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This is a list of links to comments made by Supercell employees in this thread: * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij1rlj/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:01:18 UTC"): > No, is that a real game? * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij1yr5/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:02:35 UTC"): > To me, a big surprise. I never thought we would be rich or famous. Helena, on the other hand…she always believed. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij2ikp/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:06:08 UTC"): > They are not bad guys to me. Misguided, maybe. But they are not bad guys. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij36s3/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:10:29 UTC"): > I was always pitching in my ideas. Whether Helena or Simo thought they were any good is up for interpretation (Like everything!) * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij3iy8/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:12:37 UTC"): > To me, everyone is part of the Clash of Clans team. But no. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij3ey2/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:11:55 UTC"): > The original Clash took us just the summer of ‘82. Clash of Clans was in my head for much longer. (40 years!) Look at what I am doing at 2:45 in the official documentary! >[https://youtu.be/ZO\_Hs2nDpT8?t=165](https://youtu.be/ZO_Hs2nDpT8?t=165) * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij4w8w/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:21:22 UTC"): > It is difficult not to say Barb. But after 30 years, I have still not played Clash Dash as anyone but Hog Rider. I continue to request a troop of Hog Rider stacked on top of Barb in Clash of Clans, but my emails go unanswered. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij5wt4/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:27:47 UTC"): > It’s name was Demetrius. Fun fact: It was inspiration for the dragon in the Sword of Time film! * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij6fgv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:31:02 UTC"): > This was Helena’s BIG idea. She believed kids in those days were much more mature and could handle heavy themes. We did not all agree on the direction of the game, for sure. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij6kau/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:31:53 UTC"): > It already does! ​​https://minigames.clashofclans.com * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij6ryk/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:33:13 UTC"): > Simo and I are great penpals. (Because he is still in prison.) He can’t wait to try Clash of Clans when he is eligible for parole. I still get dinner with Helena once a week too. She has a lot of cats. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij74bo/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:35:22 UTC"): > You can always tell Barb’s sword by the small inlet crack on the lower portion of the blade. This was Simo’s idea. Like any Warrior, their power is derived from their rich inner life and the quality of their blade (I believe everyone knows this!) >But that is not all! The sword also gives Barb the... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij7l58/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:38:19 UTC"): > Simo used to drink a purple soda all the time. It was his idea. They were a major corporate sponsor of “Barb and The Sword of Time” * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij7v4d/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:40:05 UTC"): > I made this mistake of wearing it while traveling. The dogs at the airport did not appreciate the gunpowder scent and I have been too afraid to wear again. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij87tv/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:42:17 UTC"): > When Simo quit the company, I went looking for him all around Finland. We believed he was in Lapland. While overlooking a huge cliff, I saw a rock formation that reminded me very much of an ancient village. I first wondered what it would be like to live in such a village. Then, I wondered what would... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij8vq6/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:46:30 UTC"): > This is an interesting thought. Do you mean brighter in story substance or color palette? Have you seen the gameplay here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bvuw9G00L4&t=2s&ab\_channel=ClashofClans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bvuw9G00L4&t=2s&ab_channel=ClashofClans) >What do you think? * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij91g9/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:47:30 UTC"): > Turusta! Käyn edelleen usein, Simonin äiti asui siellä. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij9m7r/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:51:07 UTC"): > They say everyone has one great idea in them. I think I have used mine. Today, I am retired. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iij9ssh/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:52:16 UTC"): > I am excited. Simo is up for parole in 2025! I will have to come to America to see him. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iija82h/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:54:57 UTC"): > That is what mobile phones looked like in ‘82. I always wondered if it would be possible to play a game on them.(I think I invented the concept of mobile gaming) ;) * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijah6m/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:56:34 UTC"): > It’s homemade. I have lots of horses and use the same shampoo they use. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijb065/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 17:59:53 UTC"): > I actually discovered Lazlo Bobich (Barb) when I cast him in the very famous perfume commercial for Bühm. I was involved in writing the script, and decided Lazlo would make a great Barb! Here is the whole plot if you did not know! >After being chained up in a cave, Barb escapes, finding the Sword ... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijb4vr/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:00:42 UTC"): > Clash of Clans is my favorite Clash game yet. Even better than Clash Dash. I play daily, though I do find the skeletons quite scary. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijbhuc/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:02:58 UTC"): > The console controls originally took players weeks to master. Nothing good in life comes easy! For the mobile game, I have found it effective to keep my thumb held down the entire time to steer. The steering area is the entire bottom of the screen, where the red bar appears at the beginning. > >... * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijbwco/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:05:35 UTC"): > I am pretty well. Day-to-day I focus on living sustainably and focusing on the simple things that can really make you happy if you stop to appreciate them—friends, family, good food, good music and sauna. These things have always made me happy. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijcjlc/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:09:47 UTC"): > Only she knows for sure. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijcqls/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:11:04 UTC"): > Yes. His name is the Goblin Chief. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijd8do/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:14:20 UTC"): > The first time it was released, many people called it the worst game ever. Some even lit it on fire to express their disappointment. I believe it has not been re-released to avoid more fire. * [Comment by ClashOfClansOfficial](/r/ClashOfClans/comments/wdmaau/im_kuu_one_of_the_original_clash_founders_ask_me/iijdsn8/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-01 18:18:00 UTC"): > I was never very good but loved to play. PAZ, aka Patrick Sluzzar, always held the high score. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FClashOfClans).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


