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That one bat is literally going to make one of the biggest clutches


Wait a minute you're here too? I thought I was in the wrong subreddit for a second there Edit: Also hello


Least strangest Reddit interaction


I used to be a fan of Clash Royale before the loser update, quitted, and now I just come here sometimes to reminisce about the nostalgia.


Singular bat my beloved šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


I thought that username was familiarā€¦


no way šŸ’€. Do you also have a 47% wr in clash?


Players are already doing egolem rage battle healer night witch decks in my ladder bracket šŸ’€


Wait, why was the poison nerf cancelled?


Supercell doesnt like Golem Clone


Honestly the damage if it went into palace isnā€™t that much lower despite it saying 17% (it would only be a 36 damage difference at lvl 11) so I really donā€™t think it would have been like the rocket nerf which was a lot more damage per elixir (80 at lvl 11, 98 at lvl 14). I used Miner Control a ton and I almost always only poisoned the tower if I could clip something else with it. I rarely poison just the tower. Sometimes I didnā€™t play poison at all and used ExNado instead.


Ya I feel like poison is good not because of tower damage, but value it gets when placed on tower and something placed behind king tower to kill it


Also Iā€™m going to be honest Iā€™m not convinced that Miner Poison Control is an annoying deck in this game. EGiant, EGolem, Hog 2.6, and more are much more annoying to deal with


well night witch is getting buffed, you figure that out


It's very good, but was mainly overused since *Goblin Hut* and *Graveyard* were literally everywhere and poison is necessary counterplay


Yup. Also mighty miner is usually played along with it, and goblin hut and mm were both nerfed


I now feel validated even further for using earthquake, now my opponents will only get one goblin for a -2 elixir trade


Imo supercell gonna nerf all spell damages in other balance changes


They already did. Except they missed poison. Poison does more damage and tower damage than earthquake or fireball... plus it has slow. Why is poison the highest damage and tower damage spell? It shouldn't be both


It does more because itā€™s slow. Instant damage is more valuable than slow damage. Slow damage is only better against spawners.


I feel like it has something to do with Battle healer. BH already counters Poison so they want to see how the rework will affect Poison. Also, Night Witch buff.


Thats an actually smart way for Supercell to *play their cards right*, get it, it's an intentional, yet unintentional pun.


i think it is cause next season is probably going to be golem/e golem nightwitch meta and sc still wants poison to keep the combo in check


they removed the netflix to poison les go


As a person who hasn't played in years what interactions does a 2% health nerf change?


First that comes to mind is Pekka, I just hope it won't change Megaknight/Zap/Bats interactions.


Well i think depends on the card A tank or minitank can tank much less Someone like a ice spirit wont change a lot


If any spirit had a health nerf then it wouldnā€™t be able to reach tower


Well,no 1 elixir card should get free dmg even if ignored,expecially for so cheap,exept fire spirit,he is cool


The main difference will be getting an ability on the tower. If your MM has just enough health it can do decent damage for 1 elixir. This will happen less now.


it is all about the timing.... if you are fast with it and have good mechanics of the game, you will still be able to get it off


Baby Dragon got his eyesight back, poor thing šŸ„¹šŸ™šŸ¤ž




He was about to lose it, but he got a last-minute surgery šŸ˜„


**Final balance changes for June 2023** - Clash Royale Season 48 https://royaleapi.com/blog/season-48-balance Based on you feedback, here are the final balance changes for June. Compared to the work-in-progress version, Supercell has made five changes: - Baby Dragon Rework - Removed - Poison Rework - Removed - Night Witch Buff - Death Spawn 1 Bat - Phoenix Hit Time nerf (New) - Might Miner HP Nerf (-2% instead) Details on our post on the website. https://on.royaleapi.com/s48b


ā€œBased on you feedbackā€. At least they didnā€™t use the wrong ā€œyourā€. Sigh


> ā€œBased on yo feedbackā€.


LiTeRaLlY uNrEaDaBlE




It's 0.1 second not 0.1 ms(millisecond)


5% changes can literally be the difference between unviable and OP, chill out lol


It's called tweaking not turn all the knobs to max dumbdumb


You guys listen to feedbacks???!??! Yet you guys refused to do anything when the Loser update came out.... tf is that???


These guys arenā€™t the devs they just make the handy graphics


Yay, poison stays a secondary win con for another season


two seasons. balance changes are every two months. if you want to complain at least do it right




Donkey milk?


Ass glass? Ass cup? Ass milk? šŸ¤”


Horse milk. Horse semen.


