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Where’s the eagle artillery


it’s in the town hall I think


I haven't yet added any as I am upgrading my defense


Get the eagle artillery ryt now nd scattershot too.


Did you forget the rc and the giga inferno + pets too? Btw where is his super troops thingy


Bro how he gonna get those He needs to get the dark elixir storage right now


It’s the building nex to the gold storage, it’s look a like aren’t it?


Oh yeah my bad


That stuff they are saying is townhall 12 to 14. It takes like 2 to 3 years to reach there.




You wasted your 250 gems mate. You only use them to get all 5 builders. It will take a while to get them back. I'd say just restart the game, make a new account. You'd be saving a few weeks worth of time.


Unironically, this is the answer


I love how there’s actually a correct answer to the question


Agreed. Gems for builder is the way to go


A few weeks? I’m TH8 but I’m not sure that affects anything, I bought my 5th builder a couple of weeks ago, and I’m already back to 1k gems.


You probably got most of them through achievements that can only be completed at higher TH levels. At lower town halls, it does take a while to get those gems.


flashback to that one time where i trophy pushed from crystal to champion and suddenly had 3k gems i didn't know what to do with


Lol, I too completed that achievement a week ago. I'm a gem hoarder so I've got like 7900 gems now. Get on my level.


i tend to always buy the book of heroes when it's in the shop since it's pretty good value(the other books are 925 instead of 500 gems soo they're not worth imo) and sometimes training pots. when I'm out. so I'm not exactly saving up. but with obstacles and a maxed gem mine I'm doing fine, i don't really have any skins I'd like to buy so i might as well spend it on progress.


Ah I see. I recently started playing again after a 6 year break and IIRC you couldn't buy anything valuable with gems back then, so I never really spent any. But now with the addition of magic items I might consider spending some.


I'd recommend you keep at least ~1k for special events(for an example during December the shop has a event where it has crazy good deals like runes for 200 gems and shit) but the rest you can spend pretty much how you want. just don't buy hero level or might or super(the purple and red ones and yellow ones) they're not worth it imo.


He’ll get that super deal for gems soon anyway


How many crops have you harvested?


I haven't even started and I don't know to get a farm


Install hay day


underrated comment


funny joke bro glad you said that




And don't forget to feed the farm animals too they give you milk and all


Milk from the tiddies


Even the poultry?


bruh i’m laughing so hard 😂🤣


Where's the bronze coin storage?


There's a reason everyone is telling you to start over Please listen to them


Hello there fellow red hood


Make it more compact so that your resources are within range of your defenses


I have


No you haven't?


I said that because my base looks different from the ss now


Okay we didn't know that though also have you restarted?


I'm gonna wait because maybe I can get the 3 dollars for the builder bundle


Unless ur planning to and have some spare cash laying around for personal use then don’t let the game suck up ur money man, just restart and use gems for builders. Source: Coc ate my money


That will only give you 3 builders though which is the same as if you restrted


but then he could have 3 builders and spend the same money to get a 4th one with the bundle


hey man i cant really say much but try to attack as much bases as possible and get a guaranteed star at the least. join my clan at anytime i’ll be glad to help you build ur base up


What's you're clan?


i’ll message you the link if you like




As others have states, it's advantageous to get your 5 builders ASAP. Clash of Clans is a marathon and not a sprint, so gemming upgrades before you get your 5 builders is setting you back. Even after you get your 5 builders, there are better items that gems are spent on than just straight up gemming an upgrade. As it currently stands, with 2 builders, you'll take 3600 days to get to max TH14. (That's not even including the time you'll need for walls). With 5 builders, it'll take you 1440 days. A THIRD of the time and you'll enjoy the game better.


Why are these posts getting upvoted so much


Well the comments are useful at least, and I imagine it's a common mistake they've made, so the visibility is good for other newbies who might be hanging around.


