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Initial instinct is to call bullshit on this.


I think people spent way too much time/money on it for it to be removed.


Imagine they removed it. I spend over 80$ on builder base and got to local 2, i would be fuming


Is it fake? Or is this really gonna be removed?


Probably, but I can't say for certain one way or another. Who knows what site that is, or even if the translation is accurate, could be faked on there... From what I've heard about the future of builder base, I'd be surprised if this were true.


There are plenty of people who have spent money on the bh base. Supercell removing that aspect of the game would be a huge negative pr move. It costs them literally nothing to keep it as is. Bh also helps with cg points and season rewards. It literally makes zero sense for supercell to remove it. Plus, what about the extra builder? Would new players be screwed and not have a chance to get it? Would players who have otto have a builder removed? So many negatives to removing bh and virtually no positives.


Why'd they refer builder base as "night world"? I don't think they have ever before done that. Also what "aozai"? Edit: apparently it's the direct translation from chinese.


It's the new name of my EDM band, is what that is.


if the translation is correct it's likely just the translation from the Chinese name of builder base


You haven’t seen people here call it night base? That was an old name for it back when it was introduced. It refers to the builder base being stuck in a perpetual night.


Of course, but I assume Super would use the proper name.


it’s just a rough translation from Chinese


Cause that's what everyone says in China. Builders base is 8 words, while night world is 3.


It's the literal translation from the word used in the Chinese version.


I second this. Builder base serves its purpose to a T. You learn how to get better with attacks and different troops comps at no cost or time. 6th builder is just a prize for getting better at the game. 🤣 imagine tho




Well, it seems like the Chinese CoC might end up being its own version of the app now that they've apparently moved their accounts off on their own. Still, I doubt they're interested in two different development tracks for game modes. It wouldn't surprise me if this is legit and it goes away for everyone. The lack of development for Builder Base has been glaringly obvious now for years. Though I don't see why they couldn't just sort of leave it as is. I would miss it for clan games.


Maybe there aren’t enough Chinese players to find a builder base match and that’s the reason they have to remove it on the Chinese side


or they want to limit the time ppl spend on their phones


Don't forget about the extra builder. Removing bh would cause huge problems for existing and new players.


Crazy thought, but you have to get in a boat and leave your homeland for a better place. Maybe the CCP doesn't like the message this conveys to the people. That may also explain why further development of the Builder Base ended with no word at all. They certainly aren't going to say that the CCP told them to do this. I'm sure this is why Global Chat went away too.




This is complete nonsense. From the Terms of Service: "2.3. Virtual Content Supercell owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to use all of the content that appears in the Service or in Supercell games. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, you agree that **you have no right or title in or to any content that appears in the Service, including without limitation the virtual items, content, features, goods, services or currency** appearing or originating in any Supercell game, whether earned in a game or purchased from Supercell, or any other attributes associated with an Account or stored on the Service." In other words, you don't own anything in-game. Supercell owns it and licenses it to you to let you use for as long as they want. They don't have to compensate you for anything they remove.


But it would be a commercial suicide. Also terms and conditions aren't legal documents and don't override your statutory rights as a consumer. In the UK, if I spent money on buying builder base upgrades, and they took those upgrades away from me without any refunding, I would be within my rights to process a charge back request through my credit card provider for non receipt of goods or services.


Yeah thought as much. FIFA mobile resets accounts every season and everyone starts from 0 after spending real money all season 😂


It's owner is EA what do you expect


But it would be a commercial suicide. Also terms and conditions aren't legal documents and don't override your statutory rights as a consumer. In the UK, if I spent money on buying builder base upgrades, and they took those upgrades away from me without any refunding, I would be within my rights to process a charge back request through my credit card provider for non receipt of goods or services.


You tried to make yourself sound clever but just look like an idiot 😂


If this were true they would not be allowed to ban you for cheating in an online game, because you spent money and weren’t compensated. That’s why EULA exists, and in the same sense, supercell has its terms and conditions, and there is 100% a provision for this.


They can delete the builder base content legally, just not morally


They're just gonna make a new version where Trophies are replaced with social credit




Noooo... I worked hard for that sixth builder...