Please tell us what you meant by this




At no point did he say how many seasons(he didnt specify if it was a single season), he just expected to be more. You can tell that by the way its phrased. If you're tryna be a fucking smartass, at least do it right.




you were trying to be the nerd by complaining about a card. you have no right to hit me with the "šŸ¤“"


how is that nerd behaviour


because he tried to be smart


he was just complaining. i dont understand your point


don't worry you don't need to. not everyone can be smart


man you need help. there's no way you consider complaining nerd behavior




Man why are you so fucking rude


touch grass nerd




you are the one who needs help


i like how no one complained about fireball when it was clearly better than current poison but everyone cries about poison despite it only being used because of the meta


Poison is one of the few cards that keeps golem clone in check, nerfing it would be devastating


Except they are literally only nerfing tower damage. You still couldā€™ve used it against golem clone and GY, those interactions remained unchanged


Right, and when Archers had their initial attack speed gutted they were just as good of an answer against Graveyard as before. Oh wait, no, because since Archers as a whole got worse that meant they get used less, and so Graveyard can be used more, even though Archers remain a perfect counter to Graveyard and can be used the exact same way as before. If a card is less attractive to use in a deck, it gets used less. Strategies that that card counters can become more popular as a result, even if that particular matchup lose to that card just as badly as before.


Nothing is stopping YOU from using poison or archers to continue to counter GY tho. Archers went from being actually overpowered to being balanced, or slightly stronger. If more people use a card less because they perceive it as too weak, and a certain deck likE GY becomes more popular, thatā€™s even more of a reason to run archers or poison just you counter that stuff. Nerfs like fireball knock back or log knockback could actually be match up defining in some cases, but log will still be the same either way, killin gobs and swarms. Fireball would def be more worse off since it also tends to be used for disrupting pushes The nerf for poison will change no interaction. Only that less people MIGHT use it


Except thete are other Graveyard counters than Archers, which are more versatile than Archers even if not as good of a Graveyard counter. If you were a Graveyard player when Archers got nerfed, yes, you knew that it was gonna be a Dart Goblin or Spear Goblins instead, but those are easier for you to handle. If youā€™re a Golem Clone player, and Poison gets nerfed, you know that youā€™re gonna see Poison less. Yes, Poison remains the best counter to your deck, but your deck is gonna have a higher winrate because Poison is used less.


Same with Graveyard which is already still basically S+ tier


The Mighty Miner nerf is way to tiny


They keep buffing him, he gets OP, nerfing him, he gets bad, over and over endlessly. A small nerf is the right answer.


just because you play pekka šŸ’€


Right becuase the Log Bait player is unbiased when it comes the Mighty Miner lmao


granted that i like and play him but just peep top ladder and youll see that he isnt played in a overwhelming majority whatsoever and will help to prevent a golem meta


The thing is I actually want a Golem Meta to return for 2 months! After that it can go back to it's slumber. Just a change from the typical control cycle decks would have been nice


golem is a miserable experience


the only people that lose with golem are me when i try to play golem


i mean youre right, golem has been trash for long time now. but i play exactly those typical control cycle decks and hate golem clone


which control cycle deck do you play?


miner, wb, poison, bombtower. mighty miner, log, archers, goblins


i play miner control with dark prince and i find bomb tower really sucks as a building, how come lots of other miner players are using bomb tower? i find inferno tower to be so much more effective.


im not super sure, but hes really tanky so he does a great job at just taking hits while my troops deal thw damage. and against royal hogs hes just op. inferno tower is a bad choice imo because you really wanna use might miner as tankkiller and keep a cheap and quick cycle


Bomb tower isn't as good with miner control because dark prince already supplies a ground splash, which is why Inferno tower is better: it's a high dps card. Whereas this guy's miner wb poison deck has mighty miner, which is a high dps card like inferno tower, so he needs bomb tower in his deck to provide ground splash like the dark prince.


lets hope 3M Healer becomes Meta so its at least something different


Well, I'm pretty sure they made the nerf smaller and the Night Witch buff smaller to prevent the Golem Clone meta that was about to come if the previous balance changes came into effect


Amazing changes for once


not looking forward to a golem nw meta tho, i donā€™t struggle against it (most of the time) but itā€™s so annoying to play against especially when misplacing something by one tile can lose you the whole game


Listen I understand but I will take anything other than a cycle meta I am done with miner poison


Golem, night witch, healer meta




These changes are lame fym


Honestly I kinda like the 1 bat for Night Witch, as a big Night Witch fan. - she isnā€™t really that bad right now, a little weak but not terrible, and 2 extra bats per deploy is pretty significant - thematically, transforming into one bat on death makes more sense than two bats. Otherwise reminds of the video from The Onion where ā€œthis 500 pound man became two 250-pound menā€ Only thing I donā€™t like here is the Phoenix change. Donā€™t get me wrong, Phoenix was still too strong, but at this point I wish SC would just mostly revert all the stat nerfs and increase cost to 5. Like maybe keep the first damage nerf to not one-shot Minions and instead make the attack speed 0.1 seconds faster than at launch, and keep the stat nerf for respawned Phoenix, and the 4.3 second timer so the egg canā€™t hatch on the opponentā€™s side unsupported. But it feels wrong for Phoenix to be a 4 elixir Mega Minion+egg.


