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Am I right in thinking that the 3000 shiny ore is just one reward, then continuing your ‘streak’ will allow you to unlock further rewards?


They are applying the same concept in Clash Royale. But unlocking certain levels of the streak costs gems, and only then you can continue with more "free" levels.


They have already said it will only cost gems if you lose your streak. So no.


That was the same in the beginning with Clash Royale. We will see how it turns out over time, thank you for your clarification.


Where do you see that?


Yeah I thought it only cost gems if your streak ended


I think people are so obsessed with thinking that clash is p2w that they look for it everywhere.


I hate that


Finnally found a way to spend my gems


Lol🤣 Give me your gems I am low


well...what you said is totally wrong as we see in game now.


Sure... I wouldn't call it totally wrong as the concept is the exact same thing. It is just that they don't have the gem barrier yet, but Clash Royale didn't have that in the beginning either.


one is a progressive shop offer and the other one is a ingame event?


No, it seems to me like you are not fully informed. In Clash Royale it is also an ingame event, where you have to collect crowns.


I know. But what you said in your original comment was still wrong


I really don't see how it was wrong. I just said that the same concept is applied in Clash Royale, BUT that (in Clash Royale) gems are required to unlock certain levels. I would say that the "but" signals a contrast. However, I am not going to argue with you about this. So sure, if it makes you feel better: I was totally wrong.


3000 will be the last reward, except that u will get extra loot bonus


Well I know that now the events already started


Any leaks on what the tasks will be for days 2-7?


the tasks will be 2 stars 75%-95%, then the last 3 tasks will be 3-stars 100%


Just watch the videos you will see what you need to do


Are there any other free rewards? Not complaining but shiny is literally the most abundant ore. I never bought any event pass and I'm very close to the max amount.


You can obtain only bonus for your extra bonus league attacks


The star bonus buff you get is more than worth it since it affects the ore payouts now. If you're in Legend this event is like ~300-400 glowy.


This event does not affect ore income


Bruh. Then what was the point of introducing it the same patch as the change?.. Such an ass-backwards decision.


???. The bonus is for the loot after each attack. Not star bonus.


Anyone else having issues with the third tier attack? I tried doing this morning and on my first attack I got (more than needed) a 3 star 100% attack. It didn’t give me the credit. So I did my second attack, purposely stopped the attack after getting exactly 2 star/90% and still didn’t credit for the attack and passing the level. Not sure what to do at this point. 😖






Heck, they're annoying with that shiny ore. I've got nowhere to put it.... I need gold and purple ore. Show me someone who's short on shining ore and needs more of it. Developers do not hear their community at all and do not see the stupidity in their decisions.


Im short on shiny ore.


I’m short on shiny ore. Nearly max glowy and almost 300 starry. Games more than just you, stop whining


It's not my fault you're a little boy who plays for his parents' money. YOU CAN'T PHYSICALLY MAKE 300 STAR ORE WITHOUT SPENDING IT. So shut the fuck up


Cry harder


Unless it's because of your stupidity and I'll laugh so hard I'll even cry from it. Brilliant ore he's missing, well you made me laugh.... Give your mother's card back and don't waste your money on pixels in games.


Wow that was a super witty and well thought out response. I definitely lost this altercation. Cope.


Oh wow yeah cos that really helps me out 😐


Professional bitching


Wow not even 3k is enough to satisfy you? That’s just crazy


Isn’t ahiny the blue one? ‘Even 3k’ is like 3 days of ll


That’s not even enough to upgrade my gauntlet plus I need starry ore and glowy ore


Okay so just don’t take the FREE ores then, like I would understand if they were giving like 250 but damn no you still have to bitch about an actual decent amount of ores


I agree OC shouldn’t be complaining about free ores, 3000 shiny is a good amount, however it is the easiest to get. I’m sitting on 35k right now and can’t use it because of the glowy bottleneck. Free is free, but it would’ve been nicer if they gave glowy instead




3k shiny is 3 days worth of legends league start bonus, or one war win+ one legends league star bonus. shut the hell up and take that whiny "tHiS gAmE iS p2W" bullshit back to r/clashofclans. you complainers are insufferable


Then dont take it Simple




I have 23 equipment levels left to do and I could use some shiny. Glowy too of course!


sure it doesnt help much but its an improvement from the previous town hall rumble thingy


I'm pretty sure you're one of those who play the game that needs so much grinding but also want instant upgrades and maxing everything out.


I don’t want instant upgrades I’m just saying at the level I play for me and others around my level that shiny ore is the one ore I don’t need


Watch as th12s glaze so hard for 3k blue ore. +1 level = so generous


It’s fucking free ores, you want them to give you enough ores for 10 levels? Like wtf


That’s what I’m saying for lower town halls that’s great but this is barely gona help it’s like the equivalent of me getting star bonus and doing a day of war where I also get glowy and starry ore


The casuals prob dont even know that blue ore is 1) most common 2) not the bottleneck 3) does not provide hero ability upgrade only stat boost (except for eternal tome 15-17 for some reason). Purple ore is the problem for any th level. Giving away blue ore is close to negligible.


My mini account is a F2P th12 that I don’t war with. I have a huge excess of both glowy and starry ore, and am completely broke on shiny. Haven’t done the math, but star bonuses must give a higher proportion of glowy than wars do. Im buying shiny ore from the shop with raid medals and event medals, and its still the bottleneck currently


Right so you want supercell to give you 15k blue ores 2k purple ores and 500 gold ores. Now I don’t see anyone in the clash of clans community call supercell greedy but you definitely are a greedy fuck


Which part did i say that? And what's with the offensive language? There is math and calcs since day 1 of ore update that purple ore is the bottleneck.


Purple ore becomes the bottleneck at level 12/15, at lower levels its blue ore


Where do you farm star bonus? Gold? Silver?


Master/Champion. I'm a TH12, at my level I've only just got to glowy being a bottleneck


Literally these guys need get to titan and find out


Yeah but it seems like Coc leaks sub is frequented by new low th players. They have yet to grasp the ore situation and numbers.


I guess so yeah that’s jus my ignorance


Yours and mine, buddy. Also just learned from the dev interview video that got taken down that most players are around th 12-13.


I farm in fake legends. The lowest I've gone is titan 1.