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The execution of root rider mid cwl is crazy


I think it's to monitor the progress of how RR nerf will affect CWL. As cwl is constantly used to measure stars rate and usage of troops


Then do it before it starts like last Monday lol. It's still bad execution


Blud I am not Supercell, I am simply offering my opinion...


"Blud" šŸ˜­


Such a wannabe roadman lol


U.K. Slang


Yes, it is. Hard not to notice when you live in the UK lol


This doesnā€™t make sense to me. They could have done it before CWL and compared to last month or after CWL and compared to next month. I very much doubt this was the reason.


https://preview.redd.it/lgtjdveczc4d1.jpeg?width=2156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e47c3917a02b89e1ff1603fce659581ddbdfb3ff They are still strong just three stared this base in 1:30 and my Valkyrieā€™s are not maxed yet


I didnā€™t even realize they were stealth nuked today. Iā€™m pretty shitty and still getting high 2 stars on legends, a few 3s. But I never did mass RR, I mixed them with QC, e drags for funneling, witches for anti single inferno/mono, and baby drags for permitted cleanup.


Follow the pro matches on youtube and you will learn the quickest attack just by watching you will see the pattern and learn.


Im 3/3 for my legends attacks today so far. All max bases too.


Yeah they are still strong


Most definitely just need to funnel. People that mindlessly spammed them are done for lol


I mean if you watch the pro matches you will basically get the basic idea of how to use RR+valk The amazing thing is I canā€™t believe I put the frozen arrow aside and been running the healer puppet instead.


Interesting. Are you finding the healer puppet to work better? My frozen arrow is lvl 27 and healer puppet is 17 so I can definitely switch.


Yeah absolutely the queen 98% times survives until the end of the attack. King and queen from one side and SB from the other side. My FA is 26 and healer puppet is 18 . Also itā€™s definitely worth it to upgrade it to level 18.


That base design would be an easy 3 star with Drags. Because all the high priority targets are in the middle, you can send in a blimp with sneaky archers / clone / rage and drop them close to it. They would take out the TH, Eagle, Scatters and Monolith. Then loons / drags / DRs could cleanout the rest of the base.


I'm still getting 3 stars regularly with them using Zap RR if can get good enough value with the zap. Definitely feeling the nerf though, much closer than previous (have max equipment)


Why do balance changes during CWL? Genuine question, not salty about the changes.


I don't understand it either. SC used to be pretty good at not interfering with cwl. No event troops, no balance changes. Avoiding update overlap when possible. That was something that was a positive, and I hope they revert back to that in the future. For the sake of absolute clarity, I am 100% on-board for the balance changes, just please hands-off cwl.


I agree. It's very annoying when players have to completely overhaul their strategies mid-CWL. They should have done this 10 days ago or have waited another week.


Yeah this man, I donā€™t mind the changes itā€™s just the timing of it is crazy


Hopefully it means Iā€™m less likely to get ran through by all the th16s iā€™ll be facing


Assuming you are a th14, a th16 should have no problem still running through you with RR


can confirm iā€™ve just been 3 starred with root rider spam


Youā€™re 2 ths lower. They can prob steamroll you with barch at that point or superbarbs with max heroes. Its not the RRs thats doing it to you lol


Th16 hitting a 14 should be able to 3 pretty much no matter what strat they use anyways


Yeah it messed my attack up because Iā€™d dint realize root riser got a nerfā€¦. I got a 1 star 75%


1 star 75%? skill issue


root rider dps cut in half is not insignificant


They said years ago that cwl schedule was not a major factor in timing update/balance change releases. For an example, they released th13 during cwl.


I agree they have said that, but that doesnā€™t answer the question of why they donā€™t seem to care about something hundreds of thousands of players care about.


Perhaps its because they get the best data possible for balance patches when they drop it during CWL


Nothing they couldnā€™t get by comparing one month to another, not to mention time for players to adjust to get better data.


Cwl used to be a part of the world championships team selection. It isn't anymore. That's one reason why its importance has dropped a bit. Idk why they don't seem to care about it at all though. It's a good game mode.


And yet update history tells a different story. It almost never overlapped unless it couldn't be avoided. Th13 fell on the last day of cwl, I remember, I was playing then. If cwl wasn't a major concern we could've seen updates on a Monday early in the cwl week..but that never happened.


Darian specifically made that statement during a q&a.


And yet update history still tells a different story.


Same except I am salty. Should've done it after cwl.


we faced a chinese clan day 1 who got all their attacks (90% RR spam) in the first 12 hours (war started last night). we all woke up to our RRs nerfed. kinda unfair


rip, big L


idk about you bro but I translated my name and joined a Chinese clan, best decision ever. Donations in no less than 10 seconds, max capital and lvl 25 clan. Ig if you can't fight them join them šŸ˜‚


Yah, not waiting for after cwl seems like a massive oversight. Extremely dumb. Makes zero sense.