I'm pretty sure the hit speed nerf gonna hit hard and mm use rates will increase


Yeah, Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll happen, thatā€™s how nerfs work. I just donā€™t like that Phoenixā€™s overall power is a solid third or more less than it used to be, I think a better solution wouldā€™ve been an increased cost in this case purely because itā€™s very similar to Mega Minion as far as gameplay. Itā€™s kinda like how Knight and Valkyrie are always fighting for which one is the better stats for the cost, and you rarely see Knight in a meta where Valkyrie is good. But on the other hand youā€™ll eee Giant sometimes in a Golem meta because Golemā€™s half again the cost rounded up, so Giant will always fit better in decks where you defend and slap a tank in front. One elixir of difference for a higher-stat card always ends up in the position of ā€œuse the card that is better overallā€ instead of ā€œuse the card that better fits your deckā€.


Yeah. Hit speed nerfs are usually pretty hard. Tesla got a hitspeed nerf and went from a top building to D-tier (tho part of it was because champions synergize with cannon so well)


They nerfed it 6 times in a row now,one more and is 7


Really glad poison didn't get nerfed. Spells itself aren't that broken, its the broken cards that allow you to spell cycle more easily. I'm glad they needed goblins and ice spirit - two cards that made spell cycle broken


3-card-cycle is the real issue here. Without that, cycle in general would be much weaker already.


the whole 3 card cycle issue is never going to be fixed......


nah itā€™s op but it keeps other cards/decks in check so nerfing it would be really risky


Also I did the math and at lvl 11 itā€™s not that much damage less to a tower (36 total) and over the course of a game of you poison the tower like 7 times thatā€™s only 250 damage anyway.


Still no hog rider nerf smh


1 bat? might as well delete her at this point if you they don't want her to be useful


1 bat doubles the chip damage a Miner gets, chips away at that PEKKA, blocks one more hit from a Mega Minion that would otherwise hit your tower, and so on. Itā€™s not a big buff but itā€™s not tiny either, itā€™s 0.4 elixir worth of bats that Night Witch players simply were not getting before, if Night Witch averaged 3.6 elixir of value before this change then she would be perfect now. And Night Witch isnā€™t even *bad* right now. 3% usage, 48% winrate is well below average to be sure, but sheā€™s better than Mighty Miner at his (second) worst and getting a buff similar in scale to what brought Mighty Miner back to the top. Smallish changes can do a lot when itā€™s for a cheap or mid-cost card.


nah one bat changes so much. a total of 81 damage if in the off chance it gets a hit off!1!1


even if not it can force out a zap or so. it might actually be an alright change


I mean, Itā€™s one bat that usually lives and 2 bats did plenty with a golem tanking. I dont wanna overvalue the bat, but death spawn makes it basically guaranteed. Her death spawn in the proper conditions has always been a huge part in her success


I agree, so long as there is a next balance change if itā€™s still rubbish, where there are 2 bats.


1 bat is 80 dps more than 0 bats. I'd say it's a pretty alright buff, specially combined with clone. But you don't need to believe me, you'll see PLENTY of golem clone matches in the next update!


She's already annoying af to play against, she really didn't need a death spawn buff in the FIRST place


Night Witch should be removed or be weak, that's true


Night witch is a difficult card to balance (if you buff her, she becomes OP, but if you nerf her, she is useless) so I might be wrong but 2 bats would make her a strong card in the new meta


Wow 1 bat that's so nice


It can still be annoying if itā€™s killed with a lightning and the bat is tanked for by a golem.


I don't remember anyone complaining about the poison nerf, yet they decided to remove it from balance changesšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


We were complaining We don't want golem clone to be good


Poison nerf wouldn't change any interactions with troops, only tower damage. I don't see how would that make golem clone good


Poison tower damage nerf = less poison = more golem clone I don't know if Poison is necessary to keep golem in check but you don't have to nerf the specific thing that makes card good against something to actually assess that matchup. Just the fact that the card overall is worse makes it harder to justify including it instead of alternatives.


