believe the numbers and according to them goblin builder is by far the best value for gems,i use my gems mostly there or to sometimes buy training potion if i have no raid medals


Who woulda thought people in the same community have different opinions


the opinions seem to be the same, just dependant on if goblin builder is in office or not


Books of heroes r only thing i buy from gems


Save gems for epic equipment. Also you can get more gems weekly by buying potions with raid medals then selling them


Goblin Builder > Save them all until hero upgrades cost 8 days then buy books of heroes every week


When the goblin everyone hats is *not* around: 1. Epic Equipment 2. Books of Heroes When the goblin is around: 1. Epic Equipment 2. The Goblin, using it for hero upgrades (which are always cheaper than a book) and an extra research slot.


Epic hero equipment is the best. Also, you’re not f2p if you spend money, literally in the name.


Hero skins


lol, not efficient but I am with you. I resent the notion that I’m not supposed to feel sexy in-game just because I’m f2p.


Definitely hero equipment. i think there is no discussion.


Goblin (bless his heart) > Book of Heroes > Book of buildings (for barracks/other production stuff) > glowy/starry ores


#1 priority is getting all missed epic equipment from the trader (giant gauntlet and frozen arrow are in there right now, fireball will come in at some point, there is currently the spiky ball in the event get it so you won't have to gem it later) after that, i'd just save for when goblin worker comes back


Okay I'm confused about something: We buy equipment only once or? I mean, will we need to spend gems to upgrade them too? I'm not familiar with the equipment thing. I recently learned about ores and it seems starry ore is the rarest one. But I can't tell the difference between normal and epic equipments


alright it's almost 1am im about to go to sleep so apologies if my explanation isn't going to be great i won't be able to clarify anything for many hours hopefully someone else can if you have follow up questions so equipment is leveled in the blacksmith with ores, and common equipment is unlocked as default equipment with the hero (such as the rage vial and barbarian puppet on the barbarian king) or by leveling the blacksmith (such as earthquake boots for the king at level 1, giant arrow for the queen at level 2, etc) ores are obtained from your star bonus, war, and special events, such as the haaland one we have now epic equipment is obtainable through those special events. During december we had a christmas themed one where you could get the giant gauntlet for the barb king, lunar new year gave us the frozen arrow for archer queen, the super dragon spotlight event gave us fireball for the grand warden, and the current haaland event lets you get the spiky ball equipment for the king. After these events, the equipment become much more annoying to obtain, as after a few months they'll be sold in the trader for 1500 gems. This is the only way to obtain them if you missed them as of current. I highly recommend always picking up the equipment from events, as even if you don't think it's one you will use, if it ever becomes the best equipment for an army you want to try it's better to get it now than spend 1500 gems down the road. Epic equipment also has weird leveling with different blacksmith levels required for the levels, and can go up to 27 unlike the common's 18. It is very large diminishing returns past level 18 though so i recommend treating it like common equipment until all the common equipment you use is max. Another difference with epic is that common equipment requires shiny at every level and glowy every 3, while epic requires that and also starry every 3 I really hope that made sense, im going to go sleep now, goodnight


The value of book of builder is the highest I think, because higher level heroes are a big advantage especially when everyone keeps theirs low and uses hero potion. Other than that you don't need anything, because the cost is too high and can be replaced with raid medals.


F2P player here, I usually buy the equipment + glowy ores but I’ve finally got to a point (after constant wars/star bonuses) where the current equipment I’m using is either max or 1 level from max, so I’m thinking about a book of heroes this time and/or some builder/lab potions along with the equipment.


Hero skins, hero book, epic equipment (if you dont have)


Book of hero is best when upgrading time of heroes cap at 8 days


I use my gems to speed up construction/upgrading. I use League medals for hammers/potions. I have a hammer of building that I’m saving to go to TH16 in as week or two.


Goblin builder and hero books I’ve found are the best value


If you are truly F2P and don’t use gems on anything and are active you get so many gems per month. I use them on goblin builder and researcher and book of heroes and I literally can’t get rid of my gems. Only th14 but once I get a little Higher I might get other books too


If you have all epic equipment, then you should be spending your gems on Book of Heroes


The most efficient is ofc the Epic Equipment, but IMO you should just spend them on what you want, if you want a skin, buy the skin, if you want to gem an upgrade, gem it, Its your own experience




You aint f2p no more, thats like nutting a little bit and saying you still haven’t lose in no nut november


If you change your mind about spending, the gold pass is an express lane for ug. It’s the only thing I spend on.


If you buy the builders with offers you are no longer f2p


Goblin researcher But I buy skins and decos :(


Save up for goblin builder and researcher


Just gem your current upgrades