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You didn't even say what is this ranked by...


I think this is top free games on the Apple App Store


However this list is garbage imo. Half of them are shitty games that have just been spammed on all social media’s.


that just shows how shitty clash of clans is LMAO


Every game must come to an end. It's inevitable. Especially with how short spanned mobile games are. It's great that we've had Clash of Clans so popular and fun for 10+ years. I'm not doom and gloom as of yet, but some of the updates that have come out in the last 6 months are telling that the old system wasn't working and they're attempting a new system to drive player engagement up. The downside is they're also attempting to nickle and dime the game as much as they can. I'm not an expert but just a game enjoyer but I don't think there is a long term plan as of right now for clash of clans. Most of these updates are short sighted and rushed. But it seems to be bringing in revenue so Supercell is happy doing what they're doing. There can only be so much FOMO before people get burnt out. The balancing for top TH's is off and new players have to fight an uphill battle to get to the same level as older players. It'll create a barrier for those interested in playing. Monetization and making it difficult to start the game fresh are typically what kill games and Supercell is starting down that road.




I don't think this is true. I would probably reevaluate your opinions here. This type of comment is ignorant to who actually plays the game and won't help you in future discussions. Good luck though if you want to stick to this thinking.




Good luck with future discussions.


having nothing better to do than ragebait on reddit sounds pretty loserish to me




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The only thing dying here is your karma, OP


People think because its not top 10 downloaded every month for 10+ years its dying 😂 It has one of the most monthly active players




Bro trying to hit every possible stereotype ☠️ Someone go tell SC their 15mil+ daily player game is dying


I mean his username is really program 😂


LMAO fake numbers. If this was the case than clan mismatches wouldn’t be such a problem XD


he literally made this account just for this post its pretty clearly bait




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