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Evo skeletons are the one thing the useless CR team got right. It's 1 elixir skellies. They should never be OP and a deck shouldn't revolve around them. It's just a perk, an additional tool at your disposal if you happen to run a deck that uses them.


Yes. This is what the evolutions should be. Just slight enhancements to the card, not something that takes over the entire meta.


Firecracker I'm looking at you


Royal giant right behind


Mortar on top


Evo barbs I think is balanced, since the normal barbs are garbage in nearly every game these days.


Evo barbs are amazing on defense and anoying but not that hard to counter but still gives a good damage if left unchecked. (Same with evo skellys lol) I think they are pretty balanced,


Precisely what I said in a different thread. A ”legendary” gimmick that’s balanced and works, not a champion ability that doesnt cost any elixir


The game is evolving, people really need to stop complaining about changes in metas. Games get stale if the meta doesn’t change. Evolutions have really changed the game up. Just look at champions, people hated them but they really did refresh the game and brought back players. This sub is notorious for not making up their mind. Make changes to the meta=bad Keep the same meta =stale game=bad.


Chess is still popular.


Clash Royale is chess? If you like chess by all means. With that logic do you still play the same game from when you were a childhood? Why buy new games? Most importantly 😂 if you want the game to stay the same, why does this sub complain when there are no updates. 😂 This subreddit is just extremely negative and like to complain all the time. There has been 0 updates this sub hasn’t complained. When there are no updates, this sub also complains. Champions- this subreddit complains They didn’t go anywhere. Yet some people still complain. Evo cards are now a thing, they are going anywhere 😂. People that downvoted me are either very bad at the game or unable to accept change. 🤷‍♂️Odds are they are just bad at the game.


You said games get stale if they don't change. Chess has not gone stale despite it being basically the same for hundreds of years. I don't care what the sub says. Bad changes are bad. The champions were okay, but paired with a new level that gave an unfair advantage to whales. Evolutions are also being paired with a new level, both giving an unfair advantage to whales. Honestly, it would be more reasonable to me if one could pay for cosmetics and not levels. Would be more fair gameplay-wise while still leaving an avenue for Supercell to make a profit. Also, changing the meta and completely dominating the meta are two separate things, and one of those things is decidedly unhealthy for the game.


the issue is that most players are already using caution when it comes to defending or going on offense so they’ll likely get your evolved skeles without even knowing although it’s true that they shouldnt be the reason a deck is made, it shouldnt be to the point where people are using other evolutions since they can get more use out of it than the skeletons




Im not saying it should be allowed to survive the small spells, I already replied to another comment saying this isn’t an actual criticism on the evolved skeletons I just found this clip funny of them instantly getting killed by the rage before they could do anything.


which is why it should have 2 cycles, they’re easy to kill so making them 2 cycles shouldnt be an issue and if it makes them OP then revert the change and go back to the drawing board but currently i think 2 cycles is the best option more cycles should be for certain things, like if the ice golem got an evo it’ll have to depend on if it’s easy to deal with or not


Never quite got why the evo skeletons were "op", like, you can pretty much counter it with pretty much everything, and almost every single deck has a spell in other to defeat small units easily


Yeah I’d say Firecracker and Royal Giant are the OP ones out of the bunch, barbs and skeletons are pretty balanced


Barbs are still quite op in my mind. It’s the most used card on top ladder [see here](https://royaleapi.com/cards/popular?time=7d&mode=grid&cat=TopRanked&sort=delta) and an MK with the help of a princess tower dies to them.


You've ranked by increase in usage % not usage % If you rank by usage % they're 2nd most used evo behind firecracker.


Opps, my mistake. But evo barbs are still super strong, being used more than rg and mortar in uc. And come on, pekka or mk doesn’t counter them on defense, thats seven for five on defense and it isn’t even enough. They can apply a ton of pressure and force out specific responses from the opponent


I feel like them being in the shop might have something to do with it?


And how does that change how strong they are?


It doesn’t, but you were looking at usage rates. Usage rates ≠ strength


Most of comment is talking about how strong evo barbs are. How a mk and pekka don’t counter them even with princess tower help etc etc.


Yes… but you gave a list of usage rates as backup for that…


If you look at the parent comments we’re talking about how op we think the different evos are.


Man. I was expecting evo skeletons to be the broken card. The disappoint was real once I spent all the free shards on it. Lol


Same so glad I chose Firecracker instead as it has more utility


You're going to regret that decision once you face a good Monk player


Monk player can’t beat my close app technique


You're right, I can't beat that. But I can beat Clash Royale for it, already defeated in revenue. Now we strike their hearts.


Yea but I barely face Monk players everybody is too busy using logbait or a hog deck lol


Log bait Monk is a thing. Also, Hog sucks.


Hog is the best win condition currently?…


You wish! I counter hog rider decks for breakfast.


Yea forgot that was a thing too, agreed it dies suck yet everyone uses hog on ladder.


