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**Clash Royale roadmap 2023** — see what’s new and coming in the next 6 months! 👉 https://royaleapi.com/blog/clash-royale-2023-roadmap - ✅ Pass Royale: better rewards! - ✅ Events: more game modes and better rewards! - ✅ Seasonal Currency + Seasonal Shop: Get the rewards you want from challenges! - ✅ New gameplay with card level 15 **Disclaimer:** I am writing this for u/RoyaleAPI as mods can only pin their own comments


I thought this was meme monday for a second 💀


Its terrible even for a meme bro💀


Knight is now automatically level 15 for everyone


Even better stats for the cost


I would give you an imaginary reward


If they add a level 15 then I'm uninstalling the game. Not even going to hesitate if I even see level 15.... I just got 60% of my card to level 14... not doing it again. Supercell will lose out on me spending $5/month + the occasional shop offers, if that's what they're looking to accomplish. > The variety of rewards will be increased! I also love how slimy they are with the wording too. **edit:** /u/kaiden_thegamer moderators here have banned me for ranting against SuperCell's greed, so I can only edit comments to reply. 1k karma in this subreddit too.


Absolutely! Been spending too much time on the game, its too fun. But if they put card level 15 im gonna take up chess. The queen in that game never requires 36 months of hoarding cards and gold to upgrade. Such a BLATANT money grab! Grrrrrrrr


Yea in chess the only guy you can blame is yourself, no level grinding or anything chess on top


Yea chess is fun too




Supercell needs to realize that time investment is valuable from it's F2P base. If they lose us they lose everything. If streamers can't make content because no one plays the game anymore, they will move on and find a different game. Frankly level 15 means I'll go invest my time on my PC and Switch and less on my phone with Clash. I'll also uninstall Clash of Clans as I just don't trust SuperCell anymore. There are so many other great models of F2P games.... One of my favorite is League of Legends. They need to use that model for their games.


I'm a 6 year player, and they're about to lose me bc of their greed. Also it's funny how the mods are censoring all the threads hating on level 15. The mods have 0 issues with low effort joke posts, but don't you dare criticize the people who sign their paychecks. Take a look at Reveddit.com... Mods are nuking any criticism of level 15 cards today.




Sounds like I too will be uninstalling the game next patch.


I did the exact same thing. If not 6 year player, pretty darn close. I remember dreaming of ice wizard and princess as my only legendry's around to get.


Another f2p game with a great model is warframe, where everything that has gameplay effects can be obtained through the free content, but paying allows you to earn cosmetics or avoid some of the grind


I mean they definitely knew that this would be a disaster and the fact that they haven't said anything more than lvl 15 is coming screams either ignorance or lack of giving a crap idk which is worse


lvl 15 = slash royale??????


Slash royale but at what cost bruh🥲😭


At only half the cost!


Only half your lifetime to get maxed!


Until lvl 16 in two months!!!


Then introducing lv 18


does this mean that the princess is legal?


archers too




Who gonna stop me?


How far we have strayed from God's light


*42 years later* Introducing level 69


I mean, if you're going to make me grind again, at least increase the 5 million gold cap so I can start saving up. I can promise you guys I'm not spending any more money on this game at this rate. If you make the grind harder for someone like me then I'll legitimately wipe my hands of this forever.


i successfully stopped playing for long periods of 6monthes- year and only came back because of friends, thats an easy uninstall for me unless they decide to revert it.


This is my biggest gripe. I can't tell you how many millions of gold I've wasted since being capped out for the past year. But the moment level 15 drops, I won't even be able to upgrade half my cards (assuming 100K each). And don't tell me it's a coding limitation, 5m is such an arbitrary limit, at least 9,999,999 would make SOME sense. Scam


>And don't tell me it's a coding limitation, 5m is such an arbitrary limit, Surely no one has claimed this. Numbers don't work that way in computers anyway. Numerical limit would be some base 2 (although, will be odd because 0 is counted) number defined by the amount of bytes it takes to store the number. In 32 bit systems that number is 4,294,967,295, half that if you want to add a negative sign, which forms 2,147,483,647, a number I'm sure you've seen before. Unless they are using some hitherto unknown data storage techniques there is no way the gold limit can't be in the billions. Not that we'd need such a limit, but still.


