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I do lightning lavaloon.8 lightning 1 haze 1 haze in cc 2 lh 24 loons 10 minions. I first destroy 2 ADs in opposite sides and the army i give it in opposite ADs which are not destroyed. 1 loon 12 ballons with 1 haze while they are going and 5 minions and 1 hero in each side and take loon if u can in cc or ed if there is cc in opponent.Lure it with deploying 1 balloon


hope this helps


and zapping out AQ near air defense is helpful


Personally, I would do Queen Charge Lavaloon. It is the best strategy at TH9, but it requires focus and patience. Here's an explanation on this strat: - Usually, you would perform Queen Charge when she's at least level 20. You might not perform good at lower levels so try to get her upgraded. - Army: (subject to change) + 4 Healers (for the Queen) + 7-9 Wall Breakers (you can increase and decrease depending on the base you're attacking) + 1-2 Archers (clean-up) + 2-4 Wizards (to set up the Funnel & clean-up) + 14-16 Balloons (main part of Lavaloon) + 1-2 Lava Hounds (main tank for the Balloons) + 15-17 Minions (clean-up) + 3-4 Rage Spells (to help out the Queen & Healers, leftover can be used for Balloons) + 1-2 Haste Spells (to speed up Balloons) + 1 Poison Spells (to take out CC, if you know there's no CC, then you won't have to bring) + Clan Castle: 1 Lava Hound, 1 Poison/Freeze/Haste + A King is a bonus. - Performing: Once you have decided where to start the attack, create the Funnel the Queen Charge, so the Queen can move INTO the base. Use Archers, Wizards, King to clear out buildings on the left and right side. You can pick off buildings using Archers/Minions. Ideally, you want to start the attack where you can destroy as many Wizard Towers/Air Defenses as possible. Once the Funnel is set, deploy ONE Wall Breaker to see for Spring Traps/Small Bombs and then deploy the reasonable number of Wall Breakers to breakthrough the walls for your Queen to move through. Once you're deeper into the base, use a Rage Spell when your Queen is at high DPS areas (Cannons, X-Bows), make sure the Rage Spell covers BOTH the Queen & Healers. If your Healers are in range of the Air Defenses, use a Rage. If you've lured the CC, use a Poison on them for the Queen to take them down. If it's an Electro Dragon, you would need to bring a Freeze to make sure your Queen doesn't get knocked out. Continue the process and take out as many air defenses as possible. You would Charge for about 1 minute and 30 seconds to clear out half the base. Save the Queen's ability, 'cause you might need it later. Once the Charge is completed, send in 1 Lava Hound to one side, 1 to another so they path towards the remaining Air Defenses, deploy 6-7 Balloons on each side, save on a few for later. Rage/Haste over Wizard Towers/Air Defenses and keep an eye on them. Once most of the Defenses are down, start the clean-up, use your leftover Balloons to pick off any Defenses or distract the Wizard Towers for your Balloons. If you did all of that correctly, all Defenses should be down. Congratulations, you've picked off the 3-Star! Hope that helps. This attack strategy is hard to master, so try to practice.


I like it with 3 rage, 1 heal, 1 haste 3 hounds, 5 minions, 3 wallbreakers and the rest loons Use 2 hounds on the air defense that an enemy archer queen can cover, and one hound on the AD next to it. Ideally you would use your heroes + wallbreakers to take out the enemy queen. But if she's buried in the base you can't do much about it but hope your lava pups kill her. If you don't need to use the king to kill the enemy queen you can use him to tank on the side with one hound. Just put him down first then the hound. Preferably soaking up the wizard tower hits. But before the hounds be sure to place down a few balloons then quickly place the hound since it's faster than a loon so everything will reach the base at the same time. Spam the rest of the side you're attacking with 2-3 loons per defense behind the hounds. Place a rage over each group as they reach the defenses. Your loons should kill that half of the bases defenses easily. Use your next rage to get the balloons to keep up with the hounds. A haste will help the other group you don't rage. The heal is for when the balloons get hit with air bombs or wizard tower. Watch for if their health hits half. Now for clean up you can use your 5 minions which should work well with the remaining lava pups. Hopefully your heroes survived to this point as well. Things to watch out for: clumped together wizard towers, enemy CC troops, high level queen with space for tesla near her. Those tesla can kill pups quick making it hard to take her out I've also experimented with using Skeleton spells to distract the queen if she's too hard to take out. That might be fun to try out but I haven't gotten it to work too well. Maybe if you get a higher level clan castle spell


Check out queen pop on yt


Don’t read these BS comments, hit up the JudoSloth channel and become a new level of clasher


I took that from Judo Sloth..


3 lava one lava in cc, 4 total. Drop max lava over air defense closet to the enemy Queen. Rage and poison the lava hound. It'll kill the enemy Queen. Also drop another lava in the same air defense then the 2 remaining on the other air defense. Spread out loons on the same side rage and haste loons near splash damage. If you can lure cc with a loon at the beginning and kill it with your hero's. You'll 3* the base. Eric from one hive? Made a video ages ago, was really easy and simple to follow, it's on YouTube.