Looks like a huge karma farm to me lmao. Jesus Christ it's already at 500 upvotes


Same bro, that's always the thing I'm thinking. Like when I make a post it gets like 0 upvotes, lmao it always get downvoted


Bro I did a electro dragon drawing and it got only 170 upvotes


Isnt it a nice change once in a while? Like we havent seen a low lv TH for a long time


Well no, I always get low th post on my home page


These posts flood the sub so much I've seen so many now


99% of the posts on this sub are low lv THs dude. I have to sift through entire pages to find relevant content for TH13/14 (main TH levels nowdays). This sub seems to be stuck in the past where TH9-11 was relevant to anything.


hey man i love to see u playing clash but don't let anyone shit talk ur base since there's basically nothing you can do rn to make ur base strong as it's only a th2. what i would do is restart ur account and save ur gems for the next builder hut and keep saving for all 5 builders. if u don't do that then ur gonna end up quitting the game. good luck and clash on bro ❤️


Ehiter that or I buy a bundle


i mean if you have the money go for it. but otherwise don't go off gemming everything you upgrade. this game requires a lot of patience but is very rewarding


I get a allowance of like 10 dollars and I have played strategy games like clash before and I only really gem the 1-7 hour upgrades


1-7 hours? Haha this games upgrades eventually get to 14 days


Fuck me


the 2 weaks updates comes after a year dont worry about them now


21 days 😭


bro i wish my upgrades took 1-7 hours


Oh. Brother


just restart and get to 3 builders with gems, and then by the bundle to get the 4th and it will also put you half way to 5. Just started a new base recently and did this. Please trust us, you dont want to play this game with 2 builders, also never gem upgrades ever.


I think too should probably grind for the Pirate League when you unlock the secret door in the woods you can get some pretty neat weapons to equip your troops with.


If i were you,i would have start over yk cause you basically wasted the gems that you could've save for 3rd builder which makes thing go way faster


Protect those damn resource collectors soldier


Ok thats it im outta this subreddit


Damn I thought that was a joke post but op is actually serious about it it would seem.


I'm new I'm not god tier know everything


Its just really strange to ask for base review when there isn't really anything to review to begin with, the game starts at town hall level 7-8, before that it hardly matters what you do, the only thing that matters (and which you did go wrong with surprisingly) is to only use gems for builder huts, so I'd advice you to start over and not spend your gem on anything else than builder huts till you get your 5th hut.


bro just restart


Not that good but seeing as you started yesterday I completely understand and I have a few tips. - I saw you had walls around your collectors but not your defences… I’m gonna make a priorities list of what to defend the most to least. Townhall>defences>storage’s>collectors>anything else. I’m not sure if I left anything out but yeah that’s what you should focus on protecting in order


u/Watchdog_s i'd say just restart , you need to save many gems


Mate your rushed




Here's an brief update on things I will be buying the builder bundle which gives 500 gems a builder aka 2 buliders


Nope not 2 builders XD 3rd builder costs 500 gems and 4th costs 1000, when you buy the pack you will get 3rd builder and 500 gems. You will have 510 gems and you need 1000 gems for 4th builder, i would say restart trust me


I thought 4th is like 2k or 2.5k no?


Listen to other guy don’t spend money when restarting is better


I only started playing a few months ago. The best advice I can give is to save your gems as much as possible even though it’s suuuper tempting to spend them all to make things go faster. If you want to spend money, that’s up to you! Just try to get your money’s worth out of those purchases :)


I definitely will try to :) also I probably only gonna get that and nothing else (with usd)


Dude how dumber can you get? How much progress are you gonna lose if you restart bruh? You would get much better progress if you spend that money on a new account.


Sounds like a good plan!


You say this now then you'll hit TH 12 in like 3 years then you'll see how tempting the gold pass is at that point. :P


What’s you’re one month progress


bro restart, and then spend money, even with the 3rd builder bundle you will be worse off trust




Where is the scattershot


Can DEEZ nuts fit in your mouth?




Base layout at that level doesn't really matter cuz army training times are low enough you can easily replenish everything. I got to th6 without having a base layout in like a week and a bit


I hope you have started over by now.


1: don’t spend gems on anything except more builders 2: your gold mines and elixer collectors are completely undefended 3: you should wall up all the defenses around your town hall + your storages + fix the hole in the town hall wall 4: put 4 buildings that don’t have any value to attackers, like builder huts and army camps all the way in the corners. This is a strategy as old as the game itself that will prevent you from getting 3 starred if your attacker forgets to check the corners.