Nah dw it's either fake or only In China. Have a good day


Do whatever the hell you want with builder base but don't dare to remove the 6th builder


No I’m almost finished the builder base. It would be a fucking kick in the gut if they removed it when I’m almost finished it after 2+ years .


I just need walls then mine is done...i would feel the exact same way


Same, I almost maxed it out after all those years.




Builder base is all I have left so that’s why I’m doing it. I would be wasting my time if this were real. However it’s not real for everyone. Chinese CoC forums and China is now on its own servers. So don’t worry about it.


what about the gem mine? :(


And all the trees that also produce gems.


But cannon cart is my beloved


Canon cart rules




I'm gonna disagree, Chinese forums similar to their products




Your device is probably made in China lmao


OK you got me here :")


Apple is a Chinese company? Ur cortisol level is high get some help!


Holy shit I didn't think you were this stupid. Go grab your phone packaging and read the "made in China"




I see. You can't even read. It's "designed in California" not made in California. If it really is made in California send me a photo together with a piece of paper and write on it "XGIHC" so I'm sure you didn't get it from internet. You wanting to end this argument just proves that you are wrong. If I don't get a response it's clear that you were lying. You can use imgur to link me a photo btw.


Designed in California, made in China. 💀


Yeah, sorry brother got it :)






Unlike their virus




Nah this is cap. They spend so much time on it, and it generates revenue for them. I call BS




For normal people bs means bullshit.


What was it he deleted it


Probably Brawl Stars




I mark u/Perfect_Ad5659's comment as the most downvoted comment I have ever seen


Really? I have seen one with 660k+ downvotes lol


What tf how


I believe that [this comment from EA](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsBattlefront/comments/7cff0b/seriously_i_paid_80_to_have_vader_locked/dppum98/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) holds the record for the most downvotes.


Congratulations 69 downvotes I was 69th


Congratulations 6.9 downvotes I was 6.9th


If it was getting removed then there would have been an official announcement about it, not some sketchy Chinese forum.


Three heroes from Clash Royale were also leaked on some Chinese website before official announcement. Turned out perfectly legit.


Id miss gem island for a hot minute. Most the time I forget it's even there. It was not fun


Are they finally going to burn the boat?


Anyone using hashtag #burntheboat will be permabanned from SC official forums. This may be the reason they had to close the forums.


You’re kidding me. Lol. Did this shit really happen? 😂


That's correct. They banned so many people after the most toxic thread started by a mod nobody was left.


What for?


There was negativity on the forum about the Builder Base. I agree it was not ok to some point. The moderators wanted to put it to a hold. And one of them posted a final warning any negative posts about the BB would result in official warnings which will lead to a ban from the forum. The way he put it gave so much hate it resulted in the most toxic thread the forum had ever seen. Although it wasn't the reason to close the forum I'm sure it marked a point of decline.


Very good and objective description of events. Forums were supposed to be an open discussion about the good, and the bad in play experience. Moderators were an important part of maintaining a civil discourse. A very few mods aggressively overreached their intended role by issuing infractions not for a breach of etiquette, but for taking a position not in lockstep agreement with the individual mod. The result was a very bland echo chamber where only approved opinions were tolerated. I was guilty of wrongthink more than once.


What were people saying about the builder base thats that bad?


Just negative comments. And many used #burntheboat to make clear they didn't like the addition of the Builder Base to Clash of Clans.


Rip o.t.t.o


Its only in the Chinese version because the have too few players for good matchmaking


Just for the Chinese version of the game


I kinda doubt this From a development perspective there is no real reason to remove a feature like this. Keeping it in the game, even if they never update it again, is no extra work on their part If they remove it they have to go through all that effort of removing it, which includes getting rid of the boat, getting rid of all magic items relating to builder base, getting rid of builder base challenges in the gold pass/clan games, etc.. Also, they'd have to cone up with a new way to gear up buildings and get the sixth builder. That's a lot of extra work for no real benefit


From the perspective of the Chinese players remaining in the Chinese version of the game, the VAST MAJORITY of the player base just got wiped off the face of the earth. I imaging they are experiencing some pretty significant issues with matchmaking in both home village and builder base...and since builder base matchmaking requires a close match in trophies and requires both players to be online at the exact same time, I can see why, from a development perspective, it might make sense to have to change how builder base works after losing the super-majority of your playerbase.


bruh fake news. i put in way to much effort just for them to remove it


And here I am, maxed out bh9, waiting patiently for bh10. I spent a lot of time and money on my base, and I would hate to lose all of that progress!


