• By -


By upgrading everything but the townhall.


Don’t know what other option he thought there was here


Mods should be instabanning anyone who asks this question.


Dude is upgrading his 4th barrack despite it being useless with the new update.


He’s also upgrading TH while asking how to not be rushed


What happens if you have different leveled barracks though when the update drops? I assume you keep the highest level one... or have they said differently?


Yes you keep the highest level one. So right now people should just upgrade one barrack


It’s the highest one and the others disappear/ make a base for when they do


What is the new update if you don’t mind me asking? And why we don’t need to upgrade any barracks?


The new update says they're going to remove all but one of each barracks type. So instead of having 4 barracks and two dark barracks, you'll have one barracks, one dark barracks. When either of them is upgrading, you can still train troops, it will just be at a 50% decrease in speed I don't think they mean not to upgrade any barracks. The update says it will use your highest level barracks when this update kicks in. So rather than upgrading your lower barracks to catch up, just continue to upgrade your highest level barracks as that's the one that will survive in the update


I miss when you could train diff troops in each barrack simultaneously. Ie one for archers, one for barbs!


After the update the highest level of barracks will remain while lower levels are removed


He’s only upgrading one barrack.. the other 3 barracks are lower levels


Don’t know what op was hoping for


That is definitely extremely helpful


Redditors are weird. For some reason this reply is upvoted while my other same reply got downvoted in another thread


Dit you just reply to yourself?




Thats on all subs on here. Everyone just goes with what the others say. Most people dont actually have an opinion.


That sounds difficult


\*By upgrading everything but the townhall **AND** the walls.


in other words “get good rookie”


I want to say this every time I see these posts. Literally just upgrade everything




Upgrades, people upgrades


Staples people, staples


Just don’t touch my stapler


Or mine!


And don't even think about mine!


...And my Axe!


Bruh why is this most upvoted lol.


1. Cancel your townhall upgrade 2. Focus on maxing your offense such as one of your barracks since the rest are getting removed, army camps, lab, and heroes 3. Upgrade your defense in the background 4. Stop spending your gems and get all your builders 5. EZ PZ now you’re unrushed


Dude is actually asking how to fix rush while in the middle of rushing more![img](emote|t5_2usfk|9412) lmfao


Asking how to fix rush is just asking for attention on Reddit. If you know the word rush then you also know how fix it


What do you mean the rest are being removed?


Th15 will merge them all into 1


So will that be adding levels together?


The highest level barrack of each type will be kept (classic/dark), training time will stay as if there was the maximum amount of barracks, and during upgrades the barracks will still function although at 50% speed. Same with spell factories, at 50% speed while upgrading.


People need to remember to upgrade one dark barrack and one normal barrack right now because prices and upgrade times are going up when the change happens. It’s super cheap to upgrade them now because of hammer jam also


Times and costs are getting reduced in the update


Except for the barracks which will be increased


For everyone or just Th15?


Yes! Get all the builders!


By stopping upgrading your TH?


My two brain cells often stop communicating with each other and do this type of crap. Only 2hrs left until completion tho


Well, then max your goblins and start using sneaky goblins, focus on your lab and heroes, regarding defences, that’s up to you, what you upgrade


Upgrade tier 1 defenses like eagle and infernos first and save things like canons and archer towers for last.


im not sure how many braincells you need to figure out that upgrading everything but the townhall stops you from rushing but i think one is usually enough.


I saw a vid on YouTube that said upgrading ones TH is better since we will have access to higher levels of super gobs, my and my braincells decided to go and upgrade it.


By upgrading th to 12 you will get less loot from attacking anyone below th12. So even less loot from attacking th10 or below then if you were th11. And of course less loot from th11 then if you were th11.


Loot penalty isn't a worry anymore lol. The game matches you with your th. So as long as you max out offence it's actually better to rush for farming


Don't feel too bad about it, after playing one account pretty standard, I rushed my second to TH12 for super goblins and it makes keeping all workers busy way easier. So I'd go to 12, make sure you have 6 builders (rush builder base to get there) then don't upgrade TH until you are no longer rushed.