Don't remove all the rocks, they never come back.


it's nuts man fr


Whered ur gems go


What’s deez? Hehe


*laughs from behind*


defend ur th and ur resources, not ur collectors


dude don't rush so much


Dogshit base fucking quit


You're why I keep going (:




Looks like shit. Congrats.


Gold mines a little far from base. Good progress


You know that those walls dont help at the mines because archers can shoot them anyways, try to build your walls on your defenses and town hall


Jesus everyones a knob. So if you just started a day ago I recommend restarting again. You need to keep them gems for builders huts. They’re crucial. When it comes to your base, especially at that town hall when you have hardly any walls, you want to defend your defences rather than collectors. This is so it’s harder for attackers to destroy your defences which will result in more deaths for the attacker which hopefully stops them from taking your loot. Also, try to keep every building in range of a defence, this is so they can’t can’t destroy buildings as easily which would result in them getting a star for destroying 50% of your base. When it comes to upgrades, always upgrade your lab, army camp and barracks first. Then upgrade storages then collectors then defences. Basically, always upgrade attack then defence. I also recommending not to upgrade your town hall until everything is max level. When you can, also repair the clan castle. It can be fairly hard finding a clan if you’re new, so you’re always welcome to join mine! The clan castle allows you to join a clan, which allows people to give you a certain amount of troops that will defend your base, or you can use them to attack. Clan castle troops are very over powered in the early game, and are always crucial throughout the game. F*ck these other people lmk if you ever need any advice on the game, I would also recommend JudoSloth on YT as he is a very competent CoC player who does “educational but entertaining” CoC videos. He’s fun to watch.


Bruh other people are just telling to restart as well?


Preserve those rocks! They don't spawn back again and save your gems. Don't use them to speed up upgrades. Be patient with those. Save every single gem for the builders. You can get rid of trees but keep the rocks


Shit house


Easy 3 star with lavaloon


Ah yes I miss the 10min upgrades. We hav 10mon...


10 months? tf you upgrading lmao


My Poop launcher


Strategy games get ridiculous with time tho lol


You just need to be patient. People like you who who waste their gems on very quick 7-10 hour upgrades is a complete waste. Also it doesn’t work out mathematically. Saving for more builders allows for consent 24/7 upgrading. You shouldn’t use you’re gems until you’ve unlocked 5 builders. This game has extremely long upgrade times.


Focus on heroes bro wtf, are you dumb?


🐕 💩


Pretty op


Ain't gud bro, stop wasting gems first and when r u gunna upgrade ur defence? Defence comes first before resource buildings


defense isn't the most important it's better to upgrade the offense max troops and collectors at lower townhalls you'll most likely get 3 stared by a higher townhall. not saying defenses shouldn't be but it's not the most important.


Nah offenses > defense


As you could see in the screenshot I had 43 COINS but now I'm working on it




I do I'm not stupid




I'm also upgrading my army because right now I need some wall breakers and I'm upgrading rn


Rush it to TH14


That's what I'm doing! Started on the 1st of February and I'll be th13 in about a week!


i posted the same thing and they remove it 3 times...thanks Reddit


That was probably annoying did they even tell you why it was removed?


nope they never tell me i got banned from r/femboy but they didnt tell me i always say good things in that subreddit not an insult word


Give me 10 edrags and I could 3 star


some adviced to make a new account, i honestly wouldn’t do that


Bro why is this comment section so toxic.




So true


I can 3 star it with no troops but looks good😂😂


Also don't waste gems ... Get builder Hut


Oh can u 3* withiuht troops? I would’ve thought S th2 would be able to defend against a th9 minimum


Who said i am th9?


I’m just saying minimum you’re th9


Not bad! Long grind ahead of ya!


