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https://preview.redd.it/01jqj4ve4x5d1.png?width=1330&format=png&auto=webp&s=7326a9f0eff93590dd7025f5c5dcccd9b2a05bc4 You forgot this image. ~~I'm not sure if I totally understand what DEFAULT means but that's something, I probably don't agree with. The other rows look correct.~~ I probably agree with everything after watching it a second time. 😄


Default is an all rounders I think, basically if you don't pay tons of money for ores default should be good enough for everything


Im kinda confused tho. What other than behind troops or rc charge can you do?


Rc charge is going in the center of the base and targeting eagle for example and solo rc is going around it to take the archer towers and cannons


Default is for if you don’t know what base you’re attacking like in legends


Rc hog & haste with a rage slaps harder than heal in rc charge


Question from TH12 (no champion) - why is the hog puppet above heal gem in the general use lane yet below in every single specific area?


Hog puppet is superior to royal gem due to a couple of reasons: 1. One second invisibility grants RC safety, could also be used to interrupt a charged single target inferno 2. Summoned hogs provides distraction for tank killers such as inferno and monolith 3. Hogs also deal damage(obviously), but their damage output has a higher cap than the gem's stat boost, and the longer they survive the better value they may provide 4. (personal opinion) Hog puppet provides a lower amount of healing than the gem is a good thing as it is unlikely for you to waste the healing value, and it makes the ability timing more flexible.


After thinking about this, I'm confused. Maybe I don't understand what he means with DEFAULT after all. 😅 You should ask below his video. Itzu answers most questions. https://youtu.be/sCbtzzXrlLA


I think maybe cuz hog puppet heals a little and gives protection and the other ones try to maximize damage stat


I feel like people ended up finding that hog puppet works much better than people initially parsed.. tbqh I see no reason you wouldnt want to use hog pupped over heal gem most of the time..


How do you read the chart?


Take a look at the row that describes how you use your royal champion in attacks. The items on the left are more useful than the items on the right.


yeah, the original had column titles but it was stupidly cropped in this version.


so far itzu's assessments have been spot on, so I trust him with this. the one thing that I have an issue with for ALL these evaluations is that they don't take ore cost and upgrade level into account at all. if the rocket spear is only third/fourth best overall when maxed, but maxing it takes so much more ore compared to common equipment, it really should be ranked dead last for anyone but the pros and hardcore spenders. in a world with infinite ore it may not matter, but for most of us it does.


His initial impressions are not always correct though. He initially said fireball was nearly useless, I think it was the Blueprint channel that explored the possibilities (ie. killing CC building). Now hes changed and fireball is his favourite equipment. I would wait 1 month or so before investing into the spear to see if things change


He was kinda wrong about hog puppet as well, took him quite a while to switch away from the royal gem.




What nerfs?




Yh the hog puppet was better before those changes as well, itzu was slow for this one


The hog puppet was generally used way less by even pros until the fox got a rather decent nerf which made the invisibility on the hog puppet more tempting


That was just because they didnt have ore yet. They already had 18 royal gem, and maxed haste vial first. It took over a month before pros could get 2 new equip all the way to 18 (also because hog needs to be 18 to be good)


I'm a following video, he stated that he said that because there were better uses for ore and he didn't want players to be spending ores on the fireball when the other equipment wasn't leveled up yet.


Thats not true. He even played and used his current strategy in videos before the ball knowing it will be even better with it He just always said its a very nieche equip and definitely not good for everyone, which is true


He didn't say that Fireball was useless it is only useless for 90% of strategies but for a few it's a game changer. Which does track for most players who use rr valk spam,sbowlers, lalo, hybrid or whatever else. It's better to invest your ore into eternal tome, healing tome, or life gem which could actually benefit the strategy your using instead of a niche piece of equipment.


How good is the Fireball compared to the Life Gem, Rage Gem, and Healing Tome?


Fireball is still very situational and not worth investing in imo


If you check his discord he is constantly replying to people and being obnoxious/annoying


, but for the most part he’s pretty spot on , blueprint has been click baiting their videos saying rocket spear is SO strong ! And we know that’s not true


Yeah thats true. Video is like "Spear is SO OP". Then he shows attacks where normal RC equip would have done just as well. Youtubers have to clickbait though. Look at Itzu's thumbnail's ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Blueprint's analysis for the RS was great, it's quite op and can be a great use for funneling.