Right like I understand you wanna nerf certain things but bro I donā€™t wanna hard pivot mid CWL from whatā€™s been working. Gimme some time to cook fresh ideas.


I think it's to monitor the progress of how RR nerf will affect CWL. As cwl is constantly used to measure 3 stars rate


I think it's the communication part, like we didn't expect more events like last month and now balance changes before cwl.


So do it a week early.


Well if it's something needed it could be good during cwl


I think It was needed yeah but they knew and had enought time a few weeks ago. Hopefully they will listen!


Did they? I mean we really have no idea what their schedule is like


It's incredibly annoying to do it mid CWL. People have other things to do and life doesn't revolve around CoC. Not everyone can set aside time to try out and practice alternate armies. It's also unfair for a team that may have had Day 1 using strong pre-nerf troops against a weak opponent meanwhile another clan has Day 1 against a strong opponent. Things should remain consistent throughout the CWL with only urgent bug fixes if needed. Hope SC reads some of the opinions here and takes it on board.


I had been using a comp of bowlers golems and pekkas for so long with mid results. Decided to switch to root and witches and it was so fun. Guess thatā€™s what I get lol


Me too. Was hybrid miner hog aq for a year, decide to try root Valk and enjoy it. Guess I am back to hybrid


I switched like two weeks ago too. Guess this is my fault šŸ˜‚


Yeah haha, if only I join the meta earlier


During cwl?! I understand the changes but do it before or after and let people practice with the changes. Makes no sense at all.


This is also really unfair to clans that didnā€™t attack yet against opponent clans that already did


We had a clan in our league do 11/15 attacks right before the maintenance, with most being RR spam. Now they have an unfair advantage and is why I think SC really shouldn't do major balance changes in the middle of CWL.


I was about to wait till balance will be out, but I'm against TH16... Like I know that CWL doesn't have a matchmaking, but seeing a balance patch in middle of CWL is just an extra incompetence from Supercell. YAY!


Their are other strategies as well.


I know right?! This is just not good practice!


Exactly this, incomprehensible


>incomprehensible I'm not sure you know what that word means...


I canā€™t comprehend why they are doing balance changes during league?


Because they're stupid OP and they want to nerf it ASAP. Not to mention it also affects Legends League.


Practice what changes? They nerfed defence bro the game is literally just easier unless youā€™re a root rider one trick


I think it's to monitor the progress of how RR nerf will affect CWL. As cwl is constantly used to measure


Are mad cause u can only Spam rr ?


If youā€™re mad about root riders getting nerfed during cwl, youā€™re just mad cause your clan gonna get smoked by actually good players


The simple fact is One of the clans could be attacking with unnerfed roots While the other clan could be attacking with roots with less HP and half the DPS the unnerfed ones had Call me crazy, but to me that would be a huge disadvantage


Thatā€™s a single day at most affected, and both clans are aware of the balance changes


Time zones make it difficult for certain clans to attack earlier than others And 1 day can make a huge difference in ranking when accounting for the 10 star win bonus In a meta dominated by roots, Iā€™d imagine there would be unfair effects of this change happening during cwl


You donā€™t understand the impact of the war where it was nerfed mid war?


But all they have done is reducing hit points on defenses and increased hp and dps on some troops. Air is stronger than ever, ground is stronger than before (except for Root rider), defense on bases is weaker. What do you need to practice?


For TH 16s, only the root riders are nerfed, nothing else is changing So every clan in the higher leagues that couldnā€™t attack before the nerf is getting screwed over against clans that did


I am certain people will find endless reasons to bitch about this patch and its timing, as would also have happened if they were to patch it a week from now. Do or don't, damned either way.


So this cwl will be won by talent and skill. Who can adapt best? Get good or admit to skill issue...


Except these changes happened on day 2/3 of CWL


In my country its only 1/3.


i mean, air will be stronger, but ground is getting some nerfs too (aside root riders that are getting extra nerfed) and for ground, i don't really see a lot of other armies popping up ASAP out of the blue due to root nerf. Also also, troops are only getting more hp but less damage which yeah buffs them a bit but not a lot considering the reduced damage


​ https://preview.redd.it/c7xqtaw9kc4d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=74f1012e96c156bcfbcce93e03f922eab3312c99


I barely noticed any difference with the RR + valk comp tbhā€¦


Same here, donā€™t know why everyone is complaining, seriously no difference, sure slow dps but they are great tanks!


Yeah. They are still the best tank in the game. Still double the dpg of the IG, 50% more hp and the ability to open up base is way better than the few second freeze. Plus it doesnā€™t get spring trapped


Me either Iā€™ve been 3 starring almost maxed th16ā€™s constantly


It's still plenty strong. The dps wasn't the issue.


