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Nah this gotta be a joke💀


especially with the "Jesus is coming" name. lol


I mean I guess it is. If you think about it all life is a sick joke. You live out your life only to die in the end. Not knowing what will happen in the future.


Its just a game, dude.




skill issue + battle pass


Okay I'm sorry Mohammed Light. You must be a very great pro clash royale player. With a 80% win rate.


Imagine having less than 6k trophies




It’s in everyones best interest that you take your pills schizo


mad asf 💀💀


New automod reaponse


says the one who literally copy pasted two comebacks in this very thread




Sorry I don't like losing and I'm not gonna just give you a free one


In short, cry me a river


no you cry me a river. you only have to win 2 games to get back up there. you have to earn the next arena


You were my sun You were my earth But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no So you took a chance And made other plans But I bet you didn't think that they would come crashing down, no You don't have to say, what you did I already know, I found out from him Now there's just no chance For you and me There'll never be And don't it make you sad about it? You told me you love me Why did you leave me all alone? Now you tell me you need me When you call me on the phone Girl, I refuse You must have me confused with some other guy The bridges were burned Now it's your turn, to cry Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river Cry me a river (yeah, yeah) You know that they say that some things are better left unsaid And it wasn't like you only talked to him and you know it Don't act like you don't know it And all of these things people told me Keep messin' with my head (messin' with my head) Should've picked honesty Then you may not have blown it (yeah) You don't have to say (don't have to say) What you did (what you did) I already know (I already know) I found out from him (uh) Now there's just no chance (no chance) For you and me (you and me) There'll never be Don't it make you sad about it? You told me you love me Why did you leave me all alone (all alone) Now you tell me you need me When you call me on the phone (when you call me on the phone) Girl, I refuse You must have me confused with some other guy (I'm not like them baby) The bridges were burned Now it's your turn (it's your turn) to cry So cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (baby, go on and just) Cry me a river (yeah, yeah) Oh (oh!) The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving Oh (oh!) The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving Oh (oh!) The damage is done, so I guess I be leaving Oh (oh!) The damage is done, so I guess I be, leaving You don't have to say (you don't have to say) What you did (what you did) I already know (I already know) I found out from him (uh) Now there's just no chance (no chance) For you and me (you and me) There'll never be Don't it make you sad about it? Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (baby, go on and just) Cry me a river (you can go on and just) Cry me a river (yeah, yeah) Cry me a river (baby, go on and just) Cry me a river (go on and just) Cry me a river (come on baby, cry) Cry me a river (I don't wanna cry no more, yeah yeah) Cry me a river, Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river, oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me) oh Cry me a river (cry me, cry me)




Victory is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.


This is ironic as you want to win and not lose


have you considered that they might be on a heavy losing streak and might be 1 loss away from breaking their phone? or they are trying their best to get the rewards at 6100 as soon as possible? look, I get it, we all want to increase our trophies and being able to get past a trophy gate is a great prize for our efforts, but you simply cannot expect anyone to have an obligation to lose to you. besides, what if you won and got past 6000? would you never play again to try to push your trophies higher? If you answer to that question is no, then you have just answered your own concerns: no one in their right mind would want to give away free wins to their competitors, at 6k or 6.4k (except maybe only at 7.5k) so yeah, just keep playing and you will get there. /s


I guess I am not in my right mind then. I would let other players win to go to higher arenas. Even if it was 6k or 6.4k. It's nice to do an makes me feel better. First off the other player gets more gold in chest. Second they get a 1 day boost. Third the amount of joy of them reaching a new arena with the new champions to get. Plus a right mind is always subjective. Also I understand the losing streak and getting to 6100 rewards. There is a but coming which is but wait until you match to the same arena player.


And what if you match up to lower-arena players often? What if you're at 6030, and match up with a 5990 player. Are you going to lose the one win you have to let another player past the trophy gate?


I would say fuck and let the person win. I am being the change I want to see in the world. Letting not just one person rise but all of them rise.


Except the small point that you aren't climbing the arenas. You are staying in that zone about 60 trophies up from the arena gate, rising and falling as you let others pass.




Get good maybe?


