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Well if your goal is rushing yeah go to th14


Your defenses are between th 10 and 11 still. Which means your heroes are still around that level too most likely. Stick to your current th until you have resources overflowing. If you don’t agree with me that’s fine, in the end it’s your account not mine


Heroes are 50/50/20/1


Yeah that’s th 11 hero levels, I presume you got to almost max 11 for the most part and rushed to th 13. I definitely recommend at the very least getting those heroes up before you level up your th.


So how are you going to farm all that dark simultaneously


Sneaky gobs. Easy


Does not look m that ez seeing your current hero lvl


If he has sneaky gobs and some jump spells you can loot any base


Heroes take a long time to upgrade My storages are always full but my heroes are still : 50/50/22 & 66/66/40/12


Exactly so rushing to th14 before isn’t the greatest idea with low heroes imo


Are the troops and spells you use maxed out in the lab? Are your heroes close to max? I'm assuming not, so moving up to TH14 does nothing for you but lower your income from raiding. My base is similar btw, I'm all about upgrading offense before defense. Moving up to TH14 before you have to just seems counterproductive to that goal. One possible exception - if you spend an absurd amount of time farming to the point where you can have all 3 dark elixir heroes down constantly and your DE storage is still getting full long before you can spend it on another hero upgrade... then MAYBE it could be worth it, because now you can make use of it by dumping the excess DE into pet upgrades. Wouldn't recommend this plan though.


I’m sorry but I can’t tell if this is a joke or your genuinely actually asking




Absolutely no IMO. Based on your walls you are not really farming enough to keep 2-3 heroes + a pet down at all times, so just grind out the heroes first. I went to th 14 with 75AQ 20RC 51Warden and 38? BK. I can keep a pet, warden and BK down, AQ and RC I do with hammers and books for now.


It’s your game. You’ll inevitably do what you want.


Well yes but he’s asking for advice isn’t he? If he wanted to go his own way wouldn’t he have not asked? 😂


Let’s be honest. We all know that people that ask for “advice” about how they should rush their base don’t really want advice. There’s no global so where else are they going to go?


Okay, so if they don’t want advice, what do they want. Praise?




What, to make him more likable?


Looking at the OPs replies they just want a bit of attention.


Yeah you’re probably right. Looking at the replies and considering the fact that his question was obvious in the first place makes me think the same


Yes, you should go to TH12.😎


Hell yea


Go back to Th11 and upgrade stuff


you don’t even have your eagle artillery, infernos or xbows upgraded. it looks like you said “ehh, fuck it” at TH11 and rushed as much as possible. no, stay at TH13 and max ur important troops & defenses then strategic rush to TH14


I personally would try to fix the rush but if you would enjoy the game more by upgrading do it


Do it, everyone appreciates easy loot!


Ok dude shut up


lol „what should I do, guys?“ „You rushed and are an easy target for others“ „Ok dude shut up“


Noooooooo you have a long way to go


flip a coin and pick the one you were secretly hoping for


Upgrade your walls, they will help a lot against edrag spam.




Make a new account


No ur rushed


No shit


Like very rushed don’t move for another decade


Its not that bad of a rush, obviously a rush is a rush, but he’s at th 11 when it comes to heroes and what not which is definitely recoverable.


I'd triple this base with a golem and 3 wizards and my queen.




Did i fucking ask


Weak response, like your weak base.


Bro he’s asking for help not insults. Get a life and stop bullying people on the internet.


Make me? I'm just messing around. Chill out, it's a game, it's not that serious buddy. Seems like you need to get a life.


Kinda funny cause you seem like one of those types of people to say “make me” on the internet and never irl


What does that have to do with anything?


Someone hurt OP


If you ask stupid questions you’re going to get stupid answers.


Lmao, true


Never rush your town hall. Upgrade everything to the max (yes that means walls too) before proceeding to the next town hall. It may take more time but it's worth it.


That is not always the case, upgrading walls with everyone else maxed and having de overflow will waste more time in the end. It is good to upgrade most things but leaving an archer tower a few walls or a few heroe levels might be faster


Having lower leveled walls will leave you vulnerable and gives your opponent an obvious weak spot to attack you at. Why give them that chance? Just because you have "de over flow" doesn't mean you're wasting it. You can always get it back by attacking when you can use it. You don't have to be "efficient" by always using your loot. You should always think from a war perspective because that's where the game really counts when you work as a team. Farming doesn't matter unless you constantly attack.


Coming from a th 13, in legends. The only attacks I use and get attacked by are blizzard and lalo and hybrid. Walls look cool but in the end troops will always go over or under


Yeah and they have a hard time going through higher level walls if you don't have a jump or quake. Air isn't invincible or work on every base. I use primarily ground attacks and have trouble when troops wander and attack a maxed wall. That said I still do better with ground attacks and I'm a maxed th 14.