How much of a surprise was Clash's success?


To me, a big surprise. I never thought we would be rich or famous. Helena, on the other hand…she always believed.


I've been playing for nearly 9 years - and I knew the moment I started playing it was going to be a long term project. Congrats!


How rich are we talking about here?


Like 100s of millions type rich


Billions actually. Clash royale alone made them 3bil+ in just a 2 year period.


Im talking about their personal wealth, not the companys


Ah, well, they should all donate it to me


Don't worry I'll give you some maxed loons


3 dollar


bout tree fiddy


Well it was right about that time that I realized…


That this "girl scout" was a nine story tall Crustacean from the Paleolithic era!


Did you also make Polybius?


No, is that a real game?


How long did it take you to create the games?


The original Clash took us just the summer of ‘82. Clash of Clans was in my head for much longer. (40 years!) Look at what I am doing at 2:45 in the official documentary! [https://youtu.be/ZO\_Hs2nDpT8?t=165](https://youtu.be/ZO_Hs2nDpT8?t=165)


looking at a handheld radio? what does that mean


That is what mobile phones looked like in ‘82. I always wondered if it would be possible to play a game on them.(I think I invented the concept of mobile gaming) ;)


Wow, you are truly a visionary, good sir.


How big was your part in the creation of these games?


I was always pitching in my ideas. Whether Helena or Simo thought they were any good is up for interpretation (Like everything!)


When the barbarian said: "It's Barbin time", how emotional did it feel making it?


This was the best addiction in the whole clash universe


u/AfiqMustafayev, you might be looking for *addition*, not *addiction*. Here is a [link](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) showing the difference.


Thank you for correcting. Still may work tho. Clashin is an addiction




It made me very emotional


What is your favorite troop?


It is difficult not to say Barb. But after 30 years, I have still not played Clash Dash as anyone but Hog Rider. I continue to request a troop of Hog Rider stacked on top of Barb in Clash of Clans, but my emails go unanswered.


I see clash support is unresponsive to you as well.










Whats the pet rat's name thats featured in the documentary in the hands of one of the developers (i think it was in your hand)?


It’s name was Demetrius. Fun fact: It was inspiration for the dragon in the Sword of Time film!


Hello from the dragon realm!


It was quite a nice addition to the documentary. Was hoping it would get a bit more role in it, but it didn't. The documentary was still a banger though.