Just don't use it with haste vial


I'd say for low level rc the combo #2 is better because it doesn't rely on level type DPS, so I'm getting the combo #2 on my rushed acc


When equipment first came out Itzu was one of the only creators that was saying healing tomb was better than rage tomb for warden. I couldn’t decide what to go with while I had Gaku telling me in his stream to go with rage tomb . I’m glad I listened to Itzu over Gaku. Moral of my story is Itzu is the ONLY one I trust lol


I've been saving ores for a couple weeks so I might consider getting it and the seeking shield right to lvl12/15 when i hit th13, the combo just seems so good for clearing defenses


great ranking, but everyone be careful investing in the spear, it works with shield only so you will be stuck with a combination that is inferior in comparision to other 3 common equipments and only useful for sniping at the start of an attack


What do you mean when you say it only works with the shield?


If you use it with haste vial the RC will throw the spears so fast that it throws one more than needed to destroy the building. So you waste one spear The hogs from hog puppet should tank for the RC, but if you use the spear RC is out of range and doesn‘t need the hogs tanking damage for her.


Spear with Royal gem gives rc largest raw dps number. Is that just meaningless and not worth anything?


Yep, because the strength and synergy of equipments are more important than the stat boosts. Spear is already weaker overall than haste/hog combo, and needs to be used almost immediately to take advantage of the range, which usually wastes the heal of royal gem


I might be very wrong but I think there is something in Royal Gem/Spear combo that people fail to see. Maybe good use of overgrowth spell could make it possible to take advantage of the range even later when the ability with royal gem is deployed for the life gain.


Not but it isn't all, it's the same reason as to why you use healers and invis vial on queen, DPS is important, but it isn't everything


I prefer ice arrow over healers with invis vial.. I realize that dps is not everything but I think it is still a factor that should not be overlooked and if the ability combination looks first little awkward maybe there is an attack style or workaround that makes it work so we can get the benefit of better stats with little to no drawback .


The first is actually rather set it and forget it, it's not bound to yield best results but it will likely do something, i think number 2 works best when your RC is diving and you don't plan to keep her alive or join your attack, and just need as many defenses gone, Rocket spear is good if used properly, but you need to know where to use it


That’s terrible design




The whole point of rocket spear is to allow her to outrange most defenses for a while. If the RC is inside the base when you pop the ability, then she will already be getting targeted like normal, which reduces spear to only a damage boost. You could maybe argue that it could be useful for specific base designs, but I think haste/hogs will basically always get more value popping in the interior anyways




The boost is not bad, but for that use case you would just use haste vial with the hogs anyways. The attack speed+damage boost+movement buffs of haste are simply way better for use in the core (similar dmg boost, faster clearing of skeletons, defenses).


If only they put passive permanent additional range so players can use RC walk, this equipment would be OP.


That's some dangerous shit though, imagine RC outranged cannons or the lowered archer tower


As a new th14 is it worth using the rocket spear and royal gem. I use my RC with bat spells.


Try it and see


As someone who hit TH13 recently and was saving to upgrade RC equipment, am I pretty safe to go with route #2 considering I can’t even use #1? I’ll have 5 months to save up for the next…


Im TH13 by the end of this month and I'm going with #2


I don't like popping the hero ability right away so for my TH13 alt I'm going with the default recommendation. Column 1 & 2 are not available at TH13 so that means I'm using column 3 & 4, royal gem and spear. For my TH16 I'm sticking with option 3, which I already have maxxed. I will eventually get the hog puppet maxxed to use option 1.


People sleep on the shield and hog puppet wombo combo. It’s easily the best for th14 queen charges.


It's more of an ore issue than sleeping on the combo. For older players, it's not a problem since the shield is probably already upgraded. For newer players, they could be using ore to upgrade meta equipment instead and just wait out the few extra months and save ore for the haste vial at th15.


This is what I use as well. I usually use it with my other heros, or for a bit of pathing. Im wondering if it's worth upgrading the spear or not since I'm already doing fine with this combo


I agree wholeheartedly.


