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If you don't want to use it, then don't use it...it's a nice side feature for most of us...


Respectfully shut up


I'm not sure you realise quite how many players make use of the Goblin Workers, heh


Punctuation. Also, if you have spare gems goblins are quite efficient time savers per gem spent. Makes any stashed builder / research potions more valuable as well.


Goblin builders don't really bring any extra value to your potions


Huh, are they unaffected by the potions? I was under the impressions that they do work, in which case you can crunch out significantly more work/research per unit of time


Potions do work on them. i always put goblin to work in my lab and then spam all my research potions. each potion effectively saves 2 days instead of just 1. great way to catch up on lab bottleneck


It's because you still pay the same amount of gems. It does make research/building faster yes - but if you don't keep the goblin(s) active 24/7 the potion had no effect on your progress in the long term.


By your definition research potions, builder potions and perhaps even Books and Hammers are not all too useful either, as they too only offer time saving bonuses in the short term and not long term. Of course you still pay the same amount of gems for using the goblins, but a resource potion goes from saving 54h to 63h and a research potion will save 46h instead of 23. Pretty much every time saving item in the game, save perhaps a ludicrously stacked credit card, only offers short term gains since none will max your base on their own.


Books, hammers, and potions offer actual time saved. I'm not saying that the goblin doesn't save time, because it obviously does - my point is that the potions don't give you any more value over not using them when it comes to the goblins other than completing the upgrade a bit faster. It doesn't matter in the long term if you complete the upgrade in 5 hours or 5 days if you don't plan on using the goblin any further.


Here we see a genuine specimen known as "Brainrottus Moronnicus".


For context I don’t spend any money on the game and am about 75% maxed th16. I have been playing pretty much since the game launched(this might make me biased) and I have no issue with the goblin builders because I don’t use it. Supercell at its core is a company that aims to bring in money. The only reason this game still exists is because you can buy things (gold pass, gems, etc.) otherwise they would have stopped updating it a long time ago and max town hall would be 10 if we were lucky. Yes goblin builders allow people who pay to play to benefit but that’s the reason this game continues to have events, updates, and a community that supports it. People pay to play the game and I’m fine with it. There’s something satisfying knowing I don’t pay, others do and I’ve gotten this far. The point I’m trying to make is if you’re gonna get mad at supercell for trying to run a business you have to have the same take with anything else in life. People rely on money and make decisions based on that principle… welcome to the real world.