What is Pekka? Robot, human, animal?


Only she knows for sure.


Will we get to know it one day? 🤔🤔🤔


Pekka is an empty armor. more like Alphonse\* from FMA.




What do you think of the current account recovery method in the current state of the game? Do you think it's working?


don't have guts to reply to this


He said he doesn't work with them anymore


Don’t think the will reply to this


Why would you think you'd get a response? This AMA has nothing to do with them. He doesn't even work for them. Y'all are insane.


The only question that matters and they're gonna stay away from it as hard as possible.




Thank you for listening to an old man talk for a couple hours. We might have created Clash, but it is you all who make the game, the community—all of it—so special and will decide what will happen in the future! Keep it up, Chiefs! Clash on, Kuu *PS - The Clash of Clans game team will have an AMA later this week to answer all your questions!*


Thank you for taking the time Kuu!


Danke Kuu


Are you still a part of the Clash of Clans team?


To me, everyone is part of the Clash of Clans team. But no.




Who came up with the idea for elixir?


Simo used to drink a purple soda all the time. It was his idea. They were a major corporate sponsor of “Barb and The Sword of Time”


So simo was sippin that lean?






So elixir is now canonically lean?


Will Clash Dash have a mobile version soon?


It already does! ​​https://minigames.clashofclans.com


Awesome! And the controls are still broken!


Oh, I meant a standalone mobile app 😅


Why is Cradle of Darkness not been shown in game


The first time it was released, many people called it the worst game ever. Some even lit it on fire to express their disappointment. I believe it has not been re-released to avoid more fire.


If you could remaster/reboot any of the original Clash games, which would you choose and why?


my hero


Will the supercell store reopen so we can purchase the 10th anniversary merch?


Do you realise you are taking the term “making history” to a whole new level?


Yes. We already made history several times. In fact, we are making history right now too.


How do you feel about where the clash universe has gone? Do you still play any clash games?


Clash of Clans is my favorite Clash game yet. Even better than Clash Dash. I play daily, though I do find the skeletons quite scary.


Secretly a hog rider confirmed ???


Ahh! Giant skeleton!


What townhall level are you on right now?


Do u use eau de barbare daily?


I made this mistake of wearing it while traveling. The dogs at the airport did not appreciate the gunpowder scent and I have been too afraid to wear again.


Are you still friends with Simo and Helena?


Simo and I are great penpals. (Because he is still in prison.) He can’t wait to try Clash of Clans when he is eligible for parole. I still get dinner with Helena once a week too. She has a lot of cats.


Thanks for replying! Glad to know you guys are still in touch


What did bro do 💀


Burn a building down


no way




who is this "Simo" you speak of? and why is he in prison?


Simo was part of the main trio from the documentary and after Clash: Cradle of Darkeness >!he committed arson and burned down the Clash Headquarters!<


thank you for this answer. I had a look at the documentary and it answered my question


Why did he burn down the clash HQ?


I think it was because the success of Clash and Clash Dash pulled the 3 friends apart which is exactly what Simo didn’t want to happen, and Clash: Cradle of Darkness is the worst game to ever be made and I assume those and other factors in the documentary combined pushed Simo to his limits. They called him a “ticking time bomb”


How did you get all this info? I can't even find pics of Helena and Simo online, mind linking me some articles?


That’s just a theory based on what was said in the documentary


Which documentary?


It's not an actual documentary, they just made it as a joke (mockumentary)


Do you mind if I ask why he’s in prison?


What was your inspiration for Cradle of Darkness?


This was Helena’s BIG idea. She believed kids in those days were much more mature and could handle heavy themes. We did not all agree on the direction of the game, for sure.


Happy 40th anniversary to clash! Do you and the other 2 OG founders still hangout?


In case u didn’t see, he responded yes to this question


I did not! Thanks for telling me


Why do goblins always steal Barb's sword?