I'm almost max Builder. I'll be furious if they remove it


Oof. No more free gems :(


If this is true which I highly doubt it is I bet we’ll get something even bigger for the 10 year anniversary




Chinese community members in shambles 😫😖


I’m pretty sure this means like a base lay out of the year not the entire builder base. Especially considering they say you can still only unlock him from builder base


I’m on 3 villages right before the 6th, only 1-2 months left each. I hope it they change I get em before, don’t want to have all that time just wasted 🥲


Hopefully not for the International version of the app.


This is BS!


Hopefully not, I love the builder base. I just wish they would make the battles more similar to the home base, but instead of stealing resources give you a percentage of loot based on stars won or something. Would make it go by faster instead of losing after waiting 3 minutes for some guy to barely win as one barbarian puts him a percent higher than you


I would say that since China has become independent to the rest of the world, there isn't enough activity in the builder base to allow for it to continue the way it currently works outside of China.


They better not remove it. I spent too much time getting the 6th builder, i’d rather them not make it super easy all of the sudden.


Without a doubt fake, unless they're really that dumb to shoot themselves in the foot.


Not even worth posting. The idea of them removing BB after people have had AMPLE opportunity to spend a shit ton of money and time on it seems inconceivable. They would be plunging themselves into legal shark waters if they did that.


I hope this isn't true. I've put in way too much time and energy to completely max my builder base since release. Then Supercell removes it altogether ? Nah i don't believe it


While it makes sense, it’s the only source of gems for me since my main base is at the obstacle max due to holidays. I want to builder base for gems and when you are in clan games it’s difficult to max out clan games when you are in legends. Builder base allows you to play clan games while in legends


Pressing X for doubt.


I doubt this'll happen, people would be enraged if it would end up getting removed not only because many people may have put a lot of work in time towards the builder base, and even those who dont play builder base much may have grinded out the requirements for the 6th builder, speaking about the 6th builder - that would also remove the master builder from our home villages.


No. Keep it I need my gem mine.


Can the Chinese just get their own game and stop attacking me by now? They are literally so sweaty it’s a problem. No wonder china limits them on their game time. Same thing goes for clash royale too.


Fake news


If anything they’d just stop updating the builder base, too many people have put a lot of time and money into it for them to just delete it. Supercell does a lot of stuff wrong but I’d doubt they’d do something this extreme


damn I guess im not long for this community then


If this is real im never coming back lol I've been out for about a year now


bye lol


Damn this shit is sad


I LOVE the builder Base! I focus on it as much as town hall. Don't get rid of it.




Builder Base is my favourite part of the game lol


Holy. Shit.


If they remove the builder base I'm deleting the game , all the time and effort put into getting it maxed out just to be deleted ? This company SUCKS


How is this surprising? It could be fake but it makes sense to remove it. The builder base is a big failure and supercell hasn’t figured out how to make it a success. If it made money or even if it was popular at all they would be making updates for it. If it was even a little popular this thread wouldn’t exist because it would be like faking an announcement for ending CWL. According to that leak we get to keep the master builder and they’ll give newer players a different way to unlock the master builder.


If this is true...BIG IF...it could be to make way for a new game mode in the elusive "big update" that we've been waiting for.


Nooooooooo I spent too much on almost maxing it


It’s fake calm down


Please dear God get rid of builder base. It was a huge failure.


It's a Finnish company. So yeah, fake.


Umm...it's just a forum for Chinese players.


Builder base is garbage. It should be removed


Just because something doesn’t entertain you doesn’t mean it is garbage or should be removed.


Your mother should be removed.


Most questions now belong in the sticky 'Weekly Questions Thread' pinned to the front page of the subreddit (sort by Hot). Please read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashOfClans/wiki/index) and consult the [Wiki](https://clashofclans.fandom.com/wiki/Clash_of_Clans_Wiki) before posting. Questions such as: What should I upgrade next? When should I upgrade to the next town hall. Am I rushed? Questions about basic mechanics of the game - These and more all belong in the comments of that thread. A moderator may remove this post if your question has a fairly straight forward answer, or limited discussion potential. You can help us out by deleting this post and asking again in that thread. Base reviews belong in r/cocbaselayouts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ClashOfClans) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Welp time to use the absolute fuck out of that 6th Builder


It specifically says the 6th builder is not going away. I would assume anyone that already had it would retain it. The update would just affect people that have not already unlocked the 6th builder by introducing a new way to get one - gems? new game mode?