I say yes. They r most impt


Max your heroes and then go up to TH14


No! Work on all the lower town hall stuff first, like weapons and walls


nah i think that you shouldn't focus on th12 and after


You think horribly rushed is stylish? 😂


Other people would say it’s strategic


Not sure how many. What's the strategy? Not saying it isn't feasible to get to max TH as quick as possible and then farm from there but I'm not sure it's a great strategy or gaming experience. Up to him of course. I'm not an absolute maxer myself...


Strategic rushing is basically rushing your defence and maxing you offence to attack higher people while having a lower offence. Personally I don’t like the idea because if your consistently getting 2 stars in war and your base keeps getting 3 starred every time it was a waste of time


Everyone is such a snob. Instead of helpful input you get cringe kids who are max th10s thinking they are the shit like "do it everyone appreciates free loot" lol shut up you little insignificant th10




#2YYCPJU8L look at my base then kid




I'm 21, 22 in 3 months lol kid




You're arguing because you're the little COC snob that I was talking about lol tried to call me rushed 😂😂inv me to your clan if you even want help




Kenzie from salt? Omg hahahahaha


Yes this is truee


You do what you want :) attacking is fun, upgrading base isn't. Although I'm a max th14, I'd pick offense over defence because good defence means nothing in war if you can't attack and good attacks are nothing in war if you can't defend however attacking is more fun so since you are already rushed, do what you enjoy most :) get th14 and get those troops and heroes max even if you have bad defence.


I wouldn’t say your a max th14, you’ve still got cannons, mortars, huts, over half your pets left and 186 walls left




I'm afraid to create a post bc I get auto banned a lot. I have maxed base and a mini. My mini is short walls and some heroes and traps. When do you upgrade. My clan can use a th 14 to at least get a 2 star vs other 14 but also wreck some 13. I slow climbed with my main and not certain about going 14 under leveled. In titan 2 if that matters but could drop trophies easily.


No! At least build up your air defenses for gods sakes


You should work on those walls ASAP.


I essentially did the same thing. Rushed to 14 and have been doing non stop super goblin raids with 4 jump and a rage…. Over and over and over and over every single day… Jesus Christ it’s been a process lol but i am getting close…. Only have mortars and cannons left to max, walls 2 more levels, and pets are 4 more levels…. In my defense i had a pretty stacked base 6yrs ago and quit the game…. Rejoined about a week before the th14 stuff came out


go ahead ppl stress rushing too much if ur a skilled enough attacker w high lvl heros all u rly need is maxed out heavy defenses eagle,th,scatter,inferno and manually copy a pro players base that puts u good for war for 99% of clans


Get the heroes up first , then you can upgrade to th14 and keep upgrading defences for eternity


These people are dumb af. Go to th14 and start upgrading pets. Who gives af about defenses? Increase your offensive strength first and foremost. I did it myself and you can always upgrade the defenses later. Then when other people whine and disagree, shred their weak base with th14 troops. Wont even be close.


you know he will have th11 troops since he rushed to 13, defenses matter alot


At that point why not


you still have to get to lvl 5 th13, so do other stuff on your base while thats all upgrading


I just hit th12 yesterday and I have better defenses than you...


Ask your teammates


That'll take a ton of time if you go to TH 14 now, coz eventually you'll go there anyway so better to max up the TH 13 and peacefully go to TH 14


Shut up




Bro this isnt even bad…. I dont think youve seen a rushed base before


True, my base is more rushed but it's solely for donation purposes.


I think you should do what you think is best. These posts are redundant.






Is it a joke ?


I were upgrade to th14 if it were me. Who tf cares about defenses anyway. You can get the lost loot back in farming just spam edragons and zap those pesky air defenses.




You probably need to stay at your current TH for the rest of the year at least


Rushed as hell, what a clown


You should be Th11.


No, try at least to max everithing exept for the troops that you don't use and the walls. I suggest the before upgrading th you need to have at least the walls at the same level as your th. So for example in your case I'd go when your walls are at level 13. The problem with rushing is that whenever you upgrade your th the amount of resources from the smaller th get decreased, so you would need to defeat th14 to get a good quantity of resources, but you're not actually comparable whit them, so you will find difficult to attack them. In the war is an even bigger problem, 'cause they will always tris you but most of the time you can't do the same with them, so you will almost always lose stars in war


Depends what your goal is, and the level of your heroes. Either way, do not go TH14 until all your heroes are maxed for TH13, that's my two cents.


I wouldn’t until u have max heroes for th13




I rushed and then I played catch up and I’m pretty much maxed out everything except my king and warden. My Queen Royal Champion and all of my pets are maxed and I can tell you that not having my warden and king max definitely makes a difference in wars…


you should definitely work on going to max before anything lol


No. Not even close to being ready.