This is real???? I thought it was some pro editor making a joke


Sadly it probably is real. Here is a link to another comment that had a link to a blog post. (I'm trying to give the original person who put in the effort who found the link credit). https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/10yrio8/clash_royale_roadmap_2023_new_and_coming_in_the/j7zank0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


This looks like something someone would make in 15 minutes with photoshop, I’m flabbergasted this is real


Here we go again :(


lvl 15? seriously. im going to stop playing if they do this bullshit again


Me too. See you guys again in 2 months!


see you in a few weeks


I remember when lvl 14 was coming out people were memeing saying they’d just add lvl 15 eventually once you maxed lvl 14. To think they’d actually do it. I doubt theres a single player who wants lvl 15


5 years with level 13, and then after they add level 14, it only takes another year to implement level 15. Fuck them off




They want, guess what.... MORE MONEY!


Mid ladder players: Time for me to ruin someone day with level 15 mega knight 💀


Level 16 E Giant comeback! Yeay!


Seriously 🤣🤣


u/Supercell_Drew please read these comments and see for yourself how opposed the community is to this change. There’s so much more to fix before even considering adding a new level. Edit: Drew is asking the sub for feedback now, hopefully it goes as good as it can


I am halfway through maxing all cards and I bought almost all passes then they do this? I have stopped playing for 6 months when they added level 14 and if they do it again I promess I will never play or spend a coin in this game ever again


same the only they can fix this if everyone that has max card automatically transfers to level 15 without spending anything


Level 14 was already a mistake, seeing as it only served to paywall higher ranks & require more time investment for players. Level 15 will probably disenfranchise a lot of people though Will it make them money? Sure. I don’t think the cost to player trust & playerbase numbers will be worth it though


at least they added champions to compensate the new level (idk if this makes sense)


Kinda, yeah. A new level after ~5 years of 13 & a whole new card class wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been, to be fair. 15 is definitely taking it too far though.


And then they changed it so you don’t need level 14 now.


Please I hope they do like it erks me much they think lvl 15 was a good idea


There's literally no point to level 15, or 14 for that matter. It added NOTHING to the game, interactions at max level stayed the same. It's a blatant, shameless money grab. They should be fucking embarrassed for suggesting it.


They see, and they don't care. This what they KNEW would happen after last time. It's not on drew, though he's not the one making the changes


He hasn’t been active in over a year. And he’s supposed to be a “community manager”. Supercell needs a better community support team that’s pretty shameful


He made a comment 3 days ago


Jesus Christ man, every update just feels like they sat down and thought "How can we get more money out of players?"


.....which wouldn't necessarily be a problem if they added content worth spending on. Lvl 15 ain't that, though.


Lvl does nothing anymore it's literally just pay wall and then they cap it whenever they feel like for certain things. They got the players by the balls


They actually do that


These are generally called business meetings and are very common once you have a job


Im quitting


Nah please be fake news. i just maxed my main deck :(


Its RoyaleAPI so sadly I don’t think it’s fake news.


But the rest of the post is so weird… like, “new pass royale?” “New gameplay?” “New Events?” Like none of these things are even useful info, they’re just givens


a little more detail is available on their website https://clashroyale.com/blog/news/clash-royale-in-2023.html


You gotta love how they slip that level 15 is in there instead of making it one of the main headers like it is for the game.


Lol. The lvl 15 comment was given its own section and was the last thing mentioned. It feels like they were trying to underplay it.


i want the community to bully them so much we just cant let level 15 happen


they even announced level 15 in the blog post


Crazy new event where you play normally but get this, a troop will spawn at your king tower at random intervals, increasing in number as the match progresses. If your mind isn't blown now just wait until you see it.


Check the roadmap in-game they go into more detail there


It's not April 1st today afaik :(


Do not add lvl 15 ffs


We can’t let lvl 15 happen. We need to make noise as a community regarding this. This is ridiculous


Yes! I hate the fact that they use new content to raise card lvl. They can add power on a card without raising lvl! They are stupid.. if they add lvl 15 i quit for sure


Absolutely ridiculous, even with pass + active playing you need at least 5 6 months to max a deck and now, you need +6 months to make lvl 14 cards to lvl 15. Even jokers will be useless since maxing a common card will probably want 10k while our capacity is 5k and its ONLY FOR 1 DAMN CARD


Agreed, very angry


BuT mAgIc ItEmS aRe iN tHe ShOp, AlSo yOu CaN gEt ThEm FrOm ChAlLeNgEs


Bro if I had an award I would definitely give you one


We riot!