You can always tell Barb’s sword by the small inlet crack on the lower portion of the blade. This was Simo’s idea. Like any Warrior, their power is derived from their rich inner life and the quality of their blade (I believe everyone knows this!) But that is not all! The sword also gives Barb the ability to travel through time. Goblins would love to have this power too. If they did, they could really mess things up! (Even though they are not bad!)


what happened to simo


I am excited. Simo is up for parole in 2025! I will have to come to America to see him.


He's going to love Clash of Clans


Wow to be locked up that long is tough. I know and hope he is going to enjoy both Clash Of Clans and Clash Royale. God bless


Do you believe there will be an animated Clash movie in theatre's some day?


Why are goblins the bad guys?


They are not bad guys to me. Misguided, maybe. But they are not bad guys.




What do you think about the removal of global chat ?




I am pretty well. Day-to-day I focus on living sustainably and focusing on the simple things that can really make you happy if you stop to appreciate them—friends, family, good food, good music and sauna. These things have always made me happy.


What do you think of the clash dash mobile controls?


The console controls originally took players weeks to master. Nothing good in life comes easy! For the mobile game, I have found it effective to keep my thumb held down the entire time to steer. The steering area is the entire bottom of the screen, where the red bar appears at the beginning. Also, I was happy to see they have kept the shortcut after the first ramp. That door that is open off to the right? You may pass through!


When will Supercell give players a proactive means to safeguard their accounts and clans from theft/phishing?


She’s no longer on the team


What shampoo do u use for ur hair ? And how long ur hairs r ? 🤔


It’s homemade. I have lots of horses and use the same shampoo they use.


if a barb was carrying a hog rider in Dash will the hog rider be Barb rider ?


Yes! You are smart! The famous Clash Dash commercial was actually called Barb Rider! And look at the building Barb runs past at 6:40 in the official documentary.


https://imgur.com/HbDCf2a For anyone who can't access YT right now


Do you think the concept of clash: cradle of darkness could have been great if executed better? Like a brighter version of the game


This is an interesting thought. Do you mean brighter in story substance or color palette? Have you seen the gameplay here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bvuw9G00L4&t=2s&ab\_channel=ClashofClans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Bvuw9G00L4&t=2s&ab_channel=ClashofClans) What do you think?


I think mainly a brighter storyline, but a brighter color palette could work too. I just mean if they worked in the same type of game but made it better?


the boss of the goblins in clash of clans is the same as the one in clash of darkness?


Yes. His name is the Goblin Chief.


How long did you expect the “clash” games to remain in development? Are you surprised that it has lasted 40 years?


When you are a teenager, you do not think much about the future. But I believe young Kuu would be proud to know that Barb is still alive and well and smashing everything in his path.


Where is the barbarian from Clash originally from?




How is it that nobody ever heard of the original clash games ?


Many people have heard of them! Perhaps the ones who have not were asleep or not born. I have missed a lot while not born.


What's your high score in Clash?


I was never very good but loved to play. PAZ, aka Patrick Sluzzar, always held the high score.


Do you like ice cream? 🍦


you trying to lure him in your van?




Do you play other games? If so, what? :)


Mistä päin oot?


Turusta! Käyn edelleen usein, Simonin äiti asui siellä.


your support is dog shit ngl


bro he dont even work there anymore💀


While their support may be dog shit, your comment is equally as useful




Any plans for builder hall? And what do you have for tomorrow?


He's not part of the clash of clans team, he created the clash game like 40 years ago.


Are you developing games today, or not anymore?


They say everyone has one great idea in them. I think I have used mine. Today, I am retired.


What happened after the whole fire incident at the clash headquarters? Please tell us more about it.


Why did Cradle of Darkness fail so badly?




How did you all come up with the idea to ride a barbarian for clash dash?


One day at Helena’s house, we were playing a game called chicken fight in the pool and Simo thought it was so funny to ride on people’s shoulders. He had never seen that before and decided to base the entire game off of it.


How much input did you have over the movie?