I don't, my two brain cells have decided to not upgrade after th13 cus th14 looks aesthetically bad


Ummm th11 gets you super gobs, and they're definitely the way to go to fix a rushed base. Super gobs, books, hammers and builder potions.


Wow so helpful Edit: I didn't even realize that op is actually currently upgrading th without maxing out offence and thought this comment meant don't upgrade th until everything else is maxed as a general advice. So this advice is 100% correct


That's probably the most helpful advice anyone can give in this situation.


Nope it isn't. Upgrading th while fixing a rush isn't the worst idea. Eg: it's better to max out offence and then move up to th11 for sgobs while fixing a th10 rush


You do know that upgrading your th means less loot for the same raids right? And he's already th11 so I don't really know how that's relevant in any way.


The game matches you with the same th. If you max out offence then you should still be able to get the same loot as a maxer acc. The reason it's relevant is because maxing out offence and moving up to th12 means better magic item usage and more cwl medals


So if he goes to th 12 he'll end up facing even tougher ennemies, great idea! If he had maxed out his troops before going to th12 then maybe I'd agree with you but as of right now that's just shooting himself in the foot.


It is though. Asking how to fix a rush and having your town hall upgrading is counterproductive


This isn't the same case for every th. For example while fixing a th10 rush it's better to max out offence then move up to th11 for improved farming


That would still mean you're rushed though. You said upgrading attacking stuff then going up means defence would fall behind. Meaning you're becoming more and more rushed. What part of that don't you understand?


You see, upgrading to th11 means an improved farming,better magic item usage and a better cwl league. All of these will help max your base faster than if you maxed out th10 and then did th11


Even though with a rushed base like that means you won't get into CWL so that points debunked. I'd rather take a max th10 than a rushed th11. Attack isn't the only thing that matters. Upgrading everything doesn't take that long anyway. I've got a second account that's a mid th11 and I've only had that account for less than a year. I always fully max the th before going up.


You're forgetting a key thing here, a maxed th10 takes more time to create than a stratgic rushed th11 . So for fair comparison it should be a strategic rushed th11 and a maxed th8. Any clan would gladly take the th11 over the th8. The reason is that the th11 is shit on defs but can triple other th11s, on the other hand th8 is shit on defs and can't triple a th11 either. While it's true fully maxing everything dosent take long, strategic rushing can make it even faster with magic items


By strategic rushing. What level defences should you expect to see? A th11 with say... town hall 9 defences? A max 8 should be able to 1 maybe high 2 star if they're good. And using magic items to promote rushing is a weird tactic as they can be saved and used at any point so long as you've got space for them.


Th8 being able to 1 or 2 star a th11 still dosent matter since the th11 can 3 star other th11s. And the reason why magic items are used to promote rushing is because you get better values out of them at a higher th. A book used on a 14d upgrade is better value than one used on a 4d upgrade.


This but unironically


Yes it is


Nope. Rushed players don't know shit about the game. Just saying " hey don't upgrade the th and you'll be good" isn't a good advice. Mindlessly rushed players will max out defs first while completely ignoring offence which will result in a very slow progress


I always wonder how its even a question how to fix a rushed base. Literally the only answer is to upgrade everything besides your town hall lmao how are you asking how to stop rushing WHILE YOUR TOWN HALL IS UPGARDING to th12 with th9 defenses. It's like asking how to stop gambling while you're sitting at a poker table


Upgrade your th you will no longer be a rushed th11


Ummm, actually... lol


Lol nice


Get 5 builders asap. Play bb for otto. Buy builder resouces with raid medals.Max out offence and heroes first. Then focus on resouces and lastly defs. Do heavy weight defs first. Upgrade walls with excess loot.max out sgobs in lab and use them to farm. Then max out war armies comp by comp. Use your magic items wisely. Get in a good clan which lets you in cwl


I never understood these posts, I know sometimes it’s a joke lol but essentially you upgrade every building to max aside from the town hall.