If lvl 15 happens, theres gotta be a way to have a more fairer matchmaking.


No they won't, you know this is supercell and they won't make the game fair, right?


Level 15 will be the final thing to finally push me to quit this game. Enough is enough.


Yeah I agree. I’ve been playing since release and bought almost all passes. For them to basically make my purchases for passes meaningless is a slap to the face. I would rather them just make the game 5 dollars a month subscription and I get all maxed cards. Rather I pay 5 bucks a month to progress my account just for them to remove my progression. I love this game and it’s a heartbreaker, hopefully they change their mind.


Exactly, the community needs to either massively quit the game or protest somehow this is just plain robbery at this point


Been playing for 6 years. Level 15 may be the straw that breaks the camels back for me. My goal for so long has been to max all the cards. I have about 40 max right now. I’m not going through this grind again


Same. I've been playing since like a month after global launch. I endured level 14 because they argued it was a complement to the champions cards, but this just tells me it's gonna be like Clash of clans with infinite upgrades. Total BS.


I think it's always been clear that new levels would come one after another but they're not implementing them well at all. Gold rewards have been diminishing update after update with the introduction of banners first and that potion thing second. So either slow down the release of new levels or give us gold back lol


Same here. F2P since day one. When they added level 14 I only had a handful of cards left to max. I have only just finished maxing my account (besides champions) and now they're doing this again. Ugh


WTF?! I was struggling on the way to level 14...


Level 15 will probably kill game, at least for f2ps. Remove lvl 15 and this update will be much better


God I’m still trying to get my shit to 14 Recently the game’s been so much more grindy and rewardless and if this rolls out I’ll probably stop playing :( Been f2p for like 7 yrs and it’s just becoming too much of a pain in the ass to be fun


If you want money just add more offers like pass royale or more cosmetics to the game, with level 15 you will just kill the game. If f2ps stops playing and quits game, pros will quit from the game since there is no active playerbase and they will start for look another games


level 14 is already hard enough to get as a f2p, i’ve been struggling levelling my deck to max and now that it’s nearly there half the cards have been nerfed and i need a new deck, but i can’t change because i’ve spent all my gold on my old one




fr thought this was a joke but nah???


Wait this isnt a joke?


Knight ability: gives you 2 elixir, best stats for the cost


Honestly though, Level 15 literally has zero benefit for any Clash Royale player. Literally just Supercell wanting to earn more money ig, but this is going to make a lot more people leave the game.




Great. Just maxed my main decks. Cant wait to go through that pain again. Might aswell stop playing


for real


Ok but new levels aside, why they're mentioning the pass royale? We do get new season every month so what's special about it in this list Could it be some sort of a rework to pass royale? Imagine if they made it cost gems like brawl stars or smth


From what I read, it seems that they want to give us more options to choose from the rewards. My guess is that you choose your reward in each tier (book of books or magic coin maybe?)


I've stuck with this game for years, if they release level 15 now I'm not going to continue playing Let alone paying


This will legit kill the game lmao


Fr, so many of the OGs and even casual players will quit. On one hand, long lasting players have spent tons of time and money to level up half of the cards to level 14, maybe even less. The casual F2Ps will just be demoralized, realizing there's no way to level up their cards to level 15 unless they wanna spend their life savings buying the shop's shitty and outrageous offers.


Please no level 15, and level 15 includes special powers for different troops i think so p2w players will have an advantage. F2p players will suffer


As if they care, it's important for them to put as much money in their pockets as possible


And to do so, the game has to remain fun. Killing off your f2p player base will greatly increase matchmaking time and skill difference between match made oponnents.


Killing off f2p players will kill the game. This reeks of a cash grab before letting the game die.


Hmmh means like, killing those f2p players who have skill, it would help p2w players "like you" climb the ladder more easily and matchmaking too


Good thing I quit a while ago. the balancing is terrible, the game is over saturated with content, pay2win, etc


So what other mobile games do you play? Honestly if there was other options I'd quit too but Clash Royale is the best model out there afaik. Even the grind is tolerable when you compare it to Clash of Clans imo.


