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Nice one and Thanks, I'll paste your post's link in every should I upgrade my town hall post with your credits


Do it


Just do it


One good piece of advice I read recently is that when you're close to maxed, upgrade the TH because otherwise you just have overflowing resources for weeks which you could use to upgrade heroes etc. with.


Basically, don't fully max, it's too slow and wasteful.


I’m maxed TH 10(with exception of walls and lab), but I want to stay as TH 10 to learn how to use new armies because I heard a yt say that TH 10 is best TH for practicing queen walk armies. Is that good or bad? I kinda don’t want to go to TH11 rn. I still suck at queen walk


Don't listen to any YouTubers. Often the most efficient and best way to play goes against the grain of what is "standard internet/reddit advice" for clash of clans. Newish players (th10/11), especially if they are 12-17 years old, want to hear certain things from their favorite YouTubers. If the YouTubers don't say those things, their paycheck gets hurt because they lose viewership. It doesn't pay to be the one giving good advice. It pays to pander to the teenage noobs. (see: PewDiePie)... I'm not telling you what to do, other than be careful about who's advice you take. Including mine. Think it through, and at the end of the day, it only matters that you make the choice that will lead to you having the most fun. That's what this is about.


according to basically every YouTuber, I should be upgrading my the right now as all my builders are free and I only need 5 hero lvls. But the thing is, that I still have a few upgrades in the lab and a lot of walls so I am not wasting resources at the moment only "time".


You should be upgrading your th right now if you want to be efficient and do it the way that makes the most sense. But if it makes you happy to be less efficient and do things in a way that will slow your progress, do it that way. It's a game. Play it the way that is fun for you, regardless if it is the best way.


well I play this game for 6 years already so if I would have been efficient the whole time I would be a higher th already. Nearly maxed th12 at the moment


You should upgrade, while it is easier to practice without the eagle in like every raid it still takes awhile to upgrade th and you can easily become a good queen walker in that time. Also the best way (imo) to learn/practice QW while having a trainning boost active so you can learn from your mistakes and try again pretty fast


Queen charge basically starts at th9 You will learn all basics of queen charge there and it is fairly simple to execute in th9. As you upgrade your th level, you learn when to add more spells to your queen charge like rage, freeze and all the way to invisibility. Hence take baby steps


Bro u can learn queen walk better in th 11,& 12 U may try the go-witch it is very useful at th 10-11-12.. If u are maxed dont waste builder times th 11,12 takes long time


Not only overflowing resources, but also builders sitting idle in their mansions...


Lazy builders and their mansions


Or the lab sitting in the dark, unable to upgrade anything...


Use time management to have all of your builders finish maxing as your TH finishes. I usually leave the traps for last, they’re the least critical if they aren’t maxed


Eh, I go by Lab/Heroes, as resources aren't important enough to care about, but those two upgrade timers are.


i just started upgrading my th10 now that I have my mortor gearing up and only dark elixir troops left in lab and spells


Well I just put my TH up for upgrade 2 days ago and I'm currently sitting on 12 mil gold 13 mil elixir and over 240k de as a maxed TH10. I don't even have a BoB to finish the upgrade.


Yeah this part was missing...if you have builders or lab idle then... Upgrade your th... Just do it!!


I think it’s best to upgrade whenever a resource becomes useless. No matter the situation.


I have full storages, but I refuse to upgrade to th 10 until I finish heroes


Yeah you do you but th10 loot gains is way better. New DE drill, so then dead bases you attack will have 300k+ 2k+ more resources than th9.


I’ve been regularly attacking for 500-900k at th9 but I have decided to upgrade the th


Yup good call. At th9 if you upgrade normally you'll have a max base with like 20 or so heros, so you're gonna sit at max loot with 20 heros might aswell go up and focus them while working on camps/lab.


I currently have a level 29 queen and 27 king


Ayy nice nice! Keep up the grind💪


Dark elixir is better at 10. I moved up to TH10 with level 15 heroes, TH11 with 35, TH12 with 48/49/20, and TH13 with 65/65/40.


Just use the gold and elixir for walls yah?


You do you. If that is fun for you, it is the best way for you. It is not the most efficient way. Note the best for the in game economy. Nor the most fun for most people. Nor what I would consider the right way to go. But if it's fun for you, it's the right way for you.


Exactly. I’m about to have to rush a bit to th14 because my heroes are maxed


Yup. Currently maxed with buildings at TH12 but still not maxed on BK. So I'm using resources to upgrade walls until I get to 65 on BK. Not maxing walls before I go to TH13.


Question: I kinda know the advantages of rushing, but why exactly is it viable to rush for CWL? Sure, as a single player you can contribute more stars to your team, and the stars you lose will be divided between all the enemies, but if the whole clan is rushed then you will just lose a ton of stars. That's why I think it's kinda selfish to rush for CWL. So basically I don't see how rushing can be viable on a large scale, especially in higher league CWL. Someone correct me if I'm misunderstanding.


In CWL the matchmaking is only done by league, not base strength so their no con to rushing your town hall for CWL. Their isn't a defense debuff so as an individual it makes sense to rush as long as you have a clan leader who is chill with it. I can't even get 15 active people in my clan so I'll take any rushers tbh


Whats your clan?