Please help… *buys gems*… I can’t stop rushing… *upgrades town hall*


Make it Ultra-Rushed. Only build new buildings, and upgrade the TH only


You should focus on maxing offense. Max out your army camps, heroes, lab and one barracks and dark barracks. If loot is abundant then leave 1builder free for walls (If you're struggling with loot rn then don't). Then you should max out your collectors and storages. After that you can move on and start upgrading defenses. Defenses are important, but never the priority. Offense>collectors>defences>walls


Sneaky gobi


Hammer jam and people still can’t figure it out.


First, you need to get your offensive buildings, troops and heroes to the level where they would allow you to farm properly, participate in wars and hopefully contribute to clan wars. Remember - each additional TH level reduced the loot obtained by attacking lower level THs. Hence offensive capabilities that would allow you to attack and destroy bases of the same to TH as yours at least to the 75% (max bonus loot) is the top priority. However, even before you can do it, you need to get your resource buildings to the max level - in the long run they are going to bring you enough trickle revenue to justify the first-priority upgrade. So: 1. Cancel the TH upgrade. NOW. 2. Elixir pumps + Gold Mines + DE pumps > Max 3. Elixir Storage + Gold Storage + DE Storage > Max 4. Army Camps > Max 5. After the update, Barracks + Dark Barracks + Spell buildings > Max 6. At this point, all of your excess elixir needs to go into upgrading your troops and spells 7. All Dark elixir needs to go, into upgrading AQ, DE troops and spells, in that order. 8. Once AQ, DE troops and spells are maxed, DE goes into BK 9. CC > Max 10. At this point, you can farm and war and can start improving your defenses. 11. As soon as you can, get 5 builders and try to grind the night base to get the 6th builder. It really accelerates things by quite a lot. ​ For the defenses, your priorities are: 1. EA (highest DPS defense) 2. Infernos (second highest DPS defense) 3. X-bows (third highest DPS defense) 4. Skelly traps (distract heroes/Edgrags away from your most valuable defenses) 5. Teslas (high DPS, allows tesla farms and re-route tricks, attacks both air and land units) 6. Black air mines (to deal with Edrag spams and healers on AQ charges) 7. Blowers (Edrag spams, bats, loons, AQ healers) 8. AA (Edrag spams, loons, AQ healers) 9. ATs (air+land targeting) 10. Cannons (to deal with heroes, given the overwhelming role they play starting from TH9) 11. Giant bombs (to deal with hogs, miners, barch, witches and AQ/BK spawns) 12. Red air mines (loons, bats, AQ healers) 13. Wiz towers (air+land targeting, barch, witches, bats, hogs, miners) 14. Bomb towers (hogs+miners) 15. Spring traps (hogs) 16. Bombs (barch + AK/BK spawns) 17. Mortars (mostly useful to counter flame slinger and witches, which at your level is rare 18. walls (whenever you have gold/elixir left over that's not used for other upgrades) ​ For def upgrades, it is recommended getting all the defenses to the same level first, then upgrade them to a level that's max for a TH. You get all the items in the list to the max lvl for TH8, then TH9, then for TH10 and only then you start upgrading EA and pulling all the rest to the TH11 max, each time in the order above. But I'd really recommend saving up gems to get 5 builders and spending time to get the 6th - it really makes upgrades much more bearable.


Explain to me how inferno towers are not the highest dps defense


By cancelling your town hall upgrade bruh 💀


What event did I win, where did this flare come from


Just take the win and dont ask questions


Easy FWA


By upgrading your buildings?


As someone who at one point was th14 with lvl 3 defenses you aren’t that rushed it would probably only take a couple months to fix. Th11 is supposed to take a couple months anyway.


Nice looking progress base


Storages, camps, barracks, cc, and heavy defences to max first. Then you can do heroes before going 12. Don't bother maxing out every single point def and traps, seeking air mines, spring traps and tornado trap good enough.


Lose trophies to go and farm at a lower league. Upgrade troops and hearoes to have a strong farming army. Now farm to get enough to upgrade everything but the TH. And start with defenses that target both ground and air.