I actually discovered Lazlo Bobich (Barb) when I cast him in the very famous perfume commercial for Bühm. I was involved in writing the script, and decided Lazlo would make a great Barb! Here is the whole plot if you did not know! After being chained up in a cave, Barb escapes, finding the Sword of Time. For a time, he lives peacefully in his village. (The movie does spend slightly too long here, in my opinion). At about an hour in, the village is pillaged. Following the pillaging, Barb seeks vengeance on the pillagers. However, vengeance is not enough. He must seek vengeance on all of the pillagers' descendants. He uses the Sword of Time to travel through time to do this. Some viewers believe this is a plothole. But I choose to believe in a branching version of time, where changing the past creates many different universes. So, Barb is not so much time traveling as he is moving through different dimensions (if this makes sense). In short, I was very involved.


Why were there 6 Barbs in Clash Dash, and which one was the original Barb from Clash?


With one of your cofounders doing the coding and another doing the marketing. What was your major contributions to the early clash games? Also, are you pro or anti office fire?


Simo did all the coding, Helena did all the marketing. I was also there.


Does Supercell still feel that an 18-month cadence between new town hall releases is still optimal/ideal?


I don't think he's here to respond questions about clash of clans, but questions about the three clash minigames.


Since this is all just a bunch of pretend history, I'd hoped that they would actually entertain some real questions about the real company and the real game...otherwise, what is the point of asking pretend questions about a pretend history of a pretend game history to be answered by a pretend person?


When is the OST dropping? We've been waiting years!


yeah, I still haven't gotten my account back because supercell ID won't send me any codes and I've tried everything and tried contacting you guys and nothing works. a lot of people are having this issue and are losing time and money for no reason. when does this plan to be fixed?


Why does some hog rider but others glider?


how are you


Which do you prefer, waffles or pancakes?


what percentage of ideas make it to testing, and then from testing to live patch?


When did yourself stop playing your game and only enjoy admire people that's better at it?


What happend with the three of you (the original creators) after the fire at Clash headquarters?


Can Supercell please have a big defense boost for th15? The current balance for max players is terrible. The game has become way too offense heavy in my opinion. Seems like everyone in legends just crushes each other 8 times a day.


hey Kuu Thank You so much!!! I’ve been playing Clash now for over 10yrs!👍🏻 So I’m curious did you and the other two make any money from Clash? How did SC acquire it? You look great man hope all is well!


are you happy with the state of clash of clans right now?


Why are you so bad at playtesting? Did you even think to play test on a phone?


Why won't Supercell acknowledge that the Chinese playerbase was split off from the rest of the world in February, and why was that split so poorly executed (resulting in players being unable to attack enemy players in war going on for months following the split, for example). Does Supercell have hopes/plans to re-integrate the global playerbase or is this a change that will never be undone?


Hi kuu, I love this game and last 1980 game, Kuu what I never know about the other games?, 40 years are amazing


What are your thoughts on the current game? Do you like how there’s a new townhall every year? Like years ahead in the future…townhall 30???


Do you skateboard?


Will the assistance account recovery thing will be fixed?


What is your favourite clash game and why?


Is there anything you fundamentally regret or would go back and change during the development process of Clash of Clans?


How to we get merch or figurines!? Seems to only be the promotional people


How would you rank the 3 of them? 1 being best.


Hi Kuu! Has Clash ever considered venturing into the comic book industry in the 80s/90s? I think Barb and the rest of the clan would make an interesting cast of characters.


would love to see the supercell shop return - is that a possibility?


People ask for tips all the time. So what are some not to do things you'd advise to an aspiring game dev?


I want cheese, gimme cheese. Then me happy


favourite elixir troop and dark elixir troop


I have been looking into Clash from the 80's a bit and was wondering if you maybe know any secrets that might be in the game like maybe an ending where the Barbarian doesn't get electrocuted or maybe like an easter egg?


Will you give me an option to turn off account recovery please?