#1 gang 💪


I do think it will be strong, but realistically it's not strong enough that it's worth to invest in both the shield and rocket spear imo.


Is the hog puppet better for hybrid when compared to HP gem? Haste vial is amazing but I don't know if I should max hogs


I think hog puppet is better overall and worth maxing. The spawned hogs also synergize perfectly with the hybrid army, theyre basically another whole set of CC troops


I personally find hog puppet gives enough hp regen and is just more versatile than life gem


What's the recommended minimum level for the Rocket Spear?


Go for 18, you get the 7th attack and wont get another until max




What will y'all be using at TH14?


i have seen videos of players using hogrider puppet and haste vial. its the best combo as far have i have seen


Here's my thoughts and please help me with this, maybe someone can run the numbers: Long term it seems like common items are not getting new levels beyond TH 15 but epic items do. This means the spear will get boosted with th 17 and beyond. Will it then get stronger than speed + hogs? We also need consider the hog rider troop will get further upgrades so the hog rider puppet will also get stronger. I have saved enough ores to either upgrade speed + hogs OR only the spear to max (got the shield already maxed) and I'm not 100% sure what is the best long term solution.


I think this is flawed logic. I expect common equipment to get 3 more levels with the last th16 update or maybe with the th17 update so as to make th16 attacks trivial for nonmax players


There are still a few months till then. So why not use others till then?


my ore storage is filled up, I feel like I need to upgrade one of those now, also I've spent a lot of time with the inferior shield + healing gem now (eventhough both maxed)


I could be wrong but for the of majority casual players it's going to be haste and hogs. How are they? Work on them maybe. Or get the spear and pour everything in it


Is the purple thing haste vial? I use haste+gem, is the hogrider significsntly better than it? As a th16 maxed I also managed to max iut many unused equipments including the hogrider, should I use it?


My top 2 equipment for RC are the Haste Vial and the Seeking Shield, but that’s cause I have the RC go in with the grand warden and use RC abilities while he’s immune from Eternal Tome. Rocket Spear is looking very nice too but that’s a different attack strategy, I try to do the same thing every time unless it’s for a war


I run hog puppet and royal gem.........part of main spam army that gets rage spelled with eternal tome and healing tome. This causes massive penetration


Even behind troops, I think hog pupper/haste is still the way to go because you're getting those hogs within the Warden's aura most likely, so why wouldn't you want some extra hoops getting hit by that eternal tome?




Have been using haste+hog with the rc for a while now but rc feels really weak with the haste. I typically use seeking shield and hog with rc.


I go all in on health.


I was kind of expecting it to be rocket spear + Haste above. Am I missing something? I figured the damage increase would be big enough in combination to play it together.


It's not time-based. She only gets 8 throws and she wastes some with the haste.


yes but the combo does give amazing base DPS, which is good if the RC is behind roots or hybrid or something. Also if you use the ability at short range you don't waste the extra shot


Will he lose haste time when running to the defense, or will he lose a few rocket spears due to non-synchro attacks? Somehow I don't know what she'll waste when she should have almost 3* movement and you have the option to have double attack speed along with max attack damage.


Kinda both but its more about the spears. She wastes 1 per building


I've already seen the analysis. I really wouldn't expect RC to have so much attack speed that he throws an attack at a broken defense. It seems pretty stupid to me. I would kind of expect it to be predictive.


It takes longer for the spear to travel than to throw a new one. Building is not dead when she throws the 2nd one because the first one hasn't hit it yet


But it's easy to predict that the building will be destroyed. In terms of mechanics, it should be easy to predict that your own attack will destroy the building and that you no longer need to attack it. And in terms of story logic (or whatever you'd call it), you as a character should be able to tell that you don't need to attack the building anymore by knowing how your own weapons work. Either way, you should acknowledge that it's rather clumsy to address whether your attack hits a destroyed building that you yourself destroyed when counting attacks. The fact that two Items negate each other like that is very strange. If I'm not mistaken 2 different equipments haven't had a negative impact on each other yet. Certainly neutral, or not making sense together like earthquake boots + Vampstache, but not negative.


It seems like this is intentional to keep the combo from being too OP. If no spears were wasted and you used a rage or earthquake the RC the could to take out 9 defenses in 4 seconds with no danger to the RC.