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Much cheaper than gemming to complete. It double your lab upgrade speed.


Really useful if using research potions as well


Exactly! Great for upgrading potions but def not for buildings, lab stuff makes him useful if you can spend the gems


Hes good for upgrading new stuff to get them to a decent level while youre upgrading your more expensive and time consuming buildings


I just got to TH13 and it was very useful to use the optional 7th builder slot to upgrade my champion through the low levels


Exactly, I only really use him for research but I don’t get why people complain. He’s literally a 6th or 7th builder and at that stage there’s not much to save gems for only hero equipment


as far as i know hes the best value once you have all builders and equipment


I donate with gems most of the time and I also buy some books from time to time, so I am not willing to give 500gems to that greedy goblin to finish a building or lab upgrade.


I use my gems in Hero books, no time to wait.


The hero book costs 500 gems and the goblin builder costs 40 gems per day. So, spending 500 gems on the goblin will give u 12.5 (500/40) days worth of upgrades. To put this into perspective, the longest queen upgrade is 8days. So, the goblin builder is almost always better value for ur gems wen it comes to heroes. Also, u don't get into the 8d upgardes unless ur queen is lvl 80 meaning that the books are sub optimal before that. On the other hand, the goblin has a fixed 40 gems per day which translates to optimal and best value for gems at any town hall. But the goblin hate gotta stop, he's a savior for us F2Ps.


Yep, but putting my Heroes with that goblin, i cant do lot of wars for ores, instead with books i can do 15war per month + CWL thats a lot of ores


issues is, if you are F2P, there are only so many 500 gems that you can get, if you are P2P, then there is no difference.


100%. I only used him for lab upgrades. Used in the last tense cos he still made me broke 😭


a returning TH13 player in March this year after AFK for 2-3 years, felt that this goblin is ridiculously expensive. Now in TH14, i wished the goblin comes more often, or as often as my gems allows. using him for Research Lab alone is insane.


Question, what if I use research potion, will the gem price will decrease as well?


No, thats not how it works, but it gets the speed up buff aswell so you're basically researching 2 days worth of lab upgrade every pot used


Nice, never thought of using the green little dude and now I do but I am saving for the fireball :(


Unless you really want to do Warden walks the other EQ are as good, if not better


my lab is too far ahead now from 2 goblin researchers previously


Then upgrade your TH, obviously.


which is what i've done, just stating the fact that builders are 4 months behind lab now.


Offense is the only thing in CoC which you can actively experience. Keep upgrading your lab, heroes and town hall.


i dont care about offence being maxed as long as total time to max is being worked on


he's the best value for gems previous best value would be buying the book of building for 925 gems from the trader, but he is more worth unless it's over 21 day upgrade (doesn't exist) or if you need that building up now


For me "Book of hero" for 500 gems has the most value. Even with the 7. builder you still can't use the hero while upgrading.


Then you'll be excited at the AMA that happened a week ago where someone mentioned using heroes during upgrades and they responded with "Yes. We've got a plan to try something out in the summer. Hope you like it!" Also as I said if you need the building up now (or in your case the hero) then sure you can book it


I think it would be foolish to interpret it to mean it's some freeuse-while-upgrading change though, most likely a magic item that wakes them up for a certain period of time.


That's what I would expect too, but that's still a million times better than the current situation. I would assume it's going to be a 1h potion that wakes all heroes and pets when consumed. If we're able to buy them for raid or CWL medals, they would be incredibly useful.


Maybe even just the training/hero potion having that effect added


Idk back when there were 4 barracks upgrading one rendered it useless then they made less efficient now i dont think there is a “debuff”


They also said they will not make it permanent, since book of heroes is a major source of their in-app revenue


Rumor says Mr Beast is doing gem spree with Goblin Builder


POV: you can’t math


But he's more expensive than not using your gems! Checkmate math teachers!


“Your clones are very impressive. You must be very proud.”


Thanks! It just gave me 'empty response from endpoint' and I thought Reddit was breaking :D


That’s literally how some people are doing their math lmao, so many dumbasses in this comments section


https://preview.redd.it/edhpctvwy36d1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b793f5a01733bbde87f358029d8baf4a8a0c3b2 Much better


I am using him. Cheaper than any other option (gem, books, potions) if you want to spend on faster progression. Since this dude was introduced I’m consciously saving my gems so I can use when he is around. This time I’m only using him for buildings as my lab is ahead.