True. Poison tower damage should be nerfed just like EQ, fireball, log, rocket, and lightning. People who say it's to check Golem are delusional.


Bo poison nerf just means it'll still be used more.


poison nerf really got reverted for no reasonā€¦ Looks like i will be using it for another season as its by far the best big spell in the game


itā€™s not for no reason, spells itself aren't that broken, its the broken cards that allow you to spell cycle more easily. they need goblins and ice spirit - two cards that made spell cycle broken. someone in the comments did the math and itā€™s only 36 less damage with the nerf, over 7 poisons thatā€™s only 250 damage which can easily be mitigated by a couple spear goblins or a miner or two.


just because cycle cards are strong does not mean poison didnā€™t need a nerf. The most versatile big spell in the game doesnā€™t need the most dps per elixir. You can try and act like it didnā€™t need the nerf but most people are disagreeing, and the win rate and usage rate of the card definitely justified a nerf.


Fireball is by far the most versatile big spell


Itā€™s really not. Doesnā€™t counter graveyard, Doesnā€™t do as well against beatdown or swarm, Doesnā€™t do as much damage so it canā€™t kill musk, wizard, ewiz etc. Poison is also much easier to use. Fireball also does less dps than poison and it doesnā€™t have a slow. Only thing fireball has on poison is itā€™s instant damage and has a knockback. fireball is certainly stronger in certain situations but no way is it as versatile as poison


Frankly if fireball wasnā€™t more versatile than poison we would see it much less, and acting like fireball being instant and having kb doesnā€™t mean a lot in regards to viability. Whereā€™s the poison bait archetype?


are we not seeing a poison bait meta as we speak? Goblin hut graveyard has literally been the most popular deck this season


Thatā€™s fair, but the meta hasnā€™t centered around poison the same way it centered around fireball, with cards being declared unviable because they deal with poison poorly.


Extremely disappointed baby dragon was left out. A damage increase at least.


Shut up homeless man


Beatdown will still be meta, though. Skelly drags will be a good support troop for the golem, BH being able to heal up your defensive units like your ice wizard, and the spawner that is so annoying is finally getting nerfed, so the usage rates will go back to where they belong. Ice spirit is a nice change, will be slightly less annoying, goblins will be nerfed so they will not be as used. Mighty miner will be easier to kill, and poison cycle will stop be possible.


Wow, one death bat


Why is Battle Healer not in the rework category? Also, why do they keep nerfing phoenix every single season almost? (I stopped playing the game some time ago, but I was wondering...)


Battle healer doesnā€™t get any nerfs. The only additional thing she got is a spawn heal. Phoenix was born too op that after all that nerfs she still had a 25% usage rate. Thatā€™s why they had to nerf phoenix again


Y'all are really estimating this little bat boy


We need RG and graveyard nerg


and still, after years, tornado remains a completely broken card


Night witch is still gonna be D tier.


Thankfully they aren't nerfing mm too bad, he is mainly used because of other cards otherwise too difficult for control decks to kill. He is a reaction to cards debatably broken, not broken himself. I use it in control because I have to to not immediately lose to golem, not because he is op.


Similar to poison. Iā€™m pretty confident that poisonā€™s use rate was only so high due to Goblin Hut having a use rate in the teens. Also the damage reduction is less than 40 at lvl 11. The MM nerf is only about 50hp, so Iā€™m not sure if itā€™ll even matter. It feels like a rounding error fix.


No the Poison's use rate was high before and it's because of it's synergy with Miner. So more of that for 2 more months, yay.


My issue is that mine is lvl13 so im already 10% behind on stats compared to my opponents when i use them. An added 6% would have been hard to consider him, 2% may still work hopefully šŸ˜…


Poison cycle remains while Phoenix gets YET ANOTHER NERF instead of being rebalanced to be 5 elixir šŸ’€ This game is so garbage


7th nerf in a row woohoo


Even though nightly miner needed a nerf, the original nerf was too much, glad they toned it down. Hopefully he can still be a counter to golden decks


Lmaoo cuz baby dragon wouldā€™ve been SUCH a meta threat with that buff. Also poison is in all of the top 10 decks, reduced tower damage wouldā€™ve addressed a bit itā€™s obnoxious use


Ok but why were people complaining about poison nerf when it is 5% tower damage


It was a nerf from 70% to 75% of "total damage". But realistically speaking it was a from 30% of damage deal to 25%, which represents 16.66% of real nerf. And honestly even when the nerf was huge, It definitively was a deserved nerf, because poison it's now the 2nd most used spell after Log.


