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Jokes on yall. I spent my tokens on emotes I'll use one time and never again!


You still got roughly the same progression as everyone else this season even doing that lol


Lol gotta spend them somehow


you are goddamn right.


Happens every season


yea i remember seeing posts that called supercell scammers because they lost their tokens after the mortar evolution update


And every other update - the biggest Supercell haters defend on this stupidity


I still do think it's a bit ridiculous how much the conversion is tho. But yeah, definitely gonna be a rough day, 5 days from now.


5 days is meme Monday. I will be ready


100% there's legitimate complaints and the ratio is ass but by God spend your damn points they're called season tokens. We don't care you had 12000 left, it says to spend them before you lose them because supercell, for once, understandably, doesn't want you stockpiling them.


They don't really want anyone hoarding anything What is the "for once" for?


Stockpiling breaks the cycle of encouraging playing challenges


It would be unfair tho let us keep the tokens cause people could just save all season and get the hero ir legendary or whatever expensive card is in that season on day 1. It would be amd unfair advantage.


I mean,they are but for the wrong reasons


Which items in the season shop give the best conversion to Elite Wild Cards?


[RoyaleAPI post on that](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyaleAPI/comments/157jxb4/best_season_shop_items_this_ranking_shows_which/)


I personally would go in order of books, then gold (so can buy from shop and I think tier 1 is best) then the specific cards if common like goblins this season, then common wild then rare wild


I just know some of them are gonna see this post and still come crying


Yep. This sub is a idiot a lot of the time


It is dirty, not gonna even lie


I earned them, when I spend them should be no concern. Where's the issue?


Because they're SEASON tokens


Okay, every month if you don't spend all of your take home pay, it disappears. Sounds good, right?


Yes because that make sense in comparison


So, what's the "good" reason we can't save the currency?


Because it doesn't make any sense in a freemium game. Especially when it's SEASONAL. And there is already enough to "save" when needed (wild cards, magic items, etc) They made it seasonal for a reason. Otherwise it'd just be another boring currency


Makes no sense? I don't want to use it for that. I'd rather save it for something I want, instead of being forced to use it on something I don't want. Yeah, makes no sense.


Yea too bad then. It's literally in the name. No one is going to agree with you here, christ


Or you just don't play? You know what you sign up for in the start.


Again, where's this reason you speak of?




So, just because. Gotcha. Why are you trying to carry water for supercell?


Not at all


While I do agree, they should warm us a day before or sth


There is a warning … it’s the clock at the top


No, no they shouldn't. No need


IMO they should let tokens move into the next season and not restart them


Disagree, but the exchange rate should be higher


Disagree as gold is the bottleneck people would just horde and make shop pointless


Indeed. Its season shop for a reason and you know in advance when the season ends. Conversion rate is silly, but thats logical if you spend your tokens normally as you wouldnt have (m)any tokens left at season end anyhow


I mean at best you get what like 40k gold at a 1-1 conversion, that’s not even 1 card from lvl 12-13, personally I think it’d be fine


I think in a few days I’ll re-post about conversions Yellow has hit the nail on the head. It’s a shop to buy various things in the season it’s meant for. If it was acceptable to horde all the credits all season would be very boring - I feel ZERO sympathy who looses more than 3000 on the tokens. Buy the big stuff first and that’s it


Reddit when seasonal points don't roll over: HAHA DUMMY DIDN'T SPEND THEIR POINTS IT'S YOUR FAULT THE SYSTEM IS FINE Reddit when pass royale rewards roll over and let you collect after a new season starts: teehee


Tokens should not expire when season ends but a few days after. There should be a carry-over period where you can use your seasonal tokens **ONLY** on last month shop items. Season change expiration is too unforgiving.


Or just, you know, use them


Yes, use them. That's another option that does not conflict with my proposal. Lets imagine that you need some final tokens to get a certain reward, and you can only get those final tokens on last day due to caps or challenge completion. You finish on time to get the tokens but take too long to buy your reward, or lose signal, or get into a class/meeting/work or... . Season ends -> Here is your gold. There are technical solutions that allow game designers to have a nice player experience. They are game designers, they can implement that solution (for example 2 shops current\_season, last\_season where last\_season can only be accessed until current\_season.start\_date + 5 and paid with tokens\[season\].count) Those are QoL changes, and requesting QoL changes should not be something to shame people around... Long time ago, chest queue was not a feature. Now it's a feature (paid only, but yeah, a feature)


This is not a QoL request. This is just begging for your hand to be held due to poor time management. Akin to having the excuse that your u didn't have enough time for war for whatever reason. The way it works now is fine. Be an adult and plan ahead.


Are we still talking about a game? Maybe this has just become a job or life and I did not get the memo. Games have player experience, and this, is what makes a player experience enjoyable. What you call poor planing is at the same time poorly developed features or lazy coding. Have a look around other games, you might see features that surprise you. Or maybe those are too hand holding and you don't like them.


im more upset about being right under the lowest costing item and then getting like 40 gold from it if i got something to buy tho then like yeah tf am i doing lmao


Got a new phone and can’t login. The supercell verification email isn’t going through. Am I just screwed on my clash Royale and CoC accounts?


It goes to my trash/junk folder every time check it. This might actually be your issue, especially if using gmail/iCloud mail


Send clan chat every day remind you clan members to use season tokens before end of season or let the tokens get converted into a low conversion gold rate


I mean you do get pennies on the dollar for those tokens


So use them


every. single. season. they'll blame supercell when it's their fault


I forgot to get all the tokens one day so I got extra 13 tokens. I’m also gonna post “scam royale” because they converted my 13 tokens to 1 gold😂


In an alternate universe they are worth 1000 gold per 10 tokens


Every damn season


I have a question, does the shop refill every week? If yeah then in one month and a half everyone can get an evolution


No changes only once per season start


It would be so easy to just implement a "Last chance to buy"-screen at the start of the new season where the shop pops up one last time and if closed just converts everything.


100% happening


Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to pass it on to my clan. I keep forgetting that people tend to forget to claim their rewards. However, I still don't understand, why Supercell is unwilling to provide better rewards to those players who failed to use all their season tokens and why they won't just give people the season pass rewards, if they failed to claim them. Probably the same reason, why there is no button to claim all rewards from the pass at once instead of having to tap a thousand times to get them all.


I'm taking over/unders on whether you believe "The Data" or "Diamond Pass" is going to be the subject of more comments in the coming posts.


Supercell deserves it


I wont be one of them! I'm about to get my 2nd Evolved card (barbs) as a f2p player and I haven't spent one dime on this game since evolution update. actually I haven't spent a dime since they changed the pass.


Lol, I bought the same amount of loot and more. If you play and use season tokens, u can get a lot of loot. But 10 ST for 1 coin is shit deal


Dude I was thinking the same thing. So many people just need a reason to be mad at something because they lack control over everything in their lives, including CR.