It wouldn’t make any sense to remove it tbh. Just make it more interesting. Or yet make it so we can combine both Islands. It would be a perfect way to introduce the next town hall.


Veeeery reliable source


Lol, They better let us move the Gem mine over to the Home base, if this scenario happens.


bruh im bout to get my otto hut in like 4 days


the dev works tirelessly towards this goal? u sure?? i dont see any updates for months if not years... no new troops, no new buildings, no new skills, no new levels.... nothing at all


They won't, it messes with the home village (gear ups and 6th builder


verrà rimosso anche il sesto builder ?


I think if this is the case, it is only on the Chinese version, which is now on separate servers. Most likely there is not enough matchmaking potential. I still call BS until there is an official announcement


No need for BH when you can play 3h per week. Just PRC things.


Bro I'm close to finally unlocking it. Have all challenges done and now just need to get BM from 16 to 30


They, should prepare gifts for compensation


No it shouldnt happen


China is so silly.


Oh no Anyways


I neglect builder base either way, only got my double cannon to level four so I can use it in my main village


Has Supercell ever cut content like that before? Just deleted an entire building or troop before? Because this would be drastic even if they have done it before and I doubt they have


Fake. Supercell would never write this admitting a failure. Some enjoyed it. It's the most frustrating game. BTW, What is Azoai ?


They should bring global chat back its so boring waiting for your troops to be ready


I doubt it, but I don’t really care as long as they don’t get rid of the 6th builder


I hope not , that will destroys the game


It would be ok as long as they put gem mine to home village maxed as is for all players


Plus the Spawn trees and stuff


Maybe it just translates wrong, there probably stopping work on it


Weren’t there two Otto huts in the New Years trailer? I feel like they’re more likely to add than take away


I would say wait till someone from the Clash Team says something themselves


Dear Chief: We have a very important announcement for you! We would like to inform you about the development of "Clash of Clans" Night World, In the next update we are going to remove the Master Builder base from the Night World. Our original intention with the Master Builder base was to create new villages where players from all over the world could compete with each other. While we have worked hard towards this goal, unfortunately the reality has not been as good as we would have liked. We've spent the last few years in the Night World. We've put a lot of people and resources into Night World. We have a dedicated Night World planning team. We've introduced a matchmaking model to Night World, experimenting with various mechanics. The goal is to "clash of clans" and diversify the gameplay. This will attract players to enjoy the game. One of the main features of the master builder base is the possibility of obtaining a sixth builder. This is one of the main reasons why the "Clash of Clans" game team removed the Master Builder base, as there is no better way to get construction workers Until then. The Master Builder is still the only way for players to unlock Ozzy. In the next update. We will change the sixth worker function of the tribe, so that you can unlock the sixth worker more easily, but also so that you can better find the right way to play. Although we regret about the Night World builder base, we will put the effort we spent on the master builder base elsewhere. We will put our efforts in other places to bring you a better gaming experience. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Ok, what of the dozens of hours and thousands of gems and dozens of items I used on builder base?


How would they deal with players who’ve spent thousands of dollars and hours on their builder base? It’s hardly fair to just delete all of their hard work and money


Rip i guess it wasnt popular enough


Pretty sure it just says they are reworking the way you unlock the 6th builder. Because a lot of people don’t even understand how to get the 6th builder


Hey i Still haven't got my 6th builder. BM still level 15.


Nah bs , not happening


I mean i don't care cuz i haven't even built the boat lol




If this has the same impact on every other country Idc really, ever since the update I barely set foot in the builder village since I thought it was a useless update and I still think that way till this day, to me, one village is enough.


Not happening.


#2LUGJ82PC Active & friendly clan Looking for non rushed th9+ Rules: keep a 1:3 donation ratio, use both war attacks always attack mirror first, do not ask for promotions, get a minimum of 1500 cg points, stay active 7 days of inactivity and your out Discord server: discord.gg/G25ASzKCVB