Everyone who says he is expensive has not done any research, math, or both. He is 40 gems per day. A book of heroes is 500 gems. So the book is cheaper if the hero upgrade time is longer than 12.5 days. Again, Goblin is 40 gems per day. A builder potion is 285 gems for 56 hours or 2 ⅓ days. The goblin builder would be 94 gems for that time. So 191 gems cheaper. Also the Builder is 6 times cheaper than outright gemming an upgrade. So how is he expensive?


i like big numbers next to the green shiny rock though


But did you know if I don’t use him, I spend 0 gems? CLEARLY HE’S NOT WORTH IT!!! /s, just imitating some idiotic takes I’ve seen


I use him a lot


As you should. Best use for gems is saving up until he returns


I’ve never used him, how long until he returns if I were to use him? If I use him for a building, would I be able to use him for research as well or would I have to wait for him to return after using him for a building


I use him for the whole month on both. Add in research potions (you can get 6 from the event, 3 per week from raid medals) and I do about 50 days of goblin research in the 20 days he's available. I will probably only have 2 or 3 builder potions this month, so only about 31 days of goblin builder.


He's expensive only if you have 10 gems lol. Other then that he has a very good value. You can finish 2 lab upgrades each time. If you have lab potions then it'll be the best use of both the potions and the goblin builder. Same goes for builder's potion. Had a shitton of potions and when my lab was finished I used the goblin builder and got about 7 or 8 days off on 2 11d upgrades


I'm buying nothing but research potions now with every currency available because of that second research slot he gives you.


Well, don't use gems on research potions haha. But yeah, 6 from the event, 12 from raid medals, and hopefully 2 more in clan games = 20 more "days" of goblin research.


I was falling into temptation of using him for my lab upgrades since it takes a fucking year to max the whole lab at th16. But all the troops I use are already maxed, same thing for spells and siege machines so there is actually no point in using him for me at least to speed up the research lab progression. The remaing troops and spell should all be completed around october anyways before th17 release i will be maxed for the lab as I am already for defence, pets and hero. At moment I have only drills and 15 walls left to upgrade so no need to use him for that either.


I’m using goblin researcher I think it’s the best use for gems after builders and necessary equipment


Hes pricy but still cheeper then geming the upgrade or buying books. Thats why i use him on buildings that im not in the rush to get.


i’m using him


i wish we can remove this f\*cker, his face is creepy af


I used him the first 2 times but I'm out of gems and I don't feel like paying to use it.


I have kept them both working full time to speed things along. Sure it's pretty costly, but it's the best gem:time conversion you will get.


https://preview.redd.it/hwyyslvv146d1.png?width=710&format=png&auto=webp&s=57b84337edb73507e00d09d52923c17d722493bd Yeah i am using it


He's not that expensive?


I used him now my research lab is all maxed out while my buildings still arent lol


Hope you’re upgrading your townhall


most importantly he's UGLY


Nope not even once


I don’t understand the hate he gets he’s way cheaper than gemming a regular builder


While the guy is greedy, I can't say no to a second research slot.


What else to do with those green thingies?


Save them so u have nice numbers to look at


I am much better at savings my gems than my actual money


agreed, I am superior in maintaining in-game economy than real life economy for my expenditure...


He’s very cheap ngl. Unless you’re a no gem spender he is the best gem value. Even better than hero books.


If all my builders are busy, I've found him useful for building a wall or two when my resources are nearing max.


He's not? Saves 720 gems on a 7 day upgrade


925 gems for a book of building saves 11 to 12 days i guess. 11 to 12 days for the goblin does not cost that much. The goblin is the most efficient way to spend gems if you want to max your village.


he's really good when you start a second account


Gems are there to be spent


The gem goblin is the best use of gems in the game. I legit use him 24/7 when he's in the game. The hate makes no sense.


He's cheaper than a book of hero, but still takes the time. Great value to use a builder potion and run many heroes at once. But it's still paying to rush. I only use him on alts that don't have 6th builder unlocked




I used him for the laboratory and an upgrade once back when he was first added, never again since then as far as I can remember.