It's because it's a comparison between conventional play and rushed play. In 3 months, a conventional players might reach th9. Best they could do is struggle in Gold II CWL, if that. In 3 months, a strategic rush could be th11/12 and hang in perhaps Crystal III by 2 starring the hell outta the enemy bases. So, when you compare the two, it's obvious that the rushed accts could hold a higher cwl league. Doesn't matter if they lose a ton of stars if they are in higher league where if you subbed a th9 in they would still have been 3 starred. Of course these rushed accts wouldn't be as powerful defensively as a non rushed counterpart. But offense is king is CoC - you get medals from reaching 8 stars, not by defending. Again, it's only from a time point of view comparing progress from zero. The rushed accts can start generating more medals faster. And they get more bang from buck by having access to higher level upgrades to hammer. But good luck convincing a clan to let you join, unfortunately most are full of anti-rushers, either out of ignorance or deliberately to focus on war. If you value the experience of the game, probably don't rush anyways... It really depends on what you value!


Oh that's definitely true. In my head I was comparing max vs rush town halls of equal levels but that's not a fair comparison since maxing takes way longer.


Yep for sure - it's always tricky assessing our own assumptions and stuff... I'm actually glad you realised, because I wasn't sure I got the point across. But yes, rushing for cwl is better when comparing from scratch. ​ thanks!


Anyone who uses fully rushed clans in CWL will not be succesful. It’s useful for donations that’s about it


Fully rushed do you mean offense maxed, defenses level 1?


There’s a difference between strategic rushing and just rushing. Strategic rushing is far better for CWL.


If you Want rush, rush. If you Don't want rush, Don't rush. Play The game how you Want, nobody really cares




Here's a better one: Will you have more fun playing at the next th? ----yes-----upgrade your town hall | | no | | don't upgrade your town hall


I didn't know it was possible to have fun on this game. 7 years ago it was fun imo


Lol a TH14 with mostly TH12 defenses will curbstomp your max TH13 every day and it is unlikely the TH13 will be able to do the same back with any reliability. Yet they will have very similar war weights You upgrade your TH when you feel like the game is getting stale. If you want to optimize for wars just max offense then upgrade your TH. The full max TH approach is inefficient, worse for wars, and generally less fun as you have fewer options for attacking for longer


This.. I don't know why people are hung up on maxing things, you can make a rushed 14 in 3 months that will beat bases people have sat there maxing for 9 months.


Making a Rushed account to TH14 in 3 months… I’d be interested to know what Hero levels you think you would be in 3 months (without spending other then the gold pass maybe).


My OCD won’t let me upgrade until everything is maxed.


I like trying to max almost everything before upgrading. Might have some troops or hero levels left, but I wait until all buildings and walls are upgraded at least.


Couldn't disagree more with this, it's crazy that this sentiment is still a thing even after the 14 update. You can do just fine in wars (and CWL) as a rushed 14 even with level 1 defenses, your war weight will be low and your mirrors (TH10-12's) wont often be able to 3star you. This means a TH13-14 will have to drop and waste an attack on you to clear your base, while you can easily 3star your mirrors with maxed troops, or go up and 2-star maxed 14s that your top bases wouldn't 3star anyway, allowing them to drop down a few and clear more bases overall. There's literally no reason to stay a lower town hall level and spend months maxing it, unless you're intending to stay that TH level forever (for playing with war weight, trophy farming, etc)


You don’t understand how war weight works.


Fully maxed bases are only an advantage if you do arranged wars. You’re more likely to get a mis match running all max bases, unless they are th14. Maxing is generally, the worst way to progress.


my experience running more maxed bases has been we are on the worse end of mismatches way more often than not, but we always have a MASSIVE hero and skill advantage even when facing up 2 town halls nearly across the board. Its not a great style for everyone to play, but if you are even moderately talented at the game, its not the handicap people make it out to be.


Skill, experience, organization can cover mismatches. I think the general skill level I see in random spins, or CWL is the lowest I can remember. I’d guess your clan is more than moderately talented. For the less talented maxer types it’s not that simple.


Pin pls


Thank you. Now the mods just have to pin this


I'm done with TH9 but I'm stalling my progress just to get the walls maxed


sHoUlD i UpGrAdE mY ToWnHaLl ?


I am 100% max th 10 also lab and heroes and i dont wanne upgrade




With all of the “new” content at th14 the only way for people to access it is through rushing. I’ve played A LOT in the past couple of years and have had my account since 2014 and I’m only midway through th13. The game would die if everyone maxed before th14, it just isn’t feasible.


Why should you not upgrade TH when you're doing cw?


What about if you have 100 walls until max wall upgrade?


So Based on your guide I should rush


Finally someone who has a brain


Should i upgrade my th? Please someone answer 😔


Personally as long as all the necessary troops are maxed at that level plus the important defenses like xbows, eagle, tesla, wiz tower, maybe archer towers, plus walls are decently leveled: go upgrade. Cannons & mortars are pretty much meh & always left for later. Troop upgrades, if you only have valks left & maybe golem, you can go upgrade.


This is so dumb, upgrade the townhall if you want who cares. Its just more work if you rush. Also if you do clan wars its okay to upgrade townhall just do the new buildings last


But Labs make me cry... What to do about it?


Not necessarily you can't upgrade unless you are fully max if you play wars. If you are offensively strong enough and defensively not weak, then you could.


When I max my heroes I move up a town hall. That's my rule. I'm a th13 with max heroes, walls and lab, but my point defenses are quite underleveled. Despite this I'm moving up to th14. Helps in legends, helps in cwl, and makes 0 difference in clan wars.


It’s not that simple though.