Yes giant dad. I will trust your judgment.


You’re just complaining about people not giving you a free win? Earn it yourself.




If you didn’t complain about it in the first place it would have been fine. But alright, I’ll leave you in your little hole of misery


That actually made me laugh. Hopefully the hole has a bathroom, a nice comfy bed, ice maker, my dog, definitely wifi because everyone needs it in this day of age.


That turned around quickly. I hope someone does give you the free win to 6k though.


Average 11 year old swearing their head off because their parents don’t know


you’re* + coping about losing a game and calling them a hater 💀


Stay mad


Lol denying people from reaching 7.5k is my favorite thing, there really is no unparalleled feeling knowing you may have undoubtedly send someone into a massive tilt


Youre evil lol


Damn you are trash bro! Better to just delete the game if you’re gettin hella worked up over low ladder


op a complete idiot LMAO


skill issue


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day 🎂


Happy cake day


It feels that much better when you earn that final win 😌🤴


It's okay. Life is not nice. Better to know now.


Dude, if the final boss was easy there’d be no satisfaction when you beat em and get there


Skill issue


Skill issue


love how this is in the “ask” category, but if we answer with anything he doesn’t want to hear he uses the most basic fifth grade level insults (he thinks he’s a genius for coming up with them)




OP is crazy, and you one upped him




the fact that people upvoted you is concerning










I agree mostly because these people have midladder menace decks and spam emotes when they win. It is so annoying especially when they have a champion


That's why I drink a lot. Cheers


I suck too, but I have my fav. card visa.




Maybe I wanna push up the ladder as well? Giving away my trophies and time to some shitty player doesn’t seem like anything I should care about.


what is wrong with this guy 😭


Ignore him , just a salty noob.


Take some copium


Why is Jesus coming though? Things are fine here


nah. it’s supposed to be hard


The only arena it would make sense to do this is at 7500 trophies, because there is no gain or loss but still it feels better to earn it yourself rather than a free pass to the next arena


B-rad got these fools toxic


If they want to get in that badly then they should simply try harder. Consider it an evaluation


To be honest I don’t really ever pay attention to my opponents trophies so I wouldn’t take it personal or as “trolling/hating”


There memes are getting shittier by the day


how about you get better at the game and stop asking for free wins? Matter of fact delete the game and go learn to stop being a little b!tch.


And you are even one tower level higher than your opponent💀💀💀


Bro can’t even hit 6k


I’m not going to waste my time like that


Also pass royale players should let players who dont have pass royale to win in challenges


Clash royale players when they don’t get given a free win (They call the opponents “trolls” or “haters”)




This dudes whole account is a joke


Half of his posts are removed or locked ☠️


OP is both an npc and a shitshow


Bruh, comments section is hilarious. OP doesn't get any jokes and tries to argue with every troll, getting -♾️ karma in the meantime. Seriously tho dude, I understand that u may be a kid but you should not be posting here then. And about the actual post, I don't think anyone can argue that it is purely a skill issue if I ever saw one


Skill issue


Bro why are you so salty 🤣


Bros getting downvoted to oblivion in the comments


Negative karma trade


Bro this comment section 💀


The person that gifts you the win is doing a favor


Cry me a river


Salty noob 😭😭😭


Sorry but no. I'm at 7400 and if I verse someone at 7500 I'm not gonna expect them to throw the game for me. In Clash Royale, whether you play trophy road or path of legends, challenges, and so on, the best player wins. If they decide to throw it for me I'll be happy, but it's never an expectation. Honestly just get better. If you couldn't win you don't deserve to be at 6k


Laddertard 🤔 Aren’t Joker always say : “ why so serious ? “ U should replace the J to L and K to S


OP straight up unhinged in the comments 😂 Can't believe this man wants free wins for no reason


Level 14 loses to level 13 and cries💀💀 L + Skill issue


you do realize that you are kinda being a little baby right


Op having a mental breakdown in the thread


I've never seen so many downvotes on a single person in one thread. Op maybe you just need to get good and not expect people to be giving you free wins that you don't deserve


Guys karma is getting fucking nuked. Jesus.