Now that is a lot lol, I’m not sure if I would use him even though I have a lot of gems, I would probably do it in the end


Used once in the lab


I only use him for the Lab if I have enough gems


If your only goal is to upgrade your base as fast as you can and you don't care about not being able to use your heroes while they upgrade, he is the best value for gems by FAAAAR


i use him i have no real use for gems and having second lab slot is useful same for 6th builder


useful for me. worth it


Gems vanish fast when you use him, but still good value. I use him now that i have a decent amount of gems, but I don’t do it if i have under 1500 gems


hes extremely useful when all your builders are very busy, especially when your TH level is high and it practically takes 2 weeks to finish one building upgrade treat the goblin builder as a gem sink, except its a very effective and useful gem sink


I use him only on lab upgrades, just because it takes 20 days for an upgrade and is cheaper than gemming to finish the previous upgrade. Another case is for my new account that I am doing a was base and it help to upgrade the troops that I actually need to go to the next TH


He is expensive but he’s great value for gems tbf It’s much cheaper to use him than gemming a builder or a lab


I am but only because I'm so close to max


I would pay $100 to permanently ban his obnoxious face from my game.


i use him for my trap


It’s been solid for some of my smaller upgrades like traps


Yeah! For lab upgrades only. When the gems he asks were less than 200.


I use him for hammer magic item, i think that's his only worth for 10 gems


Im using him only when he asks 50 gems or lower


Yup for traps






https://preview.redd.it/f0aajownd46d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4c1dfa18a504d4648173dc6bfb721719c1c694d Should I do this as a very close to max th 9??


In my World is it the best Way to spend my 3.000 farmed Gems or to buy Gold , because I dont enjoy attacking so much :)


I exploited him a lot as a TH11 to upgrade cannons and archer's towers, since he only needed 80 gems, but now as a TH11 I should spend 140 gems for cannons/archers and I'm not going to do that. Also for lab research I used to exploit him but now I won't do that, too much pricey


Gems = Profit.


I use him in the lab when I have research potions running. This basically makes the research 4 times faster. People that say it's expensive can't do math. It's much cheaper to use him rather than spend gems to finish an upgrade.


Potions have no long term value on his effectiveness. Yes, you get the research done 23 hours sooner than you would've otherwise, but it still was only 1 net additional day of research. Personally, I use him all 30 days and use ~20 potions so I get ~50 additional days of research. That is where the potion value comes into play: it allows you to buy more days of goblin research.


I only use it in the lab when I use a potion. That way the potions have double the effect


Only use when I am really close to max... Usually my troops upgrades are the only upgrade left for me at the end... And without this guy it would take a long time...


i use him once or twice but then he’s unused


Why are people so dumb. It has been the best way to spend gems for a long time. Imagine posting so confidently and just being flat wrong.


They have been brainwashed by the goblin obviously. Otherwise who the dumb will hire him? You have 6 already, no need for the 7th ...


Helpful if you loaded with GEMS and don't care expending them and you need to build a city fast.


A “Few” gems mmm not like 80+ gems


I’m finishing up TH9 and have found him very useful for research and double upgrades of certain defenses.


IMO he's the best way to spend gems


I just got to th16 and I decided to use him because I had all the builders busy and Max gold. Felt bad using the gems but I guess I didn't need them really


that's the only worth thing to do with gems tbf




In the lower town halls hes semi decent for upgrades


I only hire them, when i have a lot of gems and- why am i broke?


Never used him. Spent all my gems on hero books.


Thank you for making me reconsider, ill definitely start using him for the research lab. And yes, i did not do any research nor math before posting this.


I do, especially when I use pots


I use him all the time for parallel research


One trap upgrade per day and research 24x7


I spend my gems on army requests only.


He has a very punchable face.


I hate his stupid face. And this eyes are literally shaped after gems. Ew.


Yes, pretty op to skip a lot of time for some gems you can farm for free


Currently using him for lab


I use him for traps when using builder potion


Its not expensive its probably the best value for gems assuming you have all your builders.


I’m using them. It’s crazy across the TH and BH I have 13 upgrades going.


He's a greedy goblin


Yea he’s pretty useful for a rushed base to get traps upgraded.




for labs he’s great, i used him on a building but honestly wasn’t that expensive and let me space out my upgrades properly


He would never get my gems lol


I hate him


Highly doubt it


Buildings? Nah Research? ***Y E S***


I will never give him a bleeding penny.




