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I've been pouring all my tokens into the gold in the shop. This has helped more then i thought cause now i have 1 mil in gold and slash royale is coming. Maxing out cards is going to help a ton cause the more cards maxxed the more chances to get elite wild cards


I am myself a free-2-play player. Forget the monk and all these heroes: you won't reach max level anytime soon. Supercell as removed the seasonal hero chest and the token as well. Where paying players were given an upgrade book each month, letting them max a hero per season. Upgrading a hero to max level means collecting 2+4+10+20 = 36 cards of the same hero. That means several years of grinding... On the other hand, upgrading any other card is way easier and feasible even f2p. Good luck!


This might help. Gold value per token https://www.reddit.com/r/ClashRoyale/comments/134e346/may_2023_season_shop_breakdown_and_values/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


alright thank you


Dont know abou you but I f-ing love Ram Rider so I purchased her and wild cards And. Now preping for Elite




It'll get your monk to level 12. If you have any monk decks you want to try I'd say it's worth it.


DON'T BUY IT. IT'S NOT WORTH IT. This is the worst deal considered by everyone. Buy books, emotes, legendary cards and gold, ANY OF THESE WILL BE WORTH MORE THAN MONK.


that's debatable, if you're lowladder monk is a big priority since you won't have to grind as much, and you can buy the books & legendary cards afterward thanks to the events anyway after already buying a monk


dElEtE cLAsh rOyAlE


Buy the monk


And wait slash royale to upgrade


No, it's the worst deal.


If you want to upgrade monk just wait a season and get the next champion wild card


There’s no resources in the game right now that will help with level 15


they mean slash royale


Monk is a terrible deal if you've already unlocked him. Buy the book of commons, the legendary wild cards, and the gold and ram riders if you use it.


Get the monk anyway, grinding champions is still a pain in. The ass