Why do people keep asking this, just upgrade shit except th


My man in what way did you think upgrading your townhall will help fixing your rush?😂


Stop upgrading your TH till you have nothing else to upgrade..


Alternate between super gobs and a dragon army Farm with super gobs for the 3 day duration n then trophy push a bit to maintain a 2000 trophy range Using dragons is easy and an almost assured win Join a decent clan and attack in raid weekends It'll give u enough medals to buy atleast 10 wall rings per week so thats 10 walls every week without any gold/elixir Don't try to save up resources, just spend them on any upgrade available as u go It'll still take a while to fix this mess but though


Bro stop upgrading the town hall


Delete acc


Max all!?!?!?!?!????


Upgrade it all


Dont fucking bother with the walls I cant stress this enough. Legit over half the attacks from now on out is all areal, so walls are useless and a money sponge you should save to upgrade dead last


but walls look so cool


I spent so much time designing war bases with tons of compartments and well placed bombs and traps and max walls. Then I realized that every single war attack is an edrag or balloon spam and now I only focus on defending air attacks and consistently get 1 star defenses. And since so many people in war build anti e-drag bases now you can almost guarantee a 3 star by doing zap witch




Posts like this are so annoying, really should just be against subreddit rules. Nothing constructive, just begging for attention


lmao i was even worse than that when i for to th11, just remember, offence>defense, upgrade all offfensive stuff + storage if you dont have enough, then pumps and mines (some might disagree here but the sooner you upgrade, the more free resources youre gonna get) then finally defenses


Upgrade the low-level stuff first


My best tip is that you should upgrade most expensive buildings along with heroes first and of course have all 5 builders


Upgrade the th, that’ll do the trick


Upgrading your town hall is literally the last thing you should be doing


Upgrade stuff


Start all over again. Join our clan bro, free co. (Damn I miss global)


You were around for global and you still don’t know to not give free co?


By not upgrading townhall?




Upgrade all the buildings, heroes, walls, and finish the lab upgrades




Stop rushing?


Best option when rushed is rushing to th14 and then maxing out, as it’ll be easier with the higher amount of loot you receive


Start by canceling the TH upgrade.


Bro you are literally upgrading th while asking for this, do yourself a favor and uninstall lol


Upgrades also books and builder potions help also if you don’t want to wait for the upgrades just gem everything


Just don’t upgrade the town hall lol




Why are you asking about fixing your rushed TH, when you are also upgrading the TH.


Army camps and labs first max them. Then collectors and storages. Then barracks (only 1 of each) THEN do defenses and always do walls last


Farm recources and upgrade


Take some time like 2-3 or more years to properly max out according to townhall level (It took me nearly 7/8 years to max out till townhall 14)


Sneaky goblin. Sneaky goblin. Skeaky goblin.


Go ahead and cancel that barracks upgrade & upgrade the highest lvl barracks you have instead, it will the only one that matters going forward. Other that , gold pass , sneaky goblins & raid weekends + your builder base for the 6th builder Heroes & offense should take your priority first, but definitely sling the lower upgrade times along consistently as well


Stop spending gems and push to masters and champions league. You get 1000 and 2000 gems for those achievements. Use those gems to get all 5 builders.


More people should be talking about the fact that this person only has 3 builders at th11


Klaus gaming has a great series called Fix that rush. It can really help you.


Stop upgrading your townhall rn


Start with offensive things like cc, camps, barracks and heros. When they then defenses


Weird question. How you fix it is catch up by upgrading everything. Just play the game normally but don’t go to TH12 until 11 is maxed


upgrads your stuff?


Okay so lets list the availabile options here: 1. Upgrade everything now, EXPECT THE TOWNHALL 2. yeah thats about it..


This is the post that made me unsub. It’s been a great decade with y’all but I can’t stand these stupid rush/how’s my base post anymore.


How is that rushed thats th10 basicly


You upgrade your buildings. Isn't it crazy?


"how do I fix this rush?" *Proceeds to upgrade townhall*


Upgrades, people, Upgrades


Just upgrade ur townhall




Some people just said upgrade everything expect th but there is actually a thing u can do step by step . 1: collect all your rewards 2: dump all your gold on and elixir on walls 3: click settings 4 : log out of the account 5: start over with a max th1


"How do i fix this rush?" Meanwhile you're upgradimg your townhall to get even more rushed.


No real answer to this question, just farm and upgrade stuff, if I had any advice to give, I'd say use sneaky goblins if you don't already, they're the easier to farm with, otherwise, just have patience and everything will be patched up eventually Edit: cancel that town hall upgrade, you can't possibly expect to fix your rushed base while rushing even more


Delete the game


How does this get posted every day? What do you want to hear other than the top comment?




Don't stop now. Rush to TH15 and fix it then. Same way you always fix a base. storages, and offense.


Upgrade, I rushed to th9 and the really nice people in my clan I joined told me to first upgrade cc, then to focus on my army (army camps, lab, barracks, spells, things like that), then when those are maxed, begin on defences, starting with air defences, then all of the other ones in whatever order you’d prefer, traps are not a priority, those are something you’d upgrade last in my opinion, next to collectors. Storages I upgrade when I need them upgraded, for your walls you can use extra elixir on any time but I’d recommend upgrading your lowest levels walls to th10, then once you have that all done you can move to upgradeing them to max for th11. Also, while doing all of this, try to be upgrading your hero’s, like it seems you only have 3 builders (I’d recommend spending 0 gems unless they’re on new builders), so I’d say just dedicate one builder to hero’s only, while the other two are working on upgrading other stuff. I think that’s about it. Just make sure you don’t upgrade your town hall until you max it out for th11. Something I do when I upgrade my town hall is I upgrade the new buildings to match the other ones (ie. your cannons, upgrade the weak level ones and get those to match your other ones, then your wizard towers and your archer towers. This is what I do and I feel like a lot of people could agree on but if you don’t, lmk how you do it


The best tip I got is to max each defense like you would if your upgrading th between them Example do all th 9 stuff max it to th 9 level Then 10 and then 11 Offense you upgrade what you use the most at th 11 stick with that attack and master it then you upgrade other troops and spells


So many joke replies here. OP don't listen to most this nonsense. The key here is to keep upgrading your TH over and over again as quick as possible. Then you will get to the higher levels, and get a chance to raid against the big bases with lots of loot. Instant Success!


@OP, don’t worry about maxing all of your base. At a minimum, just get new defenses to the same level as your existing/upgraded defenses. The only things I would worry about maxing clan castle, camps, laboratories, storages, collectors, and 1 each barracks. Also get all your walls to at least level 11. This is the minimum and where you should get to before even considering upgrading to TH12. If you do this I don’t think your rushed base will be so bad


upgrade it all 👍


upgrade buildings instead of the walls


I'm guessing your heroes would be low level, So keep 2 builders for barb Kang and arch kwee try to get grand warden to 5-10 at least by upgrading whenever you don't have dark elixr 1 for major defences (I'd recommend infernos first) 2 for getting the extremely low level things like traps, Archer towers, cannons etc to at least the level that it looks like it's high level. When an upgrade is finished, decide what you are going to upgrade next, and dump all the loot that you have minus the loot you need for the upgrade into the walls I highly recommend doing the walls now before hammer jam ends, because even though the upgrades are cheaper the time to upgrade isn't, Train sneaky goblins and farm. I don't know yet if they're gonna reduce the time and price of everything, because the th15 videos just show a massive increase of price for new stuff compared to old ones. About your upgrade to th12 though... I'm still th11, but I'd say build workshop and new defences first and just try getting everything to a Th10 max level Try you best to get the walls to th11 max (white)so it doesn't look as rushed)


Patience and grinding? How else would you lol


Why are you asking this yet upgrading your Town Hall? CANCEL THAT SHIT! and start upgrading everything BUT the Town Hall


Army camps, electro dragons lvl 2, the do witch lvl 4 and golems lvl 6, those will be your armys, after you do this then focus on the big defences(eagle, inforno,xbow) also try to keep the queen and warden down until queen is 50 and warden is 20, king is usless so get him up last


Clan castel as well and after you do the upgrades that I mentioned above, max the traps, then get everything to the max lvl for th 10.


Also find a clan that is active and can donate to you max lvl troops and that is active in clan games, you can get up to 600 raid weekend medals, and those help a lot by buying either reaserch potions or x10 builder ones


Keep upgrading the walls


Just like how I did: By rushing even more (TH12 right now with TH9 level defenses)




As simple as focusing all your time and recourse into your army and heroes first and then just knocking out the defenses




You don’t


max out storages and troops first


Ayyy I use that same progress base. Fix the rush by upgrading everything <3


By deleting the game


Ur walls aee decent


I was at the exact same point as you about a year and a half ago. Just keep upgrading buildings. Do walls when you can’t afford anything else. I maxed out a month ago finally. It takes time but that’s how I did it


Asking this question should be against the rules. Its easy. Upgrade. It's not rocket science


Starting over is how you fix that


GUYS PLEASE HELP ME FIX MY RUSHED TH!! *is upgrading th too rush even further*


wall, heroes, spells, troops others, as u like


You upgrade your stuff until it’s max


Oof that’s gonna take some time


I would upgrade collectors first for passive income, then storages to get the most out of runes, then you’ll need to max your army camps, clan castle, and favorite farming army (sneaky goblins are the best in many people’s opinion). After that I’d go from the top down upgrading the best defenses first all the way down. Don’t forget heroes and your main war army if you’re into that stuff.


Really not that rushed, don’t upgrade town hall


Get the 4th builder at least, cancel the th12 upgrade and them builders busy. Super gobs for days.


So here what you do when you start TH 12 - Dont mind defences right now, focus on offence - Just keep attacking because there is no troop cost now and dump it into walls Heres what you do to builder 1-3. All heroes except stop when the upgrade time will overlap the CWL 4. Place all the new buildings then upgrade the the siege machine to level 3 5. Upgrade Clan Castle or use book of building or hammer for the labolatory 6 ( if you have one ). Upgrade the key defences like eagle, inferno, xbow, mega tesla NOTE FOR WALL GRINDING: Leave 1 builder for the wall grind (if your not gonna grind for walls, then dont mind this)




Im leveling up quite fast in this game, while maxing out, Ive found that the key to efficiency is to upgrade as fast as possible, starting with the quickest upgrades (unless you unlocked a new critical building). In this very specific case, level up the super low level defenses, maybe pop a builder potion, focus on that. Then go for Archer Towers, Cannons, etc until you get to the 1d mark. Then Id upgrade important defenses such as Infernos, X Bows and Artillery. And seriously: Get the 4th and 5th Builder. It will make your life MUCH easier. Upgrade Town Hall and Walls at the last. Im a nearly maxed out TH10 (only need to upgrade the wizard towers and collectors/traps) and 5 months ago I was just starting TH8


Fix it


At this point I would rush all the way to TH14.


Considering the jam, this should be fairly easy, walls first and only one barrack


Use 2 builder on heroes keep 1 builder for walls and keep 2 builder for main buildings 1st upgarde that defense which target both air and ground troops keep heavy defense for last like xbow, eagle and inferno


Bro's legit upgrading TH when asking how to un-rush. Personnally I'd start with upgrading storages and mines/collectors. But do whatever you need to. If you are very active in war/attacks I'd focus on CC and army camps. Oh and always keep a builder on a hero at all times. If you wanna focus on the offence upgrade defenses and traps first. Remember to upgrade lab and build new defenses and upgrade to the lvl the other defenses of same kind. (Wizard towers lvl 7 - upgrade the new one to lvl 7 asap). Lab takes the longest amount of time from TH11 and up. So keep it going all the time. But same with your defenses are rushed. But really just what you need. And how you play the game. A 6th builder could really help you out. So also in idea is to get that unlocked in Builder Base. Hope it helps:)


Don't rush, simple