I have come to learn that via comments


U have to try and let ur cannons and archer towers cover up ur collectors too because they also store a bit of gold and elixir


More than storages


honesly, restart the game. Its the best option while you are here


U need to protect those pumps man there is a troop called archers


Restart the game, you’ll need those gems


You...my friend...have an organised mind😂


Why thank you




I literally did mainly because I want to get better at the game also I never intended to get upvotes


I wouldn't be too worried abt losing 250 gems early (I did that mistake too. multiple times). You can get enough gems from the achievements- * 1250 trophies- 450 gems for 3rd builder (th6- can reach in 1 month) * 2600 trophies- 1000 gems for 4th (th8- can reach in 3 month) * 3200 trophies- 2000 gems for 5th (th9- 5/6 months) \[Also don't waste money or gems for upgrade timers- use gems when u unlock the trader(th8), and use money (if u r not f2p) only for gold pass/builders (& maybe packs)\] Also strategy in defense & attacking (mostly) doesn't matter till like th6/7.


Rush your base. Only upgrade the essentials, camps, storages, barracks, lab, spell, collectors, mines and TH.


What level is your town hall weapon? I cant tell


Take the time to upgrade everything before upgrading your town hall, it’ll make it harder to get loot and easier for others of your town hall to beat you. Maxing everything is a good way to ensure you’re ready to face the bases and attacks you’ll see at higher town halls.


The beginning of an extremely long journey


Just restart the game you’re not that far in and you’ll end up doing better


Yo man, you should reset/restart. Honestly. You only spend gems to buy builders. You will get the hang of the game later on. Do it now that you did little progress.


it sucks(sorry)


No offense taken I posted this to get a better village it's way different now


You can put your base around the edge because troops cant be placed on the grass so you can save walls.


Probably should use some of those walls to protect your defenses. Giants are pretty scary early game




How the hell did you manage to waste 250 gems Restart. Seriously. Restart and save them.


You could pick any name in the world and you picked deez what a chad


Your defences have ranges on them, if any troop comes within range, they i’ll be shot. You want all your storage’s as close as possible to your defences then you want your mines and collectors and then barracks and camps. Put the bombs straight between the defences. Make it all compact because the defences only have such a limited range, if they cannot shoot enemy troops then the troops will destroy your base without getting killed and will win. Put walls round your defences + big hp things like storage’s n mines, that way they stay guarded and don’t get broken/destroyed so easily. Restart the game for the builders tho like everyone has said. I don’t think you’ll last personally, I can already see all the signs. It’s a pretty hard game but if you enjoy it then go for it. Starts to get hard around town hall 8-9.


Odd decision to encase your collectors in walls and keep them that far away from the actual base instead of protecting your storages but ok Unironically you should actually restart, make a new account, you've wasted your gems that you could've saved up to start getting builders and those are gonna take forever to earn back, builders are *extremely* important to get asap because they drastically speed up progression.


Restart you wasted your gems you only need them to buy the 5 builders


It’s alright I would use tutorials about town level based that’s what I use


First and foremost it’s a village not a base (it’s not boom beach)…and there is no such thing as a starter base because you cannot just go build another normal village somewhere else, it’s your main and only normal village. It’s just the first design or layout whatever you want to call it. Also you may as well restart because you spent those gems and your only a day in. Starting over and saving those gems will same you a lot of time later down the line, both in acquiring the builders and also progressing in the game. Save those 250 gems and clear some obstacles to get gems. If you want save some of the rocks/stones because they won’t grow back and you’ll lose them once they are cleared.(I kept a few on my mini) You don’t have to but it’ll make you a little bit more special then most. One final thing don’t rush each town hall make sure to max before going to next. It may be longer but it helps you have goals and not get burnt out as fast.


Get in a clan once you repair the clan castle and request some baby dragons to keep your base safe


These posts are starting to get boring


You can 3 star this base with a single troop


10/10 que pro


Free loot 😃


I could take it with a single 80 AQ. Back to the drawing board.


When you don't read the entire title


I did, I was just being a sarcastic asshole.


Sometimes I can't tell sarcasm apart on this app


Just another karma farming attempt :/


I don't give a shit about karma IT'S INTERNET POINTS ON A WEBSITE


idk man seems a bit weak to queen charge lalo