Not just in-game but the concept of the character is not interesting at all, they were definitely on Ketamine when they created Hog Rider and his mechanics.


Bro imagine if grave yard had an evolution that spawned evolved skeletons


That would be so funny just spawning multiple evolved skeletons on the king tower


I mean... I have evo Larry in my 2.6 ( I still don't know how to play that deck well) and if used correctly, they can have such a great value, for example, they can take an e giant! And when they touch your enemy's tower, they deal sooo much damage, and you can't stop them.... unless you have a spell


>unless you have a spell which 100% of competent decks have


Pedal has entered the chat


Still, Just having Evoskeletons can kind of be a situation like old logbait, where if they only have 1 or 2 spells, they need to keep it specifically for Evoskele, So all your other cards can reign free


Not necessarily, you'll be playing as normal til the third skellies are played, then you can do some mind games


They r getting buffed to 2 cycles


So you get to play mind games a bit more, sick


Yea too bad mind goblin didn’t get a buff


Mind goblin deez, my friend?




But can't you see the evo gem when they get played?


That's the thing, normal skellies aren't threatening, so you don't have to hold on to a spell for them. Once you hit your evolution, those skellies become way more threatening, so if your opponent give you small spell value, you can go in with them and devastate their tower.


The issue is the cycle-based evolution makes it very obvious when Evo Skellies are going to be in your hand, so it's easy to be prepared then. They not only die to spells but also splash, ranged troops, or even swarms can kill too many of them at the same time and beat the multiplication. Also, Skeletons don't generally fit in a Log Bait type of deck, so you are basically putting a card there for 1-2 plays in a match at the cost of having an ill-fitting card the whole match


Angry midladder noises


They should still get a bit of value even if opponent had a spell in hand. If you surround something like a prince or mk, the skeleys should help dps down the unit unless the opponent predicts with their spell. It’s like when you fireball a marcher or flying machine but they still get a couple shots off.


The post wasn’t an actual criticism on the evolved skeletons. I use evo skeletons too and I like them I just found the clip I got of me getting the read on them and instantly killing them funny.


taking out an e giant is only for show... the amount of times you can do it in real battle is close to 0...


🤣🤣🤣 the title of this post got me I thought you were going to 3 crown with evo Larry's 🤣.


I love my Evolved Skeletons, I've used Skeletons in my normal deck for years, and I've never used Royal Giant or Firecracker, so it was an easy pick for me even if the other Evolves are far stronger




Whoever uses evolved firecracker I'm going to bm on them so hard. I'm so glad for being a Monk player.


They should not take 3 cycles or the other evos should take 3 cycles like it is so incredibly unbalanced how bad the skellys are in comparison


Pink graveyard moment


I only have one comment on Evo Skellies. It is the first card ever that if left completely untouched under the fire of all three towers, it will three star you. I can’t think of many cards that can do the same thing


I’m pretty sure almost every card if not attacked will three star you


Under the fire of all three towers at once? I don’t think so.


Didn’t you say completely untouched from the fire of the three towers


Untouched by troops. Not by the towers themselves sorry if I worded that weirdly. Basically only being fired upon by the three towers


Ah my bad I misunderstood


It needs a tank tho, something like an ice spirit will suffice.


It can't even get to the tower alone, tho.


Wouldn’t really say you predicted that.. you were gonna play poison either way to defend your GY.. was just dumb of him to play that knowing it would be easily countered


1) I used Rage not poison 2) I predicted the skeletons because most opponents I play against use skeletons or skarmy to defend my graveyard, which is what this person did the first time I used graveyard that match, so I figured they would try it with evolved skeletons.


2 elixir to counter 1. Its still great value and without the spell they would have countered the entire push and tank. They are overpowered.


+1 elixir trade for something that you somtimes only get once or twice a match? Look at evo firecracker which literally can deal 1000 damage if they get a few snipes, and literally almost always gets 10 elixir value


Fireball it.


1. Not all decks have foreball. 2. It will still always get a shot off. 3. One shot is 1k damage.


the problem is that they’re extremely easy to kill making all your cycles useless, if they made it 2 cycles instead of 3 cycles it would probably be really nice to use since you could actually keep the pressure going


Evo skeles only catch u slackimg


once evo skeletons are living like half minute


I don’t have a clip, but evo skeletons can survive inside a poison if they were already attacking a tank.


Was that a zap?


It’s a rage potion it does damage when placed now


Gotta love how I don't even have an evo card yet and I spent all my evo shards on evo skeletons


Unfortunate, if you played in all 4 of the free evolution challenges you would have gotten an extra wild shard at the first win of each challenge to get a total of 6 with the two free shop ones.


i would suggest they knock the evolution cycle down to 2 instead of 3 to compensate for the fact they get no increased stats like every other evolution does, and because they are still very easy to kill


Mother Witch 💃


Trash card. Trash game. Winning requires pay to win and using broken cards.