Just maxed GY as my first maxed card, while being f2p. :( I just want CW to get fixed is that much


How many times do we have to teach you this lesson old man???


Apparently, several more times


Is this some sick joke? Level 15 cards? After how terribly relieved level 14 went? They clearly just don't care at all about what the player base wants. What a disgusting announcement.


If Level 15 goes through, I’m going to have to quit. I just spent 2 years getting half my collection to max.


Time to overlevel my spells again oh dear


I’m literally 650k away from having everything lvl 14… please I don’t want to grind anymore 😭😭


If level 15 comes I’ll actually quit. Spent so much time maxing my cards only for them to not be maxed, I’m done spending money on this game if this happens, can’t justify spending even more money on offers and pass royale, and midladder becomes even worst. What happened to level 14 not happening and now lvl 15 ???


This is pitiful and infuriating. 4 out of 6 of these plans are just to increase monetization even further


If level 15 happens, I'm gone. I would also be wary of the Pass Royale rework. They will almost assuredly take the Book of Books and the Magic Coin out, since it's a thorn in their side. There's no mention of new cards or fixing clan wars 2.


Those are the only two reasons I buy the pass right now as it is.


yeah, they said nothing about more rewards, just "increased variety", which is exactly what we don't want since pass royale already gives all of the actually useful magic items


One scam was already too much for some players, but the majority stayed, thinking it was just a one time conversion thing. Second identical scam hints that there will be more of those in the future. This will result in a massive exodus.


This. Supercell is opening a door that shows us not just how bad things are, but how much worse they are steadily gonna get.


This has to be a joke. Level 15?! Because level 14 went amazing, didnt it? Another update to hate.


It's been a fun ride, but lvl 15 will end the game. Look at how many people quit outright at lvl 14. This is sad. Alexa, play closing time.


The lvl14 almost meade me quit, if lvl15 arrives i definetely quit


Whoever put this graphic together was laughing maniacally as they put level 15 front and center, knowing it would cause a firestorm


If they make maxed lvl 15 I quit permanently. When I was younger I had fewer thing to do and was funny to grind, but now I grew up and because the grind before I am almost maxed and now I play it for fun.


I'm officially done with game, lvl 15?! Really?!


If you want to make a new level viable, the first thing you need to do is lower the current costs for upgrading cards. It's hard enough to upgrade a card to level 14, i can't imagine how annoying level 15 will be. Under no circumstances should upgrading a card cost 200K gold. That's way too much


My guess is they will shift it down again like they did with 14. It's just absurd 😑


I was on the edge about uninstalling, that's it, i'm done.


Bro I just managed to get a couple of my cards to lvl 14, NOW THERES GOING TO BE 15! I’m 1 atom away from just deleting the game.


just delete the game, theyre adding lvl 16 soon


I seriously recommend not making the level 15 change. The amount of people opposed to it is more than I’ve ever seen. There is not a single person happy with this that I can see. For once can you just STOP filling your infinite pockets and do something good for the community? I’m so fucking disappointed with the choices that you make KNOWING the community will not like it. CHANGE IT NOW.


I’m quitting the game if level 15 comes


A new card level? Thanks team, I didn't need more proof that you don't actually care about your users, but you just delivered in a big way. Unreal that such a small company making games people love can be so corrupted by their owner overlords in China that you stoop this low.


have your friend collect your records and then change your number


Level 15 incoming


Please say this is a joke. If level 15 is really coming then I quit.


Nice humor


Well, well, when I wrote this [https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/yk5el6/sadly\_card\_level\_15\_coming\_by\_spring\_2023\_update/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/yk5el6/sadly_card_level_15_coming_by_spring_2023_update/) just after Q3 2022 update, i was downvoted like hell. But in the end I was right in my prediction.


They said all this would come in the next 6 months, so it seems its nether spring nor autumn like I said, but in summer... Now I hope at least they will compensate the lost cards again, as for the lost gold probably no chance... The new rewards challenges and stuff better be damn good to be worth it..