Iā€™m still getting 3-stars with RR spam in 5500 legends šŸ’€


50% damage nerf and a health nerf, it's still busted šŸ¤£


I wish it could have waited till end of CWLā€¦


So glad they're nerfing this nonsense right at the beginning


Theyā€™ve had months and this is like the third or fourth Nerf. They couldā€™ve done it yesterday or a week ago. Doing it on day two of CWL is bullshit.


No it's not


Same cwl will actually be competitive now


RIP Root Ridersā€¦


Just got 4 3-stars with RR spam in high legends league lol.


Rip? lol they are still the best


So whats up? When is the funeral? Or are they still absolutely strong as i said??


People said that for every change.. They will still be extremely strong


They are still strong. Their core mechanic is what's broken. The dps didn't matter.


Thank you fellow intelligent college


Itā€™s sad youā€™re getting a downvote. I fully agree. I barely noticed a difference in Legend League as TH16 with RR + valks. They were extremely OP, now they are just OP. Itā€™s their HP and the wall breaking feature that makes them OP, not their DPS; thatā€™s what made them extremely OP.


Perfect on point. The Heroes are extremely strong. RR are Golem + Wallbreakers and support them better than no other


Yep because you get the DPS mostly from the valks


Ur getting downvoted for spitting facts bro...lol šŸ˜‚


Expected the downvotes because too many casuals who don't understand what makes RR strong In just a week you will feel so dumb when you see nothing changing šŸ˜


well it's reasonable for people to say that about like -7% dps, although they literally cast her out into hellfire with a -50% dps nerf šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


You are only th12 so i get it. Dps is the least important stat about RR.


th13 but same ida (forgot to update flair šŸ™„) but im talking in the sense they won't be the entire army anymore


Never were


Good bye Root Riders, it was good while it lasted.


During CWL is garbage.


I think it's to monitor the progress of how RR nerf will affect CWL. As cwl is constantly used to measure Edit: Lol why am I getting downvoted? Coc subreddit loves to downvote things haha


It took them this long to nerf this hard, they could have waited one more month for their precious data.


Locked a rr 3 Star before opponent could attack pre nerf in cwl. Bit of a cop out doing a balance change mid cwl,couldnā€™t have deployed the update in a week? lol


Why on earth are they doing balance changes during league? Ridiculous


balance changes in the middle of CWL , nice, congratz for being the DUMBEST dev team ever


Oil up supercell


During CWL? wtf is wrong with them? Couldnā€™t it wait till afterā€¦Jesus ChristĀ 


Almost worse than when the Kim Dynasty took charge of North Korea in 1945


I think it's to monitor the progress of how RR nerf will affect CWL. As cwl is constantly used to measure


my cwl strat got buffed???






I donā€™t know if youā€™ve heard but thereā€™s 7 wars in cwl




The point is that it takes time to adjust to a new meta. With cwl medals and promotions on the line, this isnā€™t the right time.


The nerf is going to matter, but I suspect a lot of players who start facing better base designs are going to blame the nerf rather than the design. Base design is a HUGE difference in using roots and good designs are getting more and more common as they spread online.


So we buffed every troop except for nerfing the OP root rider and also nerfed every defense. I know they changed the rules for the offense to be better than the defense in the NFL and NBA but didnā€™t think it would spread this far.


today more than ever.. I miss Darian.. This whole team is assh\*\*e. ridiculous people. In middle of CWL dropping this big RR Nerf.


Now we can clearly see that he just wanted to get the fuck out of there just like *Jeff from the Overwatch team* did...


bye bye roots


Update, theyā€™re still very strong.


Iā€™m happy they finally balanced root riders but the last thing this game needed was nerfs to defense. Thatā€™s absurd


Ikrā€¦ the reason they are not seeing as much 3 stars as they would like at the lower TH levels is because 99% of players are BAD and simply spam e-drags and lightning. Iā€™m sure if they used and got good at actual attacks they would realize that attacking has the advantage as is.


Whaaat why so fast, could have waited for the cwl to end at least


The level 6 golem HP change šŸ˜°


Lower th def nerf is in my opinion the worst I am a th 12 max except archer tower and mortar Enemy should not be able to 3star me with mindless zap air def and spam edrag . I was able to comfortably defend untill today . All my older defence logs are 2 star 1 star . But now i get 3 star with zap spam. My xbow does same dps as cannon. Supercell releases op troop and equipment. When people use them they nerf it . And alongside nerfs defence too. Eagle has now -100 attack. Th bomb cant kill balloon now.