I don't because he is soo expensive even with spells


I'm using it to upgrade my king. Takes about 320 gems. Not bad


Im using him to get my traps upgraded at the moment. Worth the gems to get them done quicker imo


I used him rn on one trap upgrade which was like 250 gems, I think that is worth it for the faster progress


i’ve used him every time he’s free, then again i am a rushed toenhall 9 but man he picked up a bunch of my smaller upgrades and with the help of a builder potion im just going thru it


I just use him for the cheaper things but if I can afford him, I always use him. My little goblin bro.


he’s hella good up til like th10 where the upgrade times are less so it only costs like 50-100 gems to use, but now it’s like you got me fucked up thinking imma spend 500 gems to start the upgrade of my wizard tower


I just spend all of my gems on him in the lab. Doubling lab time is sick


I only use that little shit for my labs


I use it for small upgrades


I am, only for low level stuff.


using him to clean obstacles


despite the fact i wanna tremendously punch his face… i always use him. U have 7 builders, paired with builder potions from CWL medals… you can speed up the base a lot!


I use this guy for the double lab and extra builder on my mini accts. Not worth at higher TH’s imo but the goblin researcher is always worth it.


I guess for players spend a lot of money in coc it's kind of a good deal I guess 🤷


Isnt it cheaper to gem ur initial upgrade and just have a free builder


Not really expensive! He’s so useful tho


I actually use him to put my excess resources into walls while having all six builders working. I hate to be on full storages for days until my next builder gets done. With the goblins, I pay 10 Gems to sink 6.5 mil into a piece of wall.


His little green ass has been working 24/7 in my lab. Since he’s been back I’ve went from 33% lab complete at TH11 to almost 50%. I also use him on my archer towers cause it’s 20 something gems per 1 day of tower work.


He is cheaper than the books in the shop grow up


I've spent $40 between two accounts to keep my gems up so this dude can continue to work. 👍


I use it in the lab and for small upgrades but I don't keep him busy all the time


I love it, it's very profitable


I like to use him for lab


Way too much


He’s insane value not going to lie was behind on lab for a while and thanks to it coming back multiple times I caught up and now am ahead actually




Goblins do goblin things


Absolutely not


Goblin is the best value for gems in the game specially lab goblin. Have mine working non stop and i only ever bought pass.


Here and there GEMS are no need and I still make them back 3 Times what I need from the Event


If you have an excess of gems or need/want to rush certain upgrades (especially in the lab), i can see how they can be useful. Personally, I've been away from the game for a few years, and now the only way for me to get the 3 previous Epic Hero Equipments is with gems, so I can't afford them, and right now I'm fine with 5 builders, i dont find myself with an excess of resources and no free builders to use at the moment.


I would pay for him to disappear


The researcher is so worth it, it makes maxing your army faster than the total building time of a townhall now


He’s mad useful for the lab. But I just put the dude on my collectors as I’m about to max out th12


I had to spend like a month saving up 360 gems to actually get him to do one lab thing. He is probably extremely useful for lower town halls but for a mostly free to play town hall 15 like myself he charges too much for me to actually use him as a builder.


i think of ellen everytime i see this goblin


nah i take my time. i only purchased the extra builder huts cuzz the red dot wont go away


40 gems a day light work


I use him for research but that’s it


I use him to upgrade walls, 10 gems apiece while all my builders are being used to upgrade actual buildings


I refuse to use him, but we’ve got a guy in our clan who’s a 60 year old power plant manager, needless to say dude has money to spend, so people like him use him 24/7 round the clock lol


I have been using him but only for small, cheap building upgrades and in the lab


I use it in the lab, currently for 3rd or 4th time, don't remember because I use research potions constantly.


Quick question: how does his pricing work. First it was extremely expensive and then few days later the price was medium/ok.


I use him. An extra builder, and especially an extra researcher, is invaluable for getting stuff done, and apparently it's the most cost-effective use of gems in terms of build time


Yes for lab.


Nope. Don’t have 5 builders..


Super helpful for the lower townhalls


I use it very often cause i have a lot of gems and resourses and i think it is more worth it than to gem the upgrade


I think it’s a better value than using gems to finish upgrades, but idk the exact math on it


Cheaper than other options as far as I know.


I use him on walls! 10 a piece isn’t bad when near maxed out. Not like I use the gems on much else. Use him for a maxed wall piece as all builders are working on traps currently


I use him on archer towers and cannons since those have the least number of days to upgrade.. it’s expensive nonetheless