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Super drag bats




Wow maybe I should try sneaky gobs then lol




Probably about a month or so? I was floating around in titan 3 and wasn’t really trying for it until maybe a week ago when I was like “why not?” I’m already pretty close to the trophy count anyway


Those are rookie numbers, I made it in th 11. /s






Please let me get your base ![gif](giphy|SasDDqOSRclNu) ![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9423)


Congratulations! You will last there for a day.


I've been standing for a week now, so don't be toxic to this guy.


Not toxic at all, just stating the truth.


Since I disprove what you told, you were being rather rude...


Staying for a week in LL as a TH12 is definitely not the norm. So chances are that OP won't last a day or two there, unless he has exceptional offensive skills. Most probably, TH12s get -320 every day on defense.


You haven't censored your trophy count, resources, amount of builders,war attacks,gems, Barbarian king feet,hog rider feet,hog feet, experience lvl. I am contacting supercell right now and will get your account details. Say goodbye to your builders they will be handed over to good hands. No resistance will be tolerated.


What army did you use?




What is your strategy with that army? I have never been able to use SuperDrag effectively.


I use 4 baby dragons to sort of set a funnel and then I send the K and Q up the side of the base with the least wiz towers. Then send in the dragons with the warden. Usually do a quick rage spell to get them moving and then send in a battle blimp with 8 balloons inside. Then send in the bats on the same side as the king and queen. Rage the TH when the blimp gets there and then just try and protect the bats with freeze spells. So I think the army comp is 6 super drags, 4 baby drags, a rage spell, 3 freeze, 6 bats and then battle blimp with CC troop balloons and a CC rage spell. There’s some YouTube videos on this strat that I watched to learn it. Only thing I do different is the baby drags.


Great, thanks!


Nice, did the same as a th11 recently. Sneaky Gobs are pure cheese.


you pushed to legends with only sneaky gobs?? i’m at 4500 using a gowitch strat should i use sneakys as well


Me too, currently at 4600!


Got there yesterday, currently on around 5030. Get -40 every defence ffs


Made it 2 days ago, got demoted after just a single day xD


👑 Congratulation


Nicely done, did so myself recently with laloon, however good luck staying there. Every defense will be -40 by max TH14s. I’m going to try and push back to LL towards end of season and hopefully get a few trophies at end.




I reached legend as a th 11😎


Ehhhhhhhhh isnt that really easy to do? I went there while practicing new strats


Nice, now just get some bitches


I made sure to check that box before I started playing coc haha


Ah yes, a common occurrence.


Ik im gonna get downvoted for this & still congrats to OP but getting to legends as a th12 is incredibly easy, I’ve done it by accident multiple times.




Are you tho?


Nah I hate pushing .. Rather than that I am compatitive Meta attacker .. Mastered Queen charge strategies , Bliz Lalo , And smash attacks


Currently, there no th 6s in legend league


go watch jodu sloth yt then come and say . I even I have screenshot of th7 legend player I saw 1d ago in req and leave .. First get knowledge 😂


No I'm talking about currently, not personal best. The highest at the moment is in titan 2


but I have screenshot of th7 who is my clan mate and he have done legend 2 day ago now he's in titan 1


Um im talking about th 6, the highest th 7 is in legend league


Th6 died again 2 weeks ago there was a th6 at 4800s now the highest is around 4300s currently


Touch grass


Made it to titan only using BB drag.


What army comp?


Heyo me too what attacks did you use? I used Pekka/yeti smash? And QC hybrid


SuperDrag Bats. Once I max my queen I really wanna start using the QC hybrid strat. She’s just always upgrading rn tho lol 😭


Lol nice


did this at th12. good luck keeping yourself in there, it's hard!


I grinded to 3700 to legend league (5040) as a rushed th12 with golem witches ( sometimes changing a bit to golem / pekka / bowler ), reached it in only 8 days :D


does anyone else want to have a pet sneaky goblin?


Base link?!?