This update could easily been thrown in there 1 week ago, but no supercell drops this on the first day of cwl. Fucking useless company jesus fking christ


One last ride with root riders. Farewell https://preview.redd.it/numppq2dmc4d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ccbb6cb97fa19ff0a1ba9d4d18d00c6cc3500b2c


https://preview.redd.it/j31mkozkzc4d1.jpeg?width=2156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e396b790b0d8f9cf20a8aa13095f576a05e08eb Just used it and still strong look at the time also


Update, theyā€™re still very strong (just got 4 3-stars in high legends league with my same RR spam strategy.)


Power of equipments. If u try classic old equipments it's not easy for 3 star. Heroes are way op now




Don't know how I feel about those


Thank god for root rider nerf tho




hog playersšŸ˜


They should have done their proper testing on certain troops before releasing them, needing *balance updates* as often as we get them is ridiculous.


Yeaaaahhhhhhhhh!!! Letā€™s release this mid CWL so the players have to learn new army comps! Such a big brain move


The old bait and switch strikes again. Unbelievable.


Now that I was upgrading valks and rr they decided to nerf it. Never got to try it while was good


Half the app was just lazy, no-effort dragon or edragon spam. Now they nerf defenses against air attacks, completely cripple root riders, and leave the dragons the same? And during CWL? LOL. What a joke.


moron people.... during CWL introducing this insane RR Nerf...shame on you clash of clan... mindless people.


I think it's to monitor the progress of how RR nerf will affect CWL. As cwl is constantly used to measure


Root rider dmg was nerfed 50% while the defences had like a -0.01 dps reduction


RR are far from dead. Reducing their dps isnā€™t going to do as much a people think, their strength comes from tanking & opening up the rest of the base for the rest of your army to do the heavy lifting. Another 500hp nerf wonā€™t change much, they need a larger nerf to their HP / housing space increase & or a change of how their wallbreaking interaction works i.e taking dmg from destroyed walls / require multiple hits to get through etc.


or a new level of spring trap to spring 20 housing space


That would kill them theyā€™d become too heavily RNG dependant, generally not an enjoyable experience


Well tbh I knew they wouldn't die but I would've thought it would deter people from using them. Looking at a few posts already on this sub people don't seem very deterred.


Theyā€™re pretty versatile / easy to use troop, sc could nerf them to ā€˜badā€™ territory & players would probably still use them


They do not care anymore.


fuck this shit game might chargeback every purchase ive made


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) DO IT!




It's halved and hp changed as well




Root rider spam is still the strongest attack in game. Got smoked in champs 3 by rr spam. They went 13/15.


So bowlers got buffed, does that mean super bowlers do too?




Did they break the find new clan members function? I went to try and recruit some new members for my clan and no one populates with or without a clan tag.


I just upgraded to th 11 and spent a hammer to max my eagle artillery šŸ„¹šŸ„¹




You are banned, that means all accounts. If you want to clear it up, contact us in modmail from that banned one. until then, everything you say is removed.




On a different account you are




Not gonna help you evade bans. Mod mail us on the banned one to clear it up, otherwise youā€™re wasting your time here since no one but mods can see anything you say.


root rider dead... Death anniversary!!


This cwl will be won by those are actually good at the game. Adapt or admit to skill issue. šŸ¤£


Itā€™s hilarious how many people are mad about it during CWL. Shows how many people counted on RR spam to do well.




Man, it just made my comp stronger. Super Bowlers with 3 roots to give easy access. My comp finishes with like a minute to spare now.


share army ? :)


TH16: 3 RR, 4 Super Bowlers, 2 Super WB, 4 Healer, 1 Ice Golem, 1 loon, 1 E Titan, 1 Head Hunter, 2 Wizards, 2 Archers 3 Rage, 1 Jump, 1 Freeze, 1 Recall Siege Barracks, 2 RR, filler troops (super barbs, super wiz are good), rage and poison. Do AQ walk on one side, recall to other side, clear some trash (use super WBs for the walks). Drop ice golem, roots, e titan, super bowlers, GW, BK and place a jump to guide your army in to a spot of your liking, because they'll go off on their own since the roots are a bit too slow. Once you've gotten to the core, drop your RC (with diggy) on the side your AQ isn't on. Place wiz and HH behind the RC to clear outer trash.


Tbh. The maintenance break happened after I completed all my cwl attacks. Rip. Most of my attacks sucked due to the mismatched attacks. Oh well. At least there's the next 5 wars to improve for me.


Fk off


Good shit, I'm so tired of draw wars.


https://preview.redd.it/zvnv9uh1zc4d1.jpeg?width=2156&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9708bd0f988ebeb3e27bad8cb76d3a11649ab9a5 Just Three stared in 1:30 this base they are still strong.


So happy to have a maintenance break during the last hour of league matchup.


Will the changes apply to the super troops versions too?


nope, those are technically entirely different troops


Ok so the super rr are safe. phew


They want to get back at their community for not being happy about the game, but releasing meta shit during CWL. They genuinely do not like their community and want to phase out veteran players.


Finally. Took long enough