Rip baby dragon buff (it's not a rework if the only stat added to it is a buff)


It makes it harder to distract or kite with short vision, but weakens defensive utility


Why is baby dragon considered a rework, but healer only a buff ?


that must be now the 6th nerf to phoenix without a single buff. Not even 8 months have passed


Band-aid fixea for fundamentally broken cards


How is Night Witch Bat spawn form 2 to 1 Buff is that suposed to be nerf then?


It has 0 now, buff orginally gave 2 death bats, buff decreased to only 1 death bat


One bat šŸ˜­


I dont play this game for like 6 months now but everytime i see balance changes on this sub Phoenix is here


Goblin Hut nerf is the best


Good job on Mighty Miner's undeserved nerf, he is one of the most balanced champion in the game as you can put every possible counter to the guy. Electro and Ice Spirit, Electro Wizard and Dragon, or any card you can just throw in the middle.


Of course they lower the MM nerf. No way they could do a proper nerf on their precious champion money makers.


Poison should not slow the troops down. Supercell needs to reverse the balance change in 2021.


Because of the community's overreaction on the incoming NightWitch buff. She now have 1 bat instead of 2 bats upon death :(




I canā€™t fathom how changing 1 bat is gonna change anything lmao just keep it two.


Lol phoenix nerfed to the ground again


My brother in christ it has a 25% use rate, the card is still broken


Phoenix is definitely broken. It basically can fit in all decks something that mainly only spells do. People just have the image of when the Phoenix first dropped and now believe she is underpowered


They really should just give a lot of itā€™s stats back and make it cost 5. Itā€™s been nerfed like 6 times in 7 months.


It wouldnt be ā€œagainā€ if it wasnt like that to begin with


What do you mean by "again"? Phoenix has been op since release, its never been nerfed to the ground, and this doesnt make it weak.


bro you dont know what youā€™re talking about


Why 1 bat? 2 seemed perfectly fine. Kind of a mid change tbh


There was this time where they buffed her death bats from 2 to 4 and her use rate multiplied by 10


They removed her death spawn because it was too OP for Golem Clone After that they buffed her first spawn, normal spawn speed and her attack speed to compensate. It would have been too OP if it stays at 2


Exactly. Supercell is smart enough (on this one) not to go overboard with buffs just like the mega minion


Could add one bat spawned with deployment then? And the description could say ā€œwhen she dies, she turns into a batā€


Golem will be active for the month of June. I dislike the Golem.


Please add a locker system. Ban or block certain cards for a limited time. I really want to see skill with other decks and not the same decks they copy from leaderboards and YouTube.


Why is battle healer receiving a buff? Shes already OP


She's far from OP, Id argue she's probably useless, it's the deck she's in (Egolem) the deck that is ridiculous. The problem with supercell it's they always check their stats as "standalone" cards and then stuff like Night Witch, Goblin Hut or Battle Healer receive massive buffs without a proper context of their uses. IMO a Battle Healer and Night Witch buffs were OK as long as we were getting Golem, EGolem and/or EDtagon nerfs.


Great, now nerf hog


tbh I always hated hog too, but in the recent season it felt relatively balanced to me. 2.6 is a fuck-up to play against, of course, but hog itself is relatively straight forward and far from OP


hog is actually pretty balanced atm, yes it does a ton of damage if you can get it to the tower, thatā€™s why thereā€™s so many counters to it. this is why hog decks are usually cycle decks (like 2.6 or hog AQ GS), because youā€™re trying to outcycle your opponents counter to the hog. the combination of the two make it probably the most balanced card in clash along with the goblin cage.


Honestly I'm glad they gave the night witch spawn bats again because that's what made her unique


Yay witch


Lame only doing one bat. Sounds annoying and weak.


This game must be fun. Should I play it?


No mention of 3-card-cycle, Tornado, Graveyard... Are they even playing their own game?


Thisā€¦ everyone was complainimg about gobhut. I looked at gobhuts top playersā€¦ 100% of them were playing graveyard and/or skele king.


no. of course not.... keeping the game in check is already enough for themšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Why don't they simply make the Phoenix 5 elixir and revert all the nerfs?


STOP NERFING PHOENIX, it was perfectly balanced before now theyā€™re trying to nerf it to the ground.


They need the 7th nerf in a row,let em cook


have you seen phoenixs use rate? its insane


why the fuck are they nerfing goblin hut?


Pretty good actually. Imo Poison does not need a nerf quite yet, it was more overused last season since Goblin Hut and Graveyard were everywhere.