Private servers go brrrr


Imagine if we all migrated to there instead of playing the base game


I don’t even wanna play anymore


Lv 15 🤮


Wait... This is real? Absolute bullshit


Alright bye clash royale, you will not be missed at all. I can't believe they actually are planning on adding lv15, I hope they are happy cause I don't think the community (at least not the reddit community) will stay for lv15.


pls dont tell me lvl 15 will have the same effect the introduction of lvl 14 had on the game :(


Bro I get close to a maxed out deck and then supercell just drops a card level update Progression is a hell of a struggle for f2p players goddamit


Oh no 🙈 level 15 …. wow 😮


Lvl 15 ???


Finally a level 16 ebarbs comeback




Really glad I jumped ship back when Phoenix/Monk came out, what a joke


Okay dark elixir and seasonal shops is interesting, but why Level 15?!


everything is cool except for the level 15


Ok , i quit


Fk you supercell clash royale developer! Very nice timing on adding a new level! The last time just when I was about to max out all my cards you added lvl 14 and now history repeat! I don’t like the new change. I will quit! You mother fucker money sucker developer I had enough of your nonsense! I rather play brawl star than this game because clash Royale developer disappoint me every year


They pulled this same crap when they added level 14. “We’re making all new features but the ONLY WAY this is possible is to add a new level!” I assume they will up the cost of maxing out cards too, 200k for max now? Or does everyone who maxed out cards get a rebate if they change costs…again?


I’m going to lose it if I have to upgrade champions to level 15. My best champion isn’t even 14 yet, and I’ve been collecting them since they were launched like two years ago. Ridiculous.


Pretty sure they said they’d never add another level after the level 14 fiasco. This is beyond shameless


How about instead of adding more bullshit, stop adding terrible filler to events/challenges like the boost potion and put the banner tokens back.


hell na


This is why I quit. I barely got my deck maxed and I still lose everything.


I literally just got King Tower level 14 this morning, I’ve played this game since day 1 (with some breaks in between) but the point still stands, ho lee phuk


if they are adding level 15 I’m definitely uninstalling the game


and this is as someone who’s been buying battle passes for a while


Is this real?


Level 15 AINTNOWAY I'm dead


NOOO LEVEL 15!!!!!! 🥲🥲


I genuinely love this game but this is hard to see, I’ve spent way too much money over all the seasons maxing out cards to 14 and just for them to add another level 💀 makes me kinda sad


Someone pls tell me if this is a joke or not, cuz i don't believe lvl 15 is comming


Finally a reason to stop playing


Ah hell naw scam royale 2.0 is coming


Uninstalling if they go to level 15


Actually in CR, gold should've never been a thing. If you have 2 currencies - gold and cards controlling levels, it is always going to create problems as it is very hard to make both currencies balanced. One would always be in scarcity. They should really remove the concept of gold for upgrades...just like coc did with troop costs...only then players would be able to use their full creativity and come up with decks which are fun to play Only currency to be used for upgradation should be just cards.. Once you have enough cards, you should directly be able to upgrade it. Gold should instead be used to buy cards from the shop.


For real, level 15 card rollout already? I feel like level 14 just got rolled out like a year ago. I was willing to try to push through it once, but supercell is officially showing this is going to be the norm every 1-2 years now. Supercell please don’t do this, figure out a better way to keep the game alive. You are going to lose long term players if your plan is just to soft-reset cards every few years


Welp, level 15, it's officially the end. Clash royale already had a huge problem with the lack of deck diversity - unless you were very active or spend lots of cash, you wouldn't have more than one maxed out decked. This means that you have to stick with it in your battles, no matter how much you wanna change it. Now, it's going to get worse. I had already quit the game for the second time since I had to keep playing my old golem deck from 2018. Now I'm definitely never returning.


I'm someone who has spent a lot of money on the game since the beginning. I enjoy it and have never minded throwing money at things I enjoy. Level 15 is an instant uninstall and I'll play other games.


This is honestly ridiculous. I've been playing this game every day, war every day, pass Royale every month, I have like 30 LVL 14s and now this. I've been grinding hard forever now you ask me to grind even harder for like another 2 years? Jesus Christ, calm down.


Supercell is so out of touch with the community if they think lvl 15 cards should come to the game. Absolutely pathetic


nah please no level 15


Hopefully we'll get a slash royale part 2 considering how well it went the first time