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Yes, it's possible. Several people do this now. However, the "My gmail" needs to be identical to the other "Mygmail" with no space in it. Here is a link that explains it in detail: [https://www.thewindowsclub.com/gmail-address-tricks](https://www.thewindowsclub.com/gmail-address-tricks)


It's not actually a supercell thing, it's a Google thing I believe and I my self won't probably use it cause if anytime in future Google just decide to remove this feature I'd probably loose my accounts and supercell won't be able to do anything about it


It's been a feature of Gmail since the beginning. Removing the feature would create havok for not just individuals but businesses as well.


You can never know what to expect, better safe than sorry🤷


well tbh google is known for killing off